At 7/6/07 08:17 PM, LinaKimura wrote: I believe hentai slideshows are whistle-able, are they not?
got police officer today...hehe
Yes, they are young grasshopper. :) Congratulations officer, I hope you continue to do well, MUHAHAHAHA! * looks down * No such luck for me, a series of rather unfortunate events have... unfolded, thereby disrupting my weekend which I would have been spending with my BFF Haley... But my dad said it wasn't a good idea if I went to Haley's cause gramps is in the hospital, but me staying at home trying to be all hardcore and not cry isn't gonna help any now is it?! DAMNIT! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME WHO SUFFERS?! >:(
I hate this, and yes, I'm back in business and I'm gonna be a badass... >:(
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