At 11/6/09 01:33 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: made it 6 days without drinking coffee... crappiest week ever I can't live like this.
*makes coffee*
No one cares
At 11/6/09 01:33 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: made it 6 days without drinking coffee... crappiest week ever I can't live like this.
*makes coffee*
No one cares
At 11/6/09 02:15 PM, PBass wrote: Well done 2D can outdo most of 3D on there, as most 2D animators have already devoted enough time to realistic motion, wheras a lot of 3D animators just grab a pre-rig and move it erratically.
I gave a shot at the August 09 one. It was really bad. If I can find my old file I'll post it up here.
The August winner was probably the best of any I watched on the site. Absolutely unbelievable. I watched it like 30 times.
I've tried my hand at 3D animation and I just don't know, it isn't for me I think. Something about it just seems so technical, where as with 2D you don't have the same boundaries, you know? Plus I like how 2D looks more, for the most part. Pixar, perhaps, excluded. :)
New game, the band I was trying to get a hold of finally gave me permission to use their song at the end:
At 11/6/09 04:09 PM, BoMToons wrote: New game, the band I was trying to get a hold of finally gave me permission to use their song at the end:
I was all excited to play it and it was over before it even started :(
At 11/6/09 04:09 PM, BoMToons wrote: New game, the band I was trying to get a hold of finally gave me permission to use their song at the end: 7150
Awesome game, but i didn't really like the music at the end, I also really wanted to eat those carcasses.....
At 11/6/09 04:09 PM, BoMToons wrote: New game, the band I was trying to get a hold of finally gave me permission to use their song at the end: 7150
The second I started playing, I thought "Wasn't this in the movie 'big'?" Then, I read the description. Great homage to a game that everyone my age wanted to play when that move came out.
At 11/6/09 05:50 PM, zrb wrote: LOL
REAL dragons have CURVES. Aha!
At 11/6/09 06:23 PM, zrb wrote: I watched the first episode.
Its another cheesy anime with CURVES, REAL CURVES.
I just watched the preview you gave me,
It's like porn for 11 year olds, really.
Featuring dragons, fighting, half-naked fighting,
fully-naked showering, intense cleavage action jump-roping,
and cheap 'love'.
At 11/6/09 06:32 PM, zrb wrote:WATCHING EPISODE 2 RITE NAO !
Oh, oh no.... Looks like you're a goner now...
That's it guys. Now we know why zrb was always gone,
and I'll give you one hint: he's wasn't doing schoolwork.
remember remember the fifth of november.
wait... fuck im late.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
At 11/7/09 01:25 AM, fluffkomix wrote: remember remember the fifth of november.
wait... fuck im late.
At 11/7 - yes, yes indeed you are :X
I don't want to just post this, because the last 10 posts or so (that value was a guess) have been pretty content-less, but I can't think of anything interesting to say.
Borderlands is pretty awesome, but I don't like doing missions in co-op.. at least not the ones that matter. Killing N amount of bandits or missions like that are fun to play with a friend, but when it's a main story quest or even some of the more interesting side-quests, it gets a bit annoying not being able to understand why you're doing what you're doing. The guns are awesome though, as are the graphics, and the gameplay is just fun.. so far at least, I'm level 25/26 as the sniper guy :X Pow.
Sup, bitches :)
At 11/7/09 01:25 AM, fluffkomix wrote: wait... fuck im late.
that's what she said
Anyone here saw it? I went to see it last night, it was... different...
At 11/7/09 05:20 AM, Xeptic wrote: Antichrist
Anyone here saw it? I went to see it last night, it was... different...
I've never heard of it but my first thought when looking at the imdb page was "ugh, another generic horror movie". I love the horror genre, but I can't think of any horror movies I like. I really like the appeal of them, but most seem to be way too trashy and cheesy (in a sense). The plot keywords are apparently: nature, cabin in the woods, cabin, woods and grief. Those made me think it is more generic than I already assumed.
However, the way the 2 characters are simply named "He" and "She".. is very interesting. Are they just not referred to by name? I also am a small time fan of William Dafoe, so that piqued my interest.. then the most recent review just made me think I have to watch this movie (this review). It sounds.. well.. different, like you most definitely said.
Do you recommend watching it?
