At 7/28/07 08:38 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT. GO WHISTLE.
Ha, that's better. TAKE THAT
At 7/28/07 08:38 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT. GO WHISTLE.
Ha, that's better. TAKE THAT
At 7/28/07 08:56 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 7/28/07 08:38 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT. GO WHISTLE.Ha, that's better. TAKE THAT
Yeah, I posted it in the ND DoD that time as well. Not sure of that helped or the fact that the idiot actually said that he didn't make it and THEN proceeded to write the site where to go to see more games like it.
What an idiot.
But, for me I have an unprecidented 46 B/P so far. A rare sight for me lately.
Just finished all the chapters of The Barracks Under Fire so far. It's really good.
Ironically, Eagle nailed my personality down perfect. In real life, I'm the one who blames himself for an fuck-ups during team competitions and shit. I'm also the one to try to prove my worth by doing what most others wouldn't do.
I'm trying really hard to get back to EG, or whatever it would be called now, but it's hard with me being away for so many days. Tonight, I'm going to have a B/P party to try to get as many more as I can. And while I an any who joins me wait for a new submission to come, I'll be handing out porn.
At 7/28/07 08:56 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:At 7/28/07 08:38 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT. GO WHISTLE.Ha, that's better. TAKE THAT
Why is it still on the portal ???
Good evening, sirs. My name is Gotr. I've been a lurker here on Newgrounds for almost 3 years, but recently I've decided that's not enough. I want to make a difference to the people here. I want to get out there and make NG a better place. I want to get out there and post on the BBS, I want to write reviews, I want to score movies, and most importantly I want to protect our portal from pure crap by B/Ping.
I want to join the Elite Guard.
At 7/29/07 01:03 AM, Gotr wrote: Good evening, sirs. My name is Gotr. I've been a lurker here on Newgrounds for almost 3 years, but recently I've decided that's not enough. I want to make a difference to the people here. I want to get out there and make NG a better place. I want to get out there and post on the BBS, I want to write reviews, I want to score movies, and most importantly I want to protect our portal from pure crap by B/Ping.
I want to join the Elite Guard.
Thats nice, but as all the leaders of the Elite Guard Barracks, you need at least 2500 B/P points to join the EGB.
Some of the members have less than that but its because they joined before the rules changed.
It would be nice to have someone like you in the Barracks, so keep on proteting the portal and ask our leaders later :)
(sorry about the split post, error on my part)
I will do anything in my power over the next few days to B/P my ass off and become ranked. If you'll take me, I'll be there. If you won't, I'll still be there. Because I don't need you to B/P; I just think you're the best group around.
At 7/29/07 01:09 AM, Gotr wrote: (sorry about the split post, error on my part)
I will do anything in my power over the next few days to B/P my ass off and become ranked. If you'll take me, I'll be there. If you won't, I'll still be there. Because I don't need you to B/P; I just think you're the best group around.
Well, if you really want to become part of a group and work your way up to this one, I highly suggest applying to the Newgrounds Department of Defense first. Then, once you have enough B/P you'll be able to join the Newgrounds Police Department. Then when the day comes that you have 2,500 B/P and you've proven yourself a fine, upstanding member of Newgrounds, I'm sure we'd love to have you.
Best of luck and see you at DoD! I'm a member there as well as here.
Aye, I know it's going to take awhile, but I know I'll make it eventually. And thanks for letting me know about DoD. I thought it was PD, then EG, so I'm glad I didn't embarrass myself.
Wow... the portal is pretty busy tonight...
anybody serving at the moment?
At 7/29/07 03:27 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: Wow... the portal is pretty busy tonight...
anybody serving at the moment?
I have been, but not for much longer. Me eyes be gettin' heavy!
Lots fo B/P for me in the last 24 hours, though so I'm pretty happy.
I have made 117 B/Ps since I joined the Barracks !!!
I hope that I can get some more B/Ps quickly so I could finaly reach the new restrictions.
