Website Redesign
Well, I decided to redesign my website, but I encountered a problem. My website looks best when viewing with Firefox, but when opening with IE, It distorts the Nav Side Bar, on the main page. You can view what it suppose to look like below.
I need beta testers for the site, its not all constructed or finished yet, but whatever. Leave some feedback and tips on how to make it IE compatible. And you know whats weird, I tried to make subfolders to keep my links more organized, like for archives -- I have a "news" folder. And the destination was; (news/archives.html) and I uploaded it into my Cpanel, and for some reason, it wouldn't read the files or locate the files in the news folder, when I clearly had them on my FTP panel. I don't know. I hate website designing :P
Okay, so feedback would be great. Thank you.