I thought I show the EGB my pic. I'll soon be joining!
Rages whistle boost | NGPD HQ | Enjoy Rping? Enjoy awesome Rping? Click this.
: Props to Marsupial for awesome sig
I thought I show the EGB my pic. I'll soon be joining!
Rages whistle boost | NGPD HQ | Enjoy Rping? Enjoy awesome Rping? Click this.
: Props to Marsupial for awesome sig
At 8/15/08 04:01 PM, wwhhaatt wrote: I thought I show the EGB my pic. I'll soon be joining!
Not with posts like that and pointless picture spamming there bucko.
At 8/15/08 02:52 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Now about everyone else: how is your attitude towards Clock Day?
Pfft, it's a day of fun to let your hair down and have a bit of a laugh. I've been voting 2 on a lot of things today. Gave out about 10-15 zeros which had no effect whatsoever, but meh. I'm not gonna be a stick in the mud when it comes to NG tradition.
At 8/15/08 03:50 PM, TheThing wrote: Clock Day seems to have been a little improved over last year's. The flashes are in the green, with very few in the blue, and there are less submissions overall.
Improved? the quality of the submissions has went down tremendously this year i've seen so meny submissions have such a loe file size and have nothing in them at all, mostly just some shitty loop that does nothing interesting.
I was hoping to get 5k B/P points before I went camping, but that may not happen. Granted, I've gotten a lot, more than what I get in a week usually. But there is a distinct lack of flash in the portal.
Well, i have almost 400 saves now and sadly 2 blams. This is so much less than i expected this year i hope this places kicks into high gear latter on.
Its absolute chaos in the portal i cant, get my head round it. Some great submisons. To many spammy crap passing with mad score, over 3 the blue is just nuts. I love this as i, such a massive fan, What pissed me off is the spam alot of the flashes are crap. I voted o and it said it passed despite, my best efforts. To much spam is passsing with authors, abusing the portal. I hope Strawberry clocks submits something today. My b/p is high although i do try ,to go on the portal alot. Wel sir off to look for more points.
Well, I'm a bit late to the party, but happy clock day to my friends at the EGB. ;) I came to the portal today to see every flash with a good or awesome score...I see things are going off without a hitch. XD
It's a damn shame I didn't manage to get on till 5:00 PM, and I've got to leave for the night at 6:30. :'( Well, I'll get a little chunk of the Clock Day bounty at least. lmao
At 8/15/08 05:05 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Well, I'm a bit late to the party, but happy clock day to my friends at the EGB. ;) I came to the portal today to see every flash with a good or awesome score...I see things are going off without a hitch. XD
It's a damn shame I didn't manage to get on till 5:00 PM, and I've got to leave for the night at 6:30. :'( Well, I'll get a little chunk of the Clock Day bounty at least. lmao
Alot of author spamming the portal one called Suaronx ,or something. Its make sme mad they are abusing the portal passing, with crazy scores. There is even a clockcrew collection already and the front page ,got the quality ones.
At 8/15/08 05:42 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: Alot of author spamming the portal one called Suaronx ,or something. Its make sme mad they are abusing the portal passing, with crazy scores. There is even a clockcrew collection already and the front page ,got the quality ones.
It happens once a year and there's no stopping it so you might as well enjoy the ride. I just think it's crazy how it's impossible to get a blam point this year. This is my first clock day in a few years and it's changed a lot. The solid wall of blue is insane! I'm also surprised at how fast the movies are going through judgement. Either there are a shit ton of people voting on these movies or the voting threshhold was lowered from the 200 votes it takes to be judged. Whichever it is it's impressive, if you step away for a second and you've missed 5 movies.
Hope everyone is enjoying clock day!
Also my concert kicked ass! Best concert experience I've had, got right up front for most of the show! My wife was getting squished so we had to get pulled from the pit after awhile but it was an experience I'll never forget. :D
Last post before I faint on my bed.
OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point. Shameful, considering many flashes were submitted with the same loop on it. I am keeping a list with a few alts used this Clock Day, but there are many more around, because I left for a few hours. Where to?
