I still think that they should make it so we can only vote on a flash once in its first week of existence...it wouldn't be a solution, but it'd drastically help prevent the upvoting/downvoting wars for some of the awards.
After the weekly awards have been decided, then people could go back to voting on something daily, because then no one really gives a fuck where the score goes, because it'll barely ever be seen again, anyway.
Also, they should go a step further and make it so a title change at any time makes a flash ineligible for an award. Currently, as long as the title is changed while UJ, the flash can still win one (as in the case of this week's TOTW, which was changed just before passing).
If that flash had the Jew-title from the start, you know it wouldn't have stood a chance of passing...and if they did switch it, it would drift off the portal, unable to win any award.
Let's hope the new layout addresses some of these problems.