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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 11:43:03

At 5/28/07 06:13 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
And Sentio! I dont want to see you on the top gainers, repeat offenders list for once! >:-(

Wishful thinking in the extreme there!

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
I am very sorry that it took so long to make this update. First, I had a job interview after school. Then I made it and something went wrong so I tried to fix it and accidentally closed excel and lost all of the data. And just before my Mum was being a “you know what” and wouldn’t let me use the computer. So at the moment I am sneaking on it because she’s asleep.

Don't worry about it, as you say most of us are asleep at that time anyway. Thanks for taking the time to do it :)

Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Congrats! From now on you are going to be watched :D

Finally. Sorry if I stuffed up EagleRock’s line, I made a bit of a stuff up a few weeks ago and its corrected now. I am not sure if you really got that many points and I am sorry if I made a mistake. It will be better next fortnight!

He has 1000 points too many again, and his daily gain seems a little high to me considering he missed most of the last 2 weeks, though I don't know for sure. It had me worried when I saw him that close to me!

Top 5 Gainers:

pepeatumi - 1187
Sentio – 1267
Pwroftheseagoat - 1331
PenguinLink – 1237
Seamonky – 1089

Nice, another second spot for me, though what is with the order? Pwroftheseagoat should be top, with pepeatumi in fourth... Congrats to all on the list anyway!

Special Congratulatory list:

Top gainers, repeat offenders: pwroftheseagoat, PenguinLink, Sentio, Seamonky, pepeatumi!

Congrats, I guess that means the same 5 came top two weeks ago as today :D

New to the list: Azentiger, Dante-Son-Of-Sparda, Akatsuki321, Ursiruss!


Top 3 biggest average rises: EagleRock + 66.9, ArtDanVal + 51.4, hongkongexpress + 15.3!
Random word: Pesticide!

Some big gains there!

07 // 36793 // 1089 // 077.8 // 010.6+ // Seamonky

My next (extremely optimistic) target, simply because he is next on the list. I don't think there is any chance of me catching you any time soon though, what with only two months left of being free to B/P.

08 // 33728 // 1267 // 090.5 // 000.3- // Sentio

A slightly slower pace than two weeks ago, but I'm pretty much steady as a rock as far as pace goes, hovering around that 90 per day mark. Hopefully as the summer comes that will go up to 100.

09 // 33723 // 0937 // 066.9 // 066.9+ // EagleRock
10 // 32819 // 0005 // 000.4 // 044.7- // SlashFirestorm

Two potentially fast people behind me, so I had better watch my back!


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 12:17:56

At least my average is about where I want it. And considering that I missed out on a lot of points, my total gain wasn't too shabby. I didn't make my goal of staff sergeant, but I'll get there before the next update.

I'm going to post a new section to HEBREW MUSTARD after I make this post, so don't forget to check it out on the EGB Forums. Not a member? Well... we're not that exclusive. For fuck's sake, we let Sentio in... er... JOIN TODAY? You can find the link in my sig.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 13:54:02

At 5/29/07 06:16 AM, MadCow wrote: I missed it because I was busy with other shit, irl, but my 3rd account birthday was on 5/27 :[

That sucks. Grats on your account birthday, tho!

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster – May 29, 2007

Great update! I'm impressed!

I am very sorry that it took so long to make this update. First, I had a job interview after school. Then I made it and something went wrong so I tried to fix it and accidentally closed excel and lost all of the data. And just before my Mum was being a “you know what” and wouldn’t let me use the computer. So at the moment I am sneaking on it because she’s asleep.


...*ahem*...<jk>... I certainly didn't put forth the effort to make this list, so any updates you provide are quite appreciated. I always said that the Barracks Records Officer had a tedious job, so any updates like this are well appreciated.

Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

I can’t wait for the update.

Grats to you! Keep up the good work!

Finally. Sorry if I stuffed up EagleRock’s line, I made a bit of a stuff up a few weeks ago and its corrected now. I am not sure if you really got that many points and I am sorry if I made a mistake. It will be better next fortnight!

You did boost my B/P by a good amount. Although I'd like to keep those B/P, I'm afraid Newgrounds won't let me. Oh, well.

Top 3 biggest average rises: EagleRock + 66.9, ArtDanVal + 51.4, hongkongexpress + 15.3!

I'm back! Not nearly to my previous glory, but I'm back!

Random word: Pesticide!

Random response: Zesty!

09 // 33723 // 0937 // 066.9 // 066.9+ // EagleRock

Again, wish I had that, but I don't. Hopefully the correction next update won't kill my ranking in a bad way...

At 5/29/07 11:43 AM, Sentio wrote:
At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Finally. Sorry if I stuffed up EagleRock’s line, I made a bit of a stuff up a few weeks ago and its corrected now. I am not sure if you really got that many points and I am sorry if I made a mistake. It will be better next fortnight!
He has 1000 points too many again, and his daily gain seems a little high to me considering he missed most of the last 2 weeks, though I don't know for sure. It had me worried when I saw him that close to me!

You can't be too sure. I'm a tricky B/Per, you know. I didn't get my 5 stars by WATCHING the Portal, you know. :-)

09 // 33723 // 0937 // 066.9 // 066.9+ // EagleRock
10 // 32819 // 0005 // 000.4 // 044.7- // SlashFirestorm
Two potentially fast people behind me, so I had better watch my back!

