At 1/26/07 11:56 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
There is also no reason to delete your recents posts. As I said before, just try to make your posts longer and there will be no problems whatsoever. I know it is quite hard to do because sometimes we don't have anything to say all the time, but just do as Donthurtme said, wait until you have something coherent to say and there won't be any problems.
Quite- it isn't something we are going to enforce or get too annoyed about, it's more a suggestion than a rule. When I post I like to fit as much as I can into one post. Although I realise there is some kind of competition going on with post count, don't let that make you post badly. A few good posts are much better than many small posts.
At 1/26/07 11:53 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Well, Change of topic time.
Yeah, I think we need to lighten up things around here :). Apologies for being a bit hard on people in my last few posts- it's been a long day :S
I need the 10 under judgement movie to all pass in under 10 minutes to make a big 100 points today. It is very unlikely but it would be nice to see.
Holy crap, how have you managed that?!?! I've been on all day and am struggling to get 70 points right now. I guess that timezone of yours is coming in handy!
Also, I am extremely close to getting 5000 b/p points now. With only 24 needed to make this milestone I am getting quite frustrated that I probably wont make it for at least 3 hours. ARGHHHH!!!!
Early congrats on that!
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