I now have 1834 B/Ps and I need to get to 2500... so thats 666 B/Ps to get. Yeepee !!!
I like the new chapter. Didn't expect to see DoD getting capped. Then again, there's a lot of things in this story that I probably won't expect coming a mile away.
At 7/28/07 12:21 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Salad Fingers 8 (omg omg omg)
Waterlollies (I'm not a crazy Adam Phillips fan, but it's still good artwork)
Retarded Animal Babies 19 (HOORAY)
Next thing you know, you're going to tell me the long awaited layout will finally be put into place.
Heh heh..............wait......
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
What the crap? I just finished work so I was going to have some fun and clear the portal. But it is completely empty at the time of writing. Not a single flash under judgement. This is the first time this has happened to me. Also I keep hearing references to a story that is being told here (by EagleRock I think) but I havnt seen anything of it despite looking. A little direction would be nice and I am totally pumped about Waterlollies.
Haha I'm enjoying the story so far. The last chapter was my favourite; lots of action and not much talking. Can't wait to read more.
At 7/29/07 11:45 AM, ever-vigilant wrote: What the crap? I just finished work so I was going to have some fun and clear the portal. But it is completely empty at the time of writing. Not a single flash under judgement. This is the first time this has happened to me.
Yeah the portal has been very slow lately. It's more then an annoyance now, for months it has been way below average. I can't even remember the last time we had a star pacer... probibly last Clock Day. =(
Maybe Newgrounds has already peaked?
At 7/29/07 01:15 PM, Major-punk wrote: Maybe Newgrounds has already peaked?
I hope this is not the case.
Anyway, the Portal doesn't seem as consistant as it use to be. Some days we will have a really slow Portal and the next we will have a very active Portal. It kind of scares me, for reasons I am not too sure of.
I'm currently developing a new Flash cartoon named "The Legends". I'm actually putting in the effort to make it humorous and not complete spam. Hopefully, this one will get some sort of award, except Turd of the Week. This is doubtful though, unless it hits like "Metal Gear Awesome" did.
I guess it's back to the Portal for me!
At 7/29/07 11:45 AM, ever-vigilant wrote: What the crap? I just finished work so I was going to have some fun and clear the portal. But it is completely empty at the time of writing. Not a single flash under judgement. This is the first time this has happened to me.
3 hours later it's in the same shape. Nothing UJ at all right now. The only thing marked as UJ has already passed judgment and is just still marked as UJ.
:Also I keep hearing references to a story that is being told here (by EagleRock I think) but I havnt seen anything of it despite looking. A little direction would be nice and I am totally pumped about Waterlollies.
Check out this post in our private forums.
At 7/29/07 02:04 PM, PossiblePancakes wrote:At 7/29/07 01:15 PM, Major-punk wrote: Maybe Newgrounds has already peaked?I hope this is not the case.
I doubt it. NG is still going strong, but there will always be slow spots. It's a Sunday and a nice day out in most of the US, so a slow portal doesn't surprise me TOO much.
I'm currently developing a new Flash cartoon named "The Legends". I'm actually putting in the effort to make it humorous and not complete spam. Hopefully, this one will get some sort of award, except Turd of the Week. This is doubtful though, unless it hits like "Metal Gear Awesome" did.
Awesome. Best of luck on it. Especially if you're trying to make something good (which takes serious time).
I guess it's back to the Portal for me!
Don't get too bored in there. It's empty.
Hey guys, I just posted a story in the EGB forums, go check it out sometime. Whatever you do, just don't post your comments in the story thread, post them in the "Comments on Barracks in a Quagmire" thread. Thanks for your time.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
Good morning Elite Guards! I've come to ask a simple question: who is currently the Barracks NGPD Liason officer? HomerDough was listed on our site (which is quite outdated) with that position, but seeing as he won't be returning to NG anymore I'm curious to know if you've appointed anyone else for the spot.
