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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:12:51

At 1/26/07 11:56 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
There is also no reason to delete your recents posts. As I said before, just try to make your posts longer and there will be no problems whatsoever. I know it is quite hard to do because sometimes we don't have anything to say all the time, but just do as Donthurtme said, wait until you have something coherent to say and there won't be any problems.

Quite- it isn't something we are going to enforce or get too annoyed about, it's more a suggestion than a rule. When I post I like to fit as much as I can into one post. Although I realise there is some kind of competition going on with post count, don't let that make you post badly. A few good posts are much better than many small posts.

At 1/26/07 11:53 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Well, Change of topic time.

Yeah, I think we need to lighten up things around here :). Apologies for being a bit hard on people in my last few posts- it's been a long day :S

I need the 10 under judgement movie to all pass in under 10 minutes to make a big 100 points today. It is very unlikely but it would be nice to see.

Holy crap, how have you managed that?!?! I've been on all day and am struggling to get 70 points right now. I guess that timezone of yours is coming in handy!

Also, I am extremely close to getting 5000 b/p points now. With only 24 needed to make this milestone I am getting quite frustrated that I probably wont make it for at least 3 hours. ARGHHHH!!!!

Early congrats on that!


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:33:01

At 1/27/07 12:12 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Holy crap, how have you managed that?!?! I've been on all day and am struggling to get 70 points right now. I guess that timezone of yours is coming in handy!

Wow, I cant believe I have made more points than YOU. The timezone doesnt favour me one bit. The time the portal peaks and has lots of submissions coming through is about 6:00am onwards. The reason I have made so many points for the last few days is that I have been only getting around 4 hours of sleep and the rest has been Newgrounds. I have been b/ping till 3am and getting up at 6-7am. I really havent missed many submissions at all. Problem is, School starts in 4 days and i will probably only be able to b/p in the early hours of the morning and at night. That will still keep up a good average but it wont be as good as it is now. 7 hours without being able to b/p at all. :-( Why did my school have to block the Newgrounds website!

Also, I am extremely close to getting 5000 b/p points now. With only 24 needed to make this milestone I am getting quite frustrated that I probably wont make it for at least 3 hours. ARGHHHH!!!!
Early congrats on that!

Thanks, It means a lot coming from you!



Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:35:11

At 1/26/07 11:53 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
Well, Change of topic time.

Sounds good.

I need the 10 under judgement movie to all pass in under 10 minutes to make a big 100 points today. It is very unlikely but it would be nice to see.

I only got 75 today. It's decent but still... =(
What I'm aiming for though is 125 points in the next 17 hours to get 75/day for the week.

At 1/27/07 12:09 AM, Nerijus wrote:
Hey everyone, I just got Level 14 :D

Ah congrats. It's been awhile since you stopped by and if it wasn't for your sig I wouldn't of reconized you. =P

So how're things here at the Barracks?

I haven't been around here lately. But I'd say okay, and somewhat entertaining (or sad) to see someone who has been kicked out keep coming back.

660 points to 40k.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:42:32

At 1/27/07 12:04 AM, TheMattrix wrote: Yes, I would. And if he gave notice of reprimanding me, I'd kill him straight forward. I don't take too kindly to people reprimanding over something stupid. Your parents gave you the name, fucking use it. If he has anything to say about that, I'd tell him to tell it to the Final Judge.

It's a good thing you're not in the army or are not planning to join, because if you would have just said this to your Second in Command officer, then I would have wished the best of luck to you. But I still respect your opinion and everyone has their right to express their view on whatever they feel commenting on.

At 1/27/07 12:09 AM, Nerijus wrote:
Hey everyone, I just got Level 14 :D I also just noticed that Phantom and I have the same number of experience points (grr, I used to have a bit more, but I missed a few deposits).

Congratulations on reaching Level 14, Nerijus!

At 1/27/07 12:12 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
All those very late nights might finally pay off.

Indeed they do pay off.

Level 11. Excellent work soldier! I am still not sure if I will make that rank before the update comes along and flings my to a higher level.

