The problem with last year's Clock Day wasn't that normally unpassable stuff was passing---let's face it, that's what every Clock Day is about, and normally we all enjoy it---it was that utter SHIT was passing.
One-framers were passing with scores over 3.50. Malicious stuff was passing because nobody was actually watching it. People were using alts to bypass the Portal limit (Fleek submitted over 100 flashes on CD '07). It was fail.
And I guess we had too many newbie morons that didn't understand that once Clock Day is over, the "fifen fucking everything" is over.
My advice on Clock Day '08 (a little fucking early, but whatever):
Pick a UJ flash and click on it. Watch it completely vote, like normal. Then +1 the submission URL to get to the next flash. If the next flash has already passed/been blammed, move on to the next.
Don't worry about missing many flashes; the Portal moves like lightning on Clock Day, but after the first burst of flashes pass, the actual pass rate becomes slow as molasses. Many CD flashes are actually under judgment for hours. By simply taking flashes one at a time, using the submission URL instead of going back to the Portal and trying to find where you left off (or panicking when you realize that you've already been swept from the recent 50), you will handle the flood methodically.
If you see stolen flash, whistle and report it here, the NGPD, the abusive review thread, and the DoD. If it passes, don't worry; after Clock Day is done, a massive PM will be sent to Wade with any and all stolen flashes.
If you see any obvious alt-spam, like Fleek's 'extended family' last year, post it in the appropriate thread of the EGB forums/website (if we have one by then), and it'll be investigated.
It's okay to be more lenient on Clock Day, but you should still try to blam the shittiest of the shit---one framers and the like. They'll still probably pass, but you can afford to miss some points. I mean, even an honest voter with a bit of lenience will still get HUNDREDS of points on Clock Day, and if you only get 300 points into of 600, so what? You're still closer to EGSC and you didn't lose your e-integrity.