hey guys
I wasn't able to post because I was working on a flash game 10 hours per day.
the lounge seems pretty dead ... where is everyone ??

hey guys
I wasn't able to post because I was working on a flash game 10 hours per day.
the lounge seems pretty dead ... where is everyone ??
At 10/27/08 01:03 PM, Toast wrote: I wasn't able to post because I was working on a flash game 10 hours per day.
Can we see said game? If you've taken that long it must be pretty damn good :D.
How much coffee did you drink :D.
True fact: A majority of the work you create at a university instantly becomes the property of the university once submitted for grading. If you use the project to earn money elsewhere or use the project towards another school project it is considered plagiarism and is grounds for expulsion.
The more you know!
Just a tip for all the new kids in college.
Hi there!
At 10/27/08 04:49 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Your the best Rudy.
This is my favorite reg right here - anyone messes with him and I break legs and balls. >:3
You are by far my most favorite reg as well. Let's make an alliance. And be a marvelous duo with awesome hairdos -- Oh wait, you cut your mullet.
At 10/27/08 07:08 AM, Depredation wrote: Rudy is a dickhead :O.
But seriously, there wasn't any animation to be seen D:
Bitch, I'll curbstomp yo ass. TAKE THE DICKHEAD COMMENT BACK NOW!
At 10/27/08 02:14 PM, Rudy wrote:OR I'M TELLING MOM.
Don't get jmtb involved in this >:(. I'll take it back on the grounds that you will never post yourself singing again :S.
At 10/27/08 02:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Just a tip for all the new kids in college.
That's pretty depressing..
At 10/27/08 02:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: project it is considered plagiarism and is grounds for expulsion.
The more you know!
Just a tip for all the new kids in college.
That sucks ass
toast game
We want previews
My computer
Is being fixed as we speak (well my dad took it on friday).
Soon i can get back to the long spelld post format, and not the short spammy unreadble one
plus flash !!!
flash reg awards
When are the next flash reg awards ???
At 10/27/08 02:46 PM, patu1 wrote:At 10/27/08 02:10 PM, jmtb02 wrote: project it is considered plagiarism and is grounds for expulsion.That sucks ass
The more you know!
Just a tip for all the new kids in college.
toast game
We want previews
My computer
Is being fixed as we speak (well my dad took it on friday).
Soon i can get back to the long spelld post format, and not the short spammy unreadble one
plus flash !!!
flash reg awards
When are the next flash reg awards ???
You know, you could learn to write in english without a spell checker too.. :P As for the reg awards, we've already had the 2007 nominations. You'll have to wait for january 2009 for the 2008 awards. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a few awards.. like best speller >.<
And actually I was banned for a week for saying something in a news thread ... I haven't been working on a flash game 10 hours per day, although I do have a project I'm pretty excited about. no previews or anything, sorry.
At 10/27/08 02:14 PM, Rudy wrote:
You are by far my most favorite reg as well. Let's make an alliance. And be a marvelous duo with awesome hairdos -- Oh wait, you cut your mullet.
I need to go in a corner and cry about my old mullet excuse me...
Be warned that I always have something up my sleeve though.
College Tip
That's nutty John. The only work I do in my uni classes seems to be short scenes and philosophy questions. I'm doing my final essay on Spousal Assualt - the only topic that interested was the legalization of prostitution and I got stuck with spousal assualt - I didn't even know what spousal assault was before the class.
I have a tip too. Take the courses you 100% want. Taking a course just because it works or fits in your schedule is whack. Don't pull a me and end up stuck in 2 courses you don't enjoy in the slightest.
At 10/27/08 02:58 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: I have a tip too. Take the courses you 100% want. Taking a course just because it works or fits in your schedule is whack. Don't pull a me and end up stuck in 2 courses you don't enjoy in the slightest.
My tip would be to take a chance and take a course you maybe would not have thought of taking... especially if you are on a light semester... for instance in one of my light semesters (15 credit), I took a class on creative writing and dreams (i dont remember the exact name). It was actually quite cool. It wasnt design related in any way but it was like a breath of fresh air to mix it into my design heavy courses. So like if youre like heavily into programming courses.. consider taking a course on sculpture or screen printing or something non-sequitor to add a little spice in your life.
Colleges give you a chance to take 18 credit semesters, you may as well take em if you can swing it. You are already paying thousands of dollars for them anyway, get more for your buck.
