At 10/16/08 04:42 PM, Ben-Fox wrote: Riot if they win, riot if they lose. Sounds like Philly, alright. ^^
I wouldn't have it any other way. I fucking love the energy of scenes like that. It's so intense.
At 10/16/08 04:42 PM, Ben-Fox wrote: Riot if they win, riot if they lose. Sounds like Philly, alright. ^^
I wouldn't have it any other way. I fucking love the energy of scenes like that. It's so intense.
You shoulda been in Boston in 04. Where else can someone be killed by a beanbag to the eye?
Yeah when you mean philly you mean complete chaos. i love it. I was listening to Preston and Steve and they were all talking about this riot in Center City. XD
Oh and Toast btw, i LOVE puzzle games. Easy for me to art and fun to play. Id love to help you and Liam out with the site man.
At 10/16/08 05:55 PM, Blackfang wrote: Oh and Toast btw, i LOVE puzzle games. Easy for me to art and fun to play. Id love to help you and Liam out with the site man.
same if you want any graphics and logos done just hit me and i can sort you out anytime
Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated. I still need to sort things out with Liam, I'll let you know if we need anything later. Blackfang, if you're interested I can send you the sample of the puzzle im making.
At 10/16/08 05:31 PM, Senti wrote: I wouldn't have it any other way. I fucking love the energy of scenes like that. It's so intense.
Yeah I know the feeling. Ever been at a riot in South Dakota? Me neither, they don't happen.
At 10/16/08 06:27 PM, NG-Unit wrote:At 10/16/08 05:31 PM, Senti wrote: I wouldn't have it any other way. I fucking love the energy of scenes like that. It's so intense.Yeah I know the feeling. Ever been at a riot in South Dakota? Me neither, they don't happen.
I dunno man, Minnesota's sound less intense then South Dakota's. The closest thing we get to a riot is a midget in a bar brawl.
You got it Toast. Send me the sample! link me on PM, Steam, MSN. whatever. Tell me how it goes with Liam. I love to help with some art. Absolutely.
I'll send it to you next time I see you on msn.
Games I'm looking forward to
there is a SHITLOAD of games coming out atm and in the near future (1-2 months), some of them are good but not really exceptional, while other look TOTALLY EPIC. I'm really looking forward to Dead Space: a mining ship infected by zombies in which you are stuck as an engineer with fancy weapons. It doesn't sound very original but it's actually a really cool story, if you're interested have a look at some youtube gameplay vids and reviews, the official trailer (which is fucking epic), and the comics. The thing that makes it better than the average action game is that not only is it very scary, but also that you constantly need to use your mind for various things like solving "puzzles" to continue in the ship or make stuff work, and shooting wisely to cut off the zombies' arms and shit. You can't kill the zombies, so best you can do is shoot off their weapons and legs.
Fuck Crysis, I'd buy a new computer just so I can play this game on highest graphic settings in the dark in my room, with the speakers on.
What game(s) are you looking forward to?
Speaking of computers, here's the list of specs I have in mind right now:
- Radeon 4850 gfx
- Core 2 duo e8400 or e8500
- 4GB Corsair Dominator RAM, preferably over 1000Mhz
- Some Asus motherboard, maybe P5Q pro
- Coolermaster case
At 10/16/08 07:48 PM, Toast wrote: What game(s) are you looking forward to?
Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Farcry 2, y'know the good ones.
At 10/16/08 08:01 PM, Toast wrote: wasn't far cry 2 out in 2007?
no... that was farcry instincts.
At 10/16/08 07:48 PM, Toast wrote: What game(s) are you looking forward to?
:D :D :D :D <3
At 10/16/08 08:36 PM, DarkMana wrote: RE: Games
Oh, man.
Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Starcraft II, Dead Space*
I also need to pick up STALKER: Clear Sky, The Witcher, blah, blah.
RE: Hardware
Those specs are looking a bit familiar there, Toast. ;)
damn, I forgot about Left 4 Dead, Starcraft 2 and Fallout 3.
and there's going to be a Portal 2? AWESOME!