Thanks! I have had this Boxing Glove for far too long and it is time to acquire my golden knuckles! I wouldn't mind playing "Bloody Knuckles" with this hand. Anyone up to a game? :)

At 1/27/07 12:12 AM, Donthurtme wrote: Quite- it isn't something we are going to enforce or get too annoyed about, it's more a suggestion than a rule. When I post I like to fit as much as I can into one post.

I never said it was a rule or was I getting annoyed. As you said, It was only an act of a suggestion and I just want this place to look more clean and more polished, that's all. :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:44:56

At 1/27/07 12:33 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Wow, I cant believe I have made more points than YOU. The timezone doesnt favour me one bit. The time the portal peaks and has lots of submissions coming through is about 6:00am onwards. The reason I have made so many points for the last few days is that I have been only getting around 4 hours of sleep and the rest has been Newgrounds. I have been b/ping till 3am and getting up at 6-7am. I really havent missed many submissions at all. Problem is, School starts in 4 days and i will probably only be able to b/p in the early hours of the morning and at night. That will still keep up a good average but it wont be as good as it is now. 7 hours without being able to b/p at all. :-( Why did my school have to block the Newgrounds website!

Ah, so it is the no sleep thing that is where you are picking the points up. I've been getting a solid 8 hours a night so there are plenty of submissions passing me by. I'm not sure how the time difference works out for you, but I know that when I'm in the UK I sleep right through the peak period, crippling my B/P in the process. Mountain time is pretty much perfect for B/P though- it starts getting slow just as I go to bed :)

Early congrats on that!
Thanks, It means a lot coming from you!

Ha, I'm nothing special. My pace is good right now, but it isn't close to the numbers Slash was pulling a while back, or many other members for that matter. Anyway, everyone deserves congrats for doing something special, whether it is their first 100 B/P points or their 100,000th.

Oh, and was there a congrats required for a soon to be level 11? The thread is moving quick and I only kind of glanced through the posts... *checks thread* Ah, another early congrats, this one to PenguinLink :)

I think I need more sleep- I'm losing my mind here!

*must resist urge to make chain...*

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:50:06

Possible recruit Mc-Cheif here,sir! Sorry id i spelled cheif rong sir i cant spell.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 00:53:26

If this is a double post I'm sorry, but people are posting so damn fast and I missed these two when I posted last...

At 1/27/07 12:35 AM, Major-punk wrote:
I only got 75 today. It's decent but still... =(
What I'm aiming for though is 125 points in the next 17 hours to get 75/day for the week.

Good luck with that! You're going to need a bit of a speed up in the portal to make 125 points in that time. I'm already over 600 for the week so my name will be up on the list- hope to see you there :)

I haven't been around here lately. But I'd say okay, and somewhat entertaining (or sad) to see someone who has been kicked out keep coming back.

Hopefully that's been put an end to now...

At 1/27/07 12:42 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
I never said it was a rule or was I getting annoyed. As you said, It was only an act of a suggestion and I just want this place to look more clean and more polished, that's all. :)

Sorry about the confusion there- i know I quoted you, but it was aimed at DarkSoldier and anyone else who was making short posts. I was actually in complete agreement with you and how you handled things :)

Plus congrats on level 14 to Nerijus- so many congrats for one night!

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 01:35:28

At 1/26/07 04:55 PM, dave wrote:
I'm sure you're saying some annoying shit about how you used to be the only Deity and stuff. NO ONE CARES. STFU. If not, then have a swell day.

Ok I will have a nice one since I didn't say anything like that Please read my post fully before you qoute it ok?

on another subject, how was everyone's day? mine was a quiet one. Well have a nice evening

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 01:49:33

At 1/27/07 12:44 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Ah, so it is the no sleep thing that is where you are picking the points up. I've been getting a solid 8 hours a night so there are plenty of submissions passing me by. I'm not sure how the time difference works out for you, but I know that when I'm in the UK I sleep right through the peak period, crippling my B/P in the process. Mountain time is pretty much perfect for B/P though- it starts getting slow just as I go to bed :)

A solid 8 hours is still pretty good I must admit. I really only get on every half hour to an hour so im not on all at once. It works for me and I rarely miss a submission so ill keep doing it that way. It seems that there is no perfect time zone for b/ping on Newgrounds. Every different timezone area has its upsides and downsides. It evens out in the end I think. It just comes down to how dedicated you are to b/ping.

