At 7/11/07 11:48 PM, BlackmarketKraig wrote:
A person with arachnophobia (fear of eight legged things, usually spiders) literally can not be in the same room with a spider without having a total meltdown,
Spiders scare the fuck out of me I guesse seeing as my first instinct is to stomp on them even in bare feet I'm not an arachnophobe but I did sort of meltdown seeing as i make a huge racket and yell "shit" if its anywhere bigger in width than an inch.
I cannot go more than 10 or so feet on a ladder, but I don't think that qualifies me as an acrophobe.
That hasn't been a problem in your life?
I find myself ladders about once a week changing light bulbs or getting on the roof to clean out gutters
are great fun.
Not worth the lines though, 3 hours for somehting like medusa is not worth it, I get like 5 seconds of adrenaline then the rest I just kind of rationalize unwillingly about how the odds of me even getting a bruise are about as likely as being struck by lightning
..::lack of motivation::..
Yeah I totally relate, but I don't want to abandon my babies so I assure them I will work on them but when I open flash, I just can't do shit anymore. I hope it's just a phase... a looong two+ year phase that will end with me completing movies again. I'm just not inspired anymore. They say you can not create art in a vacuum, which is esentially the way my life is righrt now. And now my Denver plans are on hold for various reasons, which sucks, because I'd like to see my friend sometime soon.
I have a problem with getting htings 90% done looking back and deciding i hate it, so rather than finish It ends up in a folder labeled "things almost done"...
If i spent 1-5 hours on any of those they'd be completed but I always just see flaws... in all fairness about 3-4 of the 6 of them are pretty crappy...
I'm so lazy I quoted so I wouldn't have to make headers =D