London Meet
Aw i wanna go to me a meet someday =(
London Meet
Aw i wanna go to me a meet someday =(
Favourite Console
My favourite console is the Nintendo NES. I bought it realizing that cur-gen systems sell their games for nearly $60 a pop, meaning I could buy a system plus 8 games for cheaper than a single new game.
But quite honestly I don't think there is *the* console. It's one of those arguments not really worth having on the internet because quite frankly it becomes a fanboy shouting match. Every console offers it's up-sides and down-sides, so I always just like to leave it at that. I can love all equally.
Hi there!
At 9/12/08 10:05 AM, Blackfang wrote: London Meet
Aw i wanna go to me a meet someday =(
Meat? Where? :P
I'll have to turn up one year. I just don't know which. Anyways I'm busy on Rainbow 6 Vegas so see y'all later. :D
What the hell? You guys post way too much. There've been like six pages overnight.
Hue test thingy
Horribly hungover me gets a 7.
What the hell? You guys post way too much. There've been like six pages overnight.
Hue test thingy
Horribly hungover me gets a 7.
I hate that the next meetup is in janurary rather than after march :O It means if I come down i still won't be 18 yet >.> which apart from financial issues was a reason not going this time passed; although i managed to get into the ice bar and the dutch pub; i felt like a downer on everyone :/
At 9/12/08 11:40 AM, Paranoia wrote: What the hell? You guys post way too much.
Says the guy who posts multiple times every time he posts...
why did you mark male?
taps foot, crosses arms and does angry faic
i started downloading TF2 from steam and it said estimated download time: 6 hours at 200 KB/sec, but it's downloading at > 900 kb/sec on my computer because i got such an awesome internet connection. if u guys wanna play TF2 ill be on it too, but i gotta learn how to play it.
always behind schedule.
At 9/12/08 11:42 AM, dELtaluca wrote: I hate that the next meetup is in janurary rather than after march :O It means if I come down i still won't be 18 yet >.> which apart from financial issues was a reason not going this time passed; although i managed to get into the ice bar and the dutch pub; i felt like a downer on everyone :/
youre the default downer :)
At 9/12/08 11:29 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Favourite Console
My favourite console is the Nintendo NES. I bought it realizing that cur-gen systems sell their games for nearly $60 a pop, meaning I could buy a system plus 8 games for cheaper than a single new game.
But quite honestly I don't think there is *the* console. It's one of those arguments not really worth having on the internet because quite frankly it becomes a fanboy shouting match. Every console offers it's up-sides and down-sides, so I always just like to leave it at that. I can love all equally.
I loved the cartiges of the nintendo... where as your console aged you had to find homemade rituals to get it to work ie blow on it shake to the left 2 times, do a handstand and turn it on.
At 9/12/08 02:14 PM, Luis wrote: I loved the cartiges of the nintendo... where as your console aged you had to find homemade rituals to get it to work ie blow on it shake to the left 2 times, do a handstand and turn it on.
I love the nintendo 64, great console. The PS1 was good aswell, but the 64 was more "fun" than the PS1, which, at the time, was better ;D.
so you're not leaving luis :P?
At 9/12/08 12:30 PM, Toast wrote: awesome
i started downloading TF2 from steam and it said estimated download time: 6 hours at 200 KB/sec, but it's downloading at > 900 kb/sec on my computer because i got such an awesome internet connection. if u guys wanna play TF2 ill be on it too, but i gotta learn how to play it.
Very cool Toast. Its a very fun game and once you get the hang of it. then you can download skins and stuff. its awesome. My steam page is in my sig.
I tell you what would be useful
I tell you what would be useful. A list of the current regulars to the newgrounds Flash forum. I haven't been coming here so much but when I have I've not been posting because I probably wont get in on the conversation (like this one probably wont float) but it would be useful and I'll tell you why.
I was just thinking then - now what actionscripters are there at Newgrounds at the moment? Who is there to pick from? And the names that come to mind for me are Frosted Muffins, Cybex, Toast, Liam, Glaiel etc, but I quickly realise most of these people are probably missing or may not actionscript so much anymore. So it would be cool to have a list of people who are active.
If you are an actionscripter and would like to make a game contact me because I have some sprites.
I'm still active & actionscripting. it makes me feel warm inside to know that people consider me as a pickable ASer.
i'm only a good artist and i think people would pick =D.
Believe me. i've tried AS. I fail.
Ive had a pretty cool idea for a collab, the more I think about it and how good it could be if we did it well, the more excited i get!
Basically its a collab for both artists and actionscripters. The main aim would be for a series of minigames and cutscenes to play out seemlessly as an action game, kinda like hollywood blockbuster style. Artists could either choose to do a cutscene for the game, or team up with a programmer and make a minigame section.
So for example, it would start off with an intro cutscene, something brief but intense, and then throw you into a sidescrolling shoot em up section, with scripted events like helicopters dropping troops and explosions going off. Then perhaps a cutscene done by a different artist, then a free running section over roof tops, or riding a motorbike shooting people over your shoulder done by another artist and coder.
The main aim would to be to try and deliver a seemless experience with all of these different sections working together to create an EXPERIENCE.
I think the main problem with a lot of games is they take so long to get into, to teach you the controls and so on. When people play a flash game they just want something fun to fill a few minutes, not something massively complex. If you dont give the player a chance to get bored, keep flipping everything upside down and keeping it a spectacle, everyone would love it.
Its like Transmigration, it is so easy to pick up and play but once the player realizes that its taking you through this experience, you keep playing cos you are being kept on your feet and dont know what to expect next.