*must resist urge to make chain...*

*Punches Donthurtme with boxing glove! "Dont break the chain". Turns around and starts to walk away when BAM!, gets hit over the head with a baseball bat!*

At 1/27/07 01:35 AM, LittleWashu wrote:

how was everyone's day? mine was a quiet one. Well have a nice evening

Its also been quite lazy for me. I am trying to enjoy the remainder of my holidays peacefully and so far so good.

Have a nice evening yourself too!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 01:55:57

At 1/26/07 06:56 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote: Am I one of those special people?


*nudge nudge*

*aims rifle at Mr-Molotov’s groin*. More nudges?

At 1/26/07 07:21 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: WWWWEEEEEEHHHHHHHH

Man...I am not just going to enjoy this, I intend to revel in it. And reply to it all very freely over PM.

At 1/26/07 08:32 PM, Donthurtme wrote: Backup.

Thanks for the backup, besides it would be a bit portentous if coming from me. But worry not, as I said I will handle him. And great Officer conduct during a former member's chaotic rampage. I'll remember that.

At 1/26/07 11:50 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Well then if phantom wants he may contact a mod to delete all of those useless posts.

Good idea, I know just the mod for the job. After all, our Chinese time bomb has been warned long enough, time to take action.

At 1/27/07 12:04 AM, TheMattrix wrote: Yes, I would. And if he gave notice of reprimanding me, I'd kill him straight forward. I don't take too kindly to people reprimanding over something stupid. Your parents gave you the name, fucking use it. If he has anything to say about that, I'd tell him to tell it to the Final Judge.

A real officer has combat training you can only wish you'd have, he'd snap your back part with his thumb and make howl like a bitch if he so pleased. ranks are a means of respect and if you show disrespect this blunt, you will be reprimanded. So...Shut the fuck up already.

This is me calm, you really don't want to take the extra step forward. Just be a man, suck it in and move on.

Kick me out if you must, I am only exspressing an opinion that I hold dear to my heart. I don't think any respectable person would want to be known as an unfair, opinion hating asshat for kicking a member out for exspressing an opinion, no matter what it may be.

You just described most if not all of the world's greatest Generals. Intolerance to stupidity is a vital quality.

At 1/27/07 12:50 AM, Master-McCheif wrote: Possible recruit Mc-Cheif here,sir! Sorry id i spelled cheif rong sir i cant spell.

Read the whole EGB FAQ to know you need 1,500 B/P points to join as explained there and you will need a profile as well so that we will know.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 02:09:19

At 1/27/07 01:35 AM, LittleWashu wrote: on another subject, how was everyone's day?

Pretty much like any other day. But it's Friday (Well, actually Saturday now), and I also have a 3-day weekend to look forward to. So I'll probably be going over any plans I may have for the weekend.

At 1/27/07 01:55 AM, Phantom wrote: No.

Bummer. :(

*aims rifle at Mr-Molotov’s groin*. More nudges?

No no, I think I'm good.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 02:12:00

At 1/27/07 02:09 AM, Mr-Molotov wrote: Bummer. :(

But, Donthurtme and PenguinLink for their good conduct receive such permission. Be a good member and maybe one day you'll have it too.

No no, I think I'm good.

Yeah, I figured you say that...*turn safety off*.

P.S: Thanks so much, to whichever mod that got to it first and helped us out with the DoD thing. Thanks a bunch.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 08:45:46

At 1/27/07 01:55 AM, Phantom wrote

At 1/27/07 12:50 AM, Master-McCheif wrote: Possible recruit Mc-Cheif here,sir! Sorry id i spelled cheif rong sir i cant spell.
Read the whole EGB FAQ to know you need 1,500 B/P points to join as explained there and you will need a profile as well so that we will know.

