At 9/8/10 01:40 AM, Nayhan wrote:At 9/7/10 04:51 PM, Paranoia wrote: .....which doesn't exclude animators (Luis)!Luis doesn't seem to have the time to discuss stuff with us non-admin people now days.
i usually stalk the thread. You guys are talking about things far too complex for my pea-sized artsy brain for the most part so i rarely contribute. Talk about Tell Target and then i can rejoin the conversation.
As for what I'm working on, a madness game, a ninja game, a swinging dicks collab, a smoking collab, and portal defenders 2 whenever i finish the other 4 things in front of it. Something that might* be cool.. or not... would be to have coders do art and artists try their hand at coding. It may not shell out major bucks or even a sponsor but it might be fun to try sometime... id love to have said i programmed a game and had toast / glaiel / whomever do my artz.