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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 10:36:34

Hey, some extra exposure for The Duder series in Tom's latest post!
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9876 20
Grats, TheCriminalDuder!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 11:48:17

GAME CASCADE. Watch out!

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 14:57:48

how do you post those links to games in a reply?

ive seen it around and its koo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 15:36:32

Hey Guys, back from the eurogamer expo was pretty awesome :P

Didnt get to play as many games as i hoped but it was still pretty awesome:

Mirrors Edge looks to be an amazing game, played that the most there since there were a lot of booths didnt manage to play on 360 but still plays really smoothly and looks fantastic, I really wanted to do a cool takedown on one of the blokes but i didnt know how so i ended up punching them around like a dumbass :3 The Game of the day for me :)

Little Big Planet looked also pretty hawt especially liking the coop although i didnt get to play cos i didnt bother to queue but watched for a while, there were no actual levels being made but the cool lil sack guys and junk are awesome :3

Banjo Kazooie was kinda a let down, although i didnt play much so i didnt give it much chance, so dont take my word for it but i was kinda sad when i played it :/

Didnt get to play Gears 2 since it was behind a closed off area for 18+ which really annoyed me cos i wanted to play/see that the most :( Still only a week left for that so i can wait :)

COD5 was there too, i have the beta on my 360 at home so it was no surprise or shock when i played, exactly the same as 4 but with a COD3 skin :/ But im still probably gonna end up getting it cos of the Coop :P

Resident Evil 5 only got a quick glance from me, looks like fun though, graphics were very clean and seems true to the RE series :P Also i liked the black man at the begining he was cool :)

NBA 2k9 or whatever was a real surprise for me walking past the graphics on it seemed like i was watching a ballers game on TV! They were truly awesome but only took a quick glance so didnt get to see the gameplay.

Street Fighter had so much hype around it i couldnt see much but i did watch some guy get raped by this girl when they were both ken i dont really like fighter games so i kinda stayed away :/

Hmm thats all i can remember atm, i got lots of pics and vids from the day that ill upload later :)


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 16:16:08

At 10/29/08 02:57 PM, ActionSick wrote: how do you post those links to games in a reply?

Just post the link and it'll do the automatic set-up for you.

In other news, I released a CD. :) It's called Simply Sean, and it'll be featuring a lot of top secret songs that I have been working on over the last year or so. You can view the trailer of some of the songs over at YouTube.

This is a more serious project than any other project, I have ever started. You may remember me starting a MySpace account featuring various cover songs, but this is even more serious than that. So enjoy the album, and hopefully you can buy a copy. It's only $5.99, not including shipping and handling.

It ships all around the world, so to whomever is out of the states -- I'll get a copy to you. Hopefully, Tom can get a copy of it in the NG Store.

Watch it now!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 17:49:08

At 10/28/08 06:14 PM, Toast wrote: Seriously I don't get why you people bother with leveling. It doesn't really make you cooler to be a high level, it just shows how many minutes of your lifes you wasted fiffening your own submissions (except luis, he's not cool). I stopped leveling in 2005, I don't know why I even started leveling in the first place.

Leveling up gives you more voting power, and thus you have a bigger impact on the site. Thats empowering, especially for users who maybe dont have time to spend 4 years creating Fallen Angel.

I personally never leveled up because I rarely vote on anything, I like reviewing movies but just clicking 5 or 1 seems pointless to me, the person doesnt really get a sense of what it was that lead you to vote the way you did.

Im sure some users do it to be e-cool but I can see the logic in someone who deposits religiously. Nothing wrong with both types of users.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 17:49:30

At 10/29/08 05:43 PM, SpamBurger wrote: I really REALLY need to start working on Flash again. But I have no motivation :(
Anyone wanna make a thanksgiving mini-mediumish game sometime?
I haven't forgot about our game Duder, but like I said, I haven't had any motivation lately :X



BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 17:54:58

At 10/29/08 05:49 PM, Luis wrote: I MISS YOU.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 18:03:31

At 10/29/08 05:49 PM, Luis wrote: Leveling up gives you more voting power, and thus you have a bigger impact on the site.

Yeah i do it for that. I like the fact that if when ranked hi enough i can easily ban/save a certain flash. ive i was lvl 60 and i submitted a game, 60>1 thus giving me a higher rank. its really simple? hehe

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 19:44:02

At 10/29/08 05:55 PM, SpamBurger wrote: I literally just do that cycle over and over again for hours, and it's such a waste of time. If I'm gonna waste my life on the computer, I might as well spend that time making Flash games amirite?