Shouldn't users post on the forums? Well i got 3 place in a contest in the NGDD yay!!!! Phantom gain like 700+ points in "1 DAY". This guy is just awesome with getting points. So now i only have less then 400 before i get EGSS. I'm also working on whistle since i think i need silver to match EG badges well it looks better anyways.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 08:54:20

Well i made it, The big 5k!

Sexy screenshot? Why not!

The Elite Guard Barracks

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 16:30:27

hello everyone sorry for not posting so often been busy with some other stuff i have to do. so any thing new or interesting happen as of now or earlier?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 17:23:44

At 1/27/07 12:44 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Oh, and was there a congrats required for a soon to be level 11? The thread is moving quick and I only kind of glanced through the posts... *checks thread* Ah, another early congrats, this one to PenguinLink :)

Ha, thanks a lot for the Congratulations, Donthurtme. :D

*must resist urge to make chain...*

Don't resist, salute away! :)


At 1/27/07 12:53 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
If this is a double post I'm sorry, but people are posting so damn fast and I missed these two when I posted last...

You got lucky! If the user above wouldn't have requested for membership, then it would have been a double post. You didn't creat an alt, did you? Ha, just kidding with you. :)

Sorry about the confusion there- i know I quoted you, but it was aimed at DarkSoldier and anyone else who was making short posts. I was actually in complete agreement with you and how you handled things :)

No, I should be the one apologizing. I misunderstood you statement and I am truly sorry I did.

At 1/27/07 02:12 AM, Phantom wrote:
But, Donthurtme and PenguinLink for their good conduct receive such permission. Be a good member and maybe one day you'll have it too.

Thanks for giving for me your trust, Phantom. I will keep calling you Phantom though because that is the respect you deserve.

*Salutes fellow Second in Commander Officer*

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 18:00:46

At 1/27/07 05:57 PM, NickScott wrote: Achieved Elite Guard Private! Now I can talk all soldiery like you guys! >:)
Elite Guard Private Scott reporting for duty, SIR!

Congratulations on recieving you new rank. Please read very carefully
the Elite Guard Barracks FAQ and make sure you understand everything that is stated in there. If you have any questions regarding something that is being enforced be sure to ask me or any of us officers. Now go out there and make the Elite Guard Barracks proud!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 18:14:19

I'm posting to say that I am sorry about my previous "Second in Command" comment. It was wrong, and I admit it. The Armed Forces are what keeps America alive and free, and I had to be an asshat and disrespect them.

I am also sorry for the "lame" things I said to a certain someone. He's right, it was lame, and I do have a really good imagination. I also did a bad thing and vented some of my anger onto him and the Armed Forces. I really need to learn to let go of my anger. It'll be my donwfall someday.

I know I was wrong, and really am sorry. I hope this will not affect my ability to be in the Elite Guard barracks. If I am not allowed anymore, I understand. I even deserve to be kicked out. I disrespected the very people that give their lives so we don't have to. And the person I was talking to was right, I am lame.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 18:42:23

At 1/27/07 06:14 PM, TheMattrix wrote:
I'm posting to say that I am sorry about my previous "Second in Command" comment.

You don't have to be sorry for anything. Nobody is perfect and we all make some mistakes sometimes when we are angry. You are not "lame" or you shouldn't be putting yourself down. Anger sometimes causes people to say things that they don't really mean. So don't worry about it. And I don't think you'll be kicked out or is there any reason for you to be. I know Phantom understands the anger you had. Again, don't worry about it and you don't have to be sorry for anything.

At 1/27/07 06:25 PM, NickScott wrote:
Thank you PenguinLink! I read over it and it's actually a good read. The DEFCON descriptions remind me of border patrol with U.S. and Mexico. I will do my best to not spam, act mature, and uphold the Elite Guard Barracks honor!

