At 11/14/09 01:02 AM, Duchednier wrote: only you guys know the real me! MWHAHA! To everyone else i'm just "that guy that made kingdom hearts chronicles" (yeah its weird, that's still the only thing ppl recognize lmao).
yeah well, if people knew the regular you, people would crowd your profile asking for drake bell autographs.
also the girl who did the prettiest flash (imo), she's extremely used to photoshop. so much, that she's even used to not using the crappy paint bucket tool in PS that doesn't vectorize/blend the color in with the lines.
so she's been coloring in every single thing she's drawn by hand, without the paint bucket tool. i'd like to correct her, but every time i try to help her, she gives me this attitude that says "yeah i knew that, i just never used it. you disgust me." :(
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix