At 8/22/11 12:56 PM, PSvils wrote: FP11 is now in Beta, so it's exciting, should be released soon. When it is, I expect give it a few months, and it'll be up'n'running on 90% of browsers. And us making games for it will only help.
I'm skeptical about only a few months. FP versions take a while to penetrate. Check out this information: sus/flashplayer/version_penetration.html
You can see FP 10.2 was released back in February (~6 months ago) and still only has a 77% install rate. My guess would be that it might take more like 1-2 years to reach 90% penetration following FP11's release. Although, I think if you're just releasing a game here on Newgrounds then it's probably fine. It's probably safe to say that most tech-savvy people tend to keep their FP updated.