That's the spirit soldier! I'm glad you read through Phantom's hard work and understood it all. Now, go out there and protect the portal!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 18:53:28

At 1/27/07 05:23 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Ha, thanks a lot for the Congratulations, Donthurtme. :D

Anytime- you getting excited yet? Only another few hours until you see the back of that horrid boxing glove! If your lucky you may even skip level 12 and never have to suffer it again, update pending :)

You got lucky! If the user above wouldn't have requested for membership, then it would have been a double post. You didn't creat an alt, did you? Ha, just kidding with you. :)

I confess to checking the thread before posting to make sure it wouldn't be a double. The idea of using an alt to prevent it never crossed my mind. I did have a level 9 alt by the name of 'Hurtmeplenty', but as I never used it (no posts, 1 blam because it looked so empty!) I condemned it to a land of obscurity and changed the password to one I couldn't remember.

No, I should be the one apologizing. I misunderstood you statement and I am truly sorry I did.

Nah, no need for an apology- it was just a misunderstanding. And I'm not surprised you didn't realise what I meant at first- when I read back over it I didn't even know what I meant! In fact there is very rarely any reason for you to be apologising to me- it is very rare that I take offence to anything.

Thanks for giving for me your trust, Phantom. I will keep calling you Phantom though because that is the respect you deserve.

Hehe, thanks, though it will still be Phantom within this thread :) I'm just glad there aren't any rifles being pointed at me...

At 1/27/07 05:57 PM, NickScott wrote: Achieved Elite Guard Private! Now I can talk all soldiery like you guys! >:)
Elite Guard Private Scott reporting for duty, SIR!

Welcome to the Barracks! It's good to see someone so keen to join as soon as they are eligible :). Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be climbing up the ranks here before you know it.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 19:09:06

At 1/27/07 06:53 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
Anytime- you getting excited yet? Only another few hours until you see the back of that horrid boxing glove! If your lucky you may even skip level 12 and never have to suffer it again, update pending :)

Excited? You're darn right I am! :D Yes, skipping level 12 would be a great thing once the update comes... Oh, and the redisign thing. I am actually kind of worried because do you think Tom or the Staff will advise us when the site will shut down? Because I would really hate it if one day I wake up and I see "Newgrounds is out of service. Redisign taking place". Hmm, I hope they do...

I confess to checking the thread before posting to make sure it wouldn't be a double. The idea of using an alt to prevent it never crossed my mind. I did have a level 9 alt by the name of 'Hurtmeplenty', but as I never used it (no posts, 1 blam because it looked so empty!) I condemned it to a land of obscurity and changed the password to one I couldn't remember.

Reading the name of your alt literally made me laugh. 1 Blam? Now that is really considered to be empty! :0 It was a good idea you changed the password to one you couldn't remember because what would have happened if you would have used him to prevent a double post? You would have gotten banned for spamming! Ha, kidding again. :)

Nah, no need for an apology- it was just a misunderstanding. And I'm not surprised you didn't realise what I meant at first- when I read back over it I didn't even know what I meant! In fact there is very rarely any reason for you to be apologising to me- it is very rare that I take offence to anything.

Ok that's good. I was afraid you would scream at me for not understanding. :)

I'm just glad there aren't any rifles being pointed at me...

Well, I have been burnt by Fireballs and you have been smacked in the head by a rusty pipe, what else can Phantom do to us?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 19:23:21

At 1/27/07 07:09 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Excited? You're darn right I am! :D Yes, skipping level 12 would be a great thing once the update comes... Oh, and the redisign thing. I am actually kind of worried because do you think Tom or the Staff will advise us when the site will shut down? Because I would really hate it if one day I wake up and I see "Newgrounds is out of service. Redisign taking place". Hmm, I hope they do...

When there is down time there is almost always a news post the day before as warning. As uploading the redesign will take a while I expect there will be plenty of warning. Quite honestly I couldn't care less if I woke up to find the place down though- I'd be too damn excited about the redesign!