I Think it would be a pretty cool thing to do as a collab, ive never really seen anything similar done really well. if i was gonna lead something like that I think i would need to team up with a lead programmer or something, but do you guys think such a collab would be possible?
I think it could be really successful if we got a group of talented artists and programmers and produced it really well.
I'm up for it.
Also I'm an active actionscripter, but I tend to have my hands full with my solo projects (like at the moment...)
At 9/12/08 02:39 PM, Mogly wrote: I was just thinking then - now what actionscripters are there at Newgrounds at the moment? Who is there to pick from? And the names that come to mind for me are Frosted Muffins, Cybex, Toast, Liam, Glaiel etc, but I quickly realise most of these people are probably missing or may not actionscript so much anymore. So it would be cool to have a list of people who are active.
I do code frequently, i just need to pull a good game out of my ass :D. I agree though, it'd be interesting to see how many people still make the odd game, and who has moved on to "greater things".
At 9/12/08 11:32 AM, tommattox wrote: I'll have to turn up one year. I just don't know which. Anyways I'm busy on Rainbow 6 Vegas so see y'all later. :D
I'll own you. No, scratch that, I'll probably kill myself with an incendiary.
Best nooby posts/comments
I died, laughed and cryed reading this.
I am eleven, i always loved animation, then i found flash . i got used to it, so then i brought out my first flash on newgrounds, madness 0: retardation. it got blammed, and they said i did too much tweening (whatever the hell that means) anyway, screw em
Read that, don't laugh, then buy yourself a muffin.
User of the day: m/
At 9/12/08 02:39 PM, Mogly wrote: Stuff
Hey ;) I'm not actively ASing but I think I might start to play with it a bit more now.. we'll see. I got an offer to make a game yesterday lol.. I just can't justify spending time on a game right now what with uni about to start and stuff.
At 9/12/08 11:42 AM, dELtaluca wrote: I hate that the next meetup is in janurary rather than after march :O It means if I come down i still won't be 18 yet >.> which apart from financial issues was a reason not going this time passed; although i managed to get into the ice bar and the dutch pub; i felt like a downer on everyone :/
I'll go to the bar for you, kid. Lol, I look about 16-17 - I get ID'ed pretty much always :( But at least I have ID now, heh.
Im at work! They finally got a computer in the crew room, a Dell XPS. It sucks pretty bad but I managed to download firefox (had to install to the desktop because I needed admin rights to alter program files, hmm.. stupid vista) and the download speed is 6mb a sec.. WTF! I guess it's a 20mb connection, fucking own. Gonna have to install uTorrent and fill this 300GB with movies :) Hehe
Sup, bitches :)
hi there, a question for you programmers of all kinds,
what the best and most useful language for conventional programming?
its for my computing course at college, i know as2 quite well but is there any other language that would be good to learn, html, java, basic, c+, etc...
and comments would be a great help
learning html and basic takes 10 minutes. and i mean literally 10 minutes.
well, maybe 20-30 mins :p
At 9/12/08 03:29 PM, Toast wrote: learning html and basic takes 10 minutes. and i mean literally 10 minutes.
well, maybe 20-30 mins :p
oh ok, lol, atm i have to use delphi 2007 to program in and im not sure what language is used there but its weried compared to as, and aparentyl it can be aplied to all languages, the basics
At 9/12/08 03:26 PM, funkycaveman wrote: what the best and most useful language for conventional programming?
I'm sure you've seen it talked about and it's nothing to be afraid of. It really is a great language. It even has very similar syntax (though not identical) to ActionScript.
It can, right now, 'compile' to 4 different enviroments. Flash Player (6, 7, 8, 9), JavaScript, PHP and Neko. Neko can work like many things including, but not limited to; console application, web-language (like PHP, only about 20x faster [not that that speed matters much since the bottleneck is almost always database])
And you have lists and typed arrays and the syntax makes more sense than for example ActionScript's.
If you want to do flash games, fine use haXe and compile to Flash Player 9.
If you want to code back-end on websites, fine, use haXe and compile to PHP or Neko (using mod_neko).
If you want to do front-end on websites, fine, use haXe and compile to JavaScript.
It's also really easy to get and it compiles way faster than for example Flash IDE does. And it's open source so it's totally free. Just download haXe and install it, then get FlashDevelop (if you want, you could also just use NotePad or whatever, but I like the syntax highlightning) and you're ready to go. You need to read some articles in the language reference on haXe's website ( to get the grip on how compiling works and some differences to ActionScript but that doesn't take long and it's so worth it.
I might've missed something awesome with haXe here but I think I covered the essentials. Bottom line is; learn haXe and you don't have to learn other web-codes. There's even talk on the mailing list about compiling to c/c++ and Java (very vaguely).
At 9/12/08 03:52 PM, citricsquid wrote: 20MBIT connection = maximum download speed 2.5MB/PS
8 BITS = 1 BYTE So a 20MBIT connection, is actually only a 2.5MBYTE connection, so your maximum download will be 2.5mbyte a second, not 6mbytePS. :)
What the bloody hell did you just say.
ok thanks guys, its a real help, it depends what the objective is, it might be better in flash, but it will probably be a database :( i ment c# not c+ but what the difference between them all? and i am learning about assemblers, compilers and translators so i should be able to get a grips with things, so are you able to make like a top 3 list of languages to learn please, in my order of knowlege:
Man... I can just imagine how page 1337 will be spammed gone...