At 11/24/06 07:52 AM, Mogly wrote:
What do you think of Uni?
Fucking awesome :D
Is it the best time of your life and all that that you always here people raving about
Yes it is. Like Kirk, I was drinking on Tuesday, Wednesday, not thursday (i got very very very very very drunk last thursday at all you can drink and was lying on the kitchen floor laughing and kicking down doors). Drinking tonight though :D
Bad points, you have to learn to cook. I'm not too bad at it now, and living away from home kicks ass. You get more parties, and your much more independant and your closer to uni. If you get the choice go for accomodation for the first year.
, do you feel like your learning? And actually just tell general shit about it - how much does it cost, how do you get in?
Yeah, i always feel like learning, and there is a lot to learn. I'm studing animation, flash is piss easy, 3d is very very different but fun (i like learning, flash is a little like a plateau when it comes to learning the program for animation, drawn takes absolutly ages but makes you apprechiate flash and it helps with FBF, stop frame is really really fun, and the machines are easy to use. Drawing is hard :( But i always found it hard to concerntrate and work outside class for that lesson.
Anyways, it's really really good. I'm at wolverhampton at the moment, and I'm studying with TheHappySheep :D Also, my flatmate is ChromeShark, look out for his new game this week, the coding kicks ass in it.
I really don't know much about Uni, even though if i'd stayed on at sixth form i'd have to be in one next year.. eek.
Like Kirk said, you apply through UCAS in the UK generally. It's really easy and they will teach you at the begining of sixth form. If i had any advice, it's to do life drawing and character drawing. When you go to uni for animation or whatever, they expect you to have previous skill of drawing, however you don't have to have any animation knowledge whatsoever.
Shit, this post is pretty long... have a nice read. I'm off to animation to animate with TheHappySheep after he finishes the pizza.