Very true. Slash was a legend in his own right with his daily star-pace days. I would only hit 100-120B/P where he would hit 160-170! Ah, well. We'll see if he can't get his butt back on Newgrounds...



In other news, I got my computer case today! This thing kicks ASS! For those interested, I have a link with specs and pictures here. Now all I'm waiting for is my CPU, motherboard, and graphics card, and I'm all set to build my computer! If only this damn shipment would get here quicker...

Also, I changed my profile, since I've had the same one since 2000-frickin-3. Also, I would update the DEFCON, but I see no need, as we're still chugging away at DEFCON 3.

Time for lunch!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 13:58:00

At 5/29/07 07:37 AM, Sterockicy wrote: 37 // 04859 // 0355 // 025.4 // 004.0- // DarkLotusJuggalo

Another drop for me, I need to get back on track with my b/ping.

In other news though I am currently on vacation and unable to b/p or even really post for a while. In my return though I will make up for lost time!

I hope all is well with everyones' b/ping and I hope the portal has been seeing some good submissions recently and not so much spam.


Wheres Slash?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 14:06:32

Hey, I'm dropping in again with some stuff to tell you guys, and it's not that kind of good news bad news crap either. :) ( I'm happy and not so gullible today )

55 // 02124 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // KermitTheMuppet

Who in the hell is KermitTheMuppet? I never heard of him before, he should be easy to pass.

56 // 02053 // NEW // NEW // NEW // Dante-Son-Of-Sparda

No comment...

57 // 01997 // 0194 // 013.9 // 002.0+ // Andrea364
58 // 01945 // 0046 // 003.3 // 003.2+ // Imacow
59 // 01823 // 0114 // 008.1 // 003.9+ // TheThing

A bit slow now aren't we, shouldn't you be bringing that sum up a little? You're lagging behind us soldier! Drop and give me 20!...

Unless you'd prefer not to, but it might help you train for the next football season. Gotta keep in shape right?

Aww man, look at that it's pitiful! I thought I'd be faster than that... But then again, right now I'm on dial up and the connection is like 12 mbps, which is SLOOOOOOOOW. As you can imagine, it slows down my B/P a lot. When I get back to dad's I'll have a fast comcast 100 mbps connection again. Looks like I have a little competition, or not, for the next week or so.

I noticed that Total B/P is only two years from my birthdate. That so reminds me of 1337. That means I'm to young to be on this site for about a year, maybe 10 months. Lol, I crack myself up sometimes, haha. :) I'm so stupid it's not even funny.

Yes, I joined when I was 11, and that means my profile will always be 2 years off.

I just got EliteGuardPrivateFirstClass today, despite the problems I'm facing which I mentioned earlier, yay me! :) I hope this'll inspire you new guys to work hard out there in the portal, it pays off eventually, believe it or not. And please note this includes anyone below my total b/p, which may or may not have moved since the rankings have been posted. So just err... Do your thing, I guess. My internet's cutting in and out so I won't rant and complain anymore, sinc it's proven useless.

Does this post seem overly long to you?

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 16:25:19

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 17:50:55

Looks like we got it. Just goes to show that stealing doesn't pay off.

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster – May 29, 2007

Sterockicy’s note:

I am very sorry that it took so long to make this update. First, I had a job interview after school. Then I made it and something went wrong so I tried to fix it and accidentally closed excel and lost all of the data. And just before my Mum was being a “you know what” and wouldn’t let me use the computer. So at the moment I am sneaking on it because she’s asleep.

No need to be sorry about anything. Seems you went to a lot of trouble to post this, it's appreciated. Thank you for the update.

Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Congrats on making the 300 list it certainly makes b/p more interesting. Welcome to the top!

Top 5 Gainers:

pepeatumi - 1187
Sentio – 1267
Pwroftheseagoat - 1331
PenguinLink – 1237
Seamonky – 1089

Congrats to us.
Only 6 more and I could have been leet. :'(

Special Congratulatory list:

Top gainers, repeat offenders: pwroftheseagoat, PenguinLink, Sentio, Seamonky, pepeatumi!

Congrats to us again.
Maybe when you go back to Britain I'll be able to pass you Sentio. I'll look forward to that.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 18:00:59

At 5/29/07 12:17 PM, Snerd wrote:
I'm going to post a new section to HEBREW MUSTARD after I make this post, so don't forget to check it out on the EGB Forums. Not a member? Well... we're not that exclusive. For fuck's sake, we let Sentio in... er... JOIN TODAY? You can find the link in my sig.

I know, what the hell was Slash thinking?

At 5/29/07 01:54 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Very true. Slash was a legend in his own right with his daily star-pace days. I would only hit 100-120B/P where he would hit 160-170! Ah, well. We'll see if he can't get his butt back on Newgrounds...

He should be back soon- he was back to his old self briefly a couple of weeks ago, but it's taking him a while to get his computer fixed up. Now that I am ahead and pulling away I know he won't rest until he has caught me again :(

At 5/29/07 02:06 PM, Andrea364 wrote:
I just got EliteGuardPrivateFirstClass today, despite the problems I'm facing which I mentioned earlier, yay me! :) I hope this'll inspire you new guys to work hard out there in the portal, it pays off eventually, believe it or not. And please note this includes anyone below my total b/p, which may or may not have moved since the rankings have been posted. So just err... Do your thing, I guess. My internet's cutting in and out so I won't rant and complain anymore, sinc it's proven useless.

