At 1/14/06 09:13 PM, KungFuCow wrote: Meh, sorry for double post (not sure, but could be).
Anyways, there's a malicious flash in portal here . It was submitted by the same author before with no changes being made to it, it was blammed and here is the link to its obituaties page.
Yay, whistle points!
First of all, there is a rule against posting urls in the egb. And secondly, it is not malicious, as it has been seriously edited. before the game did not work at all, now it is a functioning (albeit boring) game. No whislte points for you I am afriad =(
Still, its good that you are eager to defend the portal.
Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Congratulations on the promotion colonel! Use that extra vp to defend the portal.
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel! I'm sure you'll use the VP boost wisely, sir! :salute:
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Congratulations, sir! Great to have a Lieutentant Colonel here!
It seems the Barracks is always busy, well for me it is and as Barracks Records Officer I feel I should make some sort of timeline of whats been happening.
I dont see why I shouldnt finish it tonight, so expect it in a few hours.
Any suggestions to what I should include before I begin?
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Good Work Colonel and early congrats on lv 12.
Heres a screenie EagleRock of your 1,111 post.
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Congratz on your promotion. appears that the Barney Bunch truely are back in full force. A couple of re-submits have been submitted onto the portal.
I believe a change in DEFCON may be an order...
At 1/14/06 11:38 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: appears that the Barney Bunch truely are back in full force. A couple of re-submits have been submitted onto the portal.
I believe a change in DEFCON may be an order...
You. When you have time, check my post in NGPD (about ottawa). Do it.
And in my records, I got a screenie of EagleRock's 1100th post.
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
Elite Guard Barracks Roster - January 15, 2006
| Rank | Name | Blam/Protect | Voting Power | Gain |
01) X-Naut // 54,103 // 11.81 // NEW
02) nimmer // 30,324 // 12.99 // 199
03) XwaynecoltX // 29,194 // 11.91 // 333
04) iscRulz // 24,116 // 10.49 // 376
05) Bahamut7 // 22,311 // 8.80 // 463
06) TITROTU // 22,247 // 8.44 // 283
07) Andersson // 19,127 // 8.70 // 641
08) -Rule- // 15,525 // 7.97 // 612
09) Dream_of_Duke // 13,106 // 7.86 // 453
09) NewgroundsSPG // 13,106 // 8.10 // 0
11) LittleWashu // 12,730 // 7.46 // NEW
12) Ghost_Phantom // 10,651 // 7.33 // 719
13) boloneyman // 10,581 // 8.00 // 213
14) Afro_harryjarry // 9,542 // 7.14 // NEW
15) Major_punk // 9,343 // 6.91 // 567
16) Sekky // 9,172 // 8.17 // 174
17) JoKeR_ADT // 9,132 // 6.80 // 626
18) EagleRock // 8,961 // 6.76 // 1040
19) Coop83 // 7,969 // 8.12 // 245
20) Snowy_Beast // 7,470 // 7.68 // 38
21) SlashFirestorm // 5,582 // 6.56 // 1023
22) wesdood // 5,437 // 6.82 // NEW
23) mattsims // 5,426 // 6.60 // 267
24) Stayin_tru // 4,439 // 6.77 // 426
25) UnKnownSoul // 4,331 // 6.79 // NEW
26) psykolord // 4,209 // 7.26 // 353
27) Grizzley // 3,750 // 6.21 // ???
28) -Platinum- // 3,187 // 6.43 // 158
29) Domnikathor // 2,408 // 7.60 // 39
30) KungFuCow // 2,376 // 6.48 // 356
31) -Mitsubishi- // 2,362 // 6.17 // 110
32) _TheFallenOne_ // 1,937 // 5.94 // 369
33) -BADLUCK- // 1,740 // 6.27 // NEW
34) RedGlare // 1,507 // 6.05 // NEW
**The Gain numbers are from the list on page 46.
Sorry if it doesnt turn out aligned and all, I tried my best and havent done something like this on Newgrounds so Im not sure how the spacing will work out.
At 1/15/06 12:28 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Stuff
Thats a fine looking roster. Both the Elite Guard Barracks and the NG Police now have 34 members each, making a formidable force of users protecting the portal.
