Fallen Angel
Anyone else remember the teaser years ago? I thought it had gone down the drain, nice too see the author is still working hard. The nuke launching in part 1 is astoundingly well done, and very accurate. Just a shame they aren't longer.

Fallen Angel
Anyone else remember the teaser years ago? I thought it had gone down the drain, nice too see the author is still working hard. The nuke launching in part 1 is astoundingly well done, and very accurate. Just a shame they aren't longer.
At 10/25/08 03:42 AM, Moonkey wrote: When I textured the walls I found it much easier to start with trapezoidal textures, so you can just use flash's built in transforms instead of trying to map each pixel or anything like that.
Rather than mapping each pixel I'll be trying the standard technique that the current Flash 3d engines use - split a polygon into two triangles across the diagonal, affine transform (skew, scale, rotate) two bitmaps to match each pair of sides, and mask along the diagonal. and transforming them to bitmapdata - and you're left with two triangles that almost match up. Split a quad into four quads, and you have eight triangles that line up in a close-enough approximation of a distorted bitmap.
While the algorithm's already in my head, actually getting it to work requires me to twist my head into that kind of graphical programming I never did at University. The other way would be to displacement map a bitmap, but sod that, I don't know where to begin with that
I'm pretty sure if I dig through the forums someone's already made the matrix-transforms-to-bitmap-data class I'm looking for. And I have a feeling it's Alphabit who did it. Even so, Andre, Kirokou, Ruben, Senocular... I think even dELta have all beaten me to this kind of implementation, so actually putting it into place shouldn't be an issue.
Rather than mapping each pixel I'll be trying the standard technique that the current Flash 3d engines use
Ah, gotcha. It sounds like using pre-tapered graphics would be a little easier to code and maybe lighter on the renderer, but I imagine this is more about learning the proper technique anyway.
And you'd have the other advantage of being able to draw things straight on instead of a with a weird skew.
At 10/25/08 03:36 AM, NextToNothing wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN6NtWw5n mY
Omg Ren and Stimpy is really freaky. Seriously i got scared, "im gonna rip your lips off, gouge your eyes out and rip off your arms". That can not be for kids.
At 10/24/08 06:01 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:
Need to iron out the actual decent tileset stuff, as well as pits (which are just the opposite of the extruded walls. And then commit seppuku over putting bitmaps on the walls...
And then add pathfinding =3
<3 pathfinding.
At 10/25/08 09:36 AM, Coolio-Niato wrote: And then add pathfinding =3
- Set start point
- Set end point(s)
- Create Open list. Add Start node to it, Weight 0.
- Create Closed list.
- While Open List has members or Path Not Found
- - Order Open List by Weight. Select member with lowest Weight, call it Current
- - Add all legal points connected to Current that are not already on Open or Closed to Open. Weight of Current Weight + 1, Parent of Current node
- - If any of those nodes are an End Point, Path Found. End node is this one
- If Path Not Found, return False
- If Path Found, Path is the chain from End Node to it's Parent, and so on until Start node is found.
I worked it out yesterday. Double checked it. And found it was A*. I haven't had fun doing algorithms since A-Level.
All this pathfinding and 3D programming talk is confusing my little brain. I might just have to wait until everything that sounds remotely complicated is off the page until I start posting again.
Do anyone want to reply to the topic I started near the top of the page?
At 10/25/08 11:19 AM, mwmike wrote: All this pathfinding and 3D programming talk is confusing my little brain. I might just have to wait until everything that sounds remotely complicated is off the page until I start posting again.
Pathfinding isn't that difficult, it's kinda cool. The 3d is harder but there are several methods.. just need to get your head around the maths.
Do anyone want to reply to the topic I started near the top of the page?
Or is it simply that you don't like a course because you do well?
For me I definitely do better in a class when I enjoy it more.. and when I understand the course material I enjoy it more :P
Also whoever said something about writing less can be good in essays and things, I definitely agree. I've always done pretty well in essays (personally I really enjoy English) and I've always wrote a lot less than most people do, yet got same/better results.. I think my GCSE essays were all A/B and I ended up with a B (also note I never revise, partly because of stupidity). Quality not quantity! That's a golden rule to live by.
