At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote: if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.
that's the problem with being popular on newgrounds...

At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote: if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.
that's the problem with being popular on newgrounds...
At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote:
if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.
If luis won, he would send it right back cus he prefers mouse anyway
At 12/6/09 01:01 PM, Starogre wrote:At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote:if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.If luis won, he would send it right back cus he prefers mouse anyway
Or keep it and hold a contest ;)
At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote: if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.
Don't you mean... lover? ;)
The top middle and top right are totally epic win :P
At 12/6/09 02:44 PM, Duchednier wrote:At 12/6/09 11:48 AM, Magical-Zorse wrote: if he won one, people might think it's rigged because luis is like, tom's best friend.Don't you mean... lover? ;)
The top middle and top right are totally epic win :P
lol it only makes it better that tom's wearing the sketchbook tour shirt
Things that tick you off
There are loads of silly little things that tick me off, I don't know why, that's just me. Like when I'm all finished shaving and putting on dozens of balms, lotions, creams and aftershave and I notice there's this tiny little spot I missed with the razor. Ugh, I hate that. During the day every time when I accidentally touch that spot that's like an instant mood--. Maybe I should just grow a beard...
So yeah, entertain me.
At 12/6/09 3:18 PM, YungDre wrote:
: hello can u tell me how to make a flash?
No, I'm dyslexic.
At 12/6/09 05:29 PM, zrb wrote: RE: Things that tick you off
Left bumper on my 360 is "autorun" in FFXI... I've played it so much, it's become second nature in other game, so now I throw grenades and melee randomly in other games.
I do the Cmd+Z position even when drawing irl .. :)
At 12/6/09 05:29 PM, zrb wrote: RE: Things that tick you off
for(int i = 0; i<list.size(); i++){
flash: OMFGWTFBBQ 40000000 errors
what I get for using c++ and flash at the same time...
At 12/6/09 05:06 PM, Xeptic wrote: Things that tick you off
I hate when people say stuff like "people who criticise you only do so because they see in you something they will never have themselves", or "people who judge are insecure". What the shit? It's like when you're being a jerk to someone and their friend says "don't worry about it, that guy has problems". It's so obviously just something for weak people who can't fucking deal with anything offensive. If I'm being a jerk to you it's not because I have other problems or because I'm jealous of you, it's because you fucking piss me off and it's fun to be offensive. Goddamn asshats. I was gonna rant about this but luckily you submitted your post before that, so now I don't look like a dick as much.
That being said, I'm a very polite person irl. Nevertheless it's great to be a dick on the internet because you're not bound to society's laws.
lol that was hilarious. i spent the weekend over in philly. I am in the process of moving so i went to check out the digs there and also bob had some holiday party thing going on. Weather was kind of shit and it was actually snowing fairly heavily so i didnt actually do much moving in. Bob had a firepit going and Swain made this little snowman and sat him next to the fire to stay warm.
That reminds me, while i was in london there was this woman outside a starbucks who was clearly pregnant and she was having a smoke. I kinda felt bad for her future baby but i kinda thought like she was a badass mom and kinda cool.
At 12/6/09 05:57 PM, Luis wrote: lol that was hilarious. i spent the weekend over in philly. I am in the process of moving so i went to check out the digs there and also bob had some holiday party thing going on
Wait... you're moving to Philly? I'm going to come stalk you since you're within the 30 minutes from me mark.
At 12/6/09 05:29 PM, zrb wrote: RE: Things that tick you off
the two buttons on my stylus are set to redo and undo. when i'm drawing with a pencil i'll do something wrong, then hit the side of the pencil for a while before i realize what i'm doing.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
Seriously, I wish i lived near alot of your guys. You lots are coolios ;)
At 12/6/09 05:36 PM, Saza wrote: I do the Cmd+Z position even when drawing irl .. :)
I thought I was the only one who did that
At 12/6/09 07:06 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote:At 12/6/09 05:36 PM, Saza wrote: I do the Cmd+Z position even when drawing irl .. :)I thought I was the only one who did that
You are not alone.
