At 9/9/08 11:05 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: uh.. C/D?
pssh, lrn2speakfailglish
At 9/9/08 11:05 PM, Wurmy1029 wrote: uh.. C/D?
pssh, lrn2speakfailglish
At 9/9/08 05:16 PM, Duchednier wrote:At 9/9/08 04:24 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: EmoIs officially not as bad as hippies, well, some hippies are good, but not the ones that rant through my art class about how she is born to be a rapper and her existance is crucial to the world being happier......
WTF.... That doesn't describe hippies at all. Hippies are tree hugging environmentalist liberal organic-eating all natural vegan pot smoking technologically inept socially awkward beings who promote love, peace, and that even slight republicans and independents are the essence of Satan on earth.
I'm about half a hippy, cause I am liberal and eat organic and all natural type foods mostly and I do care about the environment and nature and stuff. None of the other stuff though.
At 9/9/08 11:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:At 9/9/08 05:16 PM, Duchednier wrote:WTF.... That doesn't describe hippies at all. Hippies are tree hugging environmentalist liberal organic-eating all natural vegan pot smoking technologically inept socially awkward beings who promote love, peace, and that even slight republicans and independents are the essence of Satan on earth.At 9/9/08 04:24 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: EmoIs officially not as bad as hippies, well, some hippies are good, but not the ones that rant through my art class about how she is born to be a rapper and her existance is crucial to the world being happier......
I'm about half a hippy, cause I am liberal and eat organic and all natural type foods mostly and I do care about the environment and nature and stuff. None of the other stuff though.
I chose hippie because of the long rant she did about "you are born to be who you are and you are who you are who you are because thats who you and because you were born to be etc etc"
(that went on for a while)
but yeah... ok change hippies to just insane dumbshit!
At 9/10/08 01:37 AM, Duchednier wrote: WHERE DO I CATEGORIZE HER THEN?!?!!!!
I think I know the type you're talking about. The up-in-the-clouds type who maintain their unrealistic aspirations by banking their success on fatalism, religious intervention, or some other supposed certainty they can't seem to describe. They rely on things like this because they don't require for the person to actually go through the necessary work and hardship needed to meet their goals. Instead, they trust in these hypothetical powers-that-be while they laze around in their little bubble world. Deluded dreamers, I'd call em. And they never become anything :P
At 9/10/08 01:50 AM, NegativeONE wrote: And they never become anything :P
Well if you believe in quantum mechanics AND spiritualism (science and technology mixed? WTF... BTW I'm making this up on the spot), then the fact that there's multiple timelines and alternate realities branching off at every moment in time means that conceivably our "souls" should be able to pick the timeline which is best for it to go down. Meaning, that while you might see her as a loser, from her little deluded pointless world, she might be a rapper, and we're all the losers. But cause it's all alternate timelines, they don't overlap.
Something to think about there really. Goes along kinda with the "Quantum Immortality" theory. Then again, there's really no proof to any of it, just speculation. So there goes the science!
Kinda weird on your ego if you think that nothing can go wrong to you though, although personally I think things need to go wrong sometimes or we don't grow as people and a species.
At 9/10/08 02:17 AM, ImpendingRiot wrote: Yeah, those "everything happens for a reason" people piss me off. Making something from everything is one thing, but suggesting there's this big plan laid out and we have no influence over it is poppycock.
That's sort of a religious thing at first, but as you learn more you realize that making decisions is important, then as you learn science you learn that hey, if you could calculate the position and velocity of every particle in the universe, you could essentially calculate the future (so therefore it IS set in stone), then when you learn Quantum theory and stuff like schrodinger's cat and parallel universes you realize that there is discrepancy and that free will and choice comes back into play here, so it becomes not so much that the future is set in stone but that your decisions effect which version of the future you get to witness by following those splits in the timeline.
Then you suddenly realize that if you really think about it too much, it hurts your head, so it's better to just accept the universe for what is is and live however the hell you feel like (as long as you don't hurt other people along the way, this includes emotionally).
Maybe I need to stop thinking so much about things other than programming and get back to work.
IPhone SDK
I just bought the new ipod touch (finally caved in, been a mac user my whole life and never had an ipod.... we do exist but I might be the last of my kind until the itouch arrives in a week).
Also was going to download Xcode for my c++ stuff, then thought wait I can get the iphone SDK and get xcode with it... why the hell not?
