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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 01:49:39

At 1/15/07 01:36 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/15/07 01:22 AM, Hemlok wrote:
I second that congratulations. Keep up the good work officers, your close to the end!
Yes he is. You are as well, Hemlok.

That I am. Thanks man, you'll be there someday.

Yes, that one dreadful day when I was leading by one single point. We were going back and forth on being the victor but then he stayed up later then me and finally gained a secure lead for one full day. Luckily for me, I got the lead back almost instantly and it's been like that ever since. I'm pumped for this race to come, It's been one of the biggest reasons why I have been B/Ping for awhile. I'm hopeing Donthurtme doesn't B/P like he did before he went on vacation. If he does then being passed by him is inevitable. About Red Bull, I hate it. The taste is so vile and disgusting.
Yes, that day was the most exciting day I have endured since the time I have been a member of the Elite Guard Barracks.(That and Phantom making his first angry post without saying the word "Fuck". Congratulaions Sir!) Which is to say, if Donthurtme wouldn't have gone in vacation, then probably he would have been in the lead right now. So I'm guessing you got lucky! =)

That day was mostly nervracking then anything else. It was still fun! I know for a fact if Donthurtme didn't go on vacation he would be way in the lead, I guess I dodged a bullet there. I just hope I can hold the lead until I reach EGSC. That is my goal.

No luck for me to defend my title? I see how it is. >:(
I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)

No, you told me to B/P like a monster. That sounds more like a demand than a good luck statement. So why don't you get your facts straight you goat

I can make up random names too you know! :P

*Salutes both officers*
~Salute~ (I can't make that star symbol on my lap top, sorry guys!)
Don't worry about the star symbol, although it is much more "cool" and "radical dude!" *Cowabunga!* the ~ symbol still passes my "coolness* standards. :D

That's good. I have always liked that symbol and have used it a lot. I thought it would make a good replacement for the star.



Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 01:59:19

At 1/15/07 01:49 AM, Hemlok wrote: That I am. Thanks man, you'll be there someday.

Thanks. I hope. It'll probably take me a long time though.

That day was mostly nervracking then anything else. It was still fun! I know for a fact if Donthurtme didn't go on vacation he would be way in the lead, I guess I dodged a bullet there. I just hope I can hold the lead until I reach EGSC. That is my goal.

Good luck with that goal, buddy!

I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)
No, you told me to B/P like a monster. That sounds more like a demand than a good luck statement. So why don't you get your facts straight you goat

Ok damnit! :) Let's try this again. I hope you can keep up that great speed and determination in order to hold Donthurtme back. Good luck! How does that sound, you weasel?

I can make up random names too you know! :P
I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(
Don't worry about the star symbol, although it is much more "cool" and "radical dude!" *Cowabunga!* the ~ symbol still passes my "coolness* standards. :D
That's good. I have always liked that symbol and have used it a lot. I thought it would make a good replacement for the star.

Yes, that symbol is truly magnificent and epic. Everyone hail the *Star Symbol*!

*Salutes both officers*


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 02:23:14

At 1/15/07 12:38 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
Congratulations on becoming an Elite Guard Major General, Donthurtme! You really deserve it buddy! :) Keep up the great work! And no slacking! >:)

Thanks for the congrats- there will be no more slacking from me!

Hemlok, you better watch out. Donthurtme is coming at you with full force and he is not going to back down. Haha, I still remember some time ago where the race between you guys was occuring. Those were nerve wracking and anticipating times alright! :) In other words, if you don't want to lose your victory over the race last time, B/P like crazy! (PenguinLink recommends drinking Red Bull since it gives you wings! Surgeon's Warnings: May Cause hyper moments in which the destruction of your own computer may occur.) Good Luck!

Ah, those were the days. I've got over 1000 points to catch back up now...

Donthurtme, now is the time to get revenge. >:) Keep up the great pace you are starting with since your break and hit Hemlok with full force! Good luck! =)

He won't know what hit him...