Reading the name of your alt literally made me laugh. 1 Blam? Now that is really considered to be empty! :0 It was a good idea you changed the password to one you couldn't remember because what would have happened if you would have used him to prevent a double post? You would have gotten banned for spamming! Ha, kidding again. :)

Well as 'Donthurtme' has been my online shooter name for years I felt I should use something similar for an alt :). Both of them are inspired by the difficulty level settings in Doom, a game I played to death when I was younger. I've since changed my online shooter name to DHM (should anyone stumble across me playing ET), but I'm not going to change my name here- it has been the same from day one. As for a ban... I've never been banned and I don't plan to start now!

Ok that's good. I was afraid you would scream at me for not understanding. :)

Since when have I ever screamed? If anything you would just get a whack with this bat of mine :P

Well, I have been burnt by Fireballs and you have been smacked in the head by a rusty pipe, what else can Phantom do to us?

You shouldn't have said that- who knows what kind of twisted punishments Phantom can come up with!



Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 19:28:02

At 1/27/07 07:23 PM, Donthurtme wrote: You shouldn't have said that- who knows what kind of twisted punishments Phantom can come up with!

Hahah, you haven't seen the half of it! I could just pluck your....Pluck your...Fuck, I'm tired.

Phantom take nappy now, be back later.

P.S: It is 2:30 AM here.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 19:32:48

At 1/27/07 07:23 PM, Donthurtme wrote: When there is down time there is almost always a news post the day before as warning. As uploading the redesign will take a while I expect there will be plenty of warning. Quite honestly I couldn't care less if I woke up to find the place down though- I'd be too damn excited about the redesign!

Yes, the redisign is truly something to be excited for. I wonder how much time it would take in order to establish it,? In other words, how much downtime would Newgrounds be on?

Well as 'Donthurtme' has been my online shooter name for years I felt I should use something similar for an alt :). Both of them are inspired by the difficulty level settings in Doom, a game I played to death when I was younger. I've since changed my online shooter name to DHM (should anyone stumble across me playing ET), but I'm not going to change my name here- it has been the same from day one. As for a ban... I've never been banned and I don't plan to start now!

Interesting history of your name, Donthurtme. I was wondering how you got that name. :) My name hasn't changed either since day one. And about the ban, I never have been banned either or do I plan on doing so! :D

Since when have I ever screamed? If anything you would just get a whack with this bat of mine :P

Yeah, I haven't heard you screaming... But that bat of yours, it is really intimidating... :(

You shouldn't have said that- who knows what kind of twisted punishments Phantom can come up with!

You're right! I shouldn't have! Oh well, I wish nothing or no one gives him any ideas anytime soon. :(



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 20:04:53

At 1/27/07 06:53 PM, Donthurtme wrote: I did have a level 9 alt by the name of 'Hurtmeplenty', but as I never used it (no posts, 1 blam because it looked so empty!)

Why does the name of your alt make me larf?

At 1/27/07 07:23 PM, Donthurtme wrote: I'm not going to change my name here- it has been the same from day one.

Too bad I can't say the same. :P

As for a ban... I've never been banned and I don't plan to start now!


Since when have I ever screamed? If anything you would just get a whack with this bat of mine :P

Seriously, all this pipe and bat swinging talk makes me feel nervous in these parts. Well, I do have a bat of my own, but if I had to go against Phantom's pipe or something, I'd freak out. He really knows how to use that thing. :o

At 1/27/07 07:32 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You're right! I shouldn't have! Oh well, I wish nothing or no one gives him any ideas anytime soon. :(

Lest we have to fact the torture of being straped down, and having a rifle pointed at our groins. And with Phantom having an itchy trigger finger, that makes it even more terrifying.

That's a spot I don't want to be in....





Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 20:18:27

At 1/27/07 06:25 PM, NickScott wrote:
Your Star is very sexy, Stero!

You have sexy privates NickScott! Wait that doesnt sound right :-)

At 1/27/07 05:57 PM, NickScott wrote:
Achieved Elite Guard Private! Now I can talk all soldiery like you guys! >:)
Elite Guard Private Scott reporting for duty, SIR!

Its good to see you joining us NickScott, Now we can talk here AND in the abusive reviews thread! Do you think you can put up with me that much?

At 1/27/07 06:53 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
Welcome to the Barracks! It's good to see someone so keen to join as soon as they are eligible :). Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be climbing up the ranks here before you know it.

