Just earned my first ever penny from NG, thanks Tom!
Just earned my first ever penny from NG, thanks Tom!
At 10/12/09 08:44 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Just earned my first ever penny from NG, thanks Tom!
I think I'm up to a dollar ninety seven now...
oh, it's only been three years since I started the earliest version of this engine...
...and finally I have something I'm prepared to actually USE...
Click to drop an object which will run around the level of it's own accord, changing directions when it gets bored. There'll be some... erm... buggy behaviour around triangular tiles, so if people can bug report to me over PM I'd be happy.
If someone can find the post sometime circa November 2006 in the regs lounge where I posted the prototype of the AS2 version of this I'd be ecstatic. Think it must be near page 400ish.
At 10/13/09 07:28 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:At 10/12/09 08:44 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Just earned my first ever penny from NG, thanks Tom!I think I'm up to a dollar ninety seven now...
oh, it's only been three years since I started the earliest version of this engine...
...and finally I have something I'm prepared to actually USE...
Click to drop an object which will run around the level of it's own accord, changing directions when it gets bored. There'll be some... erm... buggy behaviour around triangular tiles, so if people can bug report to me over PM I'd be happy.
Looking good, now to turn it into a game...
Oh, and I found this thread, don't know why I actually tried to look for it.
At 10/13/09 07:41 AM, Xeptic wrote: Oh, and I found this thread, don't know why I actually tried to look for it.
Thanks Xep. Shame I don't have that old demo any more (nuked my sites and my computers ages ago, and didn't back up unfinished junk I would never go back to).
God... that was back before Flash CS3 was released, wasn't it?
Just got a beta invite for Voddler, "Spotify for movies". Swedish developers are making both services, this is awesome ;)
My first impressions of the client is that it's quite buggy and not a whole lot of movies though, but that is excused since it's only beta, and once you get a movie running it's perfect. I've got a good feeling about this one :D
At 10/13/09 05:06 PM, knugen wrote: My first impressions of the client is that it's quite buggy and not a whole lot of movies though, but that is excused since it's only beta, and once you get a movie running it's perfect. I've got a good feeling about this one :D
Can you send invites?
At 10/13/09 05:18 PM, Depredation wrote: Can you send invites?
Not this time I'm afraid, at least not yet.
Starogre = Kanye West?
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2565/3999 596441_6cf44944f2.jpg
Yo Glaiel, imma let you finish, but...
At 10/12/09 08:44 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Just earned my first ever penny from NG, thanks Tom!
I earned a penny too this month. Thanks Tom!
One day I'll earn more and buy me big shoulder DIGI-CAM at 120 FPS for independent film. :3
At 10/12/09 04:25 AM, fluffkomix wrote: i've been experimenting in photoshop lately, tell me what you think.
hi res version
At 10/13/09 05:51 PM, citricsquid wrote: How does it work knugen? Spotify works because it doesn't advert middle of a song, but how can they do 2 hours without an advert? Does it have forced videos or?
I don't know if it's how it's meant to work eventually, but right now you see x number of adverts before the movie starts.
I think I counted to five adverts, perhaps two minutes total in time, before it allowed me to watch In Bruges, but I've almost seen the whole of it now and there have been no other ads whatsoever :) I wouldn't be surprised if they come to the conclusion that they need more ads to be profitable, but I personally would be ok with a few occasional ads in the movie if it will be necessary.
I won a pub quiz tonight, seriously, I did, well, I say I, I mean me and my team, who were called Quizzee Rascal by the way, we totally won, there were like 12 or 13 teams and we won because we're awesome and they all sucked, and we won £50 but we gambled and only won £25 but it's still better than everyone else because they didn't win the quiz, we did.
At 10/13/09 08:07 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: I AM BETTER THAN EVERY ONE
What were the quiz topics?
At 10/13/09 08:12 PM, Luis wrote:At 10/13/09 08:07 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: I AM BETTER THAN EVERY ONEWhat were the quiz topics?
There was a a name that cartoon strip round (one was Nemi, who Keith has a major erection for LOL), second round was current affairs, third round was "Pubs on TV". Naturally, I got 10/10 for this round. (srsly no joke we did). Then it was food & drink, where we got a woeful 3/10. Last round was chosen by the team who lost last week. They chose Dr. Who. We got like 8/10 (LOL GEEKS).
All in all in was good times. The entry fee was £6 per team, regardless of how many members you had. ALSO (AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING PART) each team got a free 14 inch pizza!
Tuesdays, 7:30, The Monument Pub, Canterbury. Be there or be a L7.
Halloween time approaches. What does everyone think this year's overdone costume idea is going to be? My guess is Thriller Michael Jackson.