Congrats on the new rank! As you say, if you just stick at it you get the rewards eventually. Just look at Coop, he has kept a steady pace for some time and is now getting close to EGSC.

Does this post seem overly long to you?

Not at all, we like long posts around here :). Better that then a load of short posts to say the same thing! Good to see you back :)

At 5/29/07 04:25 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: Stolen.

Got it! Pretty obvious it was stolen, but the link to the original was appreciated.

At 5/29/07 05:50 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
Congrats to us again.
Maybe when you go back to Britain I'll be able to pass you Sentio. I'll look forward to that.

I hope not! I'll be stuck at home until late September, during which time my B/P will suffer a lot, but at least back at university I'll have a good connection, even if I don't have much time to use it. The other problem will be being in the wrong timezone again of course, but I tend to stay up late during term time so that shouldn't be too big a deal.

I don't want to see everyone pass me again :( (that means you EagleRock, Slash, pwroftheseagoat, maybe Hemlok... oh crap!). I'm not going down without a fight!


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 18:25:34

At 5/29/07 06:00 PM, Sentio wrote:
At 5/29/07 01:54 PM, EagleRock wrote: Very true. Slash was a legend in his own right with his daily star-pace days. I would only hit 100-120B/P where he would hit 160-170! Ah, well. We'll see if he can't get his butt back on Newgrounds...
He should be back soon- he was back to his old self briefly a couple of weeks ago, but it's taking him a while to get his computer fixed up. Now that I am ahead and pulling away I know he won't rest until he has caught me again :(

Scary...looks like he finally took over my B/P for sooo long...he was gunning for me ever since he freakin' joined the Barracks. I held him off for forever, too.

I don't want to see everyone pass me again :( (that means you EagleRock, Slash, pwroftheseagoat, maybe Hemlok... oh crap!). I'm not going down without a fight!

I'll put it this way. You will never surpass me simply for one reason: I am the 69th Supreme Commander on Newgrounds. That alone speaks awesome. :-)



Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 18:25:39

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Congrats for making the next Top 300 B/P List!
Only 8 or 9 weeks remaining...

At 5/29/07 12:29 PM, Odyssic wrote:
Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
31 // 07006 // NEW // NEW // NEW // Azentiger
Maybe you will be in the top Gainers, you're fast at B/P. Well done on getting your new badge.

Thanks for saying that, Odyssic, but I don't think I'm so fast at B/P. And even if I was, there will always be Sentio, and Slash when he will return, and some others. So I have a lot of competition. Maybe I'll make the Top Gainers in the next update, but I won't count on it. All that I know is that I will get my next rank, and enter in the gold badges ranks.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 18:26:34

Ok, Im just posting before school to show that I have fixed up EagleRocks bit. Here is what it should be:

10 // 32264 // 478 // 34.1 // 34.1+ // EagleRock

There you go. That should be more accurate.

Also, Sentio. I know that the top 5 gainers is out of whack. I was in a real hurry to finish before bed and I forgot to put it in order. Its funny how all of the same people are on the list again.

Finally, I going to be going to camp in under 4 weeks so in two fortnights time someone else will have to do it for me. I am planning to make a video that shows what is needed to be done to make the update. It should be pretty cool and you will get to bag my accent and laugh at my face.

I will give you a link to the video once its made!

Then if anyone wants the job they will be able to do it properly and check out my awesome update maker in excel!



Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 19:57:44

At 5/29/07 07:37 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
59 // 01823 // 0114 // 008.1 // 003.9+ // TheThing

I doubt I'll ever be able to get that kind of gain again. I was helped by the long weekend end, easily getting 50 or 60+ in the 3 and a half days I was off. I also made $70 bucks in that span, so it was a pretty good weekend for me.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 21:33:02

At 5/28/07 03:02 PM, LittleWashu wrote:
Hello everyone sorry I haven't been around in ages it feels like but work is a real killer it sucks my internet time away like a leech.

Hey there. It's indeed been some time since you've posted in here. It's great hearing you're still alive. :)

At 5/28/07 04:52 PM, EagleRock wrote:

You, sir, speak the truth.

Wow, my imagination is screwed up, isn't it?

You never know, but it's a possibility such an idea may be implied when the redesign takes place. :P

At 5/28/07 05:55 PM, Sentio wrote:
Two more days for my REVIEW CHALLENGE!

I haven't reviewed the submission yet- I'm planning to do so today. It's also great to see a couple of more members decided to take part, especially EagleRock. It's going to be tough voting this week, since they all seem to be very informative and helpful.

At 5/28/07 10:52 PM, Azentiger wrote:
Finally! After 12 or 13 days of b/ping, I finally got EG Sergeant Major Rank!

Congratulations! Keep up the good work, Sergeant Major.

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Barracks roster – May 29, 2007

Thanks for the update. :)

Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Congratulations! Now you won't be able to hide from us anymore. :)

Top 5 Gainers:
pepeatumi - 1187
Sentio – 1267
Pwroftheseagoat - 1331
PenguinLink – 1237
Seamonky – 1089

Congratulations to everyone making this list. Keep up the great work, guys.

Top gainers, repeat offenders: pwroftheseagoat, PenguinLink, Sentio, Seamonky, pepeatumi!

Congratulations to you four as well.

