At 6/13/10 06:19 PM, HDXmike wrote:
Also ben school is great
Oh, don't even get me started.
The good news? I finished that video project I was working on. Damn, it took all of yesterday and until 5:00PM today. I'm almost done with my To Kill a Mockingbird literary analysis and then I'm off to finish a study guide for my History class.
By the way, I keep discovering, more and more, just how much our textbooks lie to us. Texas has such a negative influence on the education of the United States as a whole. The book companies (the problem is that they are companies) print all of their books based on what Texas, being the largest buyer of textbooks in our country, wants to brainwash its children with, and it's affecting the whole damned system.
Abraham Lincoln was an honest-to-goodness freedom-for-the-slaves-fighter? Atheism has its roots in Communism? Evolution is a theory (OK, part of it is, but still)? We treated Native Americans fairly when we came to the Americas? Seriously, some of the bullshit in my textbooks is unbelievable.