*salutes* - you guys still do that right? lol
Happily ETS'd.
At 7/30/07 10:33 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Good morning Elite Guards! I've come to ask a simple question: who is currently the Barracks NGPD Liason officer? HomerDough was listed on our site (which is quite outdated) with that position, but seeing as he won't be returning to NG anymore I'm curious to know if you've appointed anyone else for the spot.
Hm. I don't know if we have one...I've sorta been an unofficial one for a long time, since I pop in the NGPD so often, lol.
At 7/30/07 10:33 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Good morning Elite Guards! I've come to ask a simple question: who is currently the Barracks NGPD Liason officer? HomerDough was listed on our site (which is quite outdated) with that position, but seeing as he won't be returning to NG anymore I'm curious to know if you've appointed anyone else for the spot.
Yeah some of the members like like myself and Slash are quite often dropping by the NGPD and posting there. But anyway i guess we could all take a vote or something and appoint a new person to that spot. But on a much diffrent note how is everybody doing today b/p and otherwise?
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 7/27/07 06:03 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Yeah hey Eagle great story you got going on here. Is it to late for me to submit my character profile? Cause a great story like this us just to good to pass up a role in it. But i think the same as others when the part of the story DoD got dusted by BBR. I mean he should have been more careful and looked around the corner before running full speed around it.
Unfortunately, I kinda already planned out the entire story. I was giving people time to submit up until Chapter 2 was published because I didn't map out the whole story until then. Now, I have all the matches set up and everyone kinda has a role.
If I find a spot where I can stick in someone else, I'll try, though.
At 7/28/07 09:55 PM, TheThing wrote: Ironically, Eagle nailed my personality down perfect. In real life, I'm the one who blames himself for an fuck-ups during team competitions and shit. I'm also the one to try to prove my worth by doing what most others wouldn't do.
That's awesome! Glad I did.
Just so you guys know, I was really busy over the weekend, and I was having trouble writing Chapter 6. I kinda screwed up and killed someone off before they had their own storyline, so I have to rewrite it. I have time during lunch today, so I should be able to fix it up and hopefully get a few more chapters done. If I can get a few done today, I'll post more than one tonight.
Also, if you haven't seen the Simpsons Movie yet, do. Even though the quality of Simpsons humor has deteriorated since around season nine, this movie just kicks royal ass. This is coming from someone that watched the Simpsons since the pilot, so I was a tough one to impress. :-)
At 7/30/07 10:33 AM, TailsPrower wrote: Good morning Elite Guards! I've come to ask a simple question: who is currently the Barracks NGPD Liason officer? HomerDough was listed on our site (which is quite outdated) with that position, but seeing as he won't be returning to NG anymore I'm curious to know if you've appointed anyone else for the spot.
That's a very good question. I don't think we have an active one... :-/ I guess we can appoint Slash temporarily as the NGPD Laison since he pops in there, until we can get another EGB recruit that has been in the NGPD HQ for a while. Hell, I even set up Peregrinus as the NGPD Laison in my story, since we don't have one that's active!
*salutes* - you guys still do that right? lol
Of course we do. Not as often, but who can resist a salute to our brothers in the NGPD?
Well, portals been kind of tricky today. One second there is one UJ and then theres 10, just very inconsistent. Can't wait for Clock Day, gonna really have a field day there.
At 7/30/07 02:37 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT!
Stolen Version
Original Version
Thanks for that, I was able to flag it.
Incidentally, to I-Love-Caitlyn, I found a way to work you into the story. There's someone I can take out of the story and replace you with. Just give me the stats that I need to get you into the story. My first post explaining this is on page 772. Let me know and I'll work you in.
At 7/30/07 02:37 PM, RSQViper wrote: STOLEN ALERT!
Stolen Version
Original Version
Well, it passed. :grumble:
I shall PM teh Waid.