New to the list: Azentiger, Dante-Son-Of-Sparda, Akatsuki321, Ursiruss!

Welcome. :)

Top 3 biggest average rises: EagleRock + 66.9, ArtDanVal + 51.4, hongkongexpress + 15.3!

Congratulations to you three. :)

18 // 24158 // 0238 // 017.0 // 001.9- // MetalDart

It's going to be awhile before I pass him.

19 // 18238 // 1237 // 088.4 // 009.8+ // PenguinLink

Not too bad, considering these two weeks have been conjured by Finals.

At 5/29/07 01:54 PM, EagleRock wrote:
In other news, I got my computer case today! This thing kicks ASS! For those interested, I have a link with specs and pictures here. Now all I'm waiting for is my CPU, motherboard, and graphics card, and I'm all set to build my computer! If only this damn shipment would get here quicker...

That's great to hear. :D I wonder what you'll name your newly built computer once you finish working on it. :)

Time for lunch!

Taco Bell? :3

At 5/29/07 02:06 PM, Andrea364 wrote:
I just got EliteGuardPrivateFirstClass today, despite the problems I'm facing which I mentioned earlier, yay me! :)

Congratulations, Private. Keep up the good work.

Does this post seem overly long to you?

Posts like these are very much appreciated around these parts, so don't worry if they get long. :)

At 5/29/07 04:25 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:

I missed it. :(



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 23:04:34

Congratulations, Private. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, and don't worry, I will... As long as I have a computer, connection, a mouse, keyboard, fingers, hands etc. I will. You can bet your badge on that... The only problem is the tedious bothers, this and thats of daily living. I guess I shouldn't complain though, all I need to protect the portal is right here in front of my face.

Posts like these are very much appreciated around these parts, so don't worry if they get long. :)

:) Heheh, not everybody thinks that way you know, some people think my long speech like posts get a little umm... Well... Annoying sometimes, but if it makes you guys happy I'll post gargantuan paragraphs and gigantic segments of text. I'm actually counting the sentences, lol, I'm such a geek, but in the good way. It's all because I have a life outside the electronical boxes of countless circuits, diodes, solder and all the little tiny insignificant parts of a computer that make the Internet and life itself so grand. After this post, prepare yourself for really lengthy words and extremely long sentences, nearly incomprehensible to your common seventh grader, since I will be developing my skills as a poster. A tidbit of advice: If you can't understand just read around whatever you're struggling to comprehend, it helps.

At 5/29/07 04:25 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
I missed it. :(

I flagged it much earlier, but I didn't get around to notifying you guys before pwroftheseagoat posted. I had predicted he'd get to it before I even stepped through the Barracks doors. And for lack of a better word, he beat me to it by a mile. Nicely done pwroftheseagoat. Yet another stolen flash thwarted.

Did Phantom not say that salute chains would not be tolerated or something a while back?


I bid you all adieu for now.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-29 23:15:10

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Barracks roster – May 29, 2007

Excellent. I always look forward to these updates.

Sterockicy’s note:
So at the moment I am sneaking on

Heh, I'm doing that right now. ^_~

Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Congratulations, personally I found that when I reached that list it was a huge motivater to continue to b/p. I'm confident you'll make it all the way to EGSC faster then it took you to get in the top 300 alone. Best of luck. =)

Top 5 Gainers:

pepeatumi - 1187
Sentio – 1267
Pwroftheseagoat - 1331
PenguinLink – 1237
Seamonky – 1089


New to the list: Azentiger, Dante-Son-Of-Sparda, Akatsuki321, Ursiruss!

Welcome to the Barracks.

Top 3 biggest average rises: EagleRock + 66.9, ArtDanVal + 51.4, hongkongexpress + 15.3!

It's sort've an odd coincidence that once Phantom goes away for a bit, Eagle returns back to his rightful place... as if on cue or something.
Also ArtDanVal has passed me in average b/p per day with that jump in his pace.

At 5/29/07 07:37 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name

01 // 52389 // 0016 // 001.1 // 000.3- // ADT
02 // 52329 // 0415 // 029.6 // 008.5- // Phantom

Pre-congrats to Phantom on becoming #1 in the EGB. I probibly won't be here when it actually happens...

06 // 45236 // 0575 // 041.1 // 004.8- // Major-punk

A respectable pace. But still not good enough to stay in top 5.

07 // 36793 // 1089 // 077.8 // 010.6+ // Seamonky
08 // 33728 // 1267 // 090.5 // 000.3- // Sentio
09 // 33723 // 0937 // 066.9 // 066.9+ // EagleRock
10 // 32819 // 0005 // 000.4 // 044.7- // SlashFirestorm
11 // 31324 // 1439 // 102.8 // 051.4+ // ArtDanVal

And I can't take these guys too lightly. They're already catching up fast.

Say Sterockicy; have you considered removing some of the inactive members who haven't posted in months? I'm not sure what your method is for handling that, but I know updating for over 60 people is very time consuming. --- Just a thought.

Thanks again for the update, much appreciated.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 03:18:25

At 5/28/07 12:35 PM, EagleRock wrote: Good to hear. Keep at it.

Will do, sir.

Hah...I just naturally assume that most people on a site like Newgrounds would be as much of a computer geek as I am, so that's what caused all of this...