Reminds me of when I joined. I think I had just made Private and I noticed the Club saying Elite Guard and I thought "Hey thats me now!" Althought I dont think I started posting straight away like NickScott is. Well done NickScott, I believe you will be a great member of this fine club!

Good luck!



*Salutes staring at Donthurtme! "Dont you DARE stuff this chain up!"*

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 20:28:16

At 1/27/07 07:32 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Yes, the redisign is truly something to be excited for. I wonder how much time it would take in order to establish it,? In other words, how much downtime would Newgrounds be on?

I have no idea, but I imagine it would be a few hours...

Interesting history of your name, Donthurtme. I was wondering how you got that name. :) My name hasn't changed either since day one. And about the ban, I never have been banned either or do I plan on doing so! :D

May I ask how your name came about? Or is it simply an unnatural liking for penguins with pointy ears?

Yeah, I haven't heard you screaming... But that bat of yours, it is really intimidating... :(

Just wait for that redesign- who knows what kind of thing I'll be able to beat you with then :)

You're right! I shouldn't have! Oh well, I wish nothing or no one gives him any ideas anytime soon. :(
At 1/27/07 08:04 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:
Why does the name of your alt make me larf?

Could it be the obvious sexual connotations that your dirty mind immediately pounced on? ;p


Tis the truth- I'm not sure if that makes me a boring user, or a good one. I don't exactly have many posts, I rarely post in general (never in spam topics), and try to post as well as possible each and every time. That has been the case ever since I started posting. Plus it helps being a bit older, and I hope a little more mature, than the average user.

At 1/27/07 08:18 PM, Sterockicy wrote:

*Salutes staring at Donthurtme! "Dont you DARE stuff this chain up!"*

Sorry, what is it I'm not supposed to be doing?


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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-27 20:56:03

At 1/27/07 08:37 PM, NickScott wrote:


At 1/27/07 05:57 PM, NickScott wrote:
The question is, can you put up with that much of me? :$

Im sure the anti-depressants I have will help me get through the days.

I'm actually starting a hundred page--

AHHHHH! 100 pages, I guess I will see that post in 100 years when you finally get all the links.

wait, no... hundred link post of abusives just like you.

Nice! Good luck with that. The first time you make it you get really bored and it takes you forever. But dont give up, Once you make the 100 the first time you learn how to find them fast because you find a good technique. Trust me, The first time I made 100 it took like 2 hours. Now I can do it in about an 1 hour. All using just one keyword.

I cant wait to see your links!

Then I'll be cool! B)

Damn straight!

*Heroic music plays in background*

Thanks, I hope to be a regular member in this club. And yeah, I was waiting and watching, point by point till I got my... privates. =0

I was also waiting for you to join. Now I can look at your privates whenever I want!


*Salutes staring at Donthurtme! "Dont you DARE stuff this chain up!"*
At 1/27/07 08:28 PM, Donthurtme wrote:

Thanks for keeping the chain going Donthurtme! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-28 00:41:26

At 1/27/07 08:28 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
May I ask how your name came about? Or is it simply an unnatural liking for penguins with pointy ears?

Penguins with pointy ears? Hahaahaha! Actually, the name just came to my mind randomly. But you could say that Link was some kind of an influence. But a penguin with a green cap and a sword and shield and with pointy ears is really an image that'll be great to see. :)

Just wait for that redesign- who knows what kind of thing I'll be able to beat you with then :)

Oh no. I don't want to even imaging what your next weapon will be.

I finally became a wielder of some golden knuckles (Level 11). I have been wanting this level for sometime now and I finally have it! :D


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-28 01:06:16

At 1/28/07 12:41 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
I finally became a wielder of some golden knuckles (Level 11). I have been wanting this level for sometime now and I finally have it! :D


Congratulations on that nice icon! I wish i was higher then lv.10. I wish i was lv.12 i really love that level and i think it really suited SeaMonky but the lv.13 looks much better for him makes him look more kingish since he is the king of Clubs & Crews of NG's.

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