Graduation party! Yeah, today I got my advanced diploma in English! I'll still do the Michigan Proficiency Exam and maybe the Cambridge First Certificate Exam by the end of the year, so I won't stop studying English.
Back to Clock Day... well, this year wasn't as awful as last year's Clock Day, but it still was horrible. I treated it like any other day here: I wasn't lenient on the Flashes. I voted like I usually do. But it just wasn't worth it, everything still passed with a high score. And Fleek used his family of alts to fill the Portal with repeated movies. Shame on everyone who voted 2+ on them. Shame.
At 8/15/08 04:13 PM, NEVR wrote:At 8/15/08 02:52 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Now about everyone else: how is your attitude towards Clock Day?Pfft, it's a day of fun to let your hair down and have a bit of a laugh. I've been voting 2 on a lot of things today. Gave out about 10-15 zeros which had no effect whatsoever, but meh. I'm not gonna be a stick in the mud when it comes to NG tradition.
I guess I was all alone then. You know, I think Clock Day generates a chain reaction, a "domino effect". Here is how it works:
1. Everyone votes 2+ on almost every submission, even if they're from the worst kind of spam;
2. This spirit of party ends for some, but the rest keeps on raving and passing everything;
3. Then everyone complain about how the Portal is: spam passing, multiple alts...
4. When suddenly someone from the staff has a solution that lasts for a month or so, until someone bypasses it somehow;
5. Portal continues messy for about 3 months, when it returns to it's original state, a couple of months before Clock Day;
6. Loop.
People got to know when Clock Day starts and when it ends. Some people think it lasts forever, and keep this party attitude. For example, last year. When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.
I'm out, I can't stand all this madness for any longer.
But look at the bright side, we are soooo far from next Clock Day! =)
Back from my day off and I will see how my friend did B/Ping for me. Looks like he did a pretty good job. He even managed to get 5 blams for me. That's crazy on a day like this. I had a good day with my girlfriend. Did I miss anything too much today?
At 8/15/08 11:29 PM, Corky52 wrote: Back from my day off and I will see how my friend did B/Ping for me. Looks like he did a pretty good job. He even managed to get 5 blams for me. That's crazy on a day like this. I had a good day with my girlfriend. Did I miss anything too much today?
It was not as bad as last year by any means. It was at a stedy pace about 20 submissions every 10 or so minutes. Yur friend did do a good job you got about 50 more than me and 2 more blams than what i go, but i was on and off because familily came over causing me to socialize with them for a couple of hours.
So how was your day with your girlfriend?
At 8/15/08 11:45 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
It was not as bad as last year by any means. It was at a stedy pace about 20 submissions every 10 or so minutes. Yur friend did do a good job you got about 50 more than me and 2 more blams than what i go, but i was on and off because familily came over causing me to socialize with them for a couple of hours.
So how was your day with your girlfriend?
I see. I haven't ever been around for Clock Day, but I got a nice little taste of it when the top 50 were under judgment right after midnight. I heard NEVR say he's seen around the top 100 before. Just the date its on I probably won't ever really see a Clock Day, but that doesn't hurt my feelings too much.
The day with the girlfriend was pretty fun. We just hung out most of the day and later we went to see The Dark Knight. It was pretty good, nothing to go crazy over, but all around a good movie. Pretty predictable if I may say myself though.
At 8/15/08 11:52 PM, Corky52 wrote:At 8/15/08 11:45 PM, idiot-buster wrote:It was not as bad as last year by any means. It was at a stedy pace about 20 submissions every 10 or so minutes. Yur friend did do a good job you got about 50 more than me and 2 more blams than what i go, but i was on and off because familily came over causing me to socialize with them for a couple of hours.I see. I haven't ever been around for Clock Day, but I got a nice little taste of it when the top 50 were under judgment right after midnight. I heard NEVR say he's seen around the top 100 before. Just the date its on I probably won't ever really see a Clock Day, but that doesn't hurt my feelings too much.
