At 8/16/07 12:37 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: should i just 5 like everybody else?
If all you care about are the points, then the Barracks is not for you. I'm tired of stat-whore assholes after today, so don't even joke about that.
At 8/16/07 12:37 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: should i just 5 like everybody else?
If all you care about are the points, then the Barracks is not for you. I'm tired of stat-whore assholes after today, so don't even joke about that.
At 8/16/07 12:46 AM, EagleRock wrote:At 8/16/07 12:37 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: should i just 5 like everybody else?If all you care about are the points, then the Barracks is not for you. I'm tired of stat-whore assholes after today, so don't even joke about that.
Actually sorry that i even brought up ER sir.
i thought about it after i posted it and well the points don't matter to me.
i don't want to be one of them who vote 5 and spam.
my whole goal for newgrounds is to have the best voting power ever because i want spamming to STOP. i want to get rid of bad flash movies and leave the good ones stay but if by doing that i want to do it the fair way.
Well, at least I made sergeant today, so that's good. I still racked up about 740 saves... no blams, but w/e.
I'm also almost 57% of the way to Staff Sergeant.
It's too bad people weren't blamming the crap, I probably could have had 900 or more, easy.
At 8/16/07 12:53 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Actually sorry that i even brought up ER sir.
Be that as it may, it still wasn't something I needed to read at this point. After all the damn spam that has flooded through the Portal today, I'm quite a bit fed up. Shitty flash passing on Clock Day is standard (and expected), but almost all of them passing with over 4.00 scores is just horrific. Also, the thing that pissed me off the most was the fact that Fleek was able to get over 150 flash on the Portal with tons of his alts, and noone bothered to flag it, and the fact that not one admin even bothered to do something about it.
Also, all this happened as I had to work a 12 hour workday thanks to a failing SAN and HP-UX server. Plus, my NGPD Laison apparently has gone and pissed off TailsPrower. Suffice it to say I'm not happy right now with Newgrounds.
I might as well sign off at this point, as I'm apparently not going to get any points by doing so, and my efforts to vote and flag on flash are apparently meaningless.
I know what you mean Eagle, I think we're all disgusted with how things run on clock day this year, record breaking spam and even worse mass voting than last year. I honestly think clock day has been reduced to such mind blowing shit, that it should be canceled. This year is new low for the flash portal, and the admins should know it.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 8/16/07 02:47 AM, Phantom wrote: I know what you mean Eagle, I think we're all disgusted with how things run on clock day this year, record breaking spam and even worse mass voting than last year. I honestly think clock day has been reduced to such mind blowing shit, that it should be canceled. This year is new low for the flash portal, and the admins should know it.
I was told clockday wasn't always like this. before 05 there used to be good flash in the portal not just spam. Oh yeah was it just be or did any of you see some of the old BB flashes movies that didn't pass in the portal?
Oh but phantom you forget one thing while one person don't like something another may love it. Like a lot of people hate fatbadger for example but tom fulp has him under his favorites. Plus I didn't see mostly crap in the portal I watched over 400 flash movies and even though most of them where low quality theu made me laugh so I vote to protect them. If any of the barracks hate me for protecting any od those flash movies tough I am only voting honest which is what the Barracks are about.
Well, I got 829 points yesterday.
...all of them protect points.
This is something that aggravates me greatly. I voted zero on a LOT of flash...B-clones and Fleek alt-spam and the like, and not a single one of the got blammed or flagged. I understand that Clock Day is mass-protect day, and I'd really have no problem with that if the bottom of the barrel, shittiest-of-the-shit still got blammed.
But look at this mess. 1638 flash were submitted yesterday; only 90 were blammed. Most of those were deleted by their own authors, too, so really the number of true blams is even lower.
You know what I'd like to see happen? Tom or Wade delete any flash submitted yesterday under 5k. Because those would be the B clones. And then I'd like to see every single one of Fleek's submissions be deleted, as well as all of his alts deleted along with them. And either Fleek being IP banned or blocked from ever submitting flash again.
There'd still be a lot of crap that would be alive, but it'd be a start.