I thought I would be as much of a computer geek, too, just looking at my post count alone. Apparantly not. :c

Dude...haven't you talked to girls lately? Size is everything!

I don't know. Most of the girls I talked to only cared about certain things, like a good personality, and a good sense of humor. Then again, most of them have been known for talking crazy.

At 5/28/07 02:54 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You lost me right about there. :'(

That's EagleRock for you.

At 5/29/07 07:30 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster – May 29, 2007


Also, in happier news I am now in the top 300 b/pers!

Grats on that.

Top 5 Gainers:

pepeatumi - 1187
Sentio – 1267
Pwroftheseagoat - 1331
PenguinLink – 1237
Seamonky – 1089

Grats to these people.

01 // 52389 // 0016 // 001.1 // 000.3- // ADT
02 // 52329 // 0415 // 029.6 // 008.5- // Phantom

In a way, getting to #1 will be cool. But if there's not much of a challenge, it's not, well, as cool. :(

03 // 51591 // 0791 // 056.5 // 011.5+ // X-Naut

Not bad at all.

05 // 45523 // 1187 // 084.8 // 001.4+ // pepeatumi
06 // 45236 // 0575 // 041.1 // 004.8- // Major-punk

How long has this fight been going on?

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 03:22:07

At 5/29/07 11:15 PM, Major-punk wrote:
Say Sterockicy; have you considered removing some of the inactive members who haven't posted in months? I'm not sure what your method is for handling that, but I know updating for over 60 people is very time consuming. --- Just a thought.

I have considered it over the last few updates. I realize the list is getter bigger and that not all of the members are actively involved in the EGB and some not even b/ping at all. I am just not sure who I should remove. I can see at least 10 users who are not active at all on NG so I guess I could get rid of them next fortnight.

Thanks for pointing this out. I just needed someone to point that out to push the idea over the edge and to actually commit to doing it.

Thanks again for the update, much appreciated.

No worries. It’s a great feeling when you can get the whole barracks talking about the update after you spent a fair bit of time making it. I like seeing people excited even if they are on a computer in a different part of the world. I am sure you got that feeling when you used to make it!


Oh and I just got a call from Coles-Myer, I got the part time job I applied for yesterday! Its time to start earning some money!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 08:53:52

At 5/29/07 07:37 AM, Sterockicy wrote: 14 // 26591 // 1331 // 095.1 // 012.8+ // pwroftheseagoat
15 // 26405 // 0708 // 050.6 // 002.9+ // MadCow
16 // 26064 // 0043 // 003.1 // 000.2+ // LittleWashu
17 // 25997 // 0559 // 039.9 // 005.6- // Coop83

Boy did I take a hit this fortnight or what?

Still, I can relax that since the data pull, I've passed LittleWashu and will continue to (hopelessly) pursue the reamining 123 B/Pers above me in the ranks.

A few things going on around home to stop me from B/Ping as much as in previous weeks, but I fully intend to carry on and get myself the remaining 4k in record time (for me), to ascend to Supreme Commander as soon as possible

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 11:13:44

At 5/29/07 09:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 5/28/07 04:52 PM, EagleRock wrote:
You, sir, speak the truth.

Damn straight. What's the sense of being part of something unless you take it WAY too seriously??

That's great to hear. :D I wonder what you'll name your newly built computer once you finish working on it. :)

Hmm...I really don't name my devices. My XP install on my new PC will probably be "EagleBox," while my Ubuntu install will be "EagleUbuntu." I'm very, very, VERY creative with that. My MacBook is named "EagleMac," my USB Ubuntu install "EagleUSB," my PDA "EaglePDA," and my cell phone "EaglePhone." I use a very sophisticated and complicated method to naming my devices. It's so sophisticated that I dunno if you caught on.

At 5/29/07 11:15 PM, Major-punk wrote: It's sort've an odd coincidence that once Phantom goes away for a bit, Eagle returns back to his rightful place... as if on cue or something.

The Divines spoke to me in a dream. I'd go through the trouble of making up some huge, elaborate story not dissimilar to King Arthur's story about claiming Excalibur, but I have a headache.

At 5/30/07 03:18 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 5/28/07 12:35 PM, EagleRock wrote: Hah...I just naturally assume that most people on a site like Newgrounds would be as much of a computer geek as I am, so that's what caused all of this...
I thought I would be as much of a computer geek, too, just looking at my post count alone. Apparantly not. :c

Well, you don't need to know the difference between ATA and SATA to know how to post in a forum, now do you...

Dude...haven't you talked to girls lately? Size is everything!
I don't know. Most of the girls I talked to only cared about certain things, like a good personality, and a good sense of humor. Then again, most of them have been known for talking crazy.

Girls ARE crazy. If you're not sure about that one, just go ahead and get married. You'll learn QUICK.

At 5/28/07 02:54 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You lost me right about there. :'(
That's EagleRock for you.

That silly, silly EagleRock.

Oh, by the way,

The Elite Guard Barracks

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 11:54:01

At 5/29/07 06:25 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Scary...looks like he finally took over my B/P for sooo long...he was gunning for me ever since he freakin' joined the Barracks. I held him off for forever, too.

Yeah, he certainly enjoyed passing you after all that time :)

I'll put it this way. You will never surpass me simply for one reason: I am the 69th Supreme Commander on Newgrounds. That alone speaks awesome. :-)

You make a good point, 69th is pretty unbeatable. I briefly thought I would be the 100th, but a few people in front of me slowed down, and I kept up a high pace for about 6 months.