Anyone know what they're doing? I'm considering L4D's Bill :O
At 10/13/09 10:26 PM, NegativeONE wrote: Anyone know what they're doing?
I'll be going as a zombie pirate. I make an AWESOME pirate*, but I'll zombie it up in honour of Halloween. The club at my Uni is open 'til 6 on the 31st (it normally shuts at 3).
That's if I go out. In the morning it's The Scum vs Spurs, so depending on how we get on I'll either go out and get drunk like never before or stay home and cry.
*Me in a pub as pirate, better pics to follow.
At 10/13/09 10:40 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: That's if I go out. In the morning it's The Scum vs Spurs, so depending on how we get on I'll either go out and get drunk like never before or stay home and cry.
*Me in a pub as pirate, better pics to follow.
lmao, you make a good pirate with your hair.
*btw i moved my trip to next month. I have some plans that came up for halloweeeen. I went ahead and changed it to last weekend of Nov. Which is kind of annoying because ill have to explain to my family why im leaving their thanksgiving dinner early to go catch a flight .... but i have to use those miles or ill lose em so yea.... as if i havent been over there enough.................
At 10/13/09 10:26 PM, NegativeONE wrote: Halloween time approaches. What does everyone think this year's overdone costume idea is going to be? My guess is Thriller Michael Jackson.
Anyone know what they're doing? I'm considering L4D's Bill :O
Maybe wild-things themed. I know luis is going as that kid in footie pajamas.
At 10/13/09 11:18 PM, BoMToons wrote:At 10/13/09 10:26 PM, NegativeONE wrote:Maybe wild-things themed. I know luis is going as that kid in footie pajamas.
haha Max. i wanted to but i might not have enough time to fix up the costume. Finding those footie pajamas is hard when youre a grown adult.
I hope they dont ruin that wild things movie... that kid they cast looks a bit too innocent and proper, the character in the book always came off as a prick when i read the books.
At 10/13/09 11:31 PM, Luis wrote: haha Max. i wanted to but i might not have enough time to fix up the costume. Finding those footie pajamas is hard when youre a grown adult.
Hahaha, oh heavens, Luis. You're an adult, but you're certainly not grown <3
I can't express how happy I am to have heard the news in this article:
math project I had to do, kinda looks cool
http://www.glaielgames.com/MAT300poly.sw f
(parametric polynomial curve interpolation)
I'm surprised flash is fast enough to do this
At 10/14/09 12:49 AM, ImpendingRiot wrote: Where the Wild Things Are
I'm not kidding, that commercial freaks me the hell out and I change the channel whenever it's on. The music just disturbs me
COMBO BREAKER!!! It was an all-mod page before you came in here and stepped all over their foundations!!!
heh..joker :P
>__> no comment as i may have done that too :P
Overdone costume wont be anything in specific i think, there will be perhaps a LITTLE more star-trek than usual cuz of that movie, but so far nothing unusually THAT EPIC has come out movie wise to make everyone go insane with "omg facepaint!"
At 10/14/09 01:45 AM, hashbrown wrote: what an overacheiver, the kids in your class must hate you
this is the bare minimum, besides my fancy slider drawer
nobody but the grader sees it anyway
apparently, according to the teacher, not only am i better than everyone in the class at flash animation, i'm also better than him.
he's still teaching me things about art though.
Sig made by me
Once again i'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor
Here ends another post by the grand master of all things: fluffkomix
At 10/14/09 10:39 AM, fluffkomix wrote: apparently, according to the teacher, not only am i better than everyone in the class at flash animation, i'm also better than him.
he's still teaching me things about art though.
haha same, even the teacher who taught our flash module was shit.
Loving the header.
Pub Meet ups
When i've got a car i am so fucking coming to one of those. I'm like a human google at pub quizes. And the pizza sweetens the deal.
Who is working on a game for oct 31st? And does anyone know if tom is hosting a competition this year?
At 10/14/09 01:02 AM, BoMToons wrote: I can't express how happy I am to have heard the news in this article:
I was going to ask, have you seen the movie Holes? The kid in the movie steals a pair of shoes that looked a lot like the ones you showed me. Just a side thought.
I don't dress up for Halloween. Scaryies.
Hi there!
At 10/14/09 11:07 AM, Xeptic wrote: Who else thinks the Halloween banner is ace?
At 10/14/09 11:25 AM, citricsquid wrote: So there's a site called reddit, it's like digg but a forum and it's awesome. So they have this section "IAmA" and it stands for "I am a ..... ask me anything",
The one the goons have over at SA is normally more amusing
Looks like it needs a few more questions.