At 10/14/09 07:46 PM, sir5000 wrote:
At 10/14/09 04:07 PM, Deadclever23 wrote:
I actually kinda agree with the writer in stating that there's no purpose in making any CS apps for the iPhone as it would be tedious and impractical in so many ways...
While I agree in principle with the fact that Adobe would need to break the performance thing wide open before we're all developing Castle Crashers clones in Flash for the iPhone, there's one part of the article that disapoints...
OK, so you are a Windows person and don't have a Mac. So what? Get a Mac. If that's your sole reason you are holding yourself back from doing iPhone development... I'm sorry, but you are delusional.
Actually it's because I'm living on a shoestring as it is, and don't want to be purchasing a grand and a half* worth of hardware solely to POSSIBLY develop applications that MIGHT have a return on investment for another quarter of a grand** worth of hardware I don't own yet.
Because I would have no use for a Mac, or indeed an iPhone/iPod Touch otherwise. I have an MP3 player which holds two gigs of music (seriously, you can listen to more than that before the batteries run out and you need to plug it into the computer anyway?), and I have my current tools which are sufficient for all my artistic and development needs. I do not need another bit of hardware until the stuff I have falls apart. Which means no Windows 7, no getting my offline XP PC upgraded, no buying a PS3 because it's newer than my 360, no buying an acoustic drum kit until I've exhausted every option on my electronic one (hella unlikely), no GH5 until the Rock Band store closes, and certainly no buying a shiny new chunk of silicon that none of my current software will run on without emulation.
If I'm going to develop for iPhone, by all means I'll learn ObjC. I'm planning learning some C# soon as well so I can develop for nonoba server anyway, so two similar languages won't be a massive undertaking. But I'm not going to bother with the practical execution until I can compile it from XP.
Obviously I'm not the target audience here - part timers aren't welcome to this party - and so the chances of Apple opening the floodgates to Windows and *nux users isn't going to happen soon. Apple values it's exclusivity and all.
iPhone developers need to be the kind of people who are ready to throw a massive amount of money into the pot to risk them getting an ROI and spend a really quick time developing a real gimmicky app that hopefully takes flight, or already have to be platform advocates from the web or design industries***, and I have a strong feeling there's more emphasis on the latter group of old pros than there are of the former. There was a hope that with Flash being able to compile to .ipa gives another avenue to an indie developer or a freelancer without putting an extra straw on thier already quite brittle backs, as well as giving hobbyists free reign.
* iMac 24inch Core 2 Duo - £1,199.00
** New Apple iPod touch 32GB - £222.00
*** Who owns a Mac and *isn't* working in the print, audio or web design sectors? Or isn't a pretentious college/university student (in which case, they should save themselves a few hundred pounds and buy a beret)