Your thoughts of sleeping come from memories (or rather the lack of memory) about the period. It doesn't mean you don't exist. But then there's another argument about what a 'you' is.
Your thoughts of sleeping come from memories (or rather the lack of memory) about the period. It doesn't mean you don't exist. But then there's another argument about what a 'you' is.
RE: 3D animation
I would say 3D is deafinantly harder, in the sense that there is alot more to take into consideration. And it is alot more time consuming to model, rig, and texture a character then simply drawing the character.
And as for a student version of Maya, i have been looking for one for a while. I got a student version of photoshop and a full version of flash 8 from the stores in town (ordered, not on shelf), but none of them can even order Maya. So i will look into that site for sure.
Re: Portfolio
Looks pretty simple and nice. I love the reflection effect. However, what part was faulty with the last version? With the newer one, I still can't view the Web Design/Awards/Contact tabs. But it's simple, smooth transitions, and a nice effect. I like it.
Thanks. One of the links didn't work when i first posted, I've updated it now. Can anyone notice the black border around the .swf? I can't seem to get rid of it, anyone have any ideas?
Over FTP? Wouldn't that mean including your access in the adress?
Crap, i meant from my domain, sorry :(. I tried turning stream on, but it was causing the play/pause button to go weird, i think i can sort it though, cheers.
Re: Animation Courses
Doesn't it give any recommendations on their site? But if you really want to get in, spend a few weeks making some animation/3d/drawings etc and just whip up a portfolio to put them on. They'll be more bothered about the content rather than the portfolio. Probably... :(.
Re: Animation courses
The site I have been mainly looking at recommends what kind of stuff to have in the portfolio, but my main concern would be the quality of what I would put in. The application deadline for the 2007 Fall semester was a few days ago anyways, so that would give me a while to practice and get some good stuff done. I would probably need to spend a while working anyways to get a chunk of money saved up, because the place I have been looking it is still in Canada, but basically on the other side.
I don't know. I'm just thinking about it I guess. It's either science, or that :P
There was this 'object' attribute which I forgot again... Meh.
Funk IS AWESOME! For the long parts, make a, uh, you know, totally sweet repeating of stuff!
You could show you coming to her house over the first period, if you're an exceptional background artist to show the brightness of the day and stuff. :D
And, you know, keep the subs.
Sleepytime for me.
Forcing someone to help you with sad eyes always works.
Vaentines day
At 2/3/07 04:03 PM, ArthurGhostly wrote: Valentines day
the bar seems to get int he way ;)
i dont se the point in this valentines dya.. it's crap.
no one lvoes me :(
animation ofcourse
hmm, judging by the 20 or so movies i've got on ng, would you say that those swf's alone would get me into an animation course or would i have to do more, like... artwork in pen/pencil and crap like that..
oh, remeber i'm scotish so our uni/collage system is different to u's ;)
Typing is a little worse today, arm is fucked :D!
Re: Animation course
Not sure if you would or not. And that's the problem I have. I have no idea what caliber they look for. Plus, it would probably change from place to place. I mean, you probably don't have to have a portfolio for just a course or two, but I imagine that if you are enrolling in a program for Animation, they'd want one.
Variation might not hurt either. The place I've been looking at recommends a varied portfolio, with stuff like music, scripts, animation, art, and other creative-related things, so it wouldn't all be based off of one medium, per se.
Who actully has someone to spend valentines day with .. in a manner fitting two lovers.
At 2/3/07 07:02 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote: Valentines
Who actully has someone to spend valentines day with
As of now, yes.
i dont really see the point of it all.
Re: Valentines
Actually, I don't know if i'd want to spend valentines day with someone. I would rather do something more productive, like staying home and going on my computer.
I've gone and become an SSBB addict... what to do, what to do...
At 2/3/07 07:02 PM, Lord-Sonx wrote: Valentines
Who actully has someone to spend valentines day with .. in a manner fitting two lovers.
RE: Valentines
By Wednesday I should. If not I will punch myself in the face repeatedly until I am no longer attractive, thus ruining my chances of getting a valentine. So, Wednesday is a all-or-nothing deal for me.
Valentine's Day
I do have someone to spend it with; my lovely girlfriend. What we will do, who knows, but as long as she's with me, it should be a good time.
lol, sappy :)
I need your help!! THE DIVINE WIND
Sorry for the capitals but I really really need help. Over the school holidays we were supposed to read the divine wind, but our teacher didn't tell us to, so now I have to do an assignment on it and I haven't read it! Has anyone read it and can give me an overview on it? I'm reading it at the moment, but I wont have it done in time.
RE: I need your help!! THE DIVINE WIND
At 2/4/07 04:56 AM, Vengeance wrote: stuff
Haven't read it, never even heard of it, but write something like this:
The book 'The Divine Wind' was an interesting book on so many levels. The depth of the characters was incredible, and i especially enjoyed the twist at the end.
The novel was full of countless similes and metaphors and many more forms of imagery. I especially like the way the author described the <open book on random page and find a descriptive part> on page <insert page number> as <insert quote>.
The ending was emotional on so many levels, especially due to the fact that by the end of the book, the reader feels a close connection with the characters.
P.S Please find enclosed this £10 note.
Valentines day flash
Any of you making one this year? I made one last year but it got blammed :D I've only seen one or two so far usually there's a lot more submitted by now. A lot more people are lonley this year D:
What a good looking mirror.
Re:Valentines day flash
I'm not submitting it, but I've made this for a friends disco thingy. It'll lag, sorry :(.
At 2/4/07 07:32 AM, Depredation wrote: Re:Valentines day flash
I'm not submitting it, but I've made this for a friends disco thingy. It'll lag, sorry :(.
trippy stuff, did you get paid to do it?
At 2/4/07 07:54 AM, fuzz wrote: trippy stuff, did you get paid to do it?
Because it was for a mate, not at first. But then i improved it and he said I'd get £20 every time he used it :). Anyway, thanks, are you working on anything trippy :D?.
talking trippy. im on my ds writing this. it takes ages :p shame it doesnt play flash.
Re: DS internet
How did you get the internet on it? I've been trying for months.
I've gone and become an SSBB addict... what to do, what to do...
At 2/4/07 08:53 AM, spare-jello wrote: Re: DS internet
How did you get the internet on it? I've been trying for months.
ds web
They have brought out "ds webbrowser" it cost me 30 pounds its pretty good For mucKing around. It yuesses what Letters you are drawing at the bottom, touch screen, iM getting used to it :]
I almost never use markup so it would be easier for me to make it with Flash. And probably cooler too. But then a plain website would be lighter, so it's your choice.
As for what stuff to put up, I don't think it matters if it's completed or not, what you should consider is what it displays about you. People still like the old 3d engine I dropped when I was THIRTEEN better than anything I can make now. >:(
Probably in a few months.
Aren't there better things to think about than Flash9, Glaiel?
I wish they'd give a date, so i could plan when the next Tut collab would start >:(.
Depends what your good at. I made this (/site whore) in flash in about 3 hours, but you can have some things with PHP, mySql, Java and so on that flash can't handle. It depends what you want really.
I'd say, if you want graphics and animation use flash, if you want interactivity/complexity/java script forms etc than use dream weaver or front page.
user of the day
it's me, how very, very interesting. I'm impressed with myself :p