"I'm going too," said Phantom. "My trigger finger has an itch that can't be quelled."
Supreme Commander pepeatumi and Sergeant First Class DarkSoldier also volunteered. "Great," said EagleRock. "Looks like a killer team so far. We only need two more."
"I can snipe," said Supreme Commander ADT. "I know that I'm going to have a sniper rifle. It's just a question of which one."
"Okay, great. Anyone else want to go, or do you want me to go?"
X-Naut stood up. "Let me go. I want a shot at these bastards, too. They'll regret crossing paths with me."
"Great. This is a team that will be hard to beat. I wish you all the best of luck, and Godspeed. I'll watch from above to check out their techniques and get a feel of what these bastards can do."
The soldiers squared up to their lockers and retrieved their weapons. Phantom came out with a Steyr TMP and a Desert Eagle, Major_punk with a Colt M4A1 and a Deagle, pepeatumi with a FAMAS and a Glock, DarkSoldier with a Para and a Deagle, X-Naut with an AUG and a P228, and ADT with a Scout and a USP.
"Damn dude," said ADT to Phantom. "Isn't that a bit weak for a primary weapon?"
"This is coming from the guy with a Steyr Scout with 7mm slugs."
"All it takes is one in the head, buddy."
They then stood up to the 6 pods that were opened up and prepared to enter. "Remember what I said," spoke EagleRock. "The center hallway is no-man's land. You need to snipe the snipers and tread carefully. Have most of your team flank to the left or right to front the terrorists as you hold them back behind the doors in the middle." Without speaking, and with bated breath, the 6 soldiers passed through the pods.
They found themselves under the bridge in de_dust2, engrossed in the world of counter-strike. They saw a large double-door up the hill to the right, which ended up being one place where the terrorists would try to bomb. To the left, around the bend to the left, they would find the second bombsite. This map made counter-terrorists vulnerable, as they were required to defend these key points from many angles.
"So," said Major_punk to Phantom, "you feel close to home?"
Phantom immediately pointed his Desert Eagle at Major_punk's head. "You joke again, I kill." He wasn't in the mood for jokes. He was in the mood for battle.
Just then, Wade nonchalantly exclaimed "Commence!" and it was starting.
Major_punk and ADT decided to block the center double-doors by grenade and by sniper rifle, while the other four ran up the hill to defend bombsite B. Major_punk hid behind the right door so he could easily lob grenades through the creak of the left-side door. ADT took up a sniper stance with his Scout and zoomed in.
No sooner than he took aim, he saw Ozcar take aim with a sniper rifle of his own. Before Ozcar realized, ADT squeezed off a round and headshotted Ozcar, taking him down in one fell swoop. "Damn straight, fucker," muttered ADT under his breath. He reloaded his bolt-action sniper and took aim again to see who was there. He didn't see anyone.
"Fire in the hole!" yelled Major_punk, to which ADT ducked to the left. Major_punk cleverly bank-shot a flashbang against the high wall that lead to bombsite A. The flashbang neatly detonated in the middle of the center pathway, blinding anyone that was there. It was time for them to move.
Meanwhile, Phantom hung back from the other three as he stealthily hid behind a box at the bombsite. With his silenced TMP, no one would stand a chance.
DarkSoldier ran as fast as he could towards the back of the area through the tunnels that connected bombsite B to the terrorist spawn site. X-Naut and pepeatumi gave chase as he unrelentingly paced ahead of them. His Para weighed him down a bit, but he still ran pretty fast, trigger-finger posed as he expected to see someone pop out at any moment. Sure enough, towards the back, he saw poxpower and Stamper blinded by a flashbang. He proceeded to spray his Para at them, and hit poxpower, but didn't down him. As their eyes returned to them, they returned fire. DarkSoldier ducked behind a wall to the left and was pinned by their fire.
X-Naut, who was unfortunate to be in the line of fire, got hit twice by poxpower's UMP. He fell back and took cover behind the sloping ramp that he had just come up. This left pepeatumi alone in the line of sight. While he squeezed some rounds from his FAMAS towards the two moderators, he took a round to the chest from Stamper's AWP.
Just then, Wade's booming voice resonated through the map, "Bomb has been planted!"
End of Chapter 7