Coop has just replied to this, but to reiterate his points...
At 4/24/07 10:52 AM, Snerd wrote:
I just know that I can't be the only person to do this. I'm probably the only one to admit it, but I can't be the only one to do this.
You are most certainly right, there are plenty of people who do just what you do. The difference is they are not in the EGB. One of our key roles on this site is to promote voting fairly, and to have a member who doesn't do that reflects badly upon us. We can't control how people vote, that is obvious, and you can do what you want, but you can't come in here and say you are voting for stats.
And besides, none of you really know for a fact that I don't like these spammy flashes. I may love them for all you know and I might just be voting fairly. You can't actually prove I'm not.
Like I said, we can't control how you vote, we can just try and influence you into becoming a better member. Every single post and review I write is supposed to set an example for other users of how it can be done well, and the same goes for voting.
Maybe I just have the worst taste in flash animation. And my whole "attitude" is displayed only because I hate this self-righteous bullshit that has just been tossed my way. "He's a stat whore and I'm angry because he has a few more points than I do and all the girls at school hate me even though mommy says I'm good-looking."
Attacks towards peoples personal lives are never tolerated here, so watch what you are saying. As it is almost everyone here has more points than you, and what they do with their social lives is pretty irrelevant. Maybe we do come across as self righteous, but that is the whole damn point- it is what you signed up for joining here.
That type of shit doesn't fly with me. Anyway, I've found what works best for me. I'm certainly not trying to change the way someone else votes. Slash and I were talking about this the other night: Those "shitty" flashes actually take some effort. I made a game with some friends recently and it took forever to get everything right. We even joked about how complex it was for a purposefully shitty game.
Of course they take effort, and there is no way I could produce something like that. But there has to be a level of quality control on NG to keep the portal running smoothly. Maybe some bad submissions do take a lot of effort, that doesn't make tham good enough to pass. And the vast majority of spam submissions take no effort at all, as they are just parts of previous flash work cobbled together.
Maybe those "shitty" flashes deserve to get passed sometimes. Putting a game together is rather hard. If I see Pong all day, I'll start voting 0 just because I'm tired of seeing it, but if someone puts it up, I'll probably pass it.
Sometimes they do deserve to pass, if someone has put a lot of effort in and improved from a past effort for example. But we are talking about the blatant spam that gets through, not poor submissions that have effort put in. Pong is one example of something I will vote to blam 9 times out of 10, simply because they are taking it straight off a tutorial most of the time. If there is nothing that sets it apart from the 100s of previous entries it doesn't deserve to get through. Originality is as important as anything else in my opinion.
POINT (for those of you that don't care to read the long stuff above):
I've found what works best for me. I'm not trying to change the way anyone else votes. You can express that you don't approve of my practices without being self-righteous and/or hateful.
Well I seriously suggest you think about leaving. That isn't what the EGB is about, and just because you have the required rank doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. As it is your posting habits (far too many spammy one liners) have you on thin ice, so either shape up or leave.