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 1/15/06 12:28 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Elite Guard Barracks Roster - January 15, 2006
= )
I know you pm me at the forums about this but you still caught me offguard.
BTW check your pm inbox.
Thanks for the update Afro_harryjarry!
| Rank | Name | Blam/Protect | Voting Power | Gain |
01) X-Naut // 54,103 // 11.81 // NEW
02) nimmer // 30,324 // 12.99 // 199
03) XwaynecoltX // 29,194 // 11.91 // 333
Almost 3 EGSC!
14) Afro_harryjarry // 9,542 // 7.14 // NEW
So close but yet so far...
15) Major_punk // 9,343 // 6.91 // 567
Almost 10k! >: )
16) Sekky // 9,172 // 8.17 // 174
You should really post here more often : (
17) JoKeR_ADT // 9,132 // 6.80 // 626
You are very slowly catching me, but I expect this week to widen the gap.
18) EagleRock // 8,961 // 6.76 // 1040
What is left to say? Your gaining twice as fast me.
19) Coop83 // 7,969 // 8.12 // 245
Didnt you say a few days ago you would be dissapointed if you didnt get 8000 before the end of the week? :'(
20) Snowy_Beast // 7,470 // 7.68 // 38
Your pratically inactive in b/p.
21) SlashFirestorm // 5,582 // 6.56 // 1023
Another 1000+ user. You gonna catch up to me in no time.
22) wesdood // 5,437 // 6.82 // NEW
Your not a member yet.
28) -Platinum- // 3,187 // 6.43 // 158
Havent seen you in awhile...
34) RedGlare // 1,507 // 6.05 // NEW
lol at the lowest b/p points
<3, kidding
Sorry if it doesnt turn out aligned and all, I tried my best and havent done something like this on Newgrounds so Im not sure how the spacing will work out.
I like the way you did it. Pretty to look at.
Thanks for the compliments everyone O=).
And by the way I fixed it up a bit more so heres it with linked profiles.
| Rank | Name | Blam/Protect | Voting Power | Gain |
01) X-Naut // 54,103 // 11.81 // NEW
02) nimmer // 30,324 // 12.99 // 199
03) XwaynecoltX // 29,194 // 11.91 // 333
04) iscRulz // 24,116 // 10.49 // 376
05) Bahamut7 // 22,311 // 8.80 // 463
06) TITROTU // 22,247 // 8.44 // 283
07) Andersson // 19,127 // 8.70 // 641
08) -Rule- // 15,525 // 7.97 // 612
09) Dream_of_Duke // 13,106 // 7.86 // 453
09) NewgroundsSPG // 13,106 // 8.10 // 0
11) LittleWashu // 12,730 // 7.46 // NEW
12) Ghost_Phantom // 10,651 // 7.33 // 719
13) boloneyman // 10,581 // 8.00 // 213
14) Afro_harryjarry // 9,542 // 7.14 // NEW
15) Major_punk // 9,343 // 6.91 // 567
16) Sekky // 9,172 // 8.17 // 174
17) JoKeR_ADT // 9,132 // 6.80 // 626
18) EagleRock // 8,961 // 6.76 // 1040
19) Coop83 // 7,969 // 8.12 // 245
20) Snowy_Beast // 7,470 // 7.68 // 38
21) SlashFirestorm // 5,582 // 6.56 // 1023
22) wesdood // 5,437 // 6.82 // NEW
23) mattsims // 5,426 // 6.60 // 267
24) Stayin_tru // 4,439 // 6.77 // 426
25) UnKnownSoul // 4,331 // 6.79 // NEW
26) psykolord // 4,209 // 7.26 // 353
27) Grizzley // 3,750 // 6.21 // ???
28) -Platinum- // 3,187 // 6.43 // 158
29) Domnikathor // 2,408 // 7.60 // 39
30) KungFuCow // 2,376 // 6.48 // 356
31) -Mitsubishi- // 2,362 // 6.17 // 110
32) _TheFallenOne_ // 1,937 // 5.94 // 369
33) -BADLUCK- // 1,740 // 6.27 // NEW
34) RedGlare // 1,507 // 6.05 // NEW
I originally was going to have it linked to the profiles but posted it here before I did. I am going to recode them into BBCode to add onto the Barracks forums too.
