So I missed a spam attack of unprecedented proportions? Lame.
I'm not back, I'm just checking in. My computer is back in my room at the moment...dude couldn't fix it. I'm taking it in to a real professional as soon as possible, because fuck, this is not funny.
As for the ol' Computer-Girl, I'm really, really hoping it's going to be as simple (and cheap) as maybe a new fan or some thermal paste or something, and not my motherboard or something. fdsgfdsgfdsgsdfcocks
Annoyingly, it seems my computer is worse than ever now, running hotter than before. Three attempts at publishing a .fla led to restarting. Dicks dicks balls.
ANYway, after a few MORE restarts after trying to view flash (even simple ones), I'm not going to even bother trying to B/P. I guess I'll just try to do the relatively-simple pleasure of scribbling down fanfictions in Notepad documents, and glance at the BBS from time to time until my machine is brought back in.
For the record, I have occupied myself by going back to my ol' Gamecube, playing through Twilight Princess (I got all 60 Poes for the first time), almost done with a run through Windwaker (getting all the trophies, too, bah)...then it's on to Metroid Prime and MP2: Echoes, then GUN, then Star Fox Adventures (my first GC game, haven't played that in a loooooong time), then hell, maybe I'll clear my SSBM data and start from scratch.
So shyeah. Keep on B/P'ing and all. Sentio, you bastid, looks like you're gonna luck out and zoom ahead of me.
But as you all know...