New kaiser cheifs album is good, so is the new oasis album =] Though £10 for 11 songs compared to the Kerrang album being £12 for 42 songs (though it is over half emo) >_< Blah :P I rarely buy CDs but I do with bands I like. Kaiser Cheifs, System of a Down (+Serj Tankian & Scars on Broadway), Billy Talent, Tenacious D, etc :P I bought Far Cry 2 too because it was only £37 which is a £3 saving from everywhere in Middlesbrough, even though I'm not going back there (where my PS3 is) til tomorrow :X Not that I'm poor, I definitely don't need to be watching my spending, but, you know =]
I'm getting an iPod Touch for Christmas, 8gb (I won't put any videos on it.. 8gb is more than enough, especially since I'm in the habit of compressing all my audio with Audacity).. I r excited =] My iPod Mini which is 4 years old has just broken properly.. the battery has been knackered for 2 years but it worked in my iPod docking station which I used as my alarm clock, but it finally fully gave in. My uni has free wifi all over campus so I'll be able to use the internet on the iPod while on campus anywhere, should be good.
Sup, bitches :)
At 10/25/08 12:18 PM, liaaaam wrote: I rarely buy CDs but I do with bands I like. Kaiser Cheifs, System of a Down (+Serj Tankian & Scars on Broadway), Billy Talent, Tenacious D, etc :P
System, Scars, Serj, and Tenacious D all completely pwn. ;)
I bought Far Cry 2 too because it was only £37 which is a £3 saving from everywhere in Middlesbrough, even though I'm not going back there (where my PS3 is) til tomorrow :X Not that I'm poor, I definitely don't need to be watching my spending, but, you know =]
tell me your PSN! i have ps3 too.
I'm getting an iPod Touch for Christmas, 8gb (I won't put any videos on it.. 8gb is more than enough,
I JUST bought an 8gb and i love it. More than enough space, especially if you compress.
At 10/25/08 12:25 PM, Blackfang wrote: System, Scars, Serj, and Tenacious D all completely pwn. ;)
Yeah they do! Scars came out of nowhere (I mean, I'd heard of them but I had no idea they were releasing an album so soon and bam it was out =o) and they are so good.. Daron is too awesome >_> Serj + Daron obviously is the winning combination but yeah.. all good =] Shame noone knows who Scars are though, lol.
tell me your PSN! i have ps3 too.
notliam :) Although I'm only online every few days because I only have 1 ethernet cable and it's usually in my laptop.. no wifi in my halls :( lol
Sup, bitches :)
So, I had this slight pain in my right ear, so I went to see my GP, to find out what's wrong. So she gets out the little-thing-for-looking-down-ears-with-
a-name-that-I-forget, says I've got piece of a cotton bud stuck down my ear, and rings up the hospital. Apparently, the regular ENT place doesn't cover extractions of foreign bodies, so I'm sent of to bloody casualty, wait for 3 hours to find out that there's nothing stuck up my "inflamed and weeping" ear, and that I have a birth defect in my eardrum causing it to look slightly different to how it should, and that I just need some paracetamol to deal with the infection.
That GP's made mistakes like that before, too many. She needs to be fired.
At 10/25/08 12:32 PM, liaaaam wrote: notliam :) Although I'm only online every few days because I only have 1 ethernet cable and it's usually in my laptop.. no wifi in my halls :( lol
So you have wifi everywhere except your rooms :P. Anyway, the touch sounds good, I'm getting a 16gb for Christmas. So many movies to put on it :D.
I like the kaiser chiefs, although their second album was a bit lackluster compared to the 1st. Not sure what the 3rd one is like. I like any good music, don't care what genre, for d&b i like pendulum (old stuff), some kanye west is good, metallica is great, iron maiden rocks, and loads of stuff.
I may get one for christmas, i prefer them to the 360, blue ray, mgs4, LBP, etc. Plus everyone i know has had to return their 360 atleast once, how do they manage to make them so unreliable and get away with it?