Money's a good motivator :P. Just think about how you can expand your knowledge, how you can use it in future, how it could help you, rather than just be a tool. I've been through what you're talking about, i'm sure most of us have, just think of an idea, and work on it, don't let yourself stop and you'll get into it, that's what i did anyway :).

At 10/29/08 05:58 PM, SpamBurger wrote: Hm, I thought that El-Presidente was a mod,

God help us all :O.

Ghost Hunt

Mine and blackfangs quick Halloween game below, just a quick beta, still a few things to iron out and a lot of tweaks to do, but you get the picture :). As always, comments are very helpful :D.

Also, mega boss at the end, so its worth the wait.


The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 19:49:35

At 10/29/08 07:44 PM, Depredation wrote: Ghost Hunt

Was pretty fun but i clicked out by accident and it wigged out so i gave up :'(

Im sorry..


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 20:09:52

Fun game but I don't have time to play much of it :S.

El-presidente: Oh dear god! I get the feeling I'd be insta-banned (El-Presidente doesn't seem to like me.) Probably because I started a tutorial collab at the same time Dep started the tut collab 07 oops sorry 08 :P

Euro Expo: Wish I'd been there sounds awesome. I'm not that fussed about gears anyways and although I'll get COD5 I still think it's ridiculous how little effort has been put into it (released in a year due to recycled everything basically.)

Anyways goodnight all.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 21:26:27

At 10/29/08 10:36 AM, hesselbom wrote: Hey, some extra exposure for The Duder series in Tom's latest post!
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9876 20
Grats, TheCriminalDuder!

Tom Said:
"The Duders series also has a lot of episodes, and I am aware that I overlook it a lot and that does make me feel guilty."

Way to go Duder, you made Tom feel guilty! Oh well, maybe he'll be so guilty he'll give you your very own series page.

At 10/29/08 05:58 PM, SpamBurger wrote: Hm, I thought that El-Presidente was a mod, but I saw his aura and it wasn't gold. I quickly remembered that I thought he was a mod because of a dream :p

El-Presidente would make a great mod. Even before I came to the Reg Lounge I thought that because he always helped people out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 21:59:05




Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-29 22:02:32

At 10/29/08 09:59 PM, Blackfang wrote: PHILLIES WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phillies? Like cheesesteak?

Sports != Life


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 03:31:55

At 10/29/08 09:26 PM, NG-Unit wrote:
Way to go Duder, you made Tom feel guilty! Oh well, maybe he'll be so guilty he'll give you your very own series page.

I'd rather get a series page for havin' a bunch of funny flash toons that people can laugh at without much thinking then get one out of guilt. Actually I was insanely happy when I saw The Duders on that list. For the last bit I was checking the treasure huntin' thread to see if anyone would post/link The Duders - in the end Tom himself did and I find that complimenting.

And Spamburger; motivations a bitch, it's cool dude - take your time.

Now stop givin' me reasons to come here I need to get work done! :C

www.DuderEntertainment.com/ | Makin' Laughs and Kickin' Ass! >:3

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 04:00:05

Update on toasty's life
regarding studies, england, money, and computers.

It seems like my computer problem will come to an end soon, i pretty much managed to persuade my parents that it's ok to buy hardware pieces on the internet and build it up myself. They will help me a bit with the money but I'll be paying most of it.

However there is a much more significant problem in my life, which also regards money. I just had to face the truth that it's pretty much impossible for me to study in england next year. My brother left home at the beginning of this year, and my mother said she will sell this appartment if I leave too (my bro leaves with my dad). However, there is a flagrant price crisis on appartments where I live atm... sucks, doesn't it? So if she sells the appartment now and buys a smaller one she still won't have a lot of spare money because she is in a big debt to the bank for this appartment. To summarise this briefly: none of my relatives can come up with the amount of money it would take for me to live in england by myself. I am not yet 18 which means that it's very unlikely that I can live in a place of my own, or share a studio with someone else. So unless I manage to become so productive in flash to a point where I can earn a thousand euros every month, the only possible choice is if I could live with one of you guys who are already in england, which is probably so unlikely that it's not even worth mentioning. We're great as a family on newgrounds but I'd doubt any of you would seriously want to host a stranger in your house for 1 year or more.

