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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-30 22:14:04

At 7/30/07 12:41 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 7/28/07 09:55 PM, TheThing wrote: Ironically, Eagle nailed my personality down perfect. In real life, I'm the one who blames himself for an fuck-ups during team competitions and shit. I'm also the one to try to prove my worth by doing what most others wouldn't do.
That's awesome! Glad I did.

I just thought it was weird that you were able to do that, without even knowing me. Hell, I rarely post in the EGB, and you were able to do that.

Just so you guys know, I was really busy over the weekend, and I was having trouble writing Chapter 6. I kinda screwed up and killed someone off before they had their own storyline, so I have to rewrite it. I have time during lunch today, so I should be able to fix it up and hopefully get a few more chapters done. If I can get a few done today, I'll post more than one tonight.

It's fine. I had to wait an extra week to even begin the story, so waiting a day or 2 isn't that bad. And their really good, so the wait builds up tension and suspense.

Also, if you haven't seen the Simpsons Movie yet, do. Even though the quality of Simpsons humor has deteriorated since around season nine, this movie just kicks royal ass. This is coming from someone that watched the Simpsons since the pilot, so I was a tough one to impress. :-)

Ironically, I just got back from seeing it with my friends. I laughed just about through the entire thing, although at the end, it was starting to lack humor. The best (or one of) animated movie ever.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-30 22:18:18

At 7/30/07 10:00 PM, EagleRock wrote: "Watch behind you!" he screamed out. RSQViper then pulled back and ducked down and zoomed in his scope. He then strafed left, took aim, and shot at Evark. The shot was accurate and hit him in the chest. His Kevlar armor was no use against the AWP's power. Evark slumped over, lifeless.

I... am a badass.

1st kill! WOOT!

Nice addition, EagleRock. Tons of action and a good read.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-30 23:06:56

At 7/30/07 10:14 PM, TheThing wrote: Ironically, I just got back from seeing it with my friends. I laughed just about through the entire thing, although at the end, it was starting to lack humor. The best (or one of) animated movie ever.

Yeah, it was. It wasn't a PERFECT movie, but it kicked ass.

At 7/30/07 10:18 PM, RSQViper wrote: I... am a badass.
1st kill! WOOT!
Nice addition, EagleRock. Tons of action and a good read.

LOL...glad you're so happy!

Better watch out, cause here comes...
The Barracks Under Fire

by EagleRock

Chapter 7 - Intimidation

After the skirmish in cs_office, EagleRock, RSQViper, and SilentSoldier returned to their base, saddened and upset not only by the loss of the match, but the loss of HeavenDuff. EagleRock thought of the last works he spoke with him the night before they fought.


"I don't deserve to be here, do I?" inquired HeavenDuff.

"Of course you do," said EagleRock. Many people got demoted. That doesn't meant that you're not a good soldier."

"Yeah, but what the hell? A Police Lieutenant? What the hell did I do that was so bad?"

"Look, I don't know. All I know is that someone is screwing around in the upper ranks of this army, and I need to get to the bottom of it. Even I have my hands tied when it comes to reversing these decisions, and I'm a fucking Supreme Commander!"

"Well, all I know is that I'm glad I'm still here, and you know you can count on me."


Those words in EagleRock's memory resonated through his head and made him remember his death not 5 minutes ago. He knew this wasn't a stupid game. It wasn't some kind of publicity stunt. It was a fucking vendetta. The only natural response was to have one of his own.

"Look," he said later that night. "I know that you're all upset about what's going on, but I still believe we can do this. Tomorrow we have yet another match against some group of moderators, and we need to deal with it."

"What about Plan B?" Phantom was dubious about EagleRock's idea. "Are we just going to let them kill us off one by one in this stupid match? We need to nail these fuckers now!"

"Well, if you can figure out how, I'd love to hear an idea." Silence. "Look, it's plain and simple. We're better than them. There's no reason we need to lose. I don't care whether you were demoted to a Police Lieutenant or are a Supreme Commander. Anyone in my Barrack is qualified to be here, and qualified to win."

"Yeah," said Slash, "it's just too bad we're part of a stacked game."

"Regardless, we are going to do it. Personally, I don't care if I live or die. I just want to rub it in Wade's face and prove to him that he fucked with the wrong group."

"Well then," said Major_punk, "that's what we're gonna do. I'm in."