Before Clock Day, I was aiming for 1000 points in a single day...and honestly, I could have gotten it. Hell, I could have gotten a lot more than that, I bet I could have gotten as high as 1200. But I'm proud to say I didn't.
I was generous early on...I still zero'ed the B-clones and the shittiest of the shit...but I let the lower quality, normally-I'd-give-them-a-one stuff slide. But as the day went on, the abuse got worse and worse, until the day went from being fun to a disaster. By evening I didn't want to be awake for the last stretch, so I gave in to my fatigue and just went to bed.
Bleh. Clock Day. Something needs to be done. If not to limit the most shitty flash, then at least to stop the alt-spamming.
Well, it's not a total loss. We managed to get some important information on alt-spammers. I remind everyone that there's a thread on that in our forums; if you have any information to add, please do so.
While the crap flash may get away with this, certain spammers are now on notice...if all goes well, they won't be around next Clock Day.
At 8/16/07 11:06 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Well, I got 829 points yesterday.
...all of them protect points.
Awww well you just really lucky.
i got like 50 points.
i feel disappointed because i was really hoping to get a lot.
guess I'll never have a really high voting power since my interest in b/p is fading away fast.
oh yeah sorry ER that you read that.
I am hoping the EGB is around because Fleek is at it again right now. He's using his alts to spam the portal.
If you see anything with Milfred, stripes, Fleek, newgroundz, or Fr0ks, these people have already WAYYYY passed their limit of uploads or the day and they are using alts to spam the portal. This is malicious so flag accordingly.
It's in the portal now, so GO GO GO!!!
At 8/16/07 12:50 PM, RSQViper wrote: It's in the portal now, so GO GO GO!!!
That's where I'm at, giving what I think each flash deserves, and flagging the spam. Also, I'm keeping a record of the After-Clock Day spam from certain groups. You can take a peek in the private forums.
At 8/16/07 01:14 PM, TheThing wrote:At 8/16/07 12:50 PM, RSQViper wrote: It's in the portal now, so GO GO GO!!!That's where I'm at, giving what I think each flash deserves, and flagging the spam. Also, I'm keeping a record of the After-Clock Day spam from certain groups. You can take a peek in the private forums.
Good work, soldiers.
It's getting quite discouraging to see them passing as we keep going, but it is important to not relent and to not fail. The Clock Day battle was lost, but the war is not over. It'll only be a matter of time before the rest of Newgrounds gets fed up as well. Sadly, the effects of Clock Day are keeping everyone in a "5-happy" mentality, which is slowly weakening. Keep voting appropriately and flagging as seen fit. Our collaborative VP and persistence is keeping the votes for these flash lower and lower, as they are now hitting the near-blam range.
That leave me with only a...
DEFCON Update:
I said I would lower the DEFCON after Clock Day was over, but I do not see it fit yet. We are still in the wake of Clock Day, leaving us at DEFCON 1. Only once people start to return to a non-skewed voting style will we be able to lower our defenses. Today won't be a good B/P day for us, but it's only a matter of time before the effects of Clock Day crack.
Just so everyone knows, there are 29 UJ submissions right now and 18, maybe even 19 of them, are these three chodes using alt accounts to spam the portal.
Also, I got an email from Kirk-Cocaine and he informed me mods have to pull on these guys at all, so I asked him to forward the complaint to Wade, so hopefully he does.
It would be gread justice to see these fucktards get deleted and IP banned.
At 8/15/07 04:43 AM, RSQViper wrote: Oh, man I know it. I have been here since 12am and have 143 saves, 0 blams. Yikes.
I' must have voted on 700 Flash and I finished the day with stats of 498 Saves, 0 Blams Damn on two accounts - I could have had 500 points for one and...
This is the first day since I started B/Ping that I've failed to record a single Blam Point!
At 8/15/07 10:30 AM, MadCow wrote: Will anyone be a bad enough dude to get some b/p for me today while I'm at school?