At 5/29/07 06:26 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
10 // 32264 // 478 // 34.1 // 34.1+ // EagleRock

There you go. That should be more accurate.

Also, Sentio. I know that the top 5 gainers is out of whack. I was in a real hurry to finish before bed and I forgot to put it in order. Its funny how all of the same people are on the list again.

Ha, that's ok, you know I appreciate these updates. It's just become a kind of tradition that I point out any mistakes, you'd be disappointed if I didn't :P

At 5/29/07 09:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
I haven't reviewed the submission yet- I'm planning to do so today. It's also great to see a couple of more members decided to take part, especially EagleRock. It's going to be tough voting this week, since they all seem to be very informative and helpful.


Lol, I think you may have forgotten something... I'll briefly delay the voting to give you a chance to do it, as I know you want to- you have until 7PM NG time (when I get off work basically). After that I'll send out the voting PMs for this week.

Speaking of which, I'll make a decision on this weeks challenge as well over the course of the day. I have quite a bit of work to do (for once) so it might take a while- any suggestions in that time are welcome! I see TOTW, underdog, and Review crew are all spam this week :(

At 5/30/07 11:13 AM, EagleRock wrote:
Girls ARE crazy. If you're not sure about that one, just go ahead and get married. You'll learn QUICK.

Does that mean they get crazier once you marry them?? :S I thought they were bad enough already!


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 12:32:57

At 5/30/07 11:54 AM, Sentio wrote: REVIEW CHALLENGE stuff:

Lol, I think you may have forgotten something... I'll briefly delay the voting to give you a chance to do it, as I know you want to- you have until 7PM NG time (when I get off work basically). After that I'll send out the voting PMs for this week.

I can;t wait to see who wins now as there were a good few aweosme reviews done for this challenge.

Speaking of which, I'll make a decision on this weeks challenge as well over the course of the day. I have quite a bit of work to do (for once) so it might take a while- any suggestions in that time are welcome! I see TOTW, underdog, and Review crew are all spam this week :(

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870 . Just a random suggestion, its a very low scoring shooting game, i played it and there isn;t all that much too it but there is plenty of room for constructive criticism. just a random suggestion though, feel free to hoke about yourself and find one. it is a very old submission is the only thing.

the portal has been quite weird for me over the last few days, a lot more blams than saves, not that im complaining, if my blams. saves get closer together its certainly not a bad thing.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 12:50:50

Sergent EagleRock, reporting for recruiting Sir! I have Served my portal for near a month now, Sir! If you are willing to recruit a noob who is respectful and honorable, Sir!

I pwnanated The Terminator (1,2,&3), The Govenanator, and other titles ending in -nator.

It's time to kick arse and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta arse to kick!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 13:06:49

At 5/30/07 12:50 PM, ThePwnanator777 wrote: Sergent EagleRock, reporting for recruiting Sir! I have Served my portal for near a month now, Sir! If you are willing to recruit a noob who is respectful and honorable, Sir!

You have to be an Elite Guard rank to join here. you currently have no B/P, you have yet to serve the portal at all. try the NG Police Headquarters first. And check out the post by Bluehippo in this thread if you do not know how to get B/P points.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 13:08:36

At 5/30/07 11:54 AM, Sentio wrote:
At 5/29/07 06:25 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Scary...looks like he finally took over my B/P for sooo long...he was gunning for me ever since he freakin' joined the Barracks. I held him off for forever, too.
Yeah, he certainly enjoyed passing you after all that time :)

Oh, I'm sure he did.

that competing, conniving, crazy LITTLE... *ahem* ...one heckuva guy!
You make a good point, 69th is pretty unbeatable. I briefly thought I would be the 100th, but a few people in front of me slowed down, and I kept up a high pace for about 6 months.

That sucks. Oh well. The point is, you're an EGSC, inducted earlier than you thought in respect to the rest of NG.

Ha, that's ok, you know I appreciate these updates. It's just become a kind of tradition that I point out any mistakes, you'd be disappointed if I didn't :P

How lovely. Let's revel in the fact that we can point out others' shortcomings. :-) <jk>

At 5/29/07 09:33 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
I haven't reviewed the submission yet- I'm planning to do so today. It's also great to see a couple of more members decided to take part, especially EagleRock. It's going to be tough voting this week, since they all seem to be very informative and helpful.

What kind of a Chief Barracks Officer would I be if I didn't at least take part?

that being said, I better win... :-P
At 5/30/07 11:13 AM, EagleRock wrote: Girls ARE crazy. If you're not sure about that one, just go ahead and get married. You'll learn QUICK.
Does that mean they get crazier once you marry them?? :S I thought they were bad enough already!

Nope. They are as crazy as they always were. However, when you marry them, you're around them a lot more and you realize more and more craziness as time goes on. Of course, it all balances out. Girls may be crazy, but guys are just dumb.

At 5/30/07 12:50 PM, ThePwnanator777 wrote: Sergent EagleRock, reporting for recruiting Sir! I have Served my portal for near a month now, Sir! If you are willing to recruit a noob who is respectful and honorable, Sir!