Major_punk was an early Barracks recruit, one that shouldered the burden of Barracks records. It was a thankless job, and took long hours to keep balanced. People expected him to have all the answers all the time, and it was annoying when people expected him to have updated records at everyone's fingertips. Luckily, there were those in the Barracks that realized that it took skill and devotion to pull it off. Such bookwork fell in line with how he fought: with skill and technology. He'd be the first one to update the roster, and the first one to shove a grenade up your ass. After all, he was a quiet killer, and didn't take shit from anyone.


The third match came quicker than the night seemed to pass. They barely showered and ate before Wade continued his broadcast to the world of Newgrounds.

"Heeeeelllllllllo, Newgrundlings! Wade here, your friendly neighborhood admin, bringing you Newgrounds' latest Battle Royale match! Today, you feature your boys in blue against my moderators, fighting 6 vs. 6 in de_dust2!"

"Perfect," said EagleRock. A six-man team will allow us to have all the skills we need for such a big map. I need at least 2 people that can rush the other team, a sniper, and a grenadier."

"Look," said Major_punk. "I know you want to go in there, but let's face it - you're tired. Besides...no one's going out there without being prepared to die."

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-30 23:08:42

"I'm going too," said Phantom. "My trigger finger has an itch that can't be quelled."

Supreme Commander pepeatumi and Sergeant First Class DarkSoldier also volunteered. "Great," said EagleRock. "Looks like a killer team so far. We only need two more."

"I can snipe," said Supreme Commander ADT. "I know that I'm going to have a sniper rifle. It's just a question of which one."

"Okay, great. Anyone else want to go, or do you want me to go?"
X-Naut stood up. "Let me go. I want a shot at these bastards, too. They'll regret crossing paths with me."

"Great. This is a team that will be hard to beat. I wish you all the best of luck, and Godspeed. I'll watch from above to check out their techniques and get a feel of what these bastards can do."

The soldiers squared up to their lockers and retrieved their weapons. Phantom came out with a Steyr TMP and a Desert Eagle, Major_punk with a Colt M4A1 and a Deagle, pepeatumi with a FAMAS and a Glock, DarkSoldier with a Para and a Deagle, X-Naut with an AUG and a P228, and ADT with a Scout and a USP.

"Damn dude," said ADT to Phantom. "Isn't that a bit weak for a primary weapon?"

"This is coming from the guy with a Steyr Scout with 7mm slugs."

"All it takes is one in the head, buddy."

They then stood up to the 6 pods that were opened up and prepared to enter. "Remember what I said," spoke EagleRock. "The center hallway is no-man's land. You need to snipe the snipers and tread carefully. Have most of your team flank to the left or right to front the terrorists as you hold them back behind the doors in the middle." Without speaking, and with bated breath, the 6 soldiers passed through the pods.

They found themselves under the bridge in de_dust2, engrossed in the world of counter-strike. They saw a large double-door up the hill to the right, which ended up being one place where the terrorists would try to bomb. To the left, around the bend to the left, they would find the second bombsite. This map made counter-terrorists vulnerable, as they were required to defend these key points from many angles.

"So," said Major_punk to Phantom, "you feel close to home?"

Phantom immediately pointed his Desert Eagle at Major_punk's head. "You joke again, I kill." He wasn't in the mood for jokes. He was in the mood for battle.

Just then, Wade nonchalantly exclaimed "Commence!" and it was starting.

Major_punk and ADT decided to block the center double-doors by grenade and by sniper rifle, while the other four ran up the hill to defend bombsite B. Major_punk hid behind the right door so he could easily lob grenades through the creak of the left-side door. ADT took up a sniper stance with his Scout and zoomed in.

No sooner than he took aim, he saw Ozcar take aim with a sniper rifle of his own. Before Ozcar realized, ADT squeezed off a round and headshotted Ozcar, taking him down in one fell swoop. "Damn straight, fucker," muttered ADT under his breath. He reloaded his bolt-action sniper and took aim again to see who was there. He didn't see anyone.

"Fire in the hole!" yelled Major_punk, to which ADT ducked to the left. Major_punk cleverly bank-shot a flashbang against the high wall that lead to bombsite A. The flashbang neatly detonated in the middle of the center pathway, blinding anyone that was there. It was time for them to move.

Meanwhile, Phantom hung back from the other three as he stealthily hid behind a box at the bombsite. With his silenced TMP, no one would stand a chance.

