At 9/28/08 04:14 PM, x-factor11 wrote: if this gets above a 2, im going to shoot someone :P
Well if it does, at least its another submission under the belt :3
Also i noticed with 8 there isn't the pressure sensor for the brush tool any more.. which pissed me off >:C
At 9/28/08 04:20 PM, adman1993 wrote:At 9/28/08 04:14 PM, x-factor11 wrote: if this gets above a 2, im going to shoot someone :PWell if it does, at least its another submission under the belt :3
Also i noticed with 8 there isn't the pressure sensor for the brush tool any more.. which pissed me off >:C
*cringe* that has to suck pretty hard
At 9/28/08 04:20 PM, adman1993 wrote: Also i noticed with 8 there isn't the pressure sensor for the brush tool any more.. which pissed me off >:C
What are you talking about? The pressure thing for tablet? Yeah it does? :S
1337 day
So when that page finally comes around itd be proper to only speak in 1337 nerd talk for that page... any regular english will be purged!
meh...sick of bumping my own thread for the last few days for a solution to a problem.
finding a phrase or word within the name of an instance, how?
That thread : 84
At 9/28/08 04:42 PM, Blackfang wrote: haha sounds great luis.
I think you'll find Xeptic came up with the idea first D:
Don't hurt me Luis
At 9/28/08 04:14 PM, x-factor11 wrote: if this gets above a 2, im going to shoot someone :P
alright, looks like nobody is going to be shot today :)
At 9/28/08 04:40 PM, Luis wrote: 1337 day
So when that page finally comes around itd be proper to only speak in 1337 nerd talk for that page... any regular english will be purged!
Ok, sounds good. I'm gonna have to practice up on my 1337 S|c1ll5 (See, thats bad, that was supposed to say skills)
At 9/28/08 04:58 PM, x-factor11 wrote: alright, looks like nobody is going to be shot today :)
I still don't get how the fuck it passed. How can people think that deserves to be in the portal?
At 9/28/08 05:03 PM, UnknownFury wrote:At 9/28/08 04:58 PM, x-factor11 wrote: alright, looks like nobody is going to be shot today :)I still don't get how the fuck it passed. How can people think that deserves to be in the portal?
probably more of those people who look at the thumbnail and throw a vote down and then move to another submission without even watching it
At 9/28/08 04:14 PM, x-factor11 wrote: if this gets above a 2, im going to shoot someone :P
+ .086, I'm getting you that 2 x-factor11, I SWEAR IT!
...and this is my fag...
I'm gonna feel like an awful person when I go into 1337 speak mode. Specifically because people I know have the power to see what I typed.
I'll then be hunted down.
At 9/28/08 05:03 PM, UnknownFury wrote: I still don't get how the fuck it passed. How can people think that deserves to be in the portal?
dunno, I should be asking him that question, a 2 with nothing but jpegs?
At 9/28/08 05:15 PM, x-factor11 wrote:At 9/28/08 05:03 PM, UnknownFury wrote: I still don't get how the fuck it passed. How can people think that deserves to be in the portal?dunno, I should be asking him that question, a 2 with nothing but jpegs?
mass of users "it has porn, therefore, it HAS to pass!" *5*
shit happens.
At 9/28/08 05:17 PM, TheComet wrote:At 9/28/08 05:15 PM, x-factor11 wrote:mass of users "it has porn, therefore, it HAS to pass!" *5*At 9/28/08 05:03 PM, UnknownFury wrote: I still don't get how the fuck it passed. How can people think that deserves to be in the portal?dunno, I should be asking him that question, a 2 with nothing but jpegs?
shit happens.
Correction, "It has hentai of a popular tv show, now it DEFINATELY has to pass. All my alts, five him... NOW!"