The term snowball's chance in hell springs to mind :P
At 8/16/07 01:19 PM, EagleRock wrote: I said I would lower the DEFCON after Clock Day was over, but I do not see it fit yet. We are still in the wake of Clock Day, leaving us at DEFCON 1. Only once people start to return to a non-skewed voting style will we be able to lower our defenses. Today won't be a good B/P day for us, but it's only a matter of time before the effects of Clock Day crack.
And most of this crap is getting past judgement as well. My blam button isn't inactive, but it's certainly not very effective right now :(
At 8/16/07 01:25 PM, RSQViper wrote: Also, I got an email from Kirk-Cocaine and he informed me mods have to pull on these guys at all, so I asked him to forward the complaint to Wade, so hopefully he does.
It would be gread justice to see these fucktards get deleted and IP banned.
I've contacted Wade on behalf of the Barracks to see if we can get this stopped. We'll see if he gets back to me or not.
At 8/16/07 01:45 PM, Coop83 wrote: And most of this crap is getting past judgement as well. My blam button isn't inactive, but it's certainly not very effective right now :(
If you take a look at the scores as time goes on, they are steadily decreasing. This is indicating that what we are doing is working, and that it is only a matter of time at this point before we crack the "spell" of Clock Day.
At 8/16/07 01:19 PM, EagleRock wrote:At 8/16/07 01:14 PM, TheThing wrote:Keep voting appropriately and flagging as seen fit. Our collaborative VP and persistence is keeping the votes for these flash lower and lower, as they are now hitting the near-blam range.At 8/16/07 12:50 PM, RSQViper wrote:
As much as I hate to say it, my 0 button will be broken soon from all the spam. And for no reason, if it keeps passing. But I stand by my morals and try to delete all spam.
DEFCON Update:
Fuck. I was hoping that it would be lowered, but it seems like even the worst of spam and clones are passing. I guess even the entire EGB can't do much for NG.
At 8/16/07 02:18 PM, TheThing wrote: Fuck. I was hoping that it would be lowered, but it seems like even the worst of spam and clones are passing. I guess even the entire EGB can't do much for NG.
Using alts to bypass 2-per-day submission limit.
Well, the problem is that a lot of people assume that they're sure to pass, and thus vote for the protect point. We're not powerful enough to override that...not yet, anyway...but we're a start.
And if Wade deletes them, we'll have made a big difference.
The hard porn part shows penetration. Whistle as unsuitable.
At 8/16/07 05:59 PM, RSQViper wrote: WHISTLE ALERT!
The hard porn part shows penetration. Whistle as unsuitable.
I let it slide. It was only a very minor part, and I didn't see any penetration. I think it's alright; Tom meant a porn slide show as something of just hardcore porn, not just a pic that was meant to be funny.
Also, I'm leaving for Florida tonight. I'm not doing Disney or Sea World, but I will do other shit. It'll be my first plane ride, so I'm looking forward to it. I've already got Phantom to deposit for me, so this is more a reminder to him.
Two can be complete without the rest of the world
At 8/16/07 07:47 PM, RockyL wrote: Are there any requirements to join?
Yes. You need to be at least an Elite Guard Private, which requires 2,500 B/P and need to have a good posting history.
At 8/16/07 06:47 PM, TheThing wrote:At 8/16/07 05:59 PM, RSQViper wrote: WHISTLE ALERT!I let it slide. It was only a very minor part, and I didn't see any penetration. I think it's alright; Tom meant a porn slide show as something of just hardcore porn, not just a pic that was meant to be funny.
The hard porn part shows penetration. Whistle as unsuitable.
I get it was meant to be funny, but NG is legally obligated to NOT have porn showing penetration at all in it. I'm talking they can get fined for this type of thing no matter how minor or if it was meant to be funny.
And if you pause you can see of the left in the smaller pics there is DEFINITELY penetration.
Is it me or is The Clock Day over and there is still a lot of flash that goes through ???
I am waiting for orders !!!
At 8/16/07 08:45 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Is it me or is The Clock Day over and there is still a lot of flash that goes through ???
It's still happening. The amount of blams I've received today: 3. That's it. At least the 5-happy mentality is breaking, and people are coming to their senses.
I am waiting for orders !!!
