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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 06:23:29

At 9/13/08 06:05 AM, Xeptic wrote:
At 9/13/08 04:55 AM, tommattox wrote:
At 9/13/08 02:23 AM, Alpharius120 wrote: Yeah, I agree with you on that... I guess. But then again on the spectrum there's the massive plus of close to no crashes and no viruses.
No-one bothers to create or find viruses for Macs. :P Anyways I've only ever used PC's. Don't know why.... I think I'm prejudiced or something.
I think that's a bullshit argument. Apple's market share is around 4 to 7% (couldn't find an exact figure). That's millions and millions of computers. Of all the tens of thousands hackers there are in the world you would think there would be at least a few hundred interested in making some serious viruses for the Mac, if only to prove that Macs are not so safe after all.

The lack of viruses for the Mac is partially caused because there aren't a whole lot of them out there (relatively speaking), but I also think it's caused because they're generally safer (specifically designed for the hardware the OS is running on etc.) than your average household pc.

A large proportion of hackers nowadays are 11 year olds which just download virus programs which normally just hack the user. Almost all downloadable viruses that are found just by searching without bothering to type mac in are for PC's.

They probably are quite a bit safer however if someone really wanted to then it wouldn't be hard for them to create a mac virus. I'm guessing that for the most part PC users are a lot more suspectable because most young children will have not Macs but PC's.

Thats my theory anyways. X(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 06:31:16

At 9/12/08 10:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
At 9/12/08 09:37 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: lol@Inglor's alt for being UOTD.
what ever happened to him anyway

Bamboo poisoning.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 06:41:06


Can anyone suggest any good books for C++ or C#? I'd like to learn it, but i'm not sure where to start. Thinking about it, sites would be good aswell.


I can't be bothered with FB, i don't see the point in talking to people i know when i can just go around the corner and talk to them in person or on the phone :P.

At 9/13/08 06:31 AM, CybexALT wrote: Bamboo poisoning.

Nope, it was tragic, hunting must stop :'(.

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 06:52:31

At 9/12/08 07:59 PM, liaaaam wrote:
At 9/12/08 07:51 PM, funkycaveman wrote: is that at uni, thats pretty cool. what one are you going to, dont worry im not going to be a ped, im two years off and computer game design is for me
University of Teeside. See you there? ;o

ok just a maybe from me, to keep my options open

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 08:13:30

At 9/12/08 10:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
At 9/12/08 09:37 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: lol@Inglor's alt for being UOTD.
what ever happened to him anyway

Perhaps he fell off a cliff and died.

I can only hope.

time for a sandwich.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 08:23:05

His last post was actually 3 months ago, so it's likely that he's still alive. he probably just forgot about us :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 08:32:37

At 9/12/08 08:21 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: to Charlotte, North Carolina

Sweet! I go down there every few years, so maybe I'll see ya :P

At 9/12/08 09:18 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: New Look Facebook...


Pinkskull, jesus, you're right. I switched to the new one to show you the switch back button and they took it away. Those sick fucks. Everyone MAKE SURE TO JOIN THE 5,000,000 AGAINST NEW FACEBOOK! Why couldn't they just have the option of both? It's bullshit.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 08:52:42

new facebook layout
it's so much better than the old one, why does everyone have to be so annoying about it. i get like 20 group requests every week to retarded groups 50million against new facebook, don't touch the old facebook, etc. it's just some attention whoring retards who make those groups just to have a lot of people in their groups, they don't care about new layout. well maybe they do care but it doesn't matter.

the new layout has a lot more features and it totally pwns the old layout. plus, facebook was kind enough to allow people to keep on using the old fb if they prefer it for ages. There are also a lot of things like some applications that don't work with the old fb.

so shut up about it and stop sending group requests

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 09:05:24

At 9/13/08 08:52 AM, Toast wrote: the new layout has a lot more features and it totally pwns the old layout.

