At 9/28/08 09:21 AM, Luis wrote: Jewelry, and other bling
I always wear a watch, if that's considered jewelry, I practically never take it off.
I feel naked without it :/

At 9/28/08 09:21 AM, Luis wrote: Jewelry, and other bling
I always wear a watch, if that's considered jewelry, I practically never take it off.
I feel naked without it :/
At 9/28/08 09:21 AM, Luis wrote: Jewelry, and other bling
Lol, random question.. do you guys/gal (hi renaenae) wear jewelry at all? I suppose piercings count.
I occasionally wear a chain and a watch. I do have this stupid wooden charm thing i always have on my neck... mainly cause im too lazy to take it off. Thats bout it.
I do love watches... even tho i dont usually wear one.
Im sure you asked this question a while back..
But i dont wear any myself.. although i would like a chain round my neck..
At 9/28/08 09:21 AM, Luis wrote: Lol, random question.. do you guys/gal (hi renaenae) wear jewelry at all?
Nah, not many.
I usually wear the following, italic things are from my girlfriend.
Looped Earring.
Necklace with a small skateboard and half a heart on it (the VE side).
Dog Tags with "I Love You." written on it.
Surfer type black and metal bracelet.
That's about it.
Oh and I sometimes put on another bracelet and a few more necklaces when I can find them.
Jewelry, and other bling
i hate most of it it just doesnt feel right on me even tho a good watch would be useful. women should use the jewelery, not men
At 9/28/08 10:37 AM, funkycaveman wrote: Jewelry, and other bling
i hate most of it it just doesnt feel right on me even tho a good watch would be useful. women should use the jewelery, not men
I usually wear a medallion or two and shades but nothing else. I depend on other people for the time and I always get the images of rings getting stuck on my fingers :S
I never wear jewelry, though I used to wear a watch.. now I just use my phone as a timepiece.
Also, GLAIEL FOR PRESIDENT. Wow, good luck Ty.
Sup, bitches :)
Happy 2nd birthday, Flash Reg Lounge!
Two years ago, at this hour, Luis made the thread that we are all posting in, sharing wonderful stories about things like Glaiel's presidential campaign, Lord-Sonx's death(?), NG-Unit's supposed gender (:P), and sometimes even actual Flash talk!
I demand Luis makes another birthday thread for this occasion, as tradition.
postcount +=1;
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
Happy birthday reg lounge :)
Where's depredation with the e-cake?
We should have attempted to get to page 1337 on this day :P
At 9/28/08 11:41 AM, Kart-Man wrote: Happy 2nd birthday, Flash Reg Lounge!
Ohmaigod! Nice catch !!!
Happy birthday NG Spam/Reg Lounge :D
Also: Anyone have any games they're working on that they want a 2nd ASer to look over? I'm bored and don't really want to start a full game, but I'd like to help out on something (not for credit, for fun). So if anyone needs help or wants me to look at their code (lol long shot), let me know xD I ish good ASer, honest.
Sup, bitches :)
Lawl happy birthday :D
Where's depredation with the e-cake?
He always has cake.. Fatty..
We should have attempted to get to page 1337 on this day :P
7 pages? D:
Happy birthday reg lounge! :D Hip hip hooray*3
At 9/28/08 09:21 AM, Luis wrote: Jewelry, and other bling
Lol, random question.. do you guys/gal (hi renaenae) wear jewelry at all?
good morning!
I just wear earrings and a watch. I have a bunch of rings, but rarely wear them... and I hate anything around my neck. Considered getting my belly button pierced at one time, but then it became too trendy so I didn't.
Happy Bday Reg lounge!
At 9/28/08 11:53 AM, liaaaam wrote:At 9/28/08 11:41 AM, Kart-Man wrote: Happy 2nd birthday, Flash Reg Lounge!Ohmaigod! Nice catch !!!
Happy birthday NG Spam/Reg Lounge :D
Also: Anyone have any games they're working on that they want a 2nd ASer to look over? I'm bored and don't really want to start a full game, but I'd like to help out on something (not for credit, for fun). So if anyone needs help or wants me to look at their code (lol long shot), let me know xD I ish good ASer, honest.
yeah i need help with the grappling hook
also HAPPY BDAY REG LUONGE <33333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hitting 1337 page on the 2nd bday wud've been orgasmic
At 9/28/08 05:54 AM, adman1993 wrote: Im guessing thats gonne be your new website now?
Hells no, I registered the domain a few weeks ago and haven't put anything on it yet so I just put some filler, then replaced that filler with this filler.