At 10/27/08 02:57 PM, Toast wrote:
That sucks ass
toast game
We want previews
My computer
Is being fixed as we speak (well my dad took it on friday).
Soon i can get back to the long spelld post format, and not the short spammy unreadble one
plus flash !!!
flash reg awards
When are the next flash reg awards ???
I agree with Toast. And why does a different computer mean longer spelled post format? Just post normally all the way. Start getting productive and make a good game or something instead of not posting seriously in the Reg Lounge were all mostly really mature.
mostly. i said.
sorry. bad day.
My dad has been talking about committing suicide. My parents have been fighting for over 20 years, and my mother finally decided to get a divorce -- She's been interested in my father's best friend though, which is making my dad go nuts. My father is on disability, and is afraid to live on his own -- He wrote an E-Mail to my mom and brother about attempting to commit suicide soon. So I don't quite know what I should do. I don't want to overreact -- but I'm quite nervous about what is going to go on.
My father just went out with the car, and didn't let my mom take it -- I just hope he doesn't crash the car, because he talks about that alot.
I really need serious advice, and you guys seem to be the most smart people on Newgrounds, so please share your thoughts. Thank you.
I dunno what to really say here. I know you could maybe get a psychologist or someone specializing in psychology to come to your house and you could have a sorta intervention with your dad. You know, talk about what he has to live for. Like his family. And talk about things that you think are great about him. I don't really know. If you did get a psychologist of some sort they could probably tell you what to do in the intervention. And if you do do that, I would reccomend checking up on him. Alot. to make sure he doesn't try anything.
At 10/27/08 04:05 PM, Rudy wrote:
I really need serious advice, and you guys seem to be the most smart people on Newgrounds, so please share your thoughts. Thank you.
Do a barrel roll!
Takin' a break from the reg lounge to get more work done be back in X amount of weeks or month-ish.
At 10/27/08 04:05 PM, Rudy wrote: Suicide
ouch thats a hard subject and is up to the beholder. but prevent what you can or your life will be bad, living in regret, dont make the wrong choice, i hope that helps but it doesnt. :)
At 10/27/08 05:05 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Quick!
Do a barrel roll!
I wish you took my situation more serious...
At 10/27/08 04:05 PM, Rudy wrote: My dad has been talking about committing suicide. My parents have been fighting for over 20 years, and my mother finally decided to get a divorce -- She's been interested in my father's best friend though, which is making my dad go nuts. My father is on disability, and is afraid to live on his own -- He wrote an E-Mail to my mom and brother about attempting to commit suicide soon. So I don't quite know what I should do. I don't want to overreact -- but I'm quite nervous about what is going to go on.
I don't want to intrude, so sorry if i do, seems to me that the best course would definitely be to tell someone, talk to your dad about seeing a psychiatrist, if he doesn't want to, just try talking to him, or going out fishing/golf or something, anything to prove to him that there are people who need him around and would be devastated if he weren't there.
I really need serious advice, and you guys seem to be the most smart people on Newgrounds, so please share your thoughts. Thank you.
Well, apart from duder, i hope we can help, but i think this is above us, you need to talk to a family friend about this, it's hard to give advice from such a far perspective.
At 10/27/08 05:27 PM, Depredation wrote: Well, apart from duder, i hope we can help, but i think this is above us, you need to talk to a family friend about this, it's hard to give advice from such a far perspective.
I have to agree here. We're the reg lounge, a bunch of immature dill pickles. Talk to other people who are close to your dad about this, not us.
not trying to be mean or anything, it's just I never thought I'd see suicide breach the reg lounge's fortress.
At 10/27/08 05:33 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: I have to agree here. We're the reg lounge, a bunch of immature dill pickles. Talk to other people who are close to your dad about this, not us.
No one is really close to my dad, I'm not even close to him -- so it's kind of hard. He feels as if his whole family has left him and so forth... It's just a really frustrating topic, and I thought yous would be able to shed some light on the situation.
At 10/27/08 05:27 PM, Depredation wrote: Well, apart from duder, i hope we can help, but i think this is above us, you need to talk to a family friend about this, it's hard to give advice from such a far perspective.
As do I. I am going to try to seek medical attention (mental wise), and hopefully get to the bottom of this.