Keep diligent, vote fairly, flag the spam, and report any spammers to the forum in the thread provided.
You can read my news post on my site for more details.
Also, here's a:
DEFCON Update:
Clock Day effects are subsiding, but are still present in a big way. We need to keep alert to make sure flash is voted on fairly. I am, however, reducing the DEFCON to DEFCON 2. The DEFCON reduction reflects the slowing of the influx of flash. Note, however, the protect-happy mentality of the user base is still there, and spammers are currently rampant on the Portal.
Take all precautions necessary and user your power to give those flashes a fair vote! Move out! Hooah!
306 Saves
1 Blam
Thats my actual summary since the most recent rosters...
Thats unbelievable !!! It's almost like if Clock Day was lasting for 2 days !!!
Is it like that every year ???
At 8/16/07 09:51 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Thats unbelievable !!! It's almost like if Clock Day was lasting for 2 days !!!
Is it like that every year ???
It was bad last year, yeah, but this year it was a whole new level of shit.
I dread what will happen next year if something isn't changed.
At 8/16/07 10:33 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: It was bad last year, yeah, but this year it was a whole new level of shit.
I dread what will happen next year if something isn't changed.
it's the new system they've cooked up, that and all the n00b users who are still learning the basics of B/P and vote five on basically everything. As for me I got 10 blams yesterday and 250 or so saves. That should set off an alarm in my head. I'm not getting in my starpace mode anymore thanks to damned school.
Well, I have to go to bed soon, pre algebra is tommorrow... Ugh... D:
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I can say that Clock Day is finaly over after 51 hours !!!
At 8/16/07 09:51 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: 306 Saves
1 Blam
0 saves, 0 blams, do I win? =D
Sounds like I missed an absolute pile of crap as usual, and as I had a very nice time down in Devon seeing various relatives I'm not going to complain that I missed SO MANY points (espeically as I wouldn't have got that many anyway by the sound of things- I love my blam button too much).
Hopefully Wade will clean up the mess over the next few days, that many alts is just ridiculous. Maybe he will take that dreadful Slash out with them, he's making me nervous geting that many points in one day...
I'll be around, but I'm having far too much fun going out with mates and getting drunk, plus my addiction to this site is well and truly gone now that I have better things to do...
Sig by lebastic
At 8/16/07 02:01 PM, EagleRock wrote:At 8/16/07 01:45 PM, Coop83 wrote: And most of this crap is getting past judgement as well. My blam button isn't inactive, but it's certainly not very effective right now :(If you take a look at the scores as time goes on, they are steadily decreasing. This is indicating that what we are doing is working, and that it is only a matter of time at this point before we crack the "spell" of Clock Day.
It's very soul destroying to see that I've only gotten a whole 3 saves over the past 3 days and that they all came yesterday!
At 8/16/07 02:28 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Using alts to bypass 2-per-day submission limit.
There's got to be some way of getting around this loophole... *consults law books*
Well, the problem is that a lot of people assume that they're sure to pass, and thus vote for the protect point. We're not powerful enough to override that...not yet, anyway...but we're a start.
That tide will turn, we are making some leaway into the numbers, that's for sure
And if Wade deletes them, we'll have made a big difference.
Indeed we shall! Though I will be somewhat dissapointed for not getting Blam points for them :(
At 8/16/07 10:33 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 8/16/07 09:51 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Thats unbelievable !!! It's almost like if Clock Day was lasting for 2 days !!!It was bad last year, yeah, but this year it was a whole new level of shit.
Is it like that every year ???
When there were only 90 entries deleted on Clock Day, I think that for Clock Day, Tom needs to change the parameters , so that any movies with scores of say 2.50 or below are deleted. This will still mean that an alarmingly low amount of submissions are deleted, but the crap that people willing to vote sensibly on that is at that sort of score is most certainly worthy of deletion.
I dread what will happen next year if something isn't changed.
At 8/17/07 06:58 AM, Sentio wrote: I'll be around, but I'm having far too much fun going out with mates and getting drunk, plus my addiction to this site is well and truly gone now that I have better things to do...
Who'd have thought it? Blighty = cure for Newgrounds...