The thing that annoys me is that if i want to press the 'photos', 'groups' or 'events button', I have to go back to the main page. I preffer the old one, but the new one is at least usable.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 09:22:03

At 9/13/08 08:52 AM, Toast wrote: so shut up about it and stop sending group requests

I haven't sent the group request yet, and I don't care if it's a whoring group really, I just really can't stand that new damn layout. I spent a good week on it trying to get adjusted, and it really doesn't work. There should just be a simple option to switch between them, and they can touch up on the things that don't work on the old TO work on the old. I never send group requests, it's kind of stupid, and I hate getting them, but I think that people who really do hate the new one should get a say in it, because 80 or 90% of the people I've talked to just can't stand it. Maybe instead of the group, people can send their feedback about what they don't like about it, but they specifically say they won't take it into consideration until the next change, which is annoying.



...and this is my fag...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 09:32:01

New Facebook Layout

Can't stand it..everything seems so crammed together now.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 09:40:10

Find me moosic

A gold star to anyone who finds me good songs :3
I'm not telling you what music I like, you have to work it out. Kthx. GO GO GO.


Finally am close to completing something. Just level design left to do. Hows you lots geting along with your flash projects?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 09:44:23

At 9/13/08 09:40 AM, UnknownFury wrote: Flash

Finally am close to completing something. Just level design left to do. Hows you lots geting along with your flash projects?

show samples :))

today i decided to continue my puzzle game, here is the swf so far:
http://hesselboom.com/toast/lights%20out .swf

again, cba embedding it so u gotta play it full screen. instructions: click a tile to make the tile itself, and all the tiles left/right/above/under it change to the opposite colors. in order to win, all tiles must be red.

the game is pretty much compact, it's all just 1 frame for mochi ads and 1 frame for the game itself, the levels are loaded through a dynamically updatable level designer and so far it's 50 lines of code in total. im thinking of adding a public level designer where everyone can play other people's levels through .xml files uploaded on my site. im not sure about it tho cause it's not so easy to make good levels, as this game is more based around logic and structure of tiles rather than random action play.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 10:01:19


At 9/13/08 09:44 AM, Toast wrote: today i decided to continue my puzzle game, here is the swf so far:
http://hesselboom.com/toast/lights%20out .swf

That's a fun small game, it takes skill to code something that efficiently. It looks very similar to something I had to make in Java for a university course.

I have one finished game (my first) waiting for sponsorship, and in the meanwhile I'm working on something new. Drag the ball so that it hits the orange circle. to pass to the next level you first have to hit all the smaller balls. Hit space to reset a level (you can only drag the green ball once).

I haven't been this productive with Flash since... well since never I guess. For some reason making games doesn't bore me as quickly as animating.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 12:23:55

At 9/13/08 10:01 AM, Xeptic wrote: I haven't been this productive with Flash since... well since never I guess. For some reason making games doesn't bore me as quickly as animating.

Great game, very fun. Add more problems like portals/opening closing door/etc to spice it up a bit. It's fun though, good concept.

At 9/13/08 09:44 AM, Toast wrote: the game is pretty much compact, it's all just 1 frame for mochi ads and 1 frame for the game itself, the levels are loaded through a dynamically updatable level designer and so far it's 50 lines of code in total. im thinking of adding a public level designer where everyone can play other people's levels through .xml files uploaded on my site. im not sure about it tho cause it's not so easy to make good levels, as this game is more based around logic and structure of tiles rather than random action play.

Sounds good, although you'd probably get lots of unbeatable levels. Nice game, simple concept though, mabye you could expand it somehow.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 12:28:39

That looks like a very good start Xeptic, I actually enjoyed tossing the goal around even though there's not much else to do yet :P it looks really neat how there's little bubbles popping out of the ball.

thanks for the feedback guys, and yes one of the problems with a level editor is that too many of them would be unbeatable. I'm not even sure if the last level I made is beatable, I never finished it lol. What would be cool is if I could design some uber awesome algorithm that tries all the possible options in the puzzle to see if it's beatable.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 13:40:48

Sample - first 3 levels. Only control is the mouse. You should be able to work it out without any instructions ;)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 14:17:35

At 9/13/08 01:40 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Sample - first 3 levels. Only control is the mouse. You should be able to work it out without any instructions ;)

I require instructions!