Yeah i know PS3>360. LBP, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, etc.
Dep we have like 6 days to finish this game ;)
At 10/25/08 01:43 PM, Depredation wrote: how do they manage to make them so unreliable and get away with it?
Everybody gets the regular ones. My elite's been fine since I got it, never even frozen.
I think the Kaiser Cheifs 2nd album was their best, the 3rd is good but I've only listened through it once so no real opinion. The single they released (Never Miss a Beat) is awesome sauce :P
At 10/25/08 03:16 PM, Wolfears2 wrote: Everybody gets the regular ones. My elite's been fine since I got it, never even frozen.
All my friends have Elites and a lot of them have had RRoD and disc ruining issues D=
Sup, bitches :)
At 10/25/08 12:18 PM, liaaaam wrote: Pathfinding isn't that difficult, it's kinda cool. The 3d is harder but there are several methods.. just need to get your head around the maths.
For an eleven year old, it is. I've actually never attempted pathfinding, because I'm still on very simple actionscript, and recently I haven't been bothered to learn any new AS functions. Since I've became a lazy little cunt, I might not learn much for at least a few more weeks, though really want to learn some more. Sometime soon I might have another read through my AS book, and a few tutorials, to see if I can learn much. I'm also trying to learn some very simple C++, PHP, Ruby and a few other programming languages. I won't get anywhere in the next few years, since I'm still very young, but It'll be good to get to grips with the syntax of a few languages, just for if I want to pursue a career in any some day, I should have a small head start.
At 10/25/08 04:36 PM, mwmike wrote: Stuff
It's still hard to believe you're 11, you're supposed to be 13 to be on here, can't you pretend for our piece of mind? =D
Also, yes learning other languages is a very good idea, but you should definitely stick to one of them and learn that first - it will help a tonne when learning other languages. ActionScript may only be a scripting language but it shares the same techniques and similar syntax to a lot of other languages. I found it very simple to pick up PHP, C++, etc. and I'm sure the other guys who have gone a similar course as me will agree =o
Sup, bitches :)
Boo 11 year olds =(.
YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE 13! My little bros friends are all 11. i hate every single one of them for many reasons.
At 10/25/08 04:43 PM, liaaaam wrote: Also, yes learning other languages is a very good idea, but you should definitely stick to one of them and learn that first - it will help a tonne when learning other languages. ActionScript may only be a scripting language but it shares the same techniques and similar syntax to a lot of other languages. I found it very simple to pick up PHP, C++, etc. and I'm sure the other guys who have gone a similar course as me will agree =o
I agree whole heartedly with you there, just learning the structure of a coding language is a great idea. From learning AS you can learn classes, functions, variables, and general coding traits. For example, just last week at work experience i learned CSS, PHP and HTML, thanks to AS, i just followed the structure and changed the syntax.
If you're interested in moving on from AS once you've got the hang of if, learn AS3, it's much more similar to C#/C++ or php, which makes the transition to it a lot easier. Also, to MWMike, you're the most intelligent 11 year old i've met in a good while, just keep at it and you should be able to pick up as3 in no time.
Also, do people think £15 an hour is good for a 15 year old?
:Also, to MWMike, you're the most intelligent 11 year old i've met in a good while, just keep at it and you should be able to pick up as3 in no time.
agree, but lacks knowledge, but that will come with experience and age, by the time mike is our age, he will be so much better than we are now. you learn stuff in HE that was not possible when at a younger age.
I just cast off my ballot for the election. Nothing says Democracy like trying to vote between 2 people you've never heard of that don't have party preference listed or trying to pick yes or no on county amendments that say stuff like "Append section 403 of book 322 with a nonpartisan agreement to encourage political diversity via requirements in article 4a of section 10 of ordinance 456 of the town county funtime document" (at least that's what those local things sounded like to me).
At 10/25/08 05:08 PM, Depredation wrote: If you're interested in moving on from AS once you've got the hang of if, learn AS3, it's much more similar to C#/C++ or php, which makes the transition to it a lot easier. Also, to MWMike, you're the most intelligent 11 year old i've met in a good while, just keep at it and you should be able to pick up as3 in no time.
