Ah, the sunshine crew. How I did NOT miss them.
Though we can't discuss how to vote on these things, I think we know how we should do it.
And I haven't seen this one yet, either since I'm at work and anything past the BBS is blocked (how gay...).
Anyway, one thing to keep in mind when you see a Flash is that if it has a long intro and then is introduced to a crap loop (i.e. a lot of KK, SS, GG, Socom stuff) it is considered an ILLEGAL SPAM Flash. That's right. Illegal. Feel free to flag them all. It's in the updated rules that these are not welcome here and if they aren't welcome, I feel they're flag-worthy.
On a lighter note, I only have 172 more B/P to get my next level. I would imagine Clock Day will send me over this mark by quite a bit so I am looking forward to that. Hopefully it'll get me about 1/2 way thru the next level, too!
I've also noticed my saves are quickly catching up to my blam points. I have 2,740 blams and 2088 saves. It used to be about 2:1 so this just shows how much is getting thru the portal nowadays. Or how bad I am at B/P...
I've also moved past the top 800 B/Pers, so that's a nice mark to meet.
I also need to challenge myself to review more. I've slowed WAAAY down lately because of the redesign. I mean, it's not a lot of fun to review if you'll never know if the artist answers you or not. At least nto without going back thru and trying to remember every review you wrote and what Flash it's under.
I do hope this gets fixed soon.
That and the review updates under submitted Flash. It says it updates you when they are new, but it doesn't work. It still says one of mine has 89 reviews, none new, but in truth it's more like 95 reviews now. Bleh.
Ok, that's enough typee-typee.