Anyway I'm not allowed to talk about it or ask questions about it and there's no tutorials or books about it. WTF apple?
iPod touch
what do you need it for? If you wanna listen to music buy something cheaper and smaller, unless you use wi-fi connections a lot. I didn't really know anything about iphone / itouch until this summer, and when I learned about it I wanted to get myself one so badly, but I would've had to spend pretty much all my spare money on it. I thought it would be really cool to have something like that, but now i realised that pretty much half of my school has some sort of uber mobile device with a touch screen already so i cooled off on that idea :/
I still have my very very old mp3 player which is 50 times thicker than an ipod touch but hey, it's pretty small and it does play music... but if you want to buy yourself something fancy im not gonna stop you, it's your money.
It's lauunched!!!!! we're all gonna die !!! :O
die from a protomicroscopic blackhole that's gonna fade away in a billionth of a second, but still. we're gonna die :(
At 9/10/08 05:50 AM, Toast wrote: LHC - death
If you aren't being incredibly sarcastic then I have lost all respect for you that may never be re-attained.
im being incredibly sarcastic
also i just read more about it, all they did today was launch the protons into the LHC, they aren't actually colliding anything yet.
At 9/10/08 06:01 AM, Toast wrote: also i just read more about it, all they did today was launch the protons into the LHC
not quite, they have already tested previously sections of the main ring, today was simply the first test for passing a beam throughout the entire ring in one go, at which point they will now close the loop and allow proton beams to continously circulate; at which point they will begin testing other systems related to grouping the packets of protons and accelerating them futher.
At 9/9/08 11:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: I'm about half a hippy, cause I am liberal and eat organic and all natural type foods mostly and I do care about the environment and nature and stuff. None of the other stuff though.
All of that environmental stuff annoys me. It mainly annoys me because I'm otherwise right well into peace and love and left-wing politics, in that personal freedom is vastly more important than economic, and financial success is more a matter of luck and being born in the right place than any natural right to live a better life than the guy down the road; so I don't see why I should have to buy into a load of bull about nature being all happy and junk. Someone really needs to see a wildlife documentary >:(
We have enough reason to want to protect the planet as it is without deifying it. I mean, we live on it. It may not be perfect, but it's not like we have an alternative if we balls it up.
The way I see it, all of this excessive environmentalism is just an extension of Conservative politics. The only difference is that some people want to go even further back in time, to before we had houses or hospitals or mechanised agriculture at all. Damn Tories...
At 9/10/08 06:40 AM, dELtaluca wrote:At 9/10/08 06:01 AM, Toast wrote: also i just read more about it, all they did today was launch the protons into the LHCnot quite, they have already tested previously sections of the main ring, today was simply the first test for passing a beam throughout the entire ring in one go, at which point they will now close the loop and allow proton beams to continously circulate; at which point they will begin testing other systems related to grouping the packets of protons and accelerating them futher.
Nah, its all happening in October I'm pretty sure. They're just tracing the atoms with a laser to see the path they took or something. The media is just blowing it WAAAY out of proportion as usual.
No doomsday yet guys.
My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //
"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."
im curious as to how the LHC works. u wud probably need some big-ass machinery to push somethings so fast that it travels near the speed of light lol.
At 9/10/08 07:56 AM, Toast wrote: im curious as to how the LHC works. u wud probably need some big-ass machinery to push somethings so fast that it travels near the speed of light lol.
Yeah, maths and science definitely isn't my department.
I'm assuming it would have to be something like what they as at a nuclear power plant, but on a MUCH larger scale. I mean, didn't they say it would create a black hole or something? Or that we'd all turn into anti matter?
My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //
"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."
FINALLY. Ok if i wasnt banned i woulda posted this already. if your talking about google chrome DO NOT USE IT IF YOU DOING FLASH ON IT OR SUBMITTING THINGS!
At 9/10/08 09:42 AM, Blackfang wrote: They own everything you do. NOW will you be using chrome?
You have to keep up with the news.
At 9/10/08 06:56 AM, Paranoia wrote: The way I see it, all of this excessive environmentalism is just an extension of Conservative politics. The only difference is that some people want to go even further back in time, to before we had houses or hospitals or mechanised agriculture at all. Damn Tories...
As with everything, that's only one extreme of it.
If that was really what I meant when I said I'm an environmentalist, I wouldn't be using a computer right now. I just mean I think it's important to care about other species as well as ourselves, and to try not to completely destroy the planet. At least when the fossil fuels run out we won't have to be burning them anymore (then again everything will be in crisis unless we find a solution.... but I'll leave that to the experts and continue my career of corrupting supple innocent minds).
El Accelerato Particularoso
Or whatever the spanish is. Anyway, i've had to explain to many people at school, teachers included, that the world won't end today, or any other time LHC is used. The blackholes will dissipate if created due to hawkings radiation, and the chance of a radiation leak after a successful test is minute. Interesting though, how many people were off today :P.
