RE: sponsorings
At 3/16/07 07:18 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote:
But say, if someone was to have a tvshow esc style flash movie series that was to come out every week on the same and time, that would bring in alot of visiters...
Maybe that would work, but imho, it can be gone about very differently.
I like what you said about people only watching movies one time, and that's probably the truth. So what does that mean? To get sponsors or whatever you need to capitalize off that one view. I would think something like a commercial half way through the movie or something of the sort would be effective.
At 3/16/07 07:23 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
TECHNICALLY, funding the project would mean paying in advance, which armorgames doesn't do.
Good point, but if the persons motive was the sponsorship money then it's as good as funding.
From a moral standpoint, if an author doesn't want armorgames to be coauthor, they shouldn't have to coauthor them. And armorgames is good about giving the developer what he wants. Just tell them, and they won't make you coauthor them.
I agree. It's not moral. But the thing is, ArmorGames is paying the cash, so really, most people have to go by their terms whether it's right or wrong.
However, they don't make it really apparent that you could do that. Back to magnetism 2, the email from dan looked something like "Now add me as a portal buddy so i can be a coauthor". Saying no seemed to work, Dan likes keeping a good relation with his developers, so he's always open to your input. Just tell him if you don't want him to be a coauthor. It will work.
Yeah that's pretty sad to see. I think that just comes down to whether people like the way ArmorGames conducts themselves and whether they want to work with them or not.
At 3/16/07 07:25 PM, Luis wrote:
I disagree with that, sponsors dont say heres a wad of cash make this game... they have to approve your game AFTER or when you are NEAR COMPLETION.. think of it like standing in line for a concert and letting your buddy cut in front of you.
I guess that's true. But I still think some people might consider it funding or compensation for their work which leads me to think that's why these people co-author ArmorGames.
I dont think its a RIGHT to put themselves as an author.. author means i made this i AUTHORED IT... sponsors dont author anything generally.. they just wrote you a check to plug their advertisement in the first 10 seconds of your game and link to em on the menu. which is cool. thats what a sponsorship should be and thats what they paid for no?
I agree, it's certainly not right, I'm just debating whether armorgames is entitled to do it. The bottom line in my mind is that ArmorGames is shelling out the cash, and the reason these people do co-author them is because they are in control. You have to remember, these people are never forced to co-author them. They can walk away from the money at any time.
I think the solution to this is showing people what their work is truly worth rather than convincing them to just not co-author the sponsor.