At 11/4/09 07:11 PM, citricsquid wrote:
you might appreciate
I didn't get it at first, I didn't read the instructions and I was just told to "put your mouse here" twice so I did, then I was like ok I have to rotate it to make it resemble the picture, and was just twirling at random til it looked like it, then I discovered it's actually quite easy to do if you actually think about the picture you're recreating. Very cool idea, very well done.
At 11/5/09 01:42 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
I shall look into it on my friends Mac. Graphs are fun.
At 11/4/09 09:51 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:
I'm with virgin media, 20mbit line between 5 of us (4 of which are computing students i.e. heavy internet users). The only real problem we have is if someone is using too much bandwith, it can be hard to isolate.. sometimes someone isn't capping their uploads, it may be a virus/botnet, or maybe just the router being a bitch :X It's fine in general though.
At 11/5/09 01:57 AM, fluffkomix wrote:
i can't make heads or tails of it. i've never heard of any of these functions (RoR, RoL, XoR, Rsh, Not, And, Or, Mod, Lsh)
The windows 7 programming calculator is very nice. Those functions are all bitwise operators.. you may know them better (or not) as |, &, %, ^, <<, >>, etc. They perform functions on binary data (as Glaiel showed very well). Bitwise operations are very fast.