At 7/30/07 03:38 PM, EagleRock wrote: Just give me the stats that I need to get you into the story.
Actually, that won't be neccessary, since DoD died and we only have 25 (used to be 26) you can put him in anyway. It would be a better idea in the long run I think.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 7/30/07 09:35 PM, Andrea364 wrote:At 7/30/07 03:38 PM, EagleRock wrote: Just give me the stats that I need to get you into the story.Actually, that won't be neccessary, since DoD died and we only have 25 (used to be 26) you can put him in anyway. It would be a better idea in the long run I think.
It's not a big deal. Remember I did have 10 "filler" Barracks members that never actually submitted stats. I can simply replace one of them with his stuff with pretty much no effect to the story. I may have it planned out, but it's not THAT planned out that I can't tweak here and there.
Speaking of the story...
The Barracks Under Fire
by EagleRock
Chapter 6 - Office Space
After a short while, everyone finally calmed down from the first match and Dream-of-Duke's death. Even EagleRock came to terms with it and said no more about it. They watched his body be carried off into a portal on the Terrorist's side.
"He was a good man," said EagleRock. "He was a bit screwy in the way he did things, but at least he was good at heart. At least now we know what to expect out there. Those mods are skilled."
"Agreed," said Supreme Commander X-Naut. "We need to come up with a battle plan to take care of this. That'll be hard, though. We'll never know what the match is like until it's announced."
"Well, at least we have our skills," said Phantom. "We'll just take these fuckers down by keeping low, creeping around, and picking them off unsurprised."
"I think we should stay together," said Corporal RSQViper. "Strength in numbers, right?"
"True," said EagleRock, "but it won't be good for all of us. Snipers need to watch the bases, campers need to hide at crucial points for tactical prowess, and we ultimately need the rest of the team to stick together. Either way, we need to wait until tomorrow to find out our next battle." As they finished their conversation, they head off to their quarters and let the day expire.
X-Naut was a long-standing member of the Barracks, and was a Supreme Commander before most. He was a likeable person, and someone many could look up to. He saw the Barracks grow as the officers came through the ranks and became great leaders. He felt comfort in the Barracks, as he felt it as a refuge against those that were corrupt in Newgrounds, even the Elite Guard. He knew that the battle that was coming forth would have horrible casualties for the Barracks. He knew that those that were in this didn't deserve what was going on, and all he wanted to do was to make sure they survived.
The next morning the announcement of the new event began.
"Hello again, Newgrundlings! Wade Fulp here, bringing you the second match of our Newgrounds Battle Royale! Today, we have a 4 on 4 match of Elite Guards vs. Moderators featured in a favorite hostage rescue map, cs_office!"
EagleRock immediately started. "Okay! If we have 4 people to fight with, we're going to need to stick together. I want people who are going to fight fast and good in close quarters!" Immediately, SilentSoldier and HeavenDuff raised their hands. "Okay, great. I also want someone who will snipe."
"I'll go," said RSQViper. "I tend to snipe, so I'm sure they'll give me some kind of sniper rifle in my locker."
"Great. Let's get a move on!"
RSQViper wasn't sure what he'd have in his locker, but he sure hoped it was something strong. He was a good soldier, but was scared on his own. His skills, however, made him out to be a great sniper. That often caught up to him, as he would get the jobs that required him to be alone. He instead tried his best to stay with the team and snipe. Scared of his firepower, though, he usually will stay back so he can see all of his teammates. One thing he is scared of the most is hitting a teammate. While he has never done so while in the Barracks, he can't help but worry.
The four soldiers went to their lockers and retrieved their weapons. EagleRock got his AUG and his Deagle, while SilentSoldier found a large M249 PARA machine gun, accompanied with a Glock .18 Select Fire. HeavenDuff found a Colt M4A1 Carbine and a Deagle, while RSQViper found the heavy Arctic Warfare Magnum sniper rifle, as well as a Deagle of his own. He sighed in relief at the sight of this and suited up with the rest.
