At 9/7/11 03:38 PM, Archawn wrote: Why not expose children to all the possible options and allow them to ultimately choose the best path for them, instead of showing them only one radical side of the spectrum and making them fear all views different from theirs?
I'm very confused by this paragraph. It reads to me as "games shouldn't force one point of view on the children using fear, but should instead show children all points of view," but that way of reading it doesn't fit in with the rest of your post.
Also, I can't agree with your first paragraph. I take video games seriously, and did the same as a child. When I was young, I cared a bunch for my Pokémon and my RPG characters, and my virtual property is still as valuable as ever to me. If my Pokémon started to die because I ate meat or something, that would have fucked me up in the head a little bit.