At 10/26/09 10:53 PM, zrb wrote:
Have any of you payed it all by yourselves or are going to pay it all yourselves ?
I've payed for every dollar of my uni, classes, books, and all the fees. Everything. And ffffffffff..... it's cost me. I don't like the idea of loans and debt so I may be nearing the end of my uni days soon. Thankfully in the 2 years thus far I'm happy that I explored different subjects. Though now I am really trying to find something that goes somewhere. I never wish to work labour for the majority of my life.
I want to get into somethin artsy - writing, filmaking, flash, internet television, etc. Only taking poetry classes right now cause the campus I'm going to teaches philosophy, some writing, some theater, and mostly dentistry. Getting my license would be a good idea - then I could drive - but then more cost from air care, gas, car accidents, and court time after I run someone down in road-rage.
Flash tricks
I've never used motion guides - I forgot how. I was taught it along with tweens, and basic stop play and button pushing actionscript 2.0 way back in grade 9. I'm self taught but I really feel I owe a lot to how much I've grown on the support of others, the few compliments that ment so much, the astonishing eye-opening advice, and overall changing flash mentors and forever flash mentors I probably will always look up too even if a few years from now I'm collabing with them as equals on projects.
My main trick is drawing with a wacom instead of a mouse if ya call it a trick - though I find myself colouring with the mouse most of the time - perhaps cause its faster and easier for me. It's weird using the wacom pen to reach all the way to the colour thing to change the thing so your pen size is smaller or colouring inside or outside the selected vector colour material. Sometime back I found out how to paint selected or not too which I think is my fav trick and makes colouring easier when ya can just select what ya wanna colour.
Saving back ups is an excellent trick. Learned this one late and lost of large project once. (original duders ep 2 :*C) I rarely use any hotkeys...... actually I think I know Ctrl Z for undo which is basic, and ctrl shift z and c or just c or some shit for the opitmization of the curse tool thing which is really hopeful for both lowering filesize and cleaning up the drawing - but sometimes it actually makes the drawing look worse and I get pissed using it sometimes cause then those arent the lines I drew anymore - I let the computer violate my work and turn my art into its. Horrid feeling. Like a mothers egg bein' stolen and aten by a snake.
Only other trick I can think of now to make things easier/better. Havin' the audeo and actionscript layers at the top. keeping the entire timeline organized, and having your entire library organized - that means a folder called lines for all the lines, a folder called mouths for all the mouths, BG for all backgrounds, etc.
Wacom tablet
This post has given me passion towards my beloved wacom tablet. I'm going to take this time to give my thanks to my Wacom for all its time it's let me use it to draw my animations, roll joints on, eat dinner of off, and as a weapon to smack my anime-obsesed friends with while bored.
Thank you wacom tablet. :3