So how was your day with your girlfriend?
This is my second clock day, and i find it amusing how every flash gets a score of 3.00 or more. The zero button does not work today i've tried. I see your point of view as well spend the day here or go on a date. Theres no compition there, but i made sure i had nothing to do today so i could spend most of it here.
The day with the girlfriend was pretty fun. We just hung out most of the day and later we went to see The Dark Knight. It was pretty good, nothing to go crazy over, but all around a good movie. Pretty predictable if I may say myself though.
Glad you had a good time, and now might just go see that if i find some time. And i think i gots me a new girl friend myself i met her at the erie county fair and one of her hot friends on a ride, so that empy spot i had is now gone.
At 8/15/08 11:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Last post before I faint on my bed.
OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point.
me too... not a single blam point
I'm looking at the obituaries.... there are 80
so, yes there were some blam somewhere but i didn't find them... damn
(btw... if you check the portal.. we almost get 1337 saves yesterday... that would be epic
Graduation party! Yeah, today I got my advanced diploma in English! I'll still do the Michigan Proficiency Exam and maybe the Cambridge First Certificate Exam by the end of the year, so I won't stop studying English
wow.. great man... congrats for that
well you are pretty good at english already, you are better than me XD
When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.
so... let's prepare ppl, spam attacks coming
At 8/15/08 11:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point.
Neither did I, and it's a pity, on any other day there would have been dozens of blamworthy submissions, instead B clones and that damn SBC loop got scores well in excess of 3.00.
Oh well, no use complaining. So how did everyone's total come out? I came out with 616, which I was pretty damn happy with considering I missed out on a lot of the American submissions (cursed timezones).
People got to know when Clock Day starts and when it ends. Some people think it lasts forever, and keep this party attitude. For example, last year. When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.
Well I'm out on a mission now. Clock Day left me with a 3:1 b/p ratio, can't have that. Be warned spammers, I'm out for revenge.
*evil laugh*
At 8/16/08 05:28 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:At 8/15/08 11:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point.Neither did I, and it's a pity, on any other day there would have been dozens of blamworthy submissions, instead B clones and that damn SBC loop got scores well in excess of 3.00.
idk how, but I managed to get 7. It might have helped in the fact that when the day first started out, I blammed everything I could. =\ then I gave up, seeing as to the fact that everyone in the NGPD was voting 5, instead of doing what they were made to.
Oh well, no use complaining. So how did everyone's total come out? I came out with 616, which I was pretty damn happy with considering I missed out on a lot of the American submissions (cursed timezones).
I got about 140 more saves (Damn me for being weak :P)
People got to know when Clock Day starts and when it ends. Some people think it lasts forever, and keep this party attitude. For example, last year. When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.
Yeah, right now, I am blamming anything that says happy Clock day; Clock day was yesterday!
Well I'm out on a mission now. Clock Day left me with a 3:1 b/p ratio, can't have that. Be warned spammers, I'm out for revenge.
lmao, my thoughts exactly.
At 8/14/08 07:53 AM, sonofkirk wrote: Hi evryone. I'm sonofkirk, and I was wondering if I could join here at the EGB? I'm a Private and I have a Silver whistle at the moment. I'm very active on the Audio Portal and on the BBS (Especially on the Rage's Thread).
Sorry if my English isn't good, French is my first language.
Sorry for the delay, heh.
Welcome to the Barracks! I'm the Barracks Recruitment Officer, Supreme Commander Slash Firestorm. It's my job to examine new prospective recruits and see if they've got what it takes to join the EGB.
Let me explain how the recruitment process works.
Currently you are in "Standby Status" while your case is considered. During this process, me and the other Barracks members will take a look at your record---posting quality, review history/quality, flash record, etc---and see if there are any problems.
Don't worry, we're not too strict about these things; we just want to make sure that you have a decent posting record (not too many one-liners and no flaming/spamming), don't make abusive reviews or rulebreaking flash, etc..
