At 11/18/08 05:44 PM, Toast wrote:
I'll just give you a few examples of specific things I find stupid in my school (and apparently my school is one of the most tolerant ones in France as it is international; I feel sorry for the other people):
If you're most than 5 minutes late to a class you need to go to see some woman in the administration and tell her why you were late, and ideally she will write a little note for your teacher to say that you are allowed to go into class.
In my school you go get a slip if you're 30 seconds late, if you get 5 of those 1 day suspension
If you are absent in a class, you must present your excuse, and if you have none (like when i overslept morning classes many times this year) you aren't allowed to go to this specific class until the next day if you got your parent's permission with an excuse, or if you call your parents on the phone and ask them to tell this woman you are allowed to go in class.
Those are called cuts here 2 cuts = 1 day suspension its the same idea essentially
WHAT THE FUCK! why the FUCK would they not let someone go to a class that HE WAS ALREADY ABSENT TO?! Is that their solution? Make you absent to this class AGAIN so you can be sure you'll have to spend 4 hours at home getting the lessons from your friends and writing them on your note book? WTF!
That's the plan, schools hope you're self motivated enough to get that work that you missed done, the punishment is that it now takes you significantly longer than it would have if you went to the class. Being 20 minutes late to a class but then still going essentially requires no extra work other than some extra note writing in order to get what you missed
Another thing that bothers me is having to study a bazillion things that I don't give a shit about. I always see people complaining about math lessons and asking "why do i have to do this? When will I ever need to know this math in my life if I want to be a <xyz job>? ill just buy a calculator to pay my bills". As much as I disagree with this behavior and think that this world would be a better place if everyone supported science, logic, and common sense,
My arguement to that anything above pre-calc isn't common sense it is now math for math's sake and doesn't apply to them in the same way you don't feel literary analysis applies to you. I think the world not only needs to be logical but a morale thinking and imaginative bunch as much as a logical one. I believe you need to be able to see below face value or else we're helplessly doomed. This whole statement seemed REALLY narrow minded to me you're only seeing the merits in what you enjoy, as demonstrated by the writing below.
I do agree that people should not have to study things they don't give a shit about at this age. I agree with this because I have to study ridiculous things in subjects like french, economics, literary analysis.
my argument is that we should not have to study things we do not want to study. It's ok that you learn this stuff when you're 10 year olds, but once you're 16 or 17 and you decide something doesn't interest you at all, guess what, studying it more will probably just make you hate it more.
American and french school systems sound exactly the same. Required curiculum ftl, I can't even double up in art without it being a big deal. Thank god for outside classes. As for literary analysis go pick up a book up the short story book... 12 Short Stories and Their Making... You're wrong to assume that its all bullshit, a lot of it the reader brings in but a writer does have intent and a purpose and a meaning put into the words on the pages. In a good book every word is intentional. Even as a bad writer I put meaning and a message into every single thing I write, whether or not people get it is left to be unsaid. In all fairness literary analysis is a two way street you bring a portion the writer brings another, go read Lord of the Flies and tell me you don't think that the meanings people bring out of the book weren't there intentionally.
If I had only math, physics, and computer science classes, I am confident that I would be a lot more motivated to study at home. However, when i come back from school at 6 o'clock every day after 10 hours of stupid shit, I don't even want to study the subjects that most interest me (vis a vis physics and mathematics mostly).
10 hour school day and homework, christ hope you don't have the 3 hours a night we usually do here (well I do here). This is cliché but really its true. You are gonna do shit in your life you think is useless its cliche but true better to learn how to cope when you're young and get all those tantrums out rather than pissing all over your bosses fancy office because he tells you to do something that doesn't interest you. Whether or not one makes that connection, I have difficulty with it, coping is a skill and it really does need to be learned, a 5 year old freaks out when he has to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to, eventually he learns to cope.
This is how our school is very effective in one area: making students dislike studies. I find myself in a class of people who are already not very bright to begin with, and additionally, in the process of being in this shitty schools for so long, have lost interest in subjects like maths. Well, I don't know if they lost interest or not, because it seems like the huge majority of the school studies a lot at home. However I presume with confidence that they are only doing this because they "have to" and that's what they are used to.
Lack of motivation is common, people want a purpose in what they're doing school has no immediate and obvious purpose other than the abstract of preparing you for your future. Even filing at a large corporation has a direct impact on others lives, you not doing an english paper doesn't. From that it seems meaningless and in some sense it is, at least in my view school should be entirely collaborative with the community and your peers where very little work is for your own individual good but rather the good of the group, that way you see results beyond your self giving purpose.
Sometimes, due to my grades at school, I'm actually not sure if I'm a retarded person or a genius.
Generally the people I find smart don't get good grades, they're usually middle of the pack, in the lower end of the spectrum there are usually a rare few who are bright and intelligent. I can't judge if you're one of them, hell you could have some learning difference that makes you good at math computers and science but have a lacking in literary analysis language and other subjects. (absolutely NOT meant to be an insult) In general EVERYONE thinks they're smart at some level, in general smart and clever people get told their smart in the same way good singers get told they sing well. While others interpretations might not always be correct it can be a decent thermometer if you genuinely want to know.
Britain's A levels seem pretty unique and I'm extremely jealous but in general I kinda have to say make due with what you got and just apply yourself to the subjects you really like and enjoy and maybe not so much to the ones you don't.
Also you should make a game with me =3