DarkSoldier ran as fast as he could towards the back of the area through the tunnels that connected bombsite B to the terrorist spawn site. X-Naut and pepeatumi gave chase as he unrelentingly paced ahead of them. His Para weighed him down a bit, but he still ran pretty fast, trigger-finger posed as he expected to see someone pop out at any moment. Sure enough, towards the back, he saw poxpower and Stamper blinded by a flashbang. He proceeded to spray his Para at them, and hit poxpower, but didn't down him. As their eyes returned to them, they returned fire. DarkSoldier ducked behind a wall to the left and was pinned by their fire.

X-Naut, who was unfortunate to be in the line of fire, got hit twice by poxpower's UMP. He fell back and took cover behind the sloping ramp that he had just come up. This left pepeatumi alone in the line of sight. While he squeezed some rounds from his FAMAS towards the two moderators, he took a round to the chest from Stamper's AWP.

Just then, Wade's booming voice resonated through the map, "Bomb has been planted!"

End of Chapter 7

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 00:42:13

I just got pwned in that chapter dude !!!

I have been missing some parts of the story but if I understood it well, than I won't be able to come back?

Anyway, thats a great story your writting, great job EagleRock !!!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 00:44:52

Hello...first time back in a long time and everything is different. Geez, this will take me ages to figure it all out again. It does look nice, though. I've been gone for Harry Potter reasons, though after the last book, I question remaining in that fandom. I won't post any spoilers, suffice it to say that I HATED the last book...felt nothing but a visceral hatred for the whole thing. Eight years in that fandom and for what? A piece of crap that reads like a poorly written fanfic and is every bit as cliche'd. I'm sorry if anyone liked it here. I hated it.

I need to spend more time on NG now and get reacquainted with the new site. It has been awhile since I last even logged on, so please go easy with any "It's been the new layout for x-amount of time now! Where have you been?" comments. Seriously, when did the new layout finally show up? Anyhoo, it's nice to be back.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 00:48:50

At 7/29/07 02:04 PM, PossiblePancakes wrote: At 7/29/07 01:15 PM, Major-punk wrote: Maybe Newgrounds has already peaked?
I hope this is not the case.

Same. But this is the slowest summer I have ever seen here.

Anyway, the Portal doesn't seem as consistant as it use to be. Some days we will have a really slow Portal and the next we will have a very active Portal. It kind of scares me, for reasons I am not too sure of.

Yeah I can completely agree with that. It's like everyone is saving their submissions for special "days" like Clock or Madness day etc.

I'm gonna keep a tab for the next week or so and see how many flashes are submitted. If I remember correctly theres usually between 150-200 on weekdays, and 175-250 on weekends.

At 7/30/07 11:06 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Major_punk was an early Barracks recruit

Alright! I was wondering when I would be introduced to the story, and I wasn't let down by any means. =)

After all, he was a quiet killer, and didn't take shit from anyone.

Fuck yeah. This story is only getting better and better.

Oh and it's "Major-punk" now, but whatever. I think it looks better with the underscore anyway.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 01:24:04

Great Chapter Eagle Rock!

ER I'm serious you got to publish it.

IT WILL BEAT HARRY POTTER in 5 years when the movies are and done.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 02:40:39

Another great chapter in the Barracks story, man. We better win this match and stop sucking so hard. LOL.

It's also be cool that next time I'm in a match if I bitch about not having a rocket launcher. hehe. Pure hilarity.

Anyway, I am hoping that dude that got struck in the chest survives. =)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 02:56:03

At 7/31/07 02:40 AM, RSQViper wrote: Another great chapter in the Barracks story, man. We better win this match and stop sucking so hard. LOL.

It's also be cool that next time I'm in a match if I bitch about not having a rocket launcher. hehe. Pure hilarity.

Anyway, I am hoping that dude that got struck in the chest survives. =)

I hope so, me two.

But my character didn't :'(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 04:25:56

At 7/30/07 11:08 PM, EagleRock wrote: This left pepeatumi alone in the line of sight. While he squeezed some rounds from his FAMAS towards the two moderators, he took a round to the chest from Stamper's AWP.

Hell, there are worse places you can take it from Stamper :P

I have realised that I really want to slot JoS. He's still a cunt.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 06:30:46


This is a stolen version of line rider. How dumb can ya get.

Flag it while you can!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 06:53:29

At 7/31/07 06:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: STOLEN ALERT!