The four entered the map via the four open pods and found themselves in the garage of cs_office. EagleRock then ordered the three soldiers to stay with him and to stay close. They took to facing the back, as EagleRock had planned to go up the back stairs into the office.
Wade then announced "Commence!" and they took off. EagleRock lead the three next to the back stairs. He then pressed the button to activate the large steel garage door. The door went up, opening up their view of the office above.
As the crept out, immediately, they saw Evark and JoS waiting for them. JoS took a steady shot with his SG-552 and hit EagleRock in the arm. EagleRock fell back behind the doorway, but then realized he had no pain whatsoever in his arm. He glanced left and saw Evark take aim with his Para. Eagle then quickly dodged left and caught cover behind the wall.
"Watch behind you!" he screamed out. RSQViper then pulled back and ducked down and zoomed in his scope. He then strafed left, took aim, and shot at Evark. The shot was accurate and hit him in the chest. His Kevlar armor was no use against the AWP's power. Evark slumped over, lifeless.
JoS, covering fire from SilentSoldier and HeavenDuff, realized Evark was down, and retreated back. EagleRock and the rest then grouped back together and proceeded up the stairs. As they reached the top, there was no sign of anyone. "Head left and then down the long hallway," said Eagle. He wanted to take the back route, as he knew the front route would be heavily guarded.
They slowly crept up the lnog hallway towards the back of the office. Just then, JoS ducked back out and spread fire down the hallway, hitting both HeavenDuff and SilentSoldier. SilentSoldier, returning the favor, sprayed his Para down the hallway, hitting JoS several times, downing him in the process.
They then started to creep down the hallway to the corner taking them to the hostage room, being careful for anyone crouching for attack. Little did they know that JohnnyUtah had trained his AK47 on them from behind, headshotting HeavenDuff. Before he could attack another, EagleRock started to return fire, and hit him in the chest. He then ran back to cover the hostages, as he knew he had been hit badly.
"Shit! This is fucking crazy!" said EagleRock. "Let's retreat back and reload." They then ran back to the middle area of the office and reloaded their weapons one by one. They then continued back down the long hallway, keeping watch on both sides. As they rounded the corner, no one was in the back hallway. They slowly approached the hallway and were ready to strike, waiting for EagleRock's call.
"Go." They started to rush in, but were hit by a flashbang. Blinded, they stumbled back and heard returning fire from two other mods. Luckily they were able to back up into the back hallway without getting hit. As their eyes returned sight, They saw mightypotato with an MP5 and JohnnyUtah returning fire. "RETREAT!!!" They ran back down the back hallway, as they knew that the two mods had the drop on them. EagleRock grabbed a frag grenade and tossed it down the hallway, but it didn't enter the back office. It went off with a thundering boom that rocked the walls of the whole place.
"This isn't going so well. We need to act fast. Run around to the other side, now! I'll cover fire here." SilentSoldier and RSQViper then rushed down the long hallway and cut left to rush the terrorists from the opposite side. EagleRock kept tossing flashbangs to distract them. As the two soldiers approached the area, they found it empty.
RSQ felt a shock of terror. "Dammit! They retreated!"
"They must have went into the projector room," whispered Eagle. "Grab these two hostages and bring them to the base. Silent and I will rush the projector room." They then dashed in to not only find the moderators not there, but the two hostages in that room killed.
"DAMMIT!" EagleRock was getting pissed. "Okay, now they're covering the escape point. We need to approach carefully. RSQ, meet us up by the center hallway."
RSQ acknowledged in his radio as they reloaded and prepared to move with the two hostages. They had taken a long time on the map to get this far. Then, they heard the intercom boom again.
"Time is up. The hostages were not rescued in time. Terrorists win!"
They slumped over, disheartened. They retreated to their spawn to get to their pods, but not after they caught a glimpse of the moderators passing by them, grinning.
End of Chapter 6