After a period of discussion amongst the Barracks members, I (or my superiors) will make the final call. Assuming that no objections are raised, this Standby Status should only last approximately 24 hours. I will PM you with the final verdict.
Well, it APPEARS that the forums are down for the time being (at least, I can't load them for some reason), so all Barracks members should PM me with their opinions, and I'll tally them up. If something needs community discussion, I'll bring it up in the forums as soon as they're back up.
Hm, now the forums are back up. Silly invisionfree.
But ya know what, y'all still PM me about it. I just want to see how a sort of 'secret ballot' vote works (though I have no intention to switch to that method in the future).
At 8/16/08 01:20 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 8/14/08 07:53 AM, sonofkirk wrote: Hi evryone. I'm sonofkirk, and I was wondering if I could join here at the EGB? I'm a Private and I have a Silver whistle at the moment. I'm very active on the Audio Portal and on the BBS (Especially on the Rage's Thread).Sorry for the delay, heh.
Sorry if my English isn't good, French is my first language.
No worries, man.
But, Today, I lost my Silver whislte and I have now a Garbage whislte ... I will do my best to get a Normal whislte and higher.
I got 31 saves not alot compared to others, i spent like a hour or so maybe every few hours. That a hell alot of b.p. Im no statwhore i did try to blam many entries, but with the crazy voting i did not get a single blam. I think its was a good Clockday im gutted, because around 4ish ,11ish in Us time. One of the plugs for the internet feel out. Which meant i could not get online this was around 4am ,i was so upset. I was so tried but i wanted to get so more points. I still got arorund 12 review 6 of both audio, and flash. I hardly checked the bbs like i usually do glad to see the clock, look is still up salutes!
At 8/14/08 07:53 AM, sonofkirk wrote:
But, Today, I lost my Silver whislte and I have now a Garbage whislte ... I will do my best to get a Normal whislte and higher.
Geez what did you flag to bring it down that far in one day? Well if you ever need help with flagging reviews I am always willing to help out.
There's a load of kids kicking up a fuss in the Wi/Ht? forums about YET ANOTHER apparent whistle system glitch, or review mod corruption, or both. I've given up trying to talk sense into them, because predictably enough, they never want to hear that it's probably their own faults that they went down a few whistle levels.
Because of this current high-concentration stupidity in the Wi/Ht forums, I'm taking refuge in C&C and General for the time being. Wait out the storm, so to speak. Hopefully when I emerge from my shelter tomorrow, the worst of the shitstorm will be over.
At 8/16/08 08:28 PM, NEVR wrote: There's a load of kids kicking up a fuss in the Wi/Ht? forums about YET ANOTHER apparent whistle system glitch, or review mod corruption, or both. I've given up trying to talk sense into them, because predictably enough, they never want to hear that it's probably their own faults that they went down a few whistle levels.
Because of this current high-concentration stupidity in the Wi/Ht forums, I'm taking refuge in C&C and General for the time being. Wait out the storm, so to speak. Hopefully when I emerge from my shelter tomorrow, the worst of the shitstorm will be over.
My theory was that it may be a movie or two that they all marked as stolen a couple of months ago and that maybe Wade got around to it and noticed that it wasn't stolen. The timing would be weird, but it makes sense since not everyone who marked those reviews lost their whistle status, but like you said its almost impossible to talk any sense to them.
At 8/15/08 11:29 PM, Corky52 wrote: Back from my day off and I will see how my friend did B/Ping for me. Looks like he did a pretty good job. He even managed to get 5 blams for me.
Now this is intriguing. You let your friend judge things for you or you just told him to five everything?
At 8/16/08 12:46 AM, aldlv wrote:At 8/15/08 11:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Last post before I faint on my bed.me too... not a single blam point
OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point.
Some people did get a little few, though I still don't know how and when. =\
I'm looking at the obituaries.... there are 80
so, yes there were some blam somewhere but i didn't find them... damn
Yeah, but most of them were deleted after they passed. Most likely people who didn't want to have a Flash with a high score by taking advantage of the situation.