Crap that went fast. I doubt any of you got that. Anyways,

I recently made a new news post in my profile. I put it on the front page too, Its only been an hour or two and already I have had 15 replies. Its crazy, check it out!


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 10:12:43

I apologise for not doing the Barracks update on time this week, but I assure you your Stats will be right as of 00:00 this morning, I just didn't have the will power to stay up an extra hour. The update should be up soon, I've just got some issues to attend too. I also apologise for the double post that will probably occur


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 10:21:23

Man, some great chapters so far EG! Loving the battles but more importantly loving watching the EGB's own the moderators : P

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 12:00:37

Barracks roster - July 31, 2007

Shanus' note:
As you can see this update's a bit late, but that's been explained in my previous post. Just a few strangeaties in this update, one of them being the lack of points by everyone, this may have been an error by my part, but I've checked it over, and it seems to be ok. Another thing is that it seems Sterockicy's last update had miss calculated I-Love-Caitlyn's points, so I have no idea what the change is, I apologize to I-Love-Caitlyn for the inaccuracies in his points. But blame Stero :P. Another thing, it seems Akatsuki321's account has been deleted, if anyone has any info I'd be grateful to know. Hope everything's ok, and look at the top gainers. I'm pretty sure it's a mistake but I'm not changing it :P Also didn'y notice how nice my points were until I did the list this morning.

Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 452
PenguinLink - 430
Seamonky - 417
pwroftheseagoat - 271
Coop83 - 223

Special Congratulatory list:
Top gainers, repeat offenders: PenguinLink, Shanus, Seamonky, pwroftheseagoat!
New to the list: None!
Returning to the list: HeavenDuff!
Top 3 biggest average rises: Shanus + 16.5, DarkSoldier + 15.5, Major-Punk + 09.4!
Random word: Bleimhem!

Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
01 // 54293 // 175 // 25.0 // 10.3- // X-Naut
02 // 54056 // 064 // 09.1 // 20.0- // Phantom
03 // 52389 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // ADT
04 // 51174 // 126 // 18.0 // 02.9+ // BlueHippo
05 // 49610 // 007 // 01.0 // 35.9- // pepeatumi
06 // 47353 // 203 // 29.0 // 09.4+ // Major-punk
07 // 40692 // 417 // 59.6 // 03.0- // Seamonky
08 // 37785 // 190 // 27.1 // 24.4- // Sentio
09 // 33034 // 068 // 09.7 // 00.2- // SlashFirestorm
10 // 33023 // 212 // 30.3 // 06.9+ // EagleRock
11 // 30772 // 020 // 02.9 // 02.2- // ArtDanVal
12 // 30351 // 271 // 38.7 // 12.1- // pwroftheseagoat
13 // 30000 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // life
14 // 29246 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Hemlok
15 // 28254 // 057 // 08.1 // 14.3- // MadCow
16 // 28245 // 223 // 31.9 // 00.1+ // Coop83
17 // 26230 // 017 // 02.4 // 00.6+ // LittleWashu
18 // 24535 // 014 // 02.0 // 02.7- // MetalDart
19 // 22895 // 430 // 61.4 // 07.8- // PenguinLink
20 // 18059 // 170 // 24.3 // 06.8+ // Casualty
21 // 17733 // 000 // 00.0 // 02.3- // arianna1
22 // 15227 // 026 // 03.7 // 10.7- // hongkongexpress
23 // 13031 // 122 // 17.4 // 01.0- // Sterockicy
24 // 12345 // 452 // 64.6 // 16.5+ // Shanus
25 // 10324 // 038 // 05.4 // 07.7- // ever-vigilant
26 // 10293 // 010 // 01.4 // 38.9- // Azentiger
27 // 09832 // 023 // 03.3 // 12.2- // Cool-Points
28 // 08686 // 151 // 21.6 // 04.1- // K-fox
29 // 08636 // 218 // 31.1 // 15.5+ // DarkSoldier
30 // 08398 // 048 // 06.9 // 01.8+ // Dela
31 // 07637 // 128 // 18.3 // 08.6- // Odyssic
32 // 07041 // 010 // 01.4 // 11.9- // KungFuCow
33 // 05694 // 048 // 06.9 // 12.0- // DarkLotusJuggalo
34 // 04644 // 144 // 20.6 // 03.2+ // RSQViper
35 // 03917 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Snerd
36 // 03864 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Solidone
37 // 03294 // 005 // 00.7 // 03.1- // ElementalSoldier +2
38 // 03156 // 068 // 09.7 // 11.9- // NickScott +2
39 // 02905 // -543 // -77.6 // 123.2- // I-Love-Caitlyn -2
40 // 02850 // 055 // 07.9 // 11.0- // SilentSoldier +1
41 // 02661 // 063 // 09.0 // 09.0+ // DaRk +1
42 // 02508 // 000 // 00.0 // 04.3- // Dante-Son-Of-Sparda +1
43 // 02465 // 030 // 04.3 // 03.7- // Andrea364 +1
44 // 02155 // 051 // 07.3 // 04.9+ // TheThing +1
45 // 02021 // 019 // 02.7 // 01.2+ // Imacow +1
46 // 01838 // NEW // NEW // NEW // HeavenDuff
47 // 01761 // 006 // 00.9 // 00.1+ // Ursiruss
48 // 01652 // 028 // 04.0 // 01.1- // TheBlueNeck