Sup, bitches :)
It's anything but a horror-movie, I'm not sure what you should call it, 'drama' doesn't really fit either. Here's a list of stuff people tag it with :)
Basically it combines sexually explicit scenes (although there are two versions of the film in theaters, one is slightly toned down I believe) you'd see in a bad porn flick, the depressing/uncomfortable atmosphere of something like Requiem for a Dream. It's slower than There Will be Blood, and there's bucketloads of symbolism (most of which was lost on me, until I checked some review this morning) like in the Fountain. It's an exhausting film to watch. I'm still not sure whether or not I really like it. The cinematography and acting is brilliant, but it's a weird and draining thing to watch. It certainly is an experience.
Here's the first scene of the film, not safe for work, but I hope nobody's working on Saturday.
At 11/7/09 06:01 AM, Xeptic wrote: Here's the first scene of the film, not safe for work, but I hope nobody's working on Saturday.
That was amazing.
Sup, bitches :)
Oh, I forgot Saw-like mutilations in that list.
At 11/7/09 06:01 AM, Xeptic wrote: Here's the first scene of the film, not safe for work, but I hope nobody's working on Saturday.
Removed :( Got another link?
At 11/7/09 08:01 AM, Depredation wrote:At 11/7/09 06:01 AM, Xeptic wrote: Here's the first scene of the film, not safe for work, but I hope nobody's working on Saturday.Removed :( Got another link?
Apparently they took it of because it shows Dafoe's wang... Anyway, here's a cleaned up version.
At 11/7/09 04:34 PM, Deadclever23 wrote: JOHN AND EDWARD = EPIC!!!
So true. I still want Jamie to win :)
At 11/7/09 11:17 PM, zrb wrote: What are your weak points (art) ?
Everything that is not a simple geometric shape.
Man I hate you and I love you. It felt so wrong it felt so right it felt so good it felt so bad...
At 11/7/09 11:17 PM, zrb wrote: What are your weak points (art) ?
Getting out of the simple portrait structure turns into quite a pain in the ass when it comes to composing a scenario with character movement, specially if I have to color it. So much I haven't gotten out of that formula in some time, at least not in digital art, although pencils are easier since they provide a much wider range of grays and pressure sensibilitylitylitylity.
Now I gotta select a mood that fits the mood of this post, oh man...
I'll go wth :O since it just screams "I so shouldn't be posting right now"
hey everyone seen that unreal engine thing? check it out here. i downloaded it, and since i'm no coder, i can't really understand any of the code or anything at all really, but i'm probably gonna learn it a bit so i can fiddle around with it.
bet some of you coders could make some crazy good games with that
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
At 11/8/09 02:11 AM, fluffkomix wrote: hey everyone seen that unreal engine thing? check it out here. i downloaded it, and since i'm no coder, i can't really understand any of the code or anything at all really, but i'm probably gonna learn it a bit so i can fiddle around with it.
bet some of you coders could make some crazy good games with that
It is good news. Problem is if you amke a game that gets over $5,000 then you have to give them a 25% cut. But all things considered it's a really good opportunity.
On that subject Unity3D is now free for non-commercial use.
Did anyone try this thing out? It's almost unbelievable how he He "guesses" right almost every single time :O
But just almost, they must have a huge database with answers as most characters have been played a couple thousands of times. Still, it's really clever use of that data.
At 11/8/09 06:51 AM, knugen wrote: Did anyone try this thing out? It's almost unbelievable how he "guesses" right almost every single time :O
Damn I actually tried that one myself to see if it was a shop, 't wasn't...
At 11/8/09 06:51 AM, knugen wrote: Did anyone try this thing out? It's almost unbelievable how he He "guesses" right almost every single time :O
Yeah, it's really good. Was so impressed when it got the moon for Majora's Mask!
Unfortunately, it never seems to guess right when I want to show it off to anyone else -_-
At 11/8/09 08:37 AM, zrb wrote:At 11/8/09 06:51 AM, knugen wrote: Did anyone try this thing out? It's almost unbelievable how he He "guesses" right almost every single time :OHoly shit he got me right twice !
I would have bet $1000.00 he wouldn't have gotten "John Doe" from Se7en, and he did. How in the fuck??