I made a topic on another forum a while back, they've changed the EULA so that it doesn't say they can steal your hard work :P. I'm going to give chrome another try, but it's just the switch from firefox that is holding me back.
Pretty fun game, although it gets a bit boring in the galactic stages, it just seems to be create a city, lose all your money, people die, build a city, lose all your cash, and repeat. That said, i do love the creature/ship/house creator, i could(have) spent hours on it, making giant penis monsters and the like ;P.
I don't care who is running the winning party, i just hope to god that someone shoots david cameron and destroys his "webcameron" site before he gets single vote >:(.
Wow, a lot of topics.
At 9/10/08 11:34 AM, Depredation wrote: El Accelerato Particularoso
lololololololololoololololololololololol olol
"La Aceleración de PartÃculas" would be good. :D
Or whatever the spanish is. Anyway, i've had to explain to many people at school, teachers included, that the world won't end today, or any other time LHC is used. The blackholes will dissipate if created due to hawkings radiation, and the chance of a radiation leak after a successful test is minute. Interesting though, how many people were off today :P.
Yeah, read about it. :B Many people down here didn't even know about it, so many weren't even scared or something. Hehe.
I made a topic on another forum a while back, they've changed the EULA so that it doesn't say they can steal your hard work :P. I'm going to give chrome another try, but it's just the switch from firefox that is holding me back.
Chrome is nice. Altough it lags a bit for me, I mean, not ... when it comes to loading web pages. It loads them freakingly fast, opens really fast too. The interface is neat and clean, very simplistic, but I like it. The lag I get comes from trying to watch videos online, including, ironically, youtube.
I don't care who is running the winning party, i just hope to god that someone shoots david cameron and destroys his "webcameron" site before he gets single vote >:(.
LolU and your american politics >:(
End of world
I remember when I got into school everyone thought that there was going to be a blackhole or something. When a teacher told them that the atoms will only collide in 17 days everyone forgot about it
Cameron is a fucking wanker, I think the world would be a better place W/O the conservatives and their eton and their big houses and their lots and lots of monnies and their expensive TV's and their...
Since I've made up my mind with firefox I don't give any other browsers a chance, or I do and then just hate it because I'm used to firefox. Them changing their EULA is good. Or bad since another few thousand people will switch to it. Heil firefox.
If it's passed by I won't regenerate it but is discussion still going on? I had a ban so I'm not sure what's happened in the last few days.
At 9/10/08 11:45 AM, mwmike wrote: I remember when I got into school everyone thought that there was going to be a blackhole or something. When a teacher told them that the atoms will only collide in 17 days everyone forgot about it
No worries then. We still have a whole 17 days left to live! (if they really do believe that it will kill us, that attitued makes them even stupider xD)
Oh sorry for my old news guys
Well i went to the doctor today because i was sick and now i found out i have pneumonia.
At 9/10/08 07:48 AM, xTOXICxEMPIRE wrote: Nah, its all happening in October I'm pretty sure. They're just tracing the atoms with a laser to see the path they took or something. The media is just blowing it WAAAY out of proportion as usual.
You lie.
"Cern has not yet announced when it plans to carry out the first collisions, but the BBC understands that low-energy collisions could happen in the next few days."
At 9/10/08 12:11 PM, UnknownFury wrote: "Cern has not yet announced when it plans to carry out the first collisions, but the BBC understands that low-energy collisions could happen in the next few days."
I read that we would see it in its full capacity before 2009. I can't fucking wait, it's gonna be so awesome.
Anyone ever into any fads in their youth?
My most awesome fad following was Pogs. I still have two shoeboxes full of them. I had a metal slammer and became the envy of all playground children.
Hi there!
At 9/9/08 03:08 PM, patu1 wrote: can duder make frontpage posts ?
I'm a flash artist too that has earned the right to post on the frontpage but, only every 14 days because I've only snagged one trophy so far.
Canadian Election
We get to vote on October 14th. Some of my friends are going to hold protests and rip up their ballets and throw them at civil servants. I'm just going to vote for The Marijuana Party - or if not possible just the Green then as they're the next best thing.
Who cares, if we die it will probably be too quick to notice anyway. I could be dead while I type this and nothing of my thoughts would exist.
Crome will likely be replacing firefox for me. I like firefox a lot, but I don't really use a lot of add ons or anything... plus I like the feature in crome where you can have it open to as many pages as you want, that way I can open to the four or five pages I visit the most right off the bat, that'll save me tens of seconds typing in partial websites and opening new tabs.
Let me know if the flash player runs really horrible or something... but then again explorer is better than firefox for flash isn't it?
ALSO, try dragging the post box by the lower right corner, that is neat.