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 12:17:42

Wow, lots of positive feedback! Good to hear! I have at least one more chapter for you guys tonight, so there won't be a huge gap like last week...

At 7/31/07 12:42 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: I just got pwned in that chapter dude !!!

Yeah, but don't you worry, many will get pwn3d.

I have been missing some parts of the story but if I understood it well, than I won't be able to come back?

Correct. Wade injected us with some form of super-adrenaline that basically makes you feel no pain and heal all kinds of injuries overnight. However, it can't stop death.

At 7/31/07 12:48 AM, Major-punk wrote:
At 7/30/07 11:06 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Major_punk was an early Barracks recruit
Alright! I was wondering when I would be introduced to the story, and I wasn't let down by any means. =)

Hehe...how could I let you down?

After all, he was a quiet killer, and didn't take shit from anyone.
Fuck yeah. This story is only getting better and better.

Oh, it'll get better, don't worry. I left the slowest parts to the beginning.

Oh and it's "Major-punk" now, but whatever. I think it looks better with the underscore anyway.

Stupid no underscore naming rule...I'll probably change it in the Barracks Forums when I get a chance just to be consistent.

At 7/31/07 01:24 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: Great Chapter Eagle Rock!
ER I'm serious you got to publish it.
IT WILL BEAT HARRY POTTER in 5 years when the movies are and done.

I love the enthusiasm, but I think you're exaggerating a bit... :-)

At 7/31/07 02:40 AM, RSQViper wrote: Another great chapter in the Barracks story, man. We better win this match and stop sucking so hard. LOL.

We do, don't we. You have to wonder how dark of a writer I am, and if I'm willing to let us all die out.

It's also be cool that next time I'm in a match if I bitch about not having a rocket launcher. hehe. Pure hilarity.

A gun that will take out a person from 1000 yards out with a single bullet isn't strong enough for you? Man, you need to play CS and appreciate the AWP. It's also the loudest fucking gun in the game, too.

Anyway, I am hoping that dude that got struck in the chest survives. =)

Yeah, well, listen to the AWP fire here. It's clip #4 on that site. You tell me if a 20-yard shot with a gun like that will let you survive a shot to the chest...

In short, no. Even in the game, an AWP shot to the chest did about 120% health damage through undamaged armor, and about 200% damage without armor. So, in short, don't get hit by an AWP in the chest or head. Even getting hit in an extremity (even your freaking hand) would take out about 80% of your health, leaving you extremely vulnerable to even pistol attack.

So, I'll be here at work, using my lunch hour to type up more of the story.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 12:49:18

Hey guys. Sorry for my long time off of Newgrounds, if you read my post in my profile, it will explain everything. As of right now I'm back again and very happy about it. I've missed you all and am looking forward to cleaning up the Portal with this new layout! So what have I missed while I was gone.


(Do we still do that?)

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 12:50:42

Nice update Shanues!! Well done.

I see I moved up one spot, pssssh, Im going to the portal, I need to do some B/P's.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:41:09

At 7/31/07 12:00 PM, Shanus wrote: Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 452
PenguinLink - 430
Seamonky - 417
pwroftheseagoat - 271
Coop83 - 223

Well, I made it onto the top 5 gainers, only by remaining at a more or less constant pace over the last few weeks :) Thanks for the update, Shanus

Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
14 // 29246 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Hemlok
15 // 28254 // 057 // 08.1 // 14.3- // MadCow
16 // 28245 // 223 // 31.9 // 00.1+ // Coop83

Man, I was so close to passing the cow this update. Unoficially, I think I'm there now, provided that he doesn't suddenly come back to life.

