At 8/28/07 08:58 PM, smallydude wrote:
It wasn't a pm, but Luis made a comment on my userpage asking me whether or not I was "well endowed". Whatever than means :(
"well endowed"? Does that mean sercumsized?
Game Inspiration
Bringing this back up since someone PMSed me about it and I think what Flash games need is not really more attention to detail overall, but more attention to detail in each unique level. Many games now have like 40 levels, but they all offer the same recycled villians or functions just moved around a little bit. A good side scroller could go along way by initiating special gameplaying events unique to each level, such as a chair could be there, and by pressing x by it while an enemy is near by you would pick up the chair and pwn the enemy with it. Little things like that keep the player enticed and curious about what is going to happen in the next level.
Just thought I'd bring that up, played more RES 4 Wii today, and the attention to each specific place and house and item is still wowing me. I shot a zombie on the can today with a shotgun! How many games let you do that? A Flash game sure doesn't, they're too busy with their between level purchasing screens.