(btw... if you check the portal.. we almost get 1337 saves yesterday... that would be epic
Now THAT would make Clock Day slightly better. =)
And not to mention that around 200 of them were submitted by Fleek's family of alts.
Graduation party! Yeah, today I got my advanced diploma in English! I'll still do the Michigan Proficiency Exam and maybe the Cambridge First Certificate Exam by the end of the year, so I won't stop studying Englishwow.. great man... congrats for that
Thanks, mate!
well you are pretty good at english already, you are better than me XD
Yeah... but I study English since I was 8 or 9 years old. And I'm better at the vocabulary part than the grammar itself. I make some silly concordance mistakes while I'm writing. =P
When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.Amen.
so... let's prepare ppl, spam attacks coming
Who knows. We have to be ready all the time for unexpected attacks (like that camel day or that Mozz day).
At 8/16/08 05:28 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:At 8/15/08 11:21 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:OK, so Clock Day is drawing towards its end, and I haven't got my Blam point.Neither did I, and it's a pity, on any other day there would have been dozens of blamworthy submissions, instead B clones and that damn SBC loop got scores well in excess of 3.00.
That was shameful. Over 200 Flashes with the same loop passing with 3,00+ scores.
Oh well, no use complaining. So how did everyone's total come out? I came out with 616, which I was pretty damn happy with considering I missed out on a lot of the American submissions (cursed timezones).
I came out with... 70. But that's because the Clock Day spirit didn't come to me yesterday. I was the "Clock Day Grinch" as someone on the Wi/Ht called me. Hehe.
People got to know when Clock Day starts and when it ends. Some people think it lasts forever, and keep this party attitude. For example, last year. When the Portal became a mess? After Clock Day.Well I'm out on a mission now. Clock Day left me with a 3:1 b/p ratio, can't have that. Be warned spammers, I'm out for revenge.
My B/P ratio is still at 1.2:1. Good I thought it would go skyrocket after clock day. =)
At 8/16/08 08:28 PM, NEVR wrote: There's a load of kids kicking up a fuss in the Wi/Ht? forums about YET ANOTHER apparent whistle system glitch, or review mod corruption, or both. I've given up trying to talk sense into them, because predictably enough, they never want to hear that it's probably their own faults that they went down a few whistle levels.
Yeah, it's FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Some dude put that on his sig and he's really concerned that there actually IS A GLITCH!!! That... makes me sad. But I haven't gave up on giving them sense yet. It's actually a little bit fun. =)
Because of this current high-concentration stupidity in the Wi/Ht forums, I'm taking refuge in C&C and General for the time being. Wait out the storm, so to speak. Hopefully when I emerge from my shelter tomorrow, the worst of the shitstorm will be over.
I'm still there, I really want to prove them wrong before a mod comes up and vanishes everything.
At 8/16/08 09:07 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 8/15/08 11:29 PM, Corky52 wrote: Back from my day off and I will see how my friend did B/Ping for me. Looks like he did a pretty good job. He even managed to get 5 blams for me.
Now this is intriguing. You let your friend judge things for you or you just told him to five everything?
Well he obviously judged for himself since I had 5 blams and only got around 800 B/P. He was on all day so he must of voted lowly on a lot of things not to get around 1000 B/P.
At 8/16/08 09:02 PM, Corky52 wrote: My theory was that it may be a movie or two that they all marked as stolen a couple of months ago and that maybe Wade got around to it and noticed that it wasn't stolen. The timing would be weird, but it makes sense since not everyone who marked those reviews lost their whistle status, but like you said its almost impossible to talk any sense to them.
I saw your posts, and they made sense too. Reviews with not QUITE enough flags to go up for moderation, or movies up for admin review and shit like that. But no. It's DEFINITELY corrupt review mods and broken systems. Can't be anything else.
At 8/16/08 09:07 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah, it's FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Some dude put that on his sig and he's really concerned that there actually IS A GLITCH!!! That... makes me sad. But I haven't gave up on giving them sense yet. It's actually a little bit fun. =)
I've lost count of the number of times that I've tried to get through to people like these. I just don't think it's worth me wasting my time over anymore. I tried giving them advice to just forget it and move on, but no, they won't listen, so they can do what they like.
