At 3/7/07 07:28 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Laziness, my friend, is something we all understand. :)
I like being lazy, especially after the day I've had! My back is aching from leaning over cell cultures so long.
The Portal has still been rubbish today but I see a slight improvement over yesterday. The Portal yesterday was horrible. 20 Points isn't so bad considering you're awfully busy. If I were to be busy like yourself, I won't count on even acquiring a single point. And about making the 75 Per Day list, I still think you have the opportunity to make it. Other members like me have no chance in doing so, though. :(
I try and get on as often as I can, even on busy days. I've missed a lot today though. It has picked up a little this evening, but it still isn't great- I'll try and pick it up this evening, it won't be hard if I'm writing at the same time :)
I can picture you as a review mod but I can establish a more precise, fitting picture of you as a BBS Mod. I have seen you spend most of the time here on the forums and you would provide great correlation of cleaning up the place. Anyway, give it shot! You won't lose anything, will you? :)
Done now, so no going back :). I may post well, but I'm not well known enough to be a BBS mod, and I don't post enough. At least not in my opinion. Plus the idea of cleaning up after stupid noobs is not one I like- I'd much rather sweep through reviews and clear out all of the rubbish- it doesn't talk back as much :D
Congratulations on your 12,000th save, buddy! :D When I started B/Ping, my blams were a greater substantial amount than that of my saves and look at me now. My Saves have greatly surpassed my blams. Quite interesting, eh?
There was a 4000 point between them a few moths back, it's now down to 2500. I don't really care, but it is nice to have even stats.
Great! I'll be looking foward to it. What a great chance would it be to pay you back for the helpful assistance you gave me yesterday. As a matter of fact, you were the only one who cared to look at it and write out helpful comments, something I won't forget. :)
I have a reasonable idea for a story, although it will be more a descriptive piece. Don't hold your breath, I'm pretty shattered and may not bother, but a review would be nice if I do write something :)
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