At 8/16/08 10:49 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
I mean, why a glitch, and not themselves? Why the mods, and not themselves? Can't they accept the fact that they might have got it wrong? GRRRR!
People never want to hear that it's their own fault. It's always much easier to blame an uncontrollable external factor than take responsibility yourself -- especially if you have the maturity level of a spoilt 5 year-old (which is pretty accurate for most of those whistle-whoring kiddies).
Well, I was going to post there, but absentminded came and saved the day once again. I was going to say some things that were on his post, like if someone actually contacted Wade with a good argument.
He hasn't been called absent_minded in a LONG time, dude O_o
Why did you call him by that name? I didn't think you ever knew him when he was called that.
At 8/16/08 11:10 PM, Corky52 wrote:
They just want it handed to them.
They just have terrible judgment and end up forming links between two completely unrelated factors, i.e., ~25 abusive review being deleted, and people going down in whistle level. The sad thing is that all these same people probably hang around Rage's thread flagging the same shit month after month. So what if some "goldmine" (as I believe they call it) that wasn't actually abuse has just come up for moderation? NO NO IT'S DEFINITELY CORRUPT MODS AND THE SYSTEM - WHICH HAS BEEN IN PLACE AND WORKING FINE SINCE 2003 - IS BROKEN AND CRAP.
At 8/17/08 05:25 AM, sonofkirk wrote:
I just get my Normal Whislte ... And yeah, I will PM you if I'm not sure about a review. Thanks a lot ; ).
See, sonofkirk makes a good example. He was Silver, then went to Garbage yesterday, and he's already back up to normal.
Big kudos to you for not joining in all the pointless whining and just getting on with it, man. That's what I did when I was in a similar situation about a year ago, and it's the only way to move forward effectively.
At 8/17/08 06:26 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
The whistle glitch bullshit annoys me a lot. I dropped from Bronze to deep Garbage twice, and I was annoyed, but knew it wasn't a glitch. It was human error, probably on my part, possibly on a mod's part. After all, we're human, therefore we err.
Yes, and I've seen mods making mistakes before. One review mod (don't know which, it was kept secret) messed up last year and handled a load of spam alt reviews wrong, with the consequence that people went down in whistle level. I personally went down from Gold to Normal.
Sure mods are people just like the rest of us. Of course they're no less prone to fucking up than us, but my point is that they have a pretty specific set of guidelines for shit like this, so all they have to do is follow that. I find it more likely that it's the regular user's shortcomings in this situation. It's very rare that a mod will genuinely mess up, and if they do it's normally announced that a [nameless] mod HAS done something wrong, slap on the wrist for them, case closed, stfu whiners.
Jesus I haven't had a good rant in SO long, LOL.