At 9/28/08 05:26 PM, TheComet wrote: "Set blasters to pass
It fails so bad, why do horny ppl frequent the portal for shit! >__<
At 9/28/08 05:31 PM, Duchednier wrote:At 9/28/08 05:26 PM, TheComet wrote: "Set blasters to passIt fails so bad, why do horny ppl frequent the portal for shit! >__<
Habbo Hotel servers went down? XD
Ever just have one of those day when animating is just real fun - like the simplest animation you make makes you laugh your ass off or just smile non-stop? I think I animate for those lovely moments. Every flash is an adventure awaiting to be drawn. Every flash ya got the chance to try out something different - their's a shitload of room for experimenting and animating in "your own way".
I learned today that I very much enjoy drawing decapitated goats.
At 9/28/08 05:40 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Animating
Ever just have one of those day when animating is just real fun - like the simplest animation you make makes you laugh your ass off or just smile non-stop? I think I animate for those lovely moments. Every flash is an adventure awaiting to be drawn. Every flash ya got the chance to try out something different - their's a shitload of room for experimenting and animating in "your own way".
I learned today that I very much enjoy drawing decapitated goats.
Those are the most absolutely sexifying decapitated goat I have ever seen in my entire life. I want to make love to their neck cavities.
but not really.
He's the guy doing the voice for Ray in my series Exile, the reason both chapter 2 and 3 are taking so long is because he takes literally 3 months to do the voices. I just got his voices FINALLY today, and guess what? THEY"RE SHIT! He gave the character a soft british accent and all of the lines sound like he's talking to a dying dog.
At 9/28/08 11:41 AM, Kart-Man wrote: Two years ago, at this hour, Luis made the thread that we are all posting in, sharing wonderful stories about things like Glaiel's presidential campaign, Lord-Sonx's death(?), NG-Unit's supposed gender (:P), and sometimes even actual Flash talk!
Even though its not on the hour, its still the 28th of September so its still the Reg Lounge's birthday so...Happy Birthday Reg Lounge! It's been a great place to talk about my supposed gender :P.
Haunted Mansion Game Collab [Idea]
I've been throwing around an idea for a game collab for halloween, because for some reason I just feel like making [another] one.
So I've come up with the idea of a "Haunted Mansion". You start off as character, roaming around and suddenly finding a deserted mansion /cliche. You go, in and the doors close behind you. Somehow, someway, you find out that you need to collect (number of minigames) gems. So you go into each room, beat each minigame, and get all the gems to get out.
Each minigame would be made by a different person (or more with artists and programmers if they want a top-notch game). And somebody (I if I was leader) would make the rest, with the player walking around into each room and thus going to each minigame.
Personally, I think it's a good idea, and I may do it. The game would need to have a character drawn before-hand (so you don't have different characters for each minigame). I mean, one character and everybody would have to draw one that looks like it. And the games would have to at least try to be scary. No "candy" games or anything. Remember, this would take place in a haunted mansion, not some street filled with 10 year olds.
So, it's an idea. Worth it? Suggestions? Other ideas?
Haunted Something or Other
Sounds like our third failed Regs collab. Fun idea, but it's a lot to keep together.
Hi there!
Haunted Thinger
Hell, i'd do it. i haven't made a mini-game in a while. Er, actually if anybody in here thats a coder, tell me if you wanna make a mini-game or something. Food For The Soul is basically done and i wanna make a minigame =D
At 9/28/08 06:20 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: Haunted Mansion Game Collab [Idea]
Sounds cool, but I was actually hoping of making another Halloween Game Collab for this year. I was going to start it off the beginning of Oct, but I'm still not 100% sure if I will. Good luck with yours though =)
At 9/28/08 08:07 PM, Coolio-Niato wrote:At 9/28/08 06:20 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: Haunted Mansion Game Collab [Idea]Sounds cool, but I was actually hoping of making another Halloween Game Collab for this year. I was going to start it off the beginning of Oct, but I'm still not 100% sure if I will. Good luck with yours though =)
Heh, if you would make yours I wouldn't make mine (probably) and I would just join yours .. and make a decent minigame this time ;D
I'll probably do it though. May as well give it a shot.
haha i edited my sig. NOW ITS BEDDER AND IT FITS IN.