-Sorry if I added someone not a member yet or is out now due to not posting.
Salutes, sirs. There seem to be a "Happy Leet Ghost" attack right now as the Star members are spamming in the portal. I strongly suggest to raise the DEFCON level to at least 3 although it is late in the night already. On the side note, I got my 500th blam point today. :)
-xtra- reporting in!
I would like to be a recruit for this club. I was taken over by another enemy under my main id. -txr-. Here I was experinced in the portal and had been serving for about a year.
I am willing to do anything to get in. Pleae tell me what you think ive got!
Reporting out!
At 1/15/06 01:36 AM, -xtra- wrote: I am willing to do anything to get in. Pleae tell me what you think ive got!
Reporting out!
You... Are not welcomed here. This man knows nothing other than how to break promises and run off with his tail between his feet whenever trouble happen. Leave before I get really angry traitor.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
Nice list, Afro_harryjarry, sir!
Ha, me and EagleRock will rule this list within a year. XD
<3 everyone though :salute:
Day's end report:
(a little late due to technical issues)
As of the new NG day a couple hours ago, I gained 134 points. The sweet pay-off I hoped for, and made up for shortcomings of the past few days. Hopefully tomorrow will be equally/more profitable.
Sigh...several BB flashes were submitted today...even though they weren't fileswaps, they still were an annoyance. And at least three of those Gost Travels ones passed judgement. I don't try to hide it...I hate the Star Syndicate maybe even more than the Barney Bunch...and I do watch all their movies and give them fair votes (even gave a couple protection votes, lol)...but the amount of crap they get through the portal makes this Elite Guard Sergeant First Class want to cry, lol. :sigh: maybe someday they'll go away.
I'm headed back to the portal to rack up a few late-night submissions. Good hunting, everyone! :salute:
At 1/15/06 01:40 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Sigh...several BB flashes were submitted today...even though they weren't fileswaps, they still were an annoyance. And at least three of those Gost Travels ones passed judgement. I don't try to hide it...I hate the Star Syndicate maybe even more than the Barney Bunch...and I do watch all their movies and give them fair votes (even gave a couple protection votes, lol)...but the amount of crap they get through the portal makes this Elite Guard Sergeant First Class want to cry, lol. :sigh: maybe someday they'll go away.
I'm headed back to the portal to rack up a few late-night submissions. Good hunting, everyone! :salute:
Yes, I also saw quite a few Star Syndicate moives passing the judgement. The problem is that they mass vote on their own entries and we seem to be quite helpless when it happens, sir! In fact, their voting power is quite impressive as the entries were even not close to be blammed. The only way that I can think of is to call for all the Elite Guards and NG Police voting 0 which is against the rules here. Besides that, I really don't know what to do to get their entries blammed, sir! :(
At 1/15/06 02:04 AM, hot_and_charming wrote:At 1/15/06 01:40 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Yes, I also saw quite a few Star Syndicate moives passing the judgement. The problem is that they mass vote on their own entries and we seem to be quite helpless when it happens, sir! In fact, their voting power is quite impressive as the entries were even not close to be blammed. The only way that I can think of is to call for all the Elite Guards and NG Police voting 0 which is against the rules here. Besides that, I really don't know what to do to get their entries blammed, sir! :(
And some of them use proxies to help with a well which means they can go on countless accounts and vote how many times they please which is a horrible waste of time but they do it.
At 1/15/06 01:22 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Thanks for the compliments everyone O=).
And by the way I fixed it up a bit more so heres it with linked profiles.
I must say...quite the great update! Thanks for your time, Second Lieutenant, sir!
At 1/15/06 01:27 AM, hot_and_charming wrote: Salutes, sirs. There seem to be a "Happy Leet Ghost" attack right now as the Star members are spamming in the portal. I strongly suggest to raise the DEFCON level to at least 3 although it is late in the night already. On the side note, I got my 500th blam point today. :)
I wouldn't raise the DEFCON for a quick surge of attacks. Indeed, after those attacks, there were no more. The DEFCON is a proactive system by nature, which means I can be reactive with my changing it. DEFCON 4 assumes the possibility of brief and quick attacks on the Portal.