I really feel sad if I'd have to finish my studies in france, because I just can't cope with this. I feel like i have a great potential but for now it's wasted just because I live in france.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 06:13:12

At 10/30/08 04:00 AM, Toast wrote: I really feel sad if I'd have to finish my studies in france, because I just can't cope with this. I feel like i have a great potential but for now it's wasted just because I live in france.

Fucking frenchies :P. Sorry to hear about your situation, the credit crunch is taking its toll on a few people i know. Can you not get a student scholarship or anything over there, or even possibly from your home country, a few brits get cash to go study over seas, surely France do it?


Thanks for the comments guys, anything is useful :). It should be finished today, so i'll post another update asap.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 06:23:33

Commiserations Toast. Although personally I'd recommend getting your education finished in France before considering doing further education over here in the UK. The University system over here thrives off of foreign students, and two years of game sponsorships and saving should fund some of your studies over here.

Credit Crunch
The credit crunch is indeed slapping us all in the face. My electricity rates spiked last quarter, and now the electric company is clearing £100 worth of direct debit from my bank account, despite me being in credit of about £200 with them. That spiking, along with a lot of other hikes (food, and going to London twice this month) means I've dropped so far into negative figures on my bank account that I have, literally, no liquid cash and no credit for about two weeks, and I'm STILL hemoragging cash through direct debits.

I wonder how good that chicken in my freezer is...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 08:29:34

Kayn: My friends electricity bill was £1000 last week (not sure what period of time this covered.) :S His mother wasn't best pleased.

Toast: That sucks. I honestly would let you live in my house but I have no spare rooms :S Why don't you get a part time job? That way by the end of the year you'll be able to finish your education over here hopefully (using that money then getting another job over here.) Have to work quite a lot or be wellish paid though.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 12:36:43

NG API ad payouts

Payouts are going to get processed in a few days, and the percentages had to be reset on some assets so if you are a submission owner and you have co-authors on your stuff expecting payouts, you may want to take a look at your api to make sure the payout percentages are still consistent to what you had. James and Goldfish were upgrading the system and they noticed some peoples stuff was defaulted to the owner getting 100%
So take care of that ASAP


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 13:21:52

Your animating companion.

I'm realising something today. Often when I animate I get distracted to quickly, I find myself inauspiciously clicking my way here, or over to a football gossip site, or onto media player - and distractions stop me getting work done. But today, for the last hour or so i've been able to work without stopping as i've been listening to the radio. It sounds blatant, but as it's not just music - its people talking about things, it keeps your mind occupied. When you animate you don't need your brain switched on, so it works well. Better than music as with music your mind gets bored and wants to wonder. With the radio, your mind is kept active.

Any other people have other things they do to keep occupied?


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 13:24:45

At 10/30/08 01:21 PM, Mogly wrote: Any other people have other things they do to keep occupied?

Distraction plagues me constantly. But I find the sole, most important thing to keep me focussed is... a desk. I've conditioned myself to slack off while on the sofa, but shape up and work when at a desk. Set up an album to play through (not a random playlist... I spend too long switching tracks), and disable the wireless network.

Isolation stops procrastination cold.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 13:27:38

At 10/30/08 04:00 AM, Toast wrote: I really feel sad if I'd have to finish my studies in france, because I just can't cope with this. I feel like i have a great potential but for now it's wasted just because I live in france.

I agree fully with Keith. I know it may not sound good to you, it would be a batter idea to stick with your current education until you're 18 or so then look into coming to an English university. This is for several reasons. Firstly, English colleges (16-18) are nothing special. I doubt you would learn much that you don't already know and the qualifications you would receive are only good for getting into University (I'm sure they would look good to potential employers, but nowhere near as much as what you get from University). Secondly, as Keith said, Universities are very accommodating to Foreign students. I'm not entirely sure what help you will get, but I'm pretty sure they throw a bit of cash at you.. you will probably still need to get a loan to cover University fees and accommodation (housing, plus extra cash for food and stuff). There are a lot of foreign students where I am, my building has a polish guy, a lot of French guys, a guy from Africa, a lot of Norwegian guys (they are the coolest. Fyi.), etc.

Also, I would seriously let you stay with me if I had my own place.. as it is all I have is one room :o That said, if you ever want to visit England to see how it is, you'd be more than welcome to sleep on the floor :P I'd feed you, there are showers, day rooms, etc.

At 10/30/08 06:23 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Credit Crunch
I wonder how good that chicken in my freezer is...