News Update on Situation; My mom and dad just got in a fight about two hours ago, My dad has been in the car ever since -- Crying. And now, my mom disappeared without her purse and all that. I don't know where she is, I just hope it's nothing too serious.
Blatant Plug(s)
The NG Union Jack shirt was released today, i designed it and so i felt like i needed to plug it.
released a mini-game we worked on while I was visiting the office.
At 10/27/08 05:53 PM, Luis wrote: Blatant Plug(s)
The NG Union Jack shirt was released today, i designed it and so i felt like i needed to plug it.
Also Afro-Ninja released a mini-game we worked on while I was visiting the office.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/46 6790
That was a fun game, I must admit. Although you're a dick for wanting toxic beer. I mean, what the hell? I spent like ten minutes feeding you alcohol.
At 10/27/08 05:53 PM, Luis wrote: The NG Union Jack shirt was released today, i designed it and so i felt like i needed to plug it.
Are you getting a cut of the profits, or has Tom sold you out?
Rudy, man. Like others said, we don't really know your dad so we can't really say anything about that. But it really sucks that your dad is contemplating suicide.
Sorry to hear about your life-at-home rudy...
Hope things get better for you all. <3
Yay for Britain! Well England mostly but ya know ;D
Suicide: Ouch. Not really sure since my parents aren't really like that. Sure they're divorced and argue but my dad knows just about everyone in my townish thing (no cathedral so not a city.) I don't think he'd ever contemplate suicide. Maybe you should just ask him why he feels the way he does and tell him your honest opinion. Other than that I can't think of any other advice I'd be fit to give.
New gizmo: Very simple behind the scenes (design and codewise) but I'm planning on expanding and expanding it until it becomes a super gizmo! I need to produce something anyways I haven't been very productive at all lately.
NG office: Cool game :D
At 10/27/08 05:53 PM, Luis wrote: The NG Union Jack shirt was released today, i designed it and so i felt like i needed to plug it.
"Few people intend to urinate on a child, but sometimes it just happens. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
But most people don't see it your way. They call it "child abuse", whatever that means. And when you tell them that you offered to pay the child for her services, they get even more uptight about it. Then, when you're locked up in prison with no chance of parole, you find out from your cell mate that in the United Kingdom, not only are you allowed to urinate on children, they actively encourage it. They even have a holiday - Saint Polycarp's Day - when they celebrate the act with a parade and special telethon.
With this Newgrounds UK T-shirt, you can celebrate the most enlightened land in the entire world."
Haha that is genius, who write that? My hats off to them.
At 10/28/08 11:25 AM, mwmike wrote: Sorry, I feel like I need to correct every grammatical error on newgrounds, I should really stop, though I can't.
yes you should stop.
NG Office
Awesome game, but the drink thing confused me alot, Luis you certainly are picky :P
Treasure Hunt
Grats to Will (UnknownFury) for finding the game :P
EuroGamer Expo
Tommorrow im going to the Eurogamer expo in london to check out all the awesome games :P Looks like theyve got a great lineup of shit, anyone else going?
At 10/28/08 11:35 AM, adman1993 wrote: Treasure Hunt
Grats to Will (UnknownFury) for finding the game :P
Yeah, congrats to him. You lucky bastard you >:(.
EuroGamer Expo
Tommorrow im going to the Eurogamer expo in london to check out all the awesome games :P Looks like theyve got a great lineup of shit, anyone else going?
I'm going next year, i'd rather go when i've got a good idea of what courses i'm taking and what specialaties i'm interested in. Tell us how is goes though, i'd be interested to know :).
Is it snowing anywhere else, it's absolutely gushing down here. About an inch of snow in less than an hour :P. YAY.
At 10/28/08 11:35 AM, adman1993 wrote: NG Office
Awesome game, but the drink thing confused me alot, Luis you certainly are picky :P
As said before my. "Luis is a whiny bitch." lol
Treasure Hunt
Grats to Will (UnknownFury) for finding the game :P
Fix! Boo! Naah good job really. (I said all t his in the news post but whatever.
EuroGamer Expo
Tommorrow im going to the Eurogamer expo in london to check out all the awesome games :P Looks like theyve got a great lineup of shit, anyone else going?
Nope I can't be bothered spending 6 odd hours in a car or less in a train to get down to London X( Ah well.
Feedback: Love my gizmo! Even though it is glitchy and theres a severe lack of features currently :S