For starters, I'm not Sergeant EagleRock, but Supreme Commander EagleRock. I was Sergeant a long time ago when I first started the Barracks. Also, to be a member of the Barracks, you need to be a member of the Elite Guard first. If you go out on the Portal and do your duty, you'll find that you'll work your way quickly into the NGPD, which will then give you the ability to join the Elite Guard. It's a long road ahead, but it is worth it!

I checked your records, and notice that you have not one blam or protection point! I'd advice to hit the training department here and train up on protecting the Portal, which will get you started on your way. Also, I notice you haven't posted too much on the BBS, so you might want to get a few good posts under you belt as well, so that we can be a judge of your character.

Best of luck to you, citizen!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 18:26:08

At 5/30/07 11:54 AM, Sentio wrote:
Also, Sentio. I know that the top 5 gainers is out of whack. I was in a real hurry to finish before bed and I forgot to put it in order. Its funny how all of the same people are on the list again.
Ha, that's ok, you know I appreciate these updates. It's just become a kind of tradition that I point out any mistakes, you'd be disappointed if I didn't :P

I would most certainly be upset if I didnt recieve a "YOU STUFFED UP!" post. Even if I dont make one mistake in the future that would be a stuff up on your part. Then I could say "HAHA, YOU STUFFED UP BECAUSE YOU COULDNT SAY I STUFFED UP!"

Either way, One of us is a stuff up.

I plan to go throught the update on Friday and clean it up a little.

Get rid of all the non posting members.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 21:26:00

At 5/30/07 07:06 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: So how's life treating you guy's? Things are going good for me. My school is getting out next week, finally time to relax. I might be getting close to Deity whistle soon.....i can't wait. I found out that i be level 10 on.........august first......WTF? By then the new layout and levels should be coming out. Which means i need to deposit to keep ahead and get to the higher level icons as quick as possible.

Oh, not so good. I'm already out of school which is a plus... You're lucky, I'm gonna be level ten in 31 days if I deposit regularly. The new layout might not be out by then though, I really don't know why though. Well, I got so bored today I typed this, hope you're happy with it.

This sucks, my connection just cut out thanks to a stupid phone call, I hate dial up. When it finally comes back the movie I'm viewing will be already judged... Stupid dialup, always ruining my plans to B/P on every chance I get. Man, I can barely get this post in. Don't expect me to post here much, the connection keeps cutting out.

I probably got in one B/P, I didn't even get to deposit today. I know, I'm complaining a lot again and I'm not keeping my word about posting with huge words and all, but I'm just too hacked off to really feel good enough to. Today you'd be lucky if I even showed up once or twice around here, but all I really have any time to do anyway is sit around and read the PM's I get from people. I guess I'll just finish typing 8 paragraphs or so to make you all happy about the long posts I'm preparing for you. * counts sentences * Counting this one that's four. I wish life was easier than this a lot of times.

Well, I guess I'll tell you what happened today in what little time I have left. Today I stayed in bed til about 10:00 in the morning, since clearly it isn't night yet. I was awakened by my mom telling me I had a guest and her ordering me to get up and get dressed to see my cousin Tanner. This didn't bother me that much until he told me that we were going to the garden, but I didn't show it for fear of disappointing him or something. I had to crawl underneath the fence of the pasture and get my white shirt all dirty with mud just to get there, and then I had to crawl through two rusty old little tomato cages, run to the potato plants.

This was bad enough I thought, but it got a little worse as we went along, Pawpaw Gunn was waiting in the tater patch for us to pick the taters without gloves even though there were briars and sticker bushes everywhere. And he even made us take the buckets all the way to the fourwheeler, which was about 50 feet away and it was a really hot day too. It was around 90 degrees out. Finally after an hour of potato digging and picking, we went inside the house while Pawpaw rode his fourwheeler around the garden, then we found out we had to take some of them all the way to my mom's house, which was around 200 meters away. If it wouldn't have been for mom we'd have already passed out in the sun on the way out.

We stayed inside for a while and played video games until we got bored, and my mom and stepdad went to go dig up some stuff, then we went out again into the boiling sun. We went to the dirt pile, and I had to crawl under the fence again, this time the barbwire caught me, and in the crotch of my pants too, good thing I'm not a guy, or that would have hurt. We finally were near it and my parents nearly spotted us when they were turning into the 'pre driveway' and we really had to hurry to the trees. Tanner nearly stepped in fresh horse crap when we were near the corale, thank God he didn't, it'd never come off, Tanner slid under the fence, which was gross because he almost touched the feces when he did that.

As soon as he was hidden, I leaped over the 6 foot fence amazingly, then tumbled down to the ground, and seeing an opening I ran to where he was at. Suprisingly, they didn't see me, despite my clumsy attempt at stealthiness, perhaps the glaring sun prevented it. We then proceeded to the dirt pile and began digging, then Bubbles, a really big dog sneezed, scaring the piss out of Tanner literally. We were making a giant get well soon dirt wad for Logan, my other cousin, who had been sick all week and we soon realised we'd need shovels, so I had to find a good way to get out of the corale, and crawl under yet another fence just to get a shovel I left in the big pile by Logans house.

When we got back in the insane evil horses were trying to get in so we were prepared to climb the old rusty barred fence. When we saw them go to the water trough we were somewhat relieved, but I thought we should go back to Pawpaw Gunn's place to cool off. When we got there we headed straight for the hunting trailer, hoping it'd be atleast a little cooler inside. Not to my suprise, it was about 120 degrees in there and as soon as we got in we went right back out to ask if we could stay in it and turn the airconditioner on so it'd be colder than the exterior. We got some mountain dews and stayed in the trailer until about 5:00 fixing it up for when they went hunting. Then Mawmaw came and drug us inside.

Pawpaw Gunn had cantelope slices on the table for us so we ate two of them. I had tons of salt on mine. then his mom barged in on us and made Tanner get ready for church. Well, I ran home... So err... Here I am.

So I've pretty much covered just about everything that happened today. That's about all I feel like typing today, my fingers are worn out... Bigtime worn out... Guess I'll see y'all later. Is that long enough for ya?

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-30 23:37:47

At 5/30/07 09:32 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 5/30/07 09:26 PM, Andrea364 wrote:
At 5/30/07 07:06 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
Lots of stuff.

You do know you didn't quote that, right? Was that on purpose, or was it an accident. Well, just in case... Here's a tip I learned forever ago, to quote something in a post, simply put a colon, ( this little thingy here : ) hit the space bar, and continue typing. Can you remember that?

LOL i have high speed internet. Also today feels good to be a gangster, i just got over 4k post. I feel proud and accomplished for this. Hopefully by the end of june i'll have 5k post.

I have high speed at my dad's house, which I call 'internet heaven' because it has 100mbps, mom's ( where I'm at right now with 12kbps ) is 'internet hell'. I'm working on my post length and post count, which is no problem since I'm good with grammar, spelling, and all the good stuff your local language arts teacher will be willing to teach you in class. Another tip from me: Try typing in paragraphs, it looks more professional and can make your posts seem a lot longer than they are. Atatsuki, please work on your grammar and post length, that way your 4k of posts won't make you look like some ten year old with a broken keyboard, no offense.

That reminds me... I just realised that I wore off a spot on my space bar by using it so much. Where it used to be rough like the rest of the keyboard now there is a big smooth spot on the right side where my right thumb hits it. I guess I get so bored while my mom is still busy doing the bill and taxes that I type for a long time and it makes lots of little smooth spots on the keyboard. Mom and Dad think I use the computer too much, I think they work too much and the don't pay enough attention to me.

What do you guys think eh?

Does anyone need more tips? I have tons more where those two came from. If you're going to ask for tips, do it over pm or just flat out ask me now. I'll be going to the portal in a few minutes. :) See ya in a few minutes.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-31 09:46:13

At 5/30/07 11:37 PM, Andrea364 wrote: I have high speed at my dad's house, which I call 'internet heaven' because it has 100mbps, mom's ( where I'm at right now with 12kbps ) is 'internet hell'.

Hmm...that doesn't seem right. Even FiOS only gets around 30-40mbps. Hell, my router's internal network is 10/100mbps. Are you sure you're not reading the Windows popup that says "Connected: 100mbps?" That's only your internal network speed. My cable connection clocks in at around 12-16mbps downstream and 1.5mbps upstream, so that doesn't seem right. Try http://www.speedtest.net/ to see what your speed is. Also, 12kbps is slower than dialup. You're probably hitting 40-56kbps at home assuming you have dialup, unless you're confusing that with 12mbps, which is about the speed I have with Optimum Online broadband cable.

I'm confused :-/

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-31 11:31:02

At 5/29/07 07:37 AM, Sterockicy wrote: 01 // 52389 // 0016 // 001.1 // 000.3- // ADT
02 // 52329 // 0415 // 029.6 // 008.5- // Phantom

Nice, soon I'll be at the top of the EGB list. a long awaited for prize. It's a shame ADT slowed down but I will finally have my revenge for when he passed me last summer. Unless he reads this...Thanks for the update

At 5/29/07 08:15 AM, Azentiger wrote: Phantom is gonna pass ADT soon, huh?

Yup, neat eh?

At 5/29/07 11:15 PM, Major-punk wrote: Pre-congrats to Phantom on becoming #1 in the EGB. I probibly won't be here when it actually happens...

Much thanks. And yeah, Eagle's return should cover for my absence quite well. :)

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-05-31 13:16:21


Sorry that it is a bit late, I had some connection issues last night that prevented me from posting it. That also means that the voting for round three has been slightly delayed, although the panel have now been set in motion.

It was a tough decision this week, and thanks to the two of you that gave me suggestions, I needed them. TOTW, Underdog, and Review Crew pick were all spam, which always makes the decision more difficult. I looked at Solidone's suggestion, but I've rejected it as it is 7 years old now. Although there was a lot of potential for constructive criticism and good reviews I felt it was unlikley the author would ever actually look at it. I want these reviews to help any author lucky enough to receive them, so on that basis I didn't think it was the best submission. Thanks for the suggestion though, it would have been perfect had it been submitted in the last couple of months.

So I've gone for Azentiger's suggestion of Amorphous. This is a bit different to last week as it is a very good submission (at least in my opinion), but there are certainly ways it can be improved, and that is what you lot are going to be looking for. So it could well be a harder review to write. On the bright side it is a good excuse to play one of the better games on NG, and there is a thread I started in the Barracks forums about it already for those who enjoy it.

It may be a little too good really, and it isn't exactly what I wanted to set as the challenge this week, but I simply can't find anything else at the moment. Hopefully next week will be back to submissions that need a little more help. Deadline of next Wednesday as usual.


Sig by lebastic

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