Congrats on your 500th blam point, though!
At 1/15/06 01:39 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/15/06 01:36 AM, -xtra- wrote: I am willing to do anything to get in. Pleae tell me what you think ive got!You... Are not welcomed here. This man knows nothing other than how to break promises and run off with his tail between his feet whenever trouble happen. Leave before I get really angry traitor.
Reporting out!
Um...erm...I would guess that you know him, sir? Perhaps from the Mafia?
At 1/15/06 01:40 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Nice list, Afro_harryjarry, sir!
Ha, me and EagleRock will rule this list within a year. XD
Maybe, maybe not...
<3 everyone though :salute:
Day's end report:
(a little late due to technical issues)
As of the new NG day a couple hours ago, I gained 134 points. The sweet pay-off I hoped for, and made up for shortcomings of the past few days. Hopefully tomorrow will be equally/more profitable.
Today was definately a strong day on the Portal. I managed to get about 120 B/P I would estimate. However, what is best about the situation is that I was able to finally reach another even 100 (which coincidentally puts me at 9000). So, I can shift my schedule up yet another day to have 7 total days moved ahead! Thank God for small favors, huh?
Well, I have to retire to the bunks myself, so I will see you all tomorrow!
Sigh...several BB flashes were submitted today...even though they weren't fileswaps, they still were an annoyance. And at least three of those Gost Travels ones passed judgement. I don't try to hide it...I hate the Star Syndicate maybe even more than the Barney Bunch...and I do watch all their movies and give them fair votes (even gave a couple protection votes, lol)...but the amount of crap they get through the portal makes this Elite Guard Sergeant First Class want to cry, lol. :sigh: maybe someday they'll go away.
I'm headed back to the portal to rack up a few late-night submissions. Good hunting, everyone! :salute:
Wow today was indeed a great day in the portal with me getting a whopping 156 b/p points but there was a lot of barney and gost flashes today so that might have helped,tomorrow i will be up bright and early and will be b/ping probably till 8pm or so,hell i might just stay for another day.
This is your commanding leader X-Naut signing off (=P).
At 1/14/06 04:08 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Well I just ran a few numbers and tomorrow my B/P spot should be #200. For me that is one of the coolest things ever.
And it is. Congrats! *salutes*
; Just remember, I will kill you if you get so close to me with B.P'ing. XP
At 1/14/06 05:36 PM, EagleRock wrote: Anyone?
I wouldn't take part since I'm not a good photshopper. I really suck at that program (except for editing the NG tank logo).
At 1/14/06 08:01 PM, Grizzley wrote: this is all i found in the faq
If you vote wrong you won't be penalized, you will just miss out on a point.
The FAQ's a little out of date. It does need to get some updating.
At 1/14/06 09:13 PM, KungFuCow wrote: Anyways, there's a malicious flash in portal here . It was submitted by the same author before with no changes being made to it, it was blammed and here is the link to its obituaties page.
The flash passed. Fuck.
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
Great work, Lieutenant Colonel! *salutes*
At 1/15/06 12:28 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: Elite Guard Barracks Roster - January 15, 2006
Nice update, but...It looks a bit messed up. :|
| Rank | Name | Blam/Protect | Voting Power | Gain |
04) iscRulz // 24,116 // 10.49 // 376
05) Bahamut7 // 22,311 // 8.80 // 463
Well, 5th still. I overtook TITROTU and X-Naut came to thr barracks.
At 1/15/06 01:22 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: And by the way I fixed it up a bit more so heres it with linked profiles.
Much better. Thanks for correcting that.
At 1/15/06 05:35 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: ; Just remember, I will kill you if you get so close to me with B.P'ing. XP
hopefully one day, but no time soon. but watch your back. :P
The FAQ's a little out of date. It does need to get some updating.
yeah i know. it really does need an update. but will it?
At 1/14/06 09:45 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, I've just been promoted to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel. Now my VP has gone up a little.
late congradulations sir. *salutes*
At 1/15/06 01:22 AM, Afro_harryjarry wrote: And by the way I fixed it up a bit more so heres it with linked profiles.
it looks very good. better than the first. (of course) why do i have ?s for my gain? i just want to know. it's not that big af a deal.