I don't understand D:

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 14:20:14

At 9/13/08 02:17 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:
At 9/13/08 01:40 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Sample - first 3 levels. Only control is the mouse. You should be able to work it out without any instructions ;)
I require instructions!

Hold the mouse down and the ball will move towards it but watch the power bar.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 14:55:15

At 9/13/08 02:20 PM, UnknownFury wrote:
At 9/13/08 02:17 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:
At 9/13/08 01:40 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Sample - first 3 levels. Only control is the mouse. You should be able to work it out without any instructions ;)
I require instructions!
Hold the mouse down and the ball will move towards it but watch the power bar.

clicking does nothing. Don't use key.isDown(1) to detect mouse clicks, that doesnt work on a mac.

(another + of as3 getting rid of key.isdown)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 14:59:28


I'm still working on my audiosurf clone, i've hit some snags due to flashes shitty file protection, but i'm still working on it. Here's a preview using Viva la Vida, i think it's rather neat :D.

Move with the arrow keys, deposit with space.

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 15:20:57

Apple's Latest Ad

http://www.apple.com/ipodtouch/gallery/a ds/large.html

Notice anything different about this ad? Could it be that apple is advertising the ipod touch as a gaming device?

IMO the iphone and ipod touch were both made to inject apple into the game market, and now it's just becoming more apparent.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 16:15:24

xeptic i liky =] some small bugs left...uf great idea, toast i am to stupid for you game lol =]
i heard that he'ss got a job and a family now, so he doesn't have time to come here =[
the day on newgrounds curse
every beloved mod that gets a day on newgrounds starts to dissapear from the site..lol

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 16:48:43

iPod Touch

Yeah, funnily enough I was just on the apple website a few minutes ago looking at their new nanos. I am seriously considering getting an ipod touch now, they look like the best ones in the lot (it seems apple did that on purpose - they made all the other ones really shit!)

How much is an iPhone in the UK? They won't mention it on their site and tell me to ring up some damn phone shop to find out!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:31:06

At 9/13/08 02:59 PM, Depredation wrote: i think it's rather neat :D.

That game is neat :D.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:37:24

At 9/13/08 04:15 PM, patu1 wrote: inglor
i heard that he'ss got a job and a family now, so he doesn't have time to come here =[

Inglor has had a job... and a family... for a long time now...............

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:39:34

At 9/13/08 04:15 PM, patu1 wrote: inglor
i heard that he'ss got a job and a family now, so he doesn't have time to come here =[

Isn't he in Israel now?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:42:29

At 9/13/08 05:37 PM, Coaly wrote:
At 9/13/08 04:15 PM, patu1 wrote: inglor
i heard that he'ss got a job and a family now, so he doesn't have time to come here =[
Inglor has had a job... and a family... for a long time now...............

So does Denvish, and he still...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:43:52


I got 160 ad impressions and it doesn't want to give me any money

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-13 17:50:44

Some of the samples of games look great, I might show the engine of one of my new games, a collaboration with argentin, I'm coding and he's animating. He's got the file but all I've got is the script and a version of just a circle with arms, it looks great in the full version.

ButtonFinder3 should be ready soon, I've got 2 levels to go but I checked through and it's unbelievably buggy. I need to code out the password system, I've just got the bare engine for the password now, I'll finish it and try to iron out all the bugs. I won't show that since there's so much bugs and I don't want to show it. Fuberella (NG-Unit) might have seen the first 20 levels on the original FlashBase.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature