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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:27:05


That computer is freakin' godly! What game couldn't that thing handle? And next to no lag.
I didn't look in depth at the specs but from what I saw, that does look like the perfect computer. But you just know in like a month they're going to come out with a newer, better version.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:36:19

At 9/9/08 05:27 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: PC's

That computer is freakin' godly! What game couldn't that thing handle? And next to no lag.

ill tell u what's 'next to no lag'. 300 fps in cod. he only changes a couple of things and it's already a 3.33ghz with amazing graphic card. you can buy new hardware and manually modify your computer as the guy in the video shows.

damn wouldn't you just love showing up at a lan party with this monster? lol

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:41:27

At 9/9/08 03:21 PM, Depredation wrote: You're about an hour away from me :). You haven't been on for ages liam, good to see you.

Thanks.. it's nice to have somewhere I can come and talk to people with similar interests and, you know, shit. ^^

At 9/9/08 03:44 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: I wouldn't consider myself emo, but I listen to the hardcore genre of music (Bless The Fall, Bring Me The Horizon) so people naturally assume I go home and cry about my feelings. Other kids also assume all bands I listen to talk about death, killing, shit like that, and yet, I hate that DeathCore shit. I mean cmon Bless The Fall, All That Remains and As I Lay Dying are all CHRISTIAN bands, to name a few.

I agree with you, a lot of my friends are "indie" and I'm very metal although I dress kinda indie but.. not intentionally, just.. you know, jeans, tshirt, who gives a fuck =D. Anyway, a lot of them assume because I like listening to bands with names that don't start with "the" that the songs I like are all about violently murdering toddlers, which is only partly true. I'm not into screamo so really the music I listen to is more about politics and people, not violence.. (SOAD, metallica, black sabbath, a bit of slipknot.. etc) Still, they listen to shit music so I win.

At 9/9/08 04:24 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Emo

Just cause I made 1 emo game does not make me an emo....

</wrists>. Btw the music for that game really fit, I was expecting something like My Chemical Romance or Funeral for a Friend or something just for the hell of it =D

At 9/9/08 04:52 PM, PinkSkull wrote: Last year, (or was ir earlier this year?) there were people gathering to go and punch their local emos, it was all in the news and stuff. Some kids got together to go and beat the emos in their town, then it went to the news, then emos protested of wanting respect, and more people gathered to beat more emos.........

That was in Mexico, I lol'd hard at that.

At 9/9/08 05:12 PM, Treerung wrote: Hating on someone because they are "emo" is no different then hating someone because they belong to a different race or religious group.
Have anyone of you even tried to be friends with an "emo" kid?
Most people like to be treated with the same respect you would expect someone to treat you with.

You're right, but that isn't the case.. the emos I mean are the ones that I know. I am friends with a few emos, some are cool, but then others are just SO OBNOXIOUS. Seriously, worse than chavs.

At 9/9/08 05:23 PM, Toast wrote: # Intel Core2 Extreme QX9650 Quad- Core 3.0GHz processor
# 2 GB (2 x 1 GB) 1,066 MHz CORSAIR PC2-8500 DDR2 SDRAM SLI Ready
# 160 GB 10,000 rpm SATA and 500 GB 7,200 rpm SATA(2)
# Ageia PhysX%u2122 100 Series PCI-E GFX Accelerator Card

Dayum. Very nice (although 2GB of RAM? Even my laptop has 3GB.. and I picked up 2GB ram for £20 2 weeks ago so my PC does too :p) but the price is apparently $2000+ >.> Thats a hell of a lot of money :( I recently got a laptop (for my birthday, a month ago) which isn't perfect but for £400 [just over $800] I have 3GB ram, Intel 1.8ghz duo processor, 160GB ram and Nvidia 8800 graphics card.. pretty nice, plays Team Fortress 2 so I'm happy ^_^

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:46:43

At 9/9/08 05:23 PM, Toast wrote: # Intel Core2 Extreme QX9650 Quad- Core 3.0GHz processor
# 2 GB (2 x 1 GB) 1,066 MHz CORSAIR PC2-8500 DDR2 SDRAM SLI Ready
# 160 GB 10,000 rpm SATA and 500 GB 7,200 rpm SATA(2)
# Ageia PhysX%u2122 100 Series PCI-E GFX Accelerator Card

Sounds pretty awesome to me. Altough I'd have to agree with liam on this, only 2GB RAM? come on. But then again, comes from an user that still owns a 512MB PC. D: Shame on me.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:49:43

At 9/9/08 05:41 PM, liaaaam wrote: 160GB ram and Nvidia 8800 graphics card.. pretty nice, plays Team Fortress 2 so I'm happy ^_^

