At 9/16/08 09:54 AM, patu1 wrote: some account type thingy here
on the rbuttom right side of the page it sayz that..WTF ? Did they put it as a space holder and forgot about it ?
Haha, I forgot you guys can't see it yet.
At 9/16/08 09:54 AM, patu1 wrote: some account type thingy here
on the rbuttom right side of the page it sayz that..WTF ? Did they put it as a space holder and forgot about it ?
Haha, I forgot you guys can't see it yet.
At 9/16/08 03:09 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote:At 9/16/08 09:54 AM, patu1 wrote: some account type thingy hereHaha, I forgot you guys can't see it yet.
At 9/16/08 03:05 PM, UnknownFury wrote: there was a folder that wasn't showing up for some reason, but i knew it existed as a scan told me :P
There is an option to show hidden files and folders somewhere. You can make a file or folder hidden by ticking the hidden attribute in the properties panel.
Virus' and such
Be careful when poking around the web, there was some shit going around sites like facebook where people will send you a msg asking you to watch some video.. it takes you to a page that looks like a youtube clone, with the video player displaying a 'legit' looking error message telling you your flash player is out of date to click the link to update. Once you click you get a spoonful of nasty stuff.
sneaky malicious nerds out there.
At 9/16/08 03:13 PM, mwmike wrote:At 9/16/08 03:05 PM, UnknownFury wrote: there was a folder that wasn't showing up for some reason, but i knew it existed as a scan told me :PThere is an option to show hidden files and folders somewhere. You can make a file or folder hidden by ticking the hidden attribute in the properties panel.
Tools > Folder Options > View. :D But that's for normal folders, I doubt it will show hidden registry files, or whatnot. Also... that virus blocked my ability to see hidden files, so no matter how much i applied the "show hidden files" option, it would always return no NOT show hidden files.
Virus Amvo Killer for that. :D
i think that was the site... at least.
At 9/16/08 02:00 PM, Wolfears2 wrote: Hate4Hate
Lots of important people are getting angry at me for abusing noobs who can't read the words "New to flash? Read this first!" I'm pointing the please-don't-hate-me-waggly-finger at Blackfang and Cybex.
Please don't hate me.
Yeah you really annoy me now. all he asked is what program do use you use to make flash, and you just go and respond, " get the fuck out of the forum, assfuck, stupid noob "
Seriously it doesnt work that way
Sorry double post, but i found it. it got me mad
"Hmm, I wonder what I'd use to make a FLASH?
How about using Adobe FLASH?
Use FLASH to make FLASHES? Outrageous!
The name of the forum slightly gives it away, Ass Fuck."
I have changed.
This may cause me to lose my fan. On the plus side, noobs will no longer continue the discussion by pm rather than shouting it on the forum like a real man. Also I have a secret :3
I think wolfears is doing the right thing, but just in the wrong method. Sometimes in fail threads (like this one) he can be really funny in his flaming but at others I just think he could make it a little nicer.
Most retarded post I think I've ever written
Harsh Bans
I rarely ban people but like the one thing that always pisses me off is when people are complete dickwads to new users.
I know the glowing green read me first button is there, I know EVERYONE should know what Flash is by now and i know nobody should ask questions that arent intellectually challenging to you but the reality of the matter is that not everyone knows as much as you do princess. Please forgive us and spare us your wrath.
So that being said PLEASE do not post unconstructively. If peoples basic questions piss you off, take your finger place it on the power button on your computer and push.... now go outside and play. Come back when you are feeling better :D
HI WOLFEARS2 and CaiWengi!
Harsh Bans
Wait... so are you hinting that you've banned them two? I got that feeling but I can't be sure.
At 9/16/08 03:35 PM, Luis wrote: I know the glowing green read me first button is there, I know EVERYONE should know what Flash is by now and i know nobody should ask questions that arent intellectually challenging to you but the reality of the matter is that not everyone knows as much as you do princess. Please forgive us and spare us your wrath.
I haven't done that in a longgg time. Can't really remember ever doing it but I probably did at some point. But you've gotta realize a lot of people don't read it. Its a hell of a lot easier to just give them the link and send them on their way than shout at them.