At 7/31/07 12:49 PM, Hemlok wrote: *Salute*

(Do we still do that?)

Yep, we still do. Stay away from the portal for a bit longer, I'm only about 1k behind you now ;)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:44:11

At 7/31/07 01:41 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 7/31/07 12:49 PM, Hemlok wrote: *Salute*

(Do we still do that?)
Yep, we still do. Stay away from the portal for a bit longer, I'm only about 1k behind you now ;)

Yeah, not going to happen. Still, you might be able to pass me eventually. With the new layout (for me) and just getting back on Newgrounds, it's going to take awhile for me to get back into things. I will try my best to prevent you from passing me though!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:45:12

At 7/31/07 06:53 AM, Sterockicy wrote: I recently made a new news post in my profile. I put it on the front page too, Its only been an hour or two and already I have had 15 replies. Its crazy, check it out!

OMG! I make a frontpage update and get zero replies. You get... 18 so far!!! NO FAIR!!! I get no love! =(

At 7/31/07 12:00 PM, Shanus wrote: Barracks roster - July 31, 2007

OOoOooo.... Every week now.


31 // 07637 // 128 // 18.3 // 08.6- // Odyssic
32 // 07041 // 010 // 01.4 // 11.9- // KungFuCow
33 // 05694 // 048 // 06.9 // 12.0- // DarkLotusJuggalo
34 // 04644 // 144 // 20.6 // 03.2+ // RSQViper
35 // 03917 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Snerd
36 // 03864 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Solidone
37 // 03294 // 005 // 00.7 // 03.1- // ElementalSoldier +2
38 // 03156 // 068 // 09.7 // 11.9- // NickScott +2
39 // 02905 // -543 // -77.6 // 123.2- // I-Love-Caitlyn -2
40 // 02850 // 055 // 07.9 // 11.0- // SilentSoldier +1
41 // 02661 // 063 // 09.0 // 09.0+ // DaRk +1

Wow, noone's catching up to me anytime soon, but I've got a ways to go to catch anybody.

At 7/31/07 12:17 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 7/31/07 02:40 AM, RSQViper wrote: Another great chapter in the Barracks story, man. We better win this match and stop sucking so hard. LOL.
We do, don't we. You have to wonder how dark of a writer I am, and if I'm willing to let us all die out.

Oh, man if we all die... that means I die! NOOOO!!!!!! lol

It's also be cool that next time I'm in a match if I bitch about not having a rocket launcher. hehe. Pure hilarity.
A gun that will take out a person from 1000 yards out with a single bullet isn't strong enough for you? Man, you need to play CS and appreciate the AWP. It's also the loudest fucking gun in the game, too.

Oh, no not that. I just meant because that's what I originally requested and it'd have been a funny spot. I'll take the AWP, no problem-o.

Anyway, I am hoping that dude that got struck in the chest survives. =)
Yeah, well, listen to the AWP fire here. It's clip #4 on that site. You tell me if a 20-yard shot with a gun like that will let you survive a shot to the chest...

Hmmm.... then that means pepeatumi got owned by Stamper. =)

R.I.P. pepeatumi...

In short, no. Even in the game, an AWP shot to the chest did about 120% health damage through undamaged armor, and about 200% damage without armor. So, in short, don't get hit by an AWP in the chest or head. Even getting hit in an extremity (even your freaking hand) would take out about 80% of your health, leaving you extremely vulnerable to even pistol attack.

Powerful SOB...

So, I'll be here at work, using my lunch hour to type up more of the story.

Hurry! I need my fix!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:51:13

At 7/31/07 01:45 PM, RSQViper wrote: Hurry! I need my fix!

Okay, fine...here it is.

The Barracks Under Fire

by EagleRock

Chapter 8 - Time Games and Mind Games

Phantom heard the words boasted from Wade's mouth, and immediately sprung to action. He took up from his camp in bombsite B and ran down the ramp back to the CT spawn site. He couldn't see anyone nearby, and called in to the radio. "Get your asses to bombsite A! They're going to blow up the whole place!"

"On our way. Roger." Major-punk and ADT were at the top of the center-hallway ramp and were able to take the route directly to bombsite A that bridged over the CT spawn site. They rushed that way immediately. Major-punk set up to toss another flashbang towards the area.