Sorry for double post, but I just had to make emphasis on liam's 160 gb ram :B

kidding liam, much luff. <3

Also, your computer's pretty neat liam, and not too expensive either. :P

My PC is waaaaaay old, 512mb ram, two hd's 40gb and 90gb. 1.59ghz AMD athlon :D and lacking a real video card. :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:55:09

Well everything is pretty much upgradable. Let's say it's almost perfect then, that's still fucking good :) Speaking of uber gaming computers, are any of you guys really serious PC gamers? personally, I guess I wouldn't really need a computer like that cause the only thing i played seriously is WoW which has really poor graphics and stuff. I wasn't so far of being on competition-level, my 3vs3 team got to top 0.5% bracket.

e-sports ftw

now i need to find an artist to get a flash sponsored for 10,000$ so we can both buy HP blackbird 002

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:56:32

PC Gmaing

I would like to say I have any clue what that PC was all about but the details may be written in Japanese for me. I Play consoles just because I know that every game will definitely work and won't need a different processor or amount of memory. Plus I hate playing with mouse and keyboard. It pisses me off and I generally end up punching it when something simple goes wrong in flash, Hate to think what would happen if I was on Gears PC and got active sniped downed.

I am gay for three men. Three Sexy, Handsome, Boneriffic young men.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:56:54

At 9/9/08 05:55 PM, Toast wrote: are any of you guys really serious PC gamers?

I used to be, then I got a mac, which doesn't play horseshit worth of games. I now have like 4 or 5 boxes filled with my old games, awaiting the day I get a PC.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 17:57:38


They are good specs, but pricewise, you could make the same machine much cheaper. The 4870 is a much better GPU aswell, especially in crossfire, two of those beasts would use most of the worlds power though :P.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:01:52

Do you really think you can build such a good computer from scratch? I would be interested to learn more about building PCs cause I kinda wanted to build one when I read some article. Are you good with that stuff?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:06:02

At 9/9/08 05:49 PM, Blaze wrote: Sorry for double post, but I just had to make emphasis on liam's 160 gb ram :B

Whats wrong with 160gb of ram? XD I didn't notice that til I read it 3 times.

At 9/9/08 05:55 PM, Toast wrote: are any of you guys really serious PC gamers?

I'm a serious console gamer, I do play an MMORPG (free one, ftw. WoW is boring to me :/) which is on the PC.. and I have TF2 (best multiplayer fps ever) which was so good on ps3 I bought it for PC too XD Also I bought Spore last week to try it, it's cool.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:08:28

At 9/9/08 06:01 PM, Toast wrote: Do you really think you can build such a good computer from scratch? I would be interested to learn more about building PCs cause I kinda wanted to build one when I read some article. Are you good with that stuff?

I've never tried to build a PC, but I know I could (I know enough about PC hardware and how everything goes together and how it all works to be able to not kill myself).. I want to, but right now I don't need a new computer so there's no point. www.ebuyer.com is a site selling individual PC parts (everything you need) and I hear it's pretty cheap too.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:11:23

I found what I believe to be a decent deal.

Pc World Refurbished PC's (Yes I know what your thinking, bear with me)

2.2 ghz Intel core 2 duo
2x 512mb ram
Nvida 8300gs (Shit yes I know, but you can get 8600s for basically dirt anyway)
180gb hard drive
Includes Vista and mouse and keyboard

Now your thinking it sounds nothing special, but for 160 pounds, i think its a pretty damn awesome deal.

Can anyone else find a better budget pc? (<200 pounds I guess)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:15:12

At 9/9/08 06:11 PM, CaiWengi wrote: I found what I believe to be a decent deal.

Pc World

It wont work. There's only 1 thing I've found to be worse than PC world, and thats currys.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:23:30

At 9/9/08 05:41 PM, liaaaam wrote: although 2GB of RAM?

why not upgrade it with this?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:25:30

At 9/9/08 06:11 PM, CaiWengi wrote: Now your thinking it sounds nothing special, but for 160 pounds, i think its a pretty damn awesome deal.

Can anyone else find a better budget pc? (<200 pounds I guess)

Wow! Cybex has a point (is your main banned cybex? lol) but for 160 that is well worth it.. although I'd buy a bit more RAM, 1gb is not enough for vista. On my laptop I use about 800mb without running any applications, maybe just Google Chrome.. I also suggest installing linux and running away to the hills with my and my 12 mutant daughters. No, really.