WOOOO LEVEL UP! I actually had no idea that i was gonna o.0
Is it just me or is the tern "no0b" noobish? I know it's a paradox, but think about it, the only people i've ever seen use it are new users pissing off other new members, or 12 year olds on games. I've never seen any regs use it.
Killing Newbies
Think of them as lambs, they are just looking for a place to eat grass, you can either guide them to the field where they will play and produce beautiful children (flash) or be a bastard and send them to the slaughter, never to know if they were the next big flash artist(wolf). How i love metaphors <3.
Hmmm, well I think that sometimes you can lead them to the field, and they will die, or try to slaugther them, and they will prove too strong (somehow) and escape to the field.
I don't know, I felt like posting something that might be meaningful, but you should probably ignore this, so I am going back to my green field/ dank slaughter house.
You decide?
That's a really good way of putting it depredation but it just made me think straight away that some of them might make better burgers than sheep in a field (I know it's evil but it's what it made me think). A load of people like that then go on to make a load of shitty flash and end up wasting newgrounds disk space. Still I thought something similar a while ago, that when crappy authors (like me) help out noobs with their simple AS problems they could be helping future kings of the portal.
I hate it when people use the work n00b as a way of insulting people, it should only be used as a way of expressing that they are new and never in an insulting nature.
My brother said he got it from a 'video'. He said the browser had an alert saying an update was needed for it to play.
At 9/16/08 09:16 AM, liaaaam wrote:At 9/16/08 08:47 AM, Paranoia wrote: What the hell is that in reference to?We kinda let slip the main character dies, but that does NOT ruin the movie. At all.
It does a little... Still, it's not the kid of film where anyone really wins. It's too nihilistic for that. Everyone loses.
Off to see Pineapple Express today, whoop.
Me too! Just saw it a couple of hours ago. Awesome film. It's hard to describe, since most of the humour comes from the way the characters interact, but it's a brilliantly funny film.
At 9/16/08 03:35 PM, Luis wrote: I know the glowing green read me first button is there, I know EVERYONE should know what Flash is by now and i know nobody should ask questions that arent intellectually challenging to you but the reality of the matter is that not everyone knows as much as you do princess. Please forgive us and spare us your wrath.
It makes me smile when I point someone to the New To Flash? link and they're all OMG THANKS :OO!O!!!! like.. they should have noticed it, I did nothing xD
At 9/16/08 04:26 PM, Paranoia wrote: Me too! Just saw it a couple of hours ago. Awesome film. It's hard to describe, since most of the humour comes from the way the characters interact, but it's a brilliantly funny film.
It was amazing, 9/10. Seth Rogen is now one of my favourite film guys. It was full of cliches, but done wrong, like they wanted to spoof but without making it a spoof movie. Absolutely brilliant.
Sup, bitches :)
call me a dick, but i actually find all this drama pretty funny. it doesn't happen to me often to watch an e-fight that doesn't involve me (cough cough 2005 dark_toast vs ninja-chicken)
At 9/16/08 04:54 PM, liaaaam wrote: It was amazing, 9/10. Seth Rogen is now one of my favourite film guys. It was full of cliches, but done wrong, like they wanted to spoof but without making it a spoof movie. Absolutely brilliant.
I like the little stuff, like where he jumps on that guy near the end, doesn't completely miss but ends up catching him with his leg. It's stuff like that which makes it look like reality instead of spoof or cliche :P
It also has the best fight scene ever when they go to see that Red guy :)
At 9/16/08 05:46 PM, Toast wrote: call me a dick, but i actually find all this drama pretty funny. it doesn't happen to me often to watch an e-fight that doesn't involve me (cough cough 2005 dark_toast vs ninja-chicken)
I don't know what drama you're talking about, but Ninja-Chicken was a noob back then =D Now he's all corporate about RustyArcade lol. His site has such a bad layout; a couple of rectangular adverts very IN YOUR FACE on the front page (bad idea) as well as the oversized banner/google ads he has on every page, he should fit the ads in better.. like Newgrounds does, basically. Plus on the front page of his site the names of the Flashes are truncated at about 7 characters so EVERY FLASH NAME is unreadable, like what the hell is "Ultima...", "Super ...", "Tauri ...". If he moved those 2 rectangular ads and the HUGE advert for his site, he could bring the attention to the actual games and maybe actually have space to show the full names >.> Shame, his logo is kinda cool.