That sucks. Right now I'm not feeling the crunch personally, but I definitely see it around me.. my parents for example are struggling to manage, even though I've left home. They still help me out (pay my phone bill which is £10 a month or so, pay for train fares which is £10 every few weeks, buy me a bit of food when I'm home to take back, etc) but I'm sure they're spending much less money on me now than before what with electricity and food bills, since I had my laptop, PS3, TV, etc.. though the computer is on just as much, I guess I was just hogging it when I lived there :) My mum is stuck in a crap job she can't leave even though she hates it, her and my dad are constantly on the look out for better jobs (though my dads job is quite good, I think £30k a year, he just doesn't like the 10-12 hour shifts starting at 2-4am monday to friday).

At 10/29/08 07:44 PM, Depredation wrote: Ghost Hunt

Pretty fun, but the collision detection WAS horrible.. plus there was a problem with the depths, the witch was underneath some of the gravestones.

At 10/30/08 12:36 PM, Luis wrote: NG API ad payouts

Awesome. My $0.04 is coming :D

Also please tell SOMEONE to stick a link to the NG API page in a more obvious place. I honestly have no idea how to get there without typing in www.newgrounds.com/account/flashapi

Me time
Yay me!

I went out last night to some night club called Onyx, pretty good.. 3 rooms, 2 chavvy one rocky which was mostly pop/indie rock but whats better than Mr Brightside at 2am when you're pissed? They also played Chop Suey which was fucking awesome =] The whole room sang along, it was kickass. Then one of my friends went for a smoke so I followed him, for the fresh air and because it's always fun talking to people outside. I was chatting to some girl and then my friend kinda walks off towards the uni, I was confused so I followed him, he threw up outside a bank (TAKE THAT LLOYDS) so I had to go get everyone.. it was 3:30 and the club was closing soon.. a lot of them had 9am lectures so was time to leave I guess XD I went with a Norwegian guy (named Hanning, not sure of the spelling, but it's definitely a crazy name. Like a surname, but.. not) because he was talking about food.. towards Linthorpe Road (the main road near me, full of take aways and shops) and to somewhere called The Halal Center. Henning said it was great for burgers, so I got one, and chips and possibly a drink.. I have no idea. The burger was good, but this morning I was throwing up and it was pretty much pure burger meat. EWWWWWWWW.

So I missed my 2 seminars today but I'd done the work we were gonna do in them :P I would have just spent the time talking or something.

Go go power rangers.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 14:28:03

At 10/30/08 01:27 PM, liaaaam wrote: TAKE THAT LLOYDS

FIGHT THE SYSTEM :P. On the topic of indie bands, there haven't been any new good ones for a while, last year a lot seemed to pop up all over the place, i don't think there have been many great new bands this year.

Toasty Problems

I'd feed you, there are showers, day rooms, etc.

Buy your own pet toast today ;). Universities over here are, as liam and kayn said, are looking for talent everywhere in the world, around 1/3 of all students studying at uni are foreign, so don't give up hope yet. If you moved here now you'd have to change to A level/GCSE from what you are doing, it'd be much easier, and more beneficial to get your qualifications over in France, then use those to get into a good college over here.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 14:47:58

At 10/30/08 01:27 PM, liaaaam wrote: So I missed my 2 seminars today but I'd done the work we were gonna do in them :P I would have just spent the time talking or something.

As I told you. Crown. Thrusdays. Rock Night. And afterwards Gi Gis for Pizza. Then you cut through Campus to get back to the halls.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 15:02:31

At 10/30/08 02:47 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: As I told you. Crown. Thrusdays. Rock Night. And afterwards Gi Gis for Pizza. Then you cut through Campus to get back to the halls.

Ok, next week.. I'm not sure if there still is a rock night there cos I haven't seen any posters or anything, and these places do like to advertise as you know XD Like girls on skates outside the union trying to get us to go to Avina or something. I think the Southfield (I think that's what it's called) has rock nights ever now and then, and the camels hump is pretty rock but it's teeny =o So if the crown isn't rock enough, I'll just pub crawl. :P

I'm gonna be an Uncle :D

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 15:30:22

At 10/30/08 03:02 PM, liaaaam wrote: I'm gonna be an Uncle :D

Already one twice over :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 15:35:43

At 10/30/08 03:30 PM, dELtaluca wrote:
At 10/30/08 03:02 PM, liaaaam wrote: I'm gonna be an Uncle :D
Already one twice over :P

My uncles one year older than me :D


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-30 21:22:58

At 10/30/08 01:21 PM, Mogly wrote: Your animating companion.

Im going to try that now, as i suffer from the exact same thing. Thanks for the idea ^_^