I don't really know what to do with it yet. It's probably just going to be my resume site.
FRL Birthday
I cant miss having a birthday post for the lounge. It's pretty amazing that the lounge has been going for two years. Happy birthday lounge then. Thanks Kart-Man for reminding us. If not we would've probably forgotten and the lounge's birthday would've gone unnoticed. That would suck. The 1337th page should come soon. A joint celebration would be great though.
NG Evolution MK3
If any of you've checked out the Wi/Ht forum recently you would've seen that a thread has been posted (by IiIjim) for suggestions on the Newgrounds portal, homepage, BBS and well... the whole site.
Here's the link to the thread for if you want to make a suggestion.
At 9/28/08 12:07 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: I don't really know what to do with it yet. . .
Anul pron.
At 9/28/08 12:01 PM, Toast wrote: yeah i need help with the grappling hook
What the hellzor is grappling hook :(
Sup, bitches :)
At 9/28/08 12:44 PM, liaaaam wrote: What the hellzor is grappling hook :(
They're those things that are used for hooking onto sides of buildings / mountains. They're a rope with a metal hook, usually four pronged, attached. They can hook onto things and be used for pulling and, in films a lot, sliding onto another building.
A rope basically; for platformers. I always said rope but everyone else says grappling hook so now I say it too.
I wanted to make that kind of platformer shooter where you have a rope way before I found final ninja, but playing that game just motivated me even more to do it.
At 9/28/08 12:53 PM, Toast wrote: I wanted to make that kind of platformer shooter where you have a rope way before I found final ninja, but playing that game just motivated me even more to do it.
Oh :D I knew what a grappling hook was, I just wasn't sure what game you were on about .. I forgot your love for NINJA SWING GAME!. Have you started it yet?
Sup, bitches :)
FRL Birthday
Happy BIRDday Lounge of Flash Regs. Am I right, am I right?
Sup, bitches :)
At 9/28/08 02:31 PM, liaaaam wrote: OMG TOWER DEFENCE GAME SEE IF YOU CAN COMPLETE IT!!!!!
CONTROLS: NONE 9880_movement.swf
Dude, way to easy man. Beat that in like 3 seconds. The block is coming, then BAM, owned bitch.
hoo ya!
At 9/28/08 12:57 PM, liaaaam wrote:At 9/28/08 12:53 PM, Toast wrote: I wanted to make that kind of platformer shooter where you have a rope way before I found final ninja, but playing that game just motivated me even more to do it.Oh :D I knew what a grappling hook was, I just wasn't sure what game you were on about .. I forgot your love for NINJA SWING GAME!. Have you started it yet?
I've made tons of simple platformer engines. I also had some good tries at making an object realistically swing on a rope, but when i put the two together (ability to shoot a grappling hook and swing on a rope in a platformer style game) it just doesn't work very good. I guess I should put more work on it, but I'm really bad at fixing things that don't work because whenever something doesn't work as I expect it too, I just quit working on it :s
if you can do it though, that would be uber awesome
At 9/28/08 02:32 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: Dude, way to easy man. Beat that in like 3 seconds. The block is coming, then BAM, owned bitch.
hoo ya!
Cheater :(
I'm redoing it in API but I'm going out in 5 mins so this is all I've done. I need to just add it so I can tell what type of piece each piece is (a corner, straight or n/a). What I'm basically doing is giving a variable of speed (gox, goy) and changing them at the corners.. pretty simple >.> Idk if I'll bother making it a small game, but I wanna try out NG API.. and an all code TD game would be leet.
Sup, bitches :)
At 9/28/08 03:39 PM, Musician wrote: I never really understood why anyone would want to make an all code game. They're ugly, the improvement in performance is most times negligible, and they're not really appealing to anyone who isn't a programmer.
As a programmer I can give you plenty of reasons:
- It's fun
- It doesn't require the trouble of getting an animator
- It's a good programming e-peen boost
- The file size is really really small. Seriously, you could fit dozens if not hundreds of API games for the same file size as the red glove in your NG user pic.
- API games usually take little time to complete.
Ok guys, whats the difference between CS3 and 8? cos you can save a cs3 to an 8 file and it wont make a difference to the file.. so whats so different between the two?
At 9/28/08 03:57 PM, adman1993 wrote: Ok guys, whats the difference between CS3 and 8? cos you can save a cs3 to an 8 file and it wont make a difference to the file.. so whats so different between the two?
Mainly that Flash 8 doesn't support AS3. If you save an AS3 CS3 file into flash 8, it won't be able to read your AS3 codes properly.