Btw, I'm watching War of the Worlds II, its shit so far... :D
At 12/6/09 07:06 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote:At 12/6/09 05:36 PM, Saza wrote: I do the Cmd+Z position even when drawing irl .. :)I thought I was the only one who did that
Yeah i've done that a few times, not only that but i drew a pic and was like "Damn! its too big! i need to resize it with the resize tool........i mean eraser...
At 12/6/09 07:03 PM, Saza wrote: Seriously, I wish i lived near alot of your guys. You lots are coolios ;)
I totally may come down to NG to visit next summer, i'll get my road trip on with various NG'ers :P
At 12/6/09 07:06 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote:At 12/6/09 05:36 PM, Saza wrote: I do the Cmd+Z position even when drawing irl .. :)I thought I was the only one who did that
I always open things in new tabs on my browser, always, especially when it's unnecessary. I turn out to have like 20-30 tabs open.
At 12/6/09 05:45 PM, Toast wrote: If I'm being a jerk to you it's not because I have other problems or because I'm jealous of you, it's because you fucking piss me off and it's fun to be offensive.
I have to agree, I used to be a huge pain in the ass to other people and I did it only because it was fun, not because I was feeling bad about myself. In fact, it was on the contrary, it was because I felt great about myself. But then again, social insecurities are also more common among those who constantly insult others, a lot of them have an abusive background.
I think one of the reasons people tell others "it's because they are insecure" is so that you don't get revenge and then feel guilty later. My old roommate acted like a total prick to everyone until one day he attacked me. I won the fight and he ended up the hospital and then jail. I was feeling quite cocky about it until I found out he had been beaten regularly as a child and had some pretty deep seeded mental issues. So sometimes having a conscience can suck, if I find that cricket I'll squash him.
I need super quick help please. I'm making a trail using the moveTo and lineTo commands, everythings all cool but I want it too slowly fade out - which i'm finding impossible to do.
Helps? <3
At 12/6/09 06:03 PM, Luis wrote: also, im 13337
It's a small world, after all
So, like back in '06 I found this movie ans I loved it:
Then I went to the various London meet ups, where I met this
who sucks at being a wingman when it comes to pulling Danish girls (I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH THE FACT THAT THEY WERE DANISH).
But it wasn't until recently (i.e. yesterday) that I realised that that animation was done by Capt. Shit-Wingman.
So, yeah. CAWK.
At 12/6/09 10:34 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: It's a small world, after all
A guy I met at uni turned out to be a member here on NG, not active anymore, but back in the days he made collabs with Glaiel and stuff.
At 12/6/09 10:46 PM, knugen wrote:At 12/6/09 10:34 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: It's a small world, after allA guy I met at uni turned out to be a member here on NG, not active anymore, but back in the days he made collabs with Glaiel and stuff.
My story was better :/
Also, I was playing some of my old Flash games on my PS3 today, it's well good seeing your Flash on a proper TV.
Left Stick = Mouse
X = Mouse Click
D-Pad = Arrow Keys.
At 12/6/09 10:47 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: My story was better :/
How about this one..
My friends' last submission was last reviewed by this guy, and on the submission that you linked to the same guy have a review amongst the five last O_o
At 12/6/09 10:53 PM, knugen wrote:At 12/6/09 10:47 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: My story was better :/=(
How about this one..
My friends' last submission was last reviewed by this guy, and on the submission that you linked to the same guy have a review amongst the five last O_o
His story was better...
At 12/6/09 10:48 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Also, I was playing some of my old Flash games on my PS3 today, it's well good seeing your Flash on a proper TV.
Left Stick = Mouse
X = Mouse Click
D-Pad = Arrow Keys.
I have Joy2Key, so much easier.
Left Stick = Arrow Keys
Right Trigger = Mouse Click
Right Stick = Mouse.
My monitor is fucking huge anyways, it's bigger thank my TV.
not like my TV is any bigger than 21"...