Hi Matt if you read this, plx change your site :)
Sup, bitches :)
At 9/16/08 05:50 PM, Paranoia wrote: I like the little stuff, like where he jumps on that guy near the end, doesn't completely miss but ends up catching him with his leg. It's stuff like that which makes it look like reality instead of spoof or cliche :P
Yeah, and the chinese dude hanging from the ceiling.. he jumps on him and ends up getting shot in the head, whereas it's kinda cliche of a ninja dude to jump from nowhere and take down a guy straight away.
It also has the best fight scene ever when they go to see that Red guy :)
Hell yeah he kicked ass with that hoover, and when Red gets his guns out "Thug liiife".. and the main character dude and that Soul (or however it's spelt) find the AK47s on the wall, like "perfect!" then the same happens just as they run out of ammo. Also: "FUCK THA POLICE" *spray bullets but miss the cop*. Lols :D Just a lot of awesomeness.
Sup, bitches :)
Yeah I agree, the ads placement is terrible. When I look at his front page I just get the impression of those really cheap unprofessional porn sites lmao. he has so many images on the same page, too many games and ads. I don't really know how successful his website is, but I don't think that a flash portal website where 99% of the visitors already know about NG can be very succesful. NG did well because it started early and just kept on going, but now the concept of flash websites is used way too often. ah well, i guess it's still better than bananaknights xD
and yea i guess there's not really any drama going on. i just logged in and quickly read about some people getting banned for calling newbies idiots or something.
heh, all this noob hating reminds me of my first thread on newgrounds.A fine introduction to the ng community :P. Even thought I will admit my spelling was close to mentally retarded..
At 9/16/08 07:04 PM, x-factor11 wrote: heh, all this noob hating reminds me of my first thread on newgrounds.A fine introduction to the ng community :P. Even thought I will admit my spelling was close to mentally retarded..
lol. while it may seem a little newbish, it wasn't that bad of a first post.
here's my first post, i actually hijacked some other guy's thread to get help with my problem. I challenge you to find someone with worse english writing skills than that.
patu1 doesn't count :p
you guys should show your first posts too. it's always funny
At 9/16/08 07:16 PM, Toast wrote: Stuff
Haha, I didn't want to post my first post (I was just looking at it) because I thought the whole "OMG WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST POST?" thing might have been done too much :D But your English skills were pretty good! I mean, spelling wise it was very acceptable, but yeah grammar wasn't your strong point!
Here is mine, not too bad presentation wise but I actually thought I could animate? Wow. That was in 04, 4 years ago! Wow.. also, it seems I was very confident back then, heh.. not the worse thing in the world but I had no talent so, yeah :D
Sup, bitches :)
"'a falling brick' which was blammed but I got really good reviews, one guy gave me 10/10"
that made my day! lmfao. but seriously liam, you should complete some real flash game or something. we all know you're great a great actionscripter. otherwise we will have to remember you as the guy who made "a falling brick" and thought he could be an artist
falling bricks = masterpiece..
you know, I was reading some of my post's, and I realized that my spelling became worse whe I began posting in the general forums..
My First Post
At 5/8/08 09:03 PM, CoaIy wrote: this is more like the flash noobs lounge
Maybe the first post isn't actually that funny, but the response I got from "Smartdog" was pretty golden.
At 5/8/08 09:07 PM, Smartdog wrote:At 5/8/08 09:03 PM, CoaIy wrote: this is more like the flash noobs loungeYou don't have to be amazing at Flash to be here, and have a good time. You should be a fairly frequent NG user, and visitor of the Flash forum who is looking to have a good time, and get to know the Users better.
Why so serious?
this is how you should act toward noobs, maybe a little less ignorant though...
Zed's Dead
Meh, screw you guys, I'm gonna make a sequel to "A falling brick" and it'll be brilliant. Longer than the original, so maybe 3-4 seconds, idk.
Sup, bitches :)