I saw some posts about my game claiming that I didn't put much effort on the game because most of it was already done... overrated and all that shit.
First of all, yes I used a 3rd party physics engine, many other games here used (that you don't have a clue), but they don't give credit to it because they will be flagged... like this.
It was not easy tho, I modified the engine a lot to fit my gameplay, it's not just put graphics and then ctrl+enter then done, if you think this you're not a programmer so don't bother.
The worst thing would be claim that I made everything... but the controversy is that everyone would be happy like "wow", but it's not fair.
About boom blox, when I wrote down the main actions of the game, I didn't even know about boom blox, when I showed the game to a friend then he said "reminds me of boom blox".
It's funny to mention overrating, some famous authors submit crappy entries sometimes, but because they're XYZ they get fived (I'm not trying to make a point on this phrase, just mentioning).
Well, about using open source stuff in your commercial projects, it's totally legal (just check Box2D if you think I'm lying) and I paid them because I think it's fair to give them $ back too.