I'm looking to make the transition soon, though I can't afford CS4. I've heard something involving flex can enable AS3 in Flash 8. I used to never want to learn AS3, but now I'm looking into learning a few more programming languages, I now think it will be the best option. From what I've learnt, Ruby looks great, I'm having trouble picking it up, but I like it's overall syntax quite a bit.
At 10/25/08 06:32 AM, Depredation wrote: Fallen Angel
Anyone else remember the teaser years ago? I thought it had gone down the drain, nice too see the author is still working hard. The nuke launching in part 1 is astoundingly well done, and very accurate. Just a shame they aren't longer.
Yeah i was looking it up like last year and the site was so old and not updated, the trailer was out in 2004 and i also thought it must be dead.
Maybe part 3 of ep 1 will be longer?
Unfortunately, if ep 1 is really just as long as 3 short eps, and lets say there 10 episodes, or 5 even, thats like 4 years per episode... :( it really shows what you can do with flash but it makes me sad knowing how long it takes with only 1 guy :(
I have way too much disk space and nothing to fill it with as of yet (I have no portfolio yet, so.. a portfolio site is quite empty ;)) so I made a file uploader. It's a basic run of the mill uploader.. swf, jpg, bmp, gif, fla (yay) and it's certainly not perfect. I have both direct linking and a craply thrown together embedded page thing that doesn't work properly in Chrome (my default browser).. it resizes the embedded file rather than displaying it at it's full size like it does in firefox and probably IE. That's a quick fix, I'll do it tomorrow or another day.. I'm quite tired atm :P Anyway, if you find any bugs just let me know so I can fix them.. I've tried to cover my ass from anything major, I'm sure you can't upload any executable files (php or w/e) because I limited the file types but if you can get past that I know I can make it tighter.. or if there are any other bugs at all just let me know =o Size limit is 10mb which I think is reasonable.. I don't expect anyone to try upload anything too big like a full fla.. it's just for if you need to host a fla for the forums or whatever.
Or click me.. or go to www.liammacdonald.co.uk and click the link at the top xD
Typlx enjoy.
Sup, bitches :)
6 cups of coffee at once... a while ago I drank 6 cups at once... filled a whole nalgene bottle with super strong coffee and i've been shaking for a few hours now... omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgogmogmgomg ogmomg
Tis fun and it DID help my cold. lol
At 10/25/08 08:03 PM, ImpendingRiot wrote:
I can tell you right now "4 years of development" is a bullshit figure,
Oh yeah i'm aware that it was NOT like that hardcore of work for 4 years, i didn't really wanna sound like an ass saying
"oh well it could've been out sooner but he's lazy" and yeah i know he would have a valid excuse and everything.
did he really have a team? I don't remember reading anything like that on the site but then again i haven't checked back there for a while. it would make sense though :P
At 10/26/08 12:01 AM, ImpendingRiot wrote: Drink more, maybe you'll die!
hey man not funny.
The coffee's wearing off and I'm stuck between hyper and exhausted right now.... i'm twitching and yawning at the same time
At 10/26/08 12:21 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: The coffee's wearing off and I'm stuck between hyper and exhausted right now.... i'm twitching and yawning at the same time
Oh man, that's the worst stage of a crash. When you jump up in the air then collapse? I always get that with energy drinks.
At 10/26/08 01:16 AM, Alpharius120 wrote:
Oh man, that's the worst stage of a crash. When you jump up in the air then collapse? I always get that with energy drinks.
That's why you buy NEW 5 HOUR ENERGY! those commercials make me want to kill myself..
At 10/26/08 02:34 AM, NextToNothing wrote:At 10/26/08 01:16 AM, Alpharius120 wrote:Oh man, that's the worst stage of a crash. When you jump up in the air then collapse? I always get that with energy drinks.That's why you buy NEW 5 HOUR ENERGY! those commercials make me want to kill myself..
5 hour energy still gives you a crash despite what they say.
The only real way to get a lot of energy is to eat a lot of carbs for breakfast/lunch. Granola and spaghetti is good for that.