Phantom had come up in the open at bombsite A, treading carefully as he heard the bomb ticking above. Crouched and silent, he quickly turned the corner and saw jonthompson poised and ready with an AK47. He skillfully aimed his light TMP towards his head and squeezed of a quick 10 rounds into his skull. While it was a stealth kill, seeing a fellow moderator fall would surely attract attention.

That's when Major-punk's flashbang hit the area. Phantom was blinded as his fellow soldiers rushed in the area. He stumbled back and heard muffled gunfire in the area as soldiers died and he could do nothing but wait. By the time he recovered and could see again, he rushed up the ramp and checked out the bombsite.

It was empty, save for Major-punk's and ADT's dead bodies. Denvish, Canas, and Proteas reveled in their ability to hide from Major-punk's flashbang, and rushed to the center of the map where they communicated with Stamper and jonthompson, who had the other Elite Guards pinned.

Stamper kept shooting his AWP towards them as he backed away and attempted to go back to bombsite A. Meanwhile, poxpower was hammering away with his UMP, and kept them at bay despite his slow firing rate. DarkSoldier and X-Naut were still held back. X-Naut knew he was injured, despite not feeling any pain. He knew that any move would kill him.

All of a sudden, Denvish, Canas, and Proteas had joined their fellow moderators and started to rush. Canas tossed a flashbang into the area, blinding both X-Naut and DarkSoldier. DarkSoldier, in a panic, started spraying his Para left and right, hoping he would hit someone.

That's when Wade boomed, "Bomb has been defused. Counter-Terrorists win!" The siren sounded and all gunfire ceased. As their eyesight returned, they saw the four moderators retreat to the pods that were lined up on the back wall of the map. Canas gave X-Naut a dirty look as he stepped into his pod and warped back to his base.

EagleRock sighed. "That was a close one."

"Thank God Phantom was there," said Slash. "I always knew he was a shrewd bastard."

"Well, I think we can thank Major-punk and ADT for the distraction. If it wasn't for them, I think Phantom would have been outnumbered."

"This is getting rough," said Sentio. "These matches are bloody. These mods just won't give up."

Just then, Phantom, X-Naut, and DarkSoldier returned from their pods and stowed their weapons in their lockers.

"Good thing those bastards are stupid," said Phantom. "We lost three, though. Three good ones."

Just then, Wade crackled back on the intercom: "Well, that's all for today, boys and gals! The Barracks is now 1-2 against your Newgrounds Moderators! Tune in tomorrow for the next great battle! Toodle-oo!"

EagleRock had a raised eyebrow. "Toodle-oo? Like it's a fucking joke."

"Yeah, well, at least we got a win," said X-Naut. "I know that if we don't win this, we're done for. These mods aren't up for a friendly competition. They want to kill us."

"I think we really need to figure out what the fuck is going on," said Slash. "There's no reason some of those mods would be attacking us, like Denvish and JoS. I mean, JoS always saved our asses! Why did he attack us?"

"I don't know," said EagleRock, "but this is something we need to find out. We're losing soldiers left and right, and we need to know what our plan is to get the hell out of here." Everyone nodded and agreed. Not all were completely trusting, especially PenguinLink.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:51:59

Sorry for the 2X post, but...


I want this flagged, soldiers!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:52:26


PenguinLink was another one of those "up and coming" soldiers in the Barracks, as he was extremely enthusiastic. His attitude towards the Barracks was infectious, and it landed him the Recruitment Officer role. He soared up the ranks quickly as he demonstrated responsibility, skill, and performance in his officer position. As a Lieutenant General, he commanded the respect of most. After a while, though, even though he was very respected, he fell out of interest in his position. He left for long periods of time and was eventually stripped of his title. He didn't seem to care, though. He didn't really come around to the Barracks until he was dragged down here.

One thing he always counted on in the Barracks, though, was EagleRock's ability to do the right thing at all times. Down here, though, it is as though he's changed. Decisions were made that cost lives. Dream-of-Duke's death still resonated through is mind, as EagleRock was so willing to trust someone who was obviously untrustworthy. At times, he thought that maybe EagleRock was trying to betray them, but then again, that was a stretch. He almost wished he never was brought back to the Barracks, as too much had changed.


"So EagleRock sir," said PenguinLink, "what's the big plan?"

