At 8/15/07 04:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/11/07 05:03 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
So, how many of us will be on duty for Clock Day?
I'm protecting the portal (Protecting being the optimum word) at the moment. I've been on for about 1h 45 and I'm up to about 75 Saves, 0 Blams. Not for the want of trying, there si some real shite coming through with "Happy Clock Day" written on it, which saddens me, when I see it going on to get a blue score.
Oh, man I know it. I have been here since 12am and have 143 saves, 0 blams. Yikes.
On a happy note, though I'll definitely be hitting Sergeant soon. 24 B/P to go!!!
I hope that lots of Elite Guard will ge online to protect the portal, cause we all know whats going to happen on Clock Day, and we need a lot of Elite Guards to prevent spam.
I think we're swimming against the tide today, unfortunately. I'm still trying to lay the smackdown on some of these faggots though.
Certainly against the tide, but I am still finding my ZERO button when it is deemed necessary. The blue scored crap is grating on my nerves. It makes me kinda mad that there are some seriously quality Flashes out there getting buried under the tide of shit.
For a great NON-CLOCK Flash, check this one out: TP Spells 4Chan Hilarious!
Q. What are you doing on Clock Day other than just B/Ping?
*You have been polled.
Me? I've got movies going on in the background. I started out with "Clerks II", moved into the Adam Sandler domain with "Click", "Anger Management" and now "Happy Gilmore." I'm living off of Tostitos, Frozen dinners (2 so far) and alternating between Coke Zero and Water. Oh, and playing with my two dogs and my ferret.
<3 RSQ