At 10/16/08 09:59 PM, x-factor11 wrote: *sits and waits for fable 2*
same here man, I put half of my paycheck aside for it :3
Ever since "Josh-B" changed his username I've been thinking about changing mine. Anyone have any ideas. Right now I can't really think of anything original or anything.
Please, I hate NG-Unit lol.
At 10/16/08 10:10 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Ugh
Ever since "Josh-B" changed his username I've been thinking about changing mine. Anyone have any ideas. Right now I can't really think of anything original or anything.
Please, I hate NG-Unit lol.
At 10/16/08 10:13 PM, BoMToons wrote: "Spambot?"
Hah, I would but its taken.
Spammotron. Spermmotron. Spamtron Spambott Spam-Bot Spamm-bot Spam_bott Spam_Bot
I don't spam nearly as much as I used to. Actually now a days I probably only get about 2 or 3 posts a day.
Anyway, I'm serious, could I get some real suggestions please?
Did someone say spam?
I say you change it to fucknugget, because it sounds funny..
I'm content with my username, it's my real name I wanna change.
At 10/17/08 01:28 AM, x-factor11 wrote: I say you change it to fucknugget, because it sounds funny..
lol it totally does. or spermlugger. I know, I just like putting funny words and gross shit together.
At 10/16/08 10:14 PM, NG-Unit wrote:At 10/16/08 10:13 PM, BoMToons wrote: "Spambot?"Hah, I would but its taken.
Looking For Alaska
What is said book about? Cause I'm quite the avid reader and am always looking for a good book.
At 10/16/08 08:36 PM, DarkMana wrote: RE: Games
Oh, man.
Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Starcraft II, Dead Space*
I also need to pick up STALKER: Clear Sky, The Witcher, blah, blah.
Yea it's coming out on PC fairly soon, on the 21st of October in America as far as I know. There's also the Lich King expansion for WoW but I'm not really looking forward to that tbh. Only reason I play WoW atm is because I was chatting with some guy I used to play WoW with and he offered out of the blue to give me his game card to buy me a subscription for 2 months, plus he gave me 500 gold ingame. The world lacks people like him, I've never seen anyone on the internet give away 23 euros to a total stranger (I didn't even know him ingame very well).
I'm actually quite a noob at videogames, not in the sense that I suck at them but in the sense that I don't play many. All I have except WoW and stuff from steam (cs:s etc) is some very old games I used to play when I was younger, like Medieval Total War and shit. I looked at the system requirements of some of the games I have and it's like 125MB RAM, pentium 1 processor at >2 ghz lol.
I have some plans with Liam and hopefully I'll get a bit of small cash soon so I'll buy myself some real games. WoW just doesn't do it for me anymore.
also, I miss paranoia :'(
RE: Hardware
Those specs are looking a bit familiar there, Toast. ;)
Hmm ya pretty similar to yours. I've always wanted to go with Intel cause their core 2 processors pwn AMD. I was also planning to go with Nvidia but I realised that although they have better cards, it also costs a looot more money. Sure, at Nvidia you can get a GTX280 2x with owns the 4870, but you can pretty much crossfire two 4870's for the same price as a GTX280. 4850 seems like a decent card which is not very expensive.
There's no doubt about going with Asus, although I'm not sure which motherboard to pick. I thought about the P5Q pro because i saw it in yours and some other people's specs. I don't want a MB that's too expensive like the ASUS STRIKER II but I want something that can hold new hardware for like 5 years.. if it's even possible.
I just installed Fable a few days ago because one of my room mates had it and was saying how pwnsome it was. I'm enjoying it, I haven't played a good RPG for a while, but Bioshock is out today for the PS3! Theres also Golden Axe, which I doubt I'll get but I remember playing it on the SNES or Sega or something and it was cool.. and Saints Row 2, I doubt I'll get that but maybe when it's cheaper discount price.
Also finally php is working on my host, now just waiting for the owner of the domain to point it where I want it :P I sent a query to the help service about why php wasn't working and they said it was because the domain name I had was pointing to different nameservers (the site of the guy who owns it) instead of the ones for my site. I assume they thought I was trying to get php to work via, well I'm not that dumb, I was going through the default subdomain.. However, since I got that reply, the php is working, so I think .. haxx XD
Sup, bitches :)