"Simple. First thing we need to do is figure out how to treat our wounded. We have no medical supplies here. I still have this wound here..." EagleRock stopped immediately. As he looked down at the wound he had just yesterday in his arm, it was gone. "Holy shit...I guess they weren't kidding!"

"You want to trust it?" Phantom was unimpressed. "Also, what about X-Naut's wounds?"

"Well, I think they'll heal overnight. Mine appear to have."

"Wait just a damn minute," said Slash. "You didn't notice your wounds missing this morning?"

"No, I didn't. Remember that they don't hurt at all. It was easy to forget until I brought it up." Slash gave EagleRock a stare. EagleRock ignored it. "Anyway, what we need to do is keep at these battles. The key is to stick together, use the shadows to our advantage, and show them we are worth our salt as Elite Guards."

"So, we just keep dying?" Slash was still dubious.

"Hell no. We wait until our only lead takes us forth: that door in de_dust. Like I said, it's very out of place compared to the rest of these mock-up maps. It has to be a pathway to something."

"Well then comrade," replied Phantom, "what's your big plan?"

"Simple. We wait for another de_dust battle. One of us goes out there and feigns death. Then, when the map is over and they're dragging the dead bodies out, they hide. Then they have all the weapons they need to try to get in that door."

"Here's a dumb question," said Phantom, "Why didn't you want to move on this door that night when we inspected the map?"

"Well, shit. Both you and I decided to wait because it was the prudent thing to do. At least now we know what to expect and what to do. A frag grenade should take out the door pretty easily, right?"

"I guess," said Phantom, "but it's still fishy."

"God damn, Phantom, this whole fucking thing is fishy! I know that my Barrack has its enemies, but seriously...Wade? All those mods? What did we do to deserve this?"

"You tell me," said Slash.

EagleRock stared at him angrily. "You mistrust me? You think I would betray you? What the fuck is going on here? Since when was I the one that you couldn't trust? Now you listen up. Tomorrow I'm fighting these fuckers come hell or high water. If you don't trust me and I have to fight them alone, so be it. I didn't bust my ass all this time in the Barracks just to have my motives questioned. I'm going to bed. Feel free to talk behind my back all you like." He then stood up, walked away, and slammed the door to his quarter.

Peregrinus looked up at the rest. "I think we pissed him off."

Phantom looked back. "No SHIT, Sherlock." He then took a long sigh. "He makes sense, though. I think we need to go through with his plan."

Slash stares back at Phantom. "Fine, then. What the great EagleRock says must be right."

End of Chapter 8

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:54:47

Holy crap. Way to hide the stolen alert, EagleRock.. LOL.

Seriously. Everyone go up two posts and FLag that stolen flash!

I'll read your story now, too. =)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 13:56:47

At 7/31/07 01:54 PM, RSQViper wrote: Holy crap. Way to hide the stolen alert, EagleRock.. LOL.

Seriously. Everyone go up two posts and FLag that stolen flash!

I'll read your story now, too. =)

Holy crap. Way to break up my story chapter, RSQViper.. LOL.

Seriously. Everyone go up two posts and laugh at that intruding post!

I'll flag your flash now, too. =)

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 14:07:12

At 7/31/07 01:56 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 7/31/07 01:54 PM, RSQViper wrote: Holy crap. Way to hide the stolen alert, EagleRock.. LOL.

Seriously. Everyone go up two posts and FLag that stolen flash!

I'll read your story now, too. =)

And I did. I liked it a lot. Man are we losing people fast. Major-Punk and ADT? Wow. Two big ones.

Fuckin' mods... hehe

Holy crap. Way to break up my story chapter, RSQViper.. LOL.

Hehe. It wasn't there when I started the reply.

Seriously. Everyone go up two posts and laugh at that intruding post!

It's not intruding, it's very rewarding. Flag it for a whistle point!

I'll flag your flash now, too. =)

Excellent... (Mr Burns style)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 14:43:27

At 7/31/07 01:56 PM, EagleRock wrote: I'll flag your flash now, too. =)

Ugh.. it got thru... I PM'ed Wade already.

Also, what the heck, man? You have a DARK aura all of a sudden. You used to be good.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-31 15:45:07

At 7/31/07 02:43 PM, RSQViper wrote: Also, what the heck, man? You have a DARK aura all of a sudden. You used to be good.

Yeah, well, I was in the mood for a change. Besides, I haven't changed my aura in 3 1/2 years, so I really wanted an excuse to change it. I figured I would change it at the apropos time during the story.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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