At 11/11/14 01:04 PM, Rustygames wrote:
Okay guys, someone I know (let's code name them, cowboy hat man) has an interview for a Haxe developer role.
Feed me all the information you can from an AS3 developer moving over the Haxe.
Even though cowboy hat man claims to have no experience at all in Haxe, it would be impressive if he at least knew a couple of things :P
Eggy man and metal gear solid bamboo, I'm counting on your input ;)
The past year and a half of haxe have led up to this moment.
AS3 syntax and haxe syntax are mostly the exact same. Differences:
Biggest differences: type inference, Int is capital i and Void is capital v, and for loops. The code tags weren't working a few days ago so hopefully this does...
var hi = "Hello World"; // hi is a String
var o = Json.parse(...); // o is a Dynamic (as3 obj)
for (i in 0...7) Log.trace(i); // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
// the ... makes an iterator and the for in loop goes through it
edit: Haxe can export to as3/swf, js, php, java, cpp, c#. OpenFL is a haxe library and can go to native, flash, html5, mobile, etc. There are some other lib you might have to work with, or maybe it's just raw haxe. Haxe has single-platform libs (flash.display only works in flash) and also crossplatform ones (haxe.Http works everywhere).
You can add me on skype if you need to (MSGhero16) bc I have to go to class now.