At 3/26/11 09:53 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: If anyone's got LittleBigPlanet2 be sure to let me know.
I saw you playing it, I have the first one, what's the second one like?
At 3/26/11 09:53 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: If anyone's got LittleBigPlanet2 be sure to let me know.
I saw you playing it, I have the first one, what's the second one like?
At 3/27/11 04:58 AM, funkycaveman wrote: I saw you playing it, I have the first one, what's the second one like?
Gameplay wise not much has changed, there's still worlds by different creators all with prize bubbles etc, there's a few new gadgets, like a grappling hook and the paint gun from the MGS pack is back (albeit not firing paint now) and there's also versus levels where you compete for the best score.
There's a fuckton of cool new gadgets in create mode, however, like pre-built logic gates, a music creator and a device called the controllernator. The controllernator allows you to map functions (movement, emitters, sounds, lights etc) to the controller. So you could build a creature that moves with the left stick, jumps with X, shoots water with circle, shoots fire with square.
They've also created sackbots, which are little sackpeople robots. You can set all sorts of behaviours for them and they can even use the same power ups you can. They can be hostile or afraid of the player, or even follow his movements: io
The player (riding the caterpiller) is controlling both sackbots at once.
I got a 3DS (so i can be ready for when games actually come out for it). M friend code is 1332-7718-7380
At 3/28/11 09:44 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: I got a 3DS (so i can be ready for when games actually come out for it). M friend code is 1332-7718-7380
Man playing with the 3ds gave me headache after awhile. In other news, I've gone back to being an artboy
In other other news, I wad on mike's facebook the other day and I noticed he put Jordan Mehkner(?) in his inspirational people blurb. Dunno if you are familiar with him but he was the mastermind behind the prince of Persia series. So my question to you is do you have inspirational progrmers? It's probably rarer to put a single face behind a game franchise nowadays but if you can't think of the exact programmer, what games do you remember from back in the day that you can now say man that was a tightly programmer game or a clever approach or whatever.
Also I'm on mobile so apple is randomly 'correcting' so ignore the fact that my above post looks like I'm drunk.
news flash*** i turned 21 this weekend. all i can say about all last week is i don't know how i'm still alive. carryon.
At 3/29/11 09:32 AM, Starogre wrote: news flash*** i turned 21 this weekend. all i can say about all last week is i don't know how i'm still alive. carryon.
Truly jealous, I had a pretty shitty weekend.
I'm so tired of working on stuff that isn't games and yet I'm so tired of being poor.
Also for luis question: Richard Garriott, Jason Rohrer, Toady, Pixel, Will Wright
jon blow, hideo kojima, shigeru miyamoto (for yoshi's island specifically)
although you don't have to be a programmer to have good game design skillz
At 3/29/11 09:19 AM, Luis wrote: So my question to you is do you have inspirational progrmers?
john carmack
At 3/29/11 02:43 PM, Starogre wrote: jon blow, hideo kojima, shigeru miyamoto (for yoshi's island specifically)
although you don't have to be a programmer to have good game design skillz
miyamoto is an artist
At 3/29/11 02:43 PM, Starogre wrote: hideo kojima
I second that!
At 3/29/11 03:57 PM, 4urentertainment wrote:At 3/29/11 02:43 PM, Starogre wrote: hideo kojimaI second that!
I third it!
At 3/29/11 08:49 PM, TacticalWalrus wrote:At 3/29/11 03:57 PM, 4urentertainment wrote:I third it!At 3/29/11 02:43 PM, Starogre wrote: hideo kojimaI second that!
i checked wikipedia, and kojima also isn't a programmer. Seems like more of a writer / now a director/designer than anything.
At 3/30/11 01:01 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i checked wikipedia, and kojima also isn't a programmer. Seems like more of a writer / now a director/designer than anything.
he and miyamoto are great designers in all regards, i dont understand what you mean
At 3/30/11 02:35 AM, Starogre wrote:At 3/30/11 01:01 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: i checked wikipedia, and kojima also isn't a programmer. Seems like more of a writer / now a director/designer than anything.he and miyamoto are great designers in all regards, i dont understand what you mean
The question was inspirational programmers!
John Carmack is a god among men.
Whetheryou like it or not, gotta give props to Erin Catto for making box2d, the engine the entire 2d world uses!
At 3/30/11 06:19 AM, SantoNinoDeCebu wrote:
The question was inspirational programmers!
Not really. His example was Jordan Mechner who is a game designer/author, not a programmer
But about Luis' other point about feeling good with controls, I must say Tommy Refenes got super meat boy pretty good with the controls. For being a masochistic game like Super Mario Bros 2 (lost levels) having good control of the character is super duper important
At 3/30/11 08:42 AM, Starogre wrote: But about Luis' other point about feeling good with controls, I must say Tommy Refenes got super meat boy pretty good with the controls.
Personally, I think he got them spot on. Really nice learning curve, precision works really well with the Xbox Controller, too, just feel really responsive.
At 3/26/11 06:28 AM, Innermike wrote: You're only 17, I have chairs older than you.
I have a spoon from 1894
next month, I might be bold and say something interesting.
Hey guys, can you all please check this thread and help me out please :D it won't take much of your time and I really need the votes!!
Thanks NG!
Is it just me (I don't come here very often anymore) or is the forum grinding to a halt? Doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be.
At 3/31/11 12:14 PM, Innermike wrote: Movin' to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches.
Better than every town or city in England.
The forum was always almost devoid of competent discussion as far as I remember.
Except around '08 and maybe '09, which was the time of interest in 3d engines and AS3, quite a few cool people posted that I was able to reply to, they didn't stick though.
But looking at my chat list it's pretty much exclusively people I met via Newgrounds. What.
Can't break this habit though.
I still see some good discussion. Obviously the vast majority of people are just trying to get started doing simple stuff. I think it's important to make an effort to help these people, though. You never know. They could eventually sink their teeth in and really make something cool. Also a lot of them are younger kids.
At 3/31/11 04:20 PM, GustTheASGuy wrote: I still haven't moved to a new account.
But I've always liked your name and "haXe > all"-iness!
Guess who was born in 1991! (me)
I don't know any inspirational programmers. I'm inspired by really amazing AI, like the Hunters in Half Life 2 or a lot of the dismemberment stuff in Dead Space and how they adapt their animations based on what limbs they lost n cool shit like that, and the vs AI in Street Fighter-- but I have no idea who does that.
Or whether or not you'd even class it as programming or design.
Yo in Red Faction you can wreck everything, that's pretty good.
Guys I found the April Fools joke!
The threads in the Flash Forum!
Happy birth year to me!
That is, until Luis decides for the second time that he hates 1992 and we do the time warp again.
At 4/1/11 08:23 PM, Xeptic wrote: Suckerpunch is a shit film.
I don't think anything with steampunk Nazi zombies in it can be described as shit :p