I'm still there, I really want to prove them wrong before a mod comes up and vanishes everything.
LOL, good luck with that one. Don't tear too much of your hair out.
At 8/16/08 09:16 PM, Corky52 wrote: Well he obviously judged for himself since I had 5 blams and only got around 800 B/P. He was on all day so he must of voted lowly on a lot of things not to get around 1000 B/P.
OK then, because your friend passed me. =\
At 8/16/08 10:21 PM, NEVR wrote: I've lost count of the number of times that I've tried to get through to people like these. I just don't think it's worth me wasting my time over anymore. I tried giving them advice to just forget it and move on, but no, they won't listen, so they can do what they like.
I did that a couple of times too, when there seemed to be a "garbage whistle boom". It's so dumb to complain about that, I mean, why a glitch, and not themselves? Why the mods, and not themselves? Can't they accept the fact that they might have got it wrong? GRRRR!
LOL, good luck with that one. Don't tear too much of your hair out.
Well, I was going to post there, but absentminded came and saved the day once again. I was going to say some things that were on his post, like if someone actually contacted Wade with a good argument.
But now I'm laughing at it a little. =)
At 8/16/08 10:21 PM, NEVR wrote:
I saw your posts, and they made sense too. Reviews with not QUITE enough flags to go up for moderation, or movies up for admin review and shit like that. But no. It's DEFINITELY corrupt review mods and broken systems. Can't be anything else.
Ha, it's always something wrong with the system or the mods. Maybe it is, but they assume that it is EVERY single time. Hell, there obviously isn't too much wrong if I and other people can get out of garbage. It takes some time and a little work. They just want it handed to them.
At 8/16/08 09:07 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Yeah, it's FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Some dude put that on his sig and he's really concerned that there actually IS A GLITCH!!! That... makes me sad. But I haven't gave up on giving them sense yet. It's actually a little bit fun. =)
Lol, the thought of a glitch makes me laugh though. No matter how much they bitch and complain you should keep telling them because maybe not today or tomorrow, but it may sink in for some and down the road sometime they will find out that they were making a big deal about something that really wasn't important.
I've lost count of the number of times that I've tried to get through to people like these. I just don't think it's worth me wasting my time over anymore. I tried giving them advice to just forget it and move on, but no, they won't listen, so they can do what they like.
I'm still there, I really want to prove them wrong before a mod comes up and vanishes everything.LOL, good luck with that one. Don't tear too much of your hair out.
They almost take it like your saying something bad about them. Like they get offended when you try to give them ideas of what it could be or some tips. Oh well. I tried and unless something is brought up that I can answer myself I really can't do much about it anymore.
At 8/16/08 10:49 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:At 8/16/08 09:16 PM, Corky52 wrote: Well he obviously judged for himself since I had 5 blams and only got around 800 B/P. He was on all day so he must of voted lowly on a lot of things not to get around 1000 B/P.OK then, because your friend passed me. =\
I know. I say that and I take no credit for it. I won't officially consider myself passing you until I get the total myself. I should be able to tell this just find by looking at the last update here and doing a little math.
I checked the WI/HT forum and it had like ,about four pages of users moaning about whistles. The upshot was there was 24 links, and it got unflagged ,and alot of people got bad whistles. I cant comment on that as yesterday ,i was to busy with Clockday do check. Why are they wasting the forum on it?, nobody is posting many links. At this rate it will be locked again. Malachy warned users not to use it as a lounge. I do feel sorry for the people who got garbage whistles ,but im sure theres no glitch. As you say NEVR they dont want to hear that ,maybe they flagged wrong. My voting power went from 6.66 to 6.67 good.
From what I've read, it seems good that I missed Clock Day as far as all the drama goes. My vacation ends tom and then I jump back into school and all that craziness, but I will have so much more time for portal protecting though. So what's new yall? I mean other than clock drama LoL.