At 1/10/08 08:55 PM, lilhunter03 wrote:
Like what do you do at this place.
Too sleepy to write a whole new speech thing, so I'll copypasta from my last post about it
Anyway, the Barracks is basically about fair voting. We don't tell members what to vote on or how they should vote. We are not the enemies of any group, either. Barracks members are only expected to vote on flashes based on how they enjoyed it, not for protection points (or blam points). The main role of the EGB is to have a group of high-ranking voters who vote based on their definition of quality, as opposed to the huge chunk of the Newgrounds public that are point-whores.
We're stat-whores, yes, but we liked our stats to be earned in good conscience, heh.
We spread the message about doing so, hoping that we make a difference, as small as it may be. We also report stolen flashes here and to the NGPD to be investigated, and if something rulebreaking/stolen manages to pass judgment or is fileswapped, we make sure Wade is notified.
We also serve as a sort of tutorship for new NG members; since most Private+ users are long-time members, we can help lots of new sign-ups, whether it be as simple as linking them to the Newgrounds FAQ or guiding them through flash-making.
Lately the EGB has also gotten more focused on review work and whistles, and one cannot join if they have a Garbage Whistle. We have a whistle improvement project for those who want a shinier whistle, although it's currently postponed until the Barracks forums are re-done.