At 1/15/06 07:13 AM, Grizzley wrote: hopefully one day, but no time soon. but watch your back. :P
Well, I'm not so worried about you at the moment. Someone like Ghost_Phantom is slowly becoming a threat to my B/P ranks. I've already been overtaken by three people (four until I overtook TITROTU just yesterday) and I'd hate to get ranked down even more.
Damn, on the weekends, I should probably set my alarm clock to wake myself up earlier than usual.
yeah i know. it really does need an update. but will it?
It should be updated sometime. With all the recent new and updated stuff on NG, I think the portal FAQ will be updated sometime when more stuff on NG is changed, updated etc.
At 1/15/06 07:23 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Well, I'm not so worried about you at the moment.
yeah, i know. that's why i said no time soon. it's going to be a while until i get even near the general ranks. so i'm really not that big of a threat. but that doesn't mean i won't keep trying to get there.
I've already been overtaken by three people (four until I overtook TITROTU just yesterday) and I'd hate to get ranked down even more.
the farther you go down, the harder you have to get back up. but you can do it.
Damn, on the weekends, I should probably set my alarm clock to wake myself up earlier than usual.
on weekends, im like a zombie. ng whenever i have free time. so i sleep friday night and then the weekend is fair game. but once i get a job, that'll change. but not now. but i do work for my family once in a while, so i can't come to ng every weekend. T_T
It should be updated sometime. With all the recent new and updated stuff on NG, I think the portal FAQ will be updated sometime when more stuff on NG is changed, updated etc.
i thought so. there has been a lot of stuff that's new here. but i hope it is updated soon. it would help out with some things.
At 1/15/06 03:02 AM, EagleRock wrote: Um...erm...I would guess that you know him, sir? Perhaps from the Mafia?
Indeed. As a watchful leader I keep track of all my men, whether they quit or not. This pile of scum called -TXR- joined the mafia with promises of a superior mafia flash. As soon as he realized it is actually expected of him he ran and never came back, to the mafia. He kept posting but left the mafia because of his incompetence.
At 1/15/06 05:35 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: And it is. Congrats! *salutes*
; Just remember, I will kill you if you get so close to me with B.P'ing. XP
Is that the sent of a challenge I smell? I may be dealing with a Major General but you are dealing with over 30 men and women by threatening a Capodecina of the mafia. I have over 5 men and a woman working for me alone. *pulls the semi auto hand gun with a grin* Choose your battles wisely my friend.
Just kidding, no way will I ever pass you but you sure can’t blame for trying.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
DEFCON Update:
Since I expect the Portal to increase in speed similar to yesterday, I am increasing the DEFCON to DEFCON 3. I wasn't really up on it much yesterday because I was so busy, and I apologize.
At 1/15/06 07:46 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/15/06 03:02 AM, EagleRock wrote: Um...erm...I would guess that you know him, sir? Perhaps from the Mafia?Indeed. As a watchful leader I keep track of all my men, whether they quit or not. This pile of scum called -TXR- joined the mafia with promises of a superior mafia flash. As soon as he realized it is actually expected of him he ran and never came back, to the mafia. He kept posting but left the mafia because of his incompetence.
Quite the disappointing actions on his part. Oh well. No loss here. He wasn't even a security guard yet...
Good to have our relations officer ever diligent and sharp-witted!
I have good reason to believe this flash movie is stolen!
I believe it is stolen because in the credits, it mentions the author as -Steven-, an NG user I know. Now, not only is the user who submitted it NOT using the -Steven- account, but their location in their profile reads "Baltimore," when I know -Steven- doesn't even reside in the US!
Even though there isn't a previous version of this flash on NG, the credits reveal that this is not the original work of the individual who submitted it.
I urge you to use your best judgment in deciding whether the evidence I have submitted before you justifies whistling the entry as abusive, but I also urge you to vote according to the quality of the flash whether or not you whistle it.
*At Attention* Sirs, new recrute space_cowboy101 requesting the opportunity to join this elite group of great gaurds!