Here is the RAM I bought (actually 33 quid, but, you know). Or the RAM Toast mentioned, if you want 4GB.. hah ^^

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:33:20

At 9/9/08 06:25 PM, liaaaam wrote: Wow! Cybex has a point (is your main banned cybex? lol)

No. I haven't been on newgrounds for like a year, and only came back about a week ago because im bored of holiday. When i came back i found my account to be hacked or something, so now I'm just using this until i piss off again in a couple of weeks.

Google Chrome.

I like google chrome. I like how its all basic and stuff. I'd use it as my main browser, if it had add ons like firefox does.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:44:08

Ive built a few pc's (my brother's in the business. So i should know) and it ain't hard at all. I built my own a while ago, like two years or something. Thing is, your computer gets way cheaper, specially if you can afford to get all parts as if you were a reseller.

You know, cheaper prices and all that.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 18:47:23

At 9/9/08 06:01 PM, Toast wrote: Do you really think you can build such a good computer from scratch? I would be interested to learn more about building PCs cause I kinda wanted to build one when I read some article. Are you good with that stuff?

Yeah, i've built 5 pcs to date, it's easy :D. Take a look here if you're interested, you can post what you want, and people will give you help, cheaper prices, ideas etc. A lot cheaper to buy things seperately, the only tricky thing is water cooling, but that's not a necessity.


I'll start using it when it's more stable, i've had a lot of crashes so far, and i'm used to good olde firefox :P.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 20:37:54

At 9/9/08 06:25 PM, liaaaam wrote:
At 9/9/08 06:11 PM, CaiWengi wrote: Now your thinking it sounds nothing special, but for 160 pounds, i think its a pretty damn awesome deal.

Can anyone else find a better budget pc? (<200 pounds I guess)
but for 160 that is well worth it..

so anyone know what the conversion for a pond to a dollar is? cause I want to know whether it is a good deal or not.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 21:15:33

At 9/9/08 06:47 PM, Depredation wrote: Chrome

I'll start using it when it's more stable, i've had a lot of crashes so far, and i'm used to good olde firefox :P.

I agree with you. Even though I haven't tried Chrome yet. I'm going to wait until its fully (or close to fully) done being developed and all the bugs worked out and such. Firefox is good enough for me right now :D.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 21:34:25

Chrome hasn't crashed on me yet, it's incredibly stable. There are a few bugs with javascript but it's incredibly fast, loads up immediately and the JS is faster than the current FF engine. I love FF but I've replaced it for Chrome already

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:05:33

Alright right now I'm using Chrome. It seems to be running pretty nicely. Does anyone know if there is there new templates or skins or whatever.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:08:49

At 9/9/08 09:15 PM, NG-Unit wrote:
At 9/9/08 06:47 PM, Depredation wrote: Chrome

im still using ie 6. DONT BEAT ME UP.

Actually im sure all web designers around the world hate me right now... i cant blame em. I use it cause its challenging i guess.. making sense of the bugs it carries css-wise which make absolutely NO sense. meh i dunno im masochistic.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:22:18

At 9/9/08 10:08 PM, Luis wrote:
At 9/9/08 09:15 PM, NG-Unit wrote:
At 9/9/08 06:47 PM, Depredation wrote: Chrome
im still using ie 6.

LOL, luis' a browser n00b. I'm still going on Firefox, I might've tried out Chrome, but I'm stuck on an iMac. Don't get me wrong, Macs are pretty good, but all they run are safari and firefox... and no games. :O

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:22:41

At 9/9/08 10:08 PM, Luis wrote: im still using ie 6. DONT BEAT ME UP.

Actually im sure all web designers around the world hate me right now... i cant blame em. I use it cause its challenging i guess.. making sense of the bugs it carries css-wise which make absolutely NO sense. meh i dunno im masochistic.

Next you're going to tell us you animate with a mouse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:53:20

is one hell of a game, C/D?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 22:59:39

At 9/9/08 10:22 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: LOL, luis' a browser n00b. I'm still going on Firefox, I might've tried out Chrome, but I'm stuck on an iMac. Don't get me wrong, Macs are pretty good, but all they run are safari and firefox... and no games. :O

pfft..wanna trade?

iamcoreyg.com // campnorth

Need a website? music? graphics? CONTACT ME.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 23:05:51

At 9/9/08 10:53 PM, x-factor11 wrote: Spore
is one hell of a game, C/D?

uh.. C/D?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-09-09 23:12:35

At 9/9/08 10:59 PM, atomic-noodle wrote:
At 9/9/08 10:22 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: LOL, luis' a browser n00b. I'm still going on Firefox, I might've tried out Chrome, but I'm stuck on an iMac. Don't get me wrong, Macs are pretty good, but all they run are safari and firefox... and no games. :O
pfft..wanna trade?

haha lemme guess, your computers like a 15 year old relic or something, right?

Hey yo