At 1/15/07 01:22 AM, Hemlok wrote:
I second that congratulations. Keep up the good work officers, your close to the end!

Thanks to you as well for the congrats :)

Yes, that one dreadful day when I was leading by one single point. We were going back and forth on being the victor but then he stayed up later then me and finally gained a secure lead for one full day. Luckily for me, I got the lead back almost instantly and it's been like that ever since. I'm pumped for this race to come, It's been one of the biggest reasons why I have been B/Ping for awhile. I'm hopeing Donthurtme doesn't B/P like he did before he went on vacation. If he does then being passed by him is inevitable. About Red Bull, I hate it. The taste is so vile and disgusting.

Yeah, what a day that was. At least I got to bask in the glory for a while :). You know you could slow down a little but and give me a fighting chance...
The Red Bull advice is good though- it may not be my preferred choice of beverage, but for the task in hand it will do the trick. You should try it with half a bottle of vodka- that sure packs a punch!

No luck for me to defend my title? I see how it is. >:(

Nice to know you're popular isn't it :D

At 1/15/07 01:36 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
Yes, that day was the most exciting day I have endured since the time I have been a member of the Elite Guard Barracks.(That and Phantom making his first angry post without saying the word "Fuck". Congratulaions Sir!) Which is to say, if Donthurtme wouldn't have gone in vacation, then probably he would have been in the lead right now. So I'm guessing you got lucky! =)

You bet I would be! Glad to know we keep everyone entertained with out little war...

I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)

I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)

At 1/15/07 01:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
No, you told me to B/P like a monster. That sounds more like a demand than a good luck statement. So why don't you get your facts straight you goat
Ok damnit! :) Let's try this again. I hope you can keep up that great speed and determination in order to hold Donthurtme back. Good luck! How does that sound, you weasel?

Just keep fighting between the two of you... I'll be there to pounce while your back is turned.

I can make up random names too you know! :P
I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(

Well I'm laughing :D

*Salutes both officers*


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 02:40:03

At 1/15/07 02:23 AM, Donthurtme wrote: Thanks for the congrats- there will be no more slacking from me!

Yes, no more slacking for you! Or else... >:(

Hemlok, you better watch out. Donthurtme is coming at you with full force and he is not going to back down. Haha, I still remember some time ago where the race between you guys was occuring. Those were nerve wracking and anticipating times alright! :) In other words, if you don't want to lose your victory over the race last time, B/P like crazy! (PenguinLink recommends drinking Red Bull since it gives you wings! Surgeon's Warnings: May Cause hyper moments in which the destruction of your own computer may occur.) Good Luck!
Ah, those were the days. I've got over 1000 points to catch back up now...

Yes, those were endearly the days...

Donthurtme, now is the time to get revenge. >:) Keep up the great pace you are starting with since your break and hit Hemlok with full force! Good luck! =)
He won't know what hit him...

Yep. He won't know what the heck will hit him. He will probably be too busy calling me a goat! >:(

Yes, that one dreadful day when I was leading by one single point. We were going back and forth on being the victor but then he stayed up later then me and finally gained a secure lead for one full day. Luckily for me, I got the lead back almost instantly and it's been like that ever since. I'm pumped for this race to come, It's been one of the biggest reasons why I have been B/Ping for awhile. I'm hopeing Donthurtme doesn't B/P like he did before he went on vacation. If he does then being passed by him is inevitable. About Red Bull, I hate it. The taste is so vile and disgusting.
Yeah, what a day that was. At least I got to bask in the glory for a while :). You know you could slow down a little but and give me a fighting chance...
The Red Bull advice is good though- it may not be my preferred choice of beverage, but for the task in hand it will do the trick. You should try it with half a bottle of vodka- that sure packs a punch!

Hmm... Red Bull with vodka. Thanks for the awesome idea Donthurtme! I'll be sure to try that when I have the time. If I don't post in a while, you'll now why... lol 0.o

No luck for me to defend my title? I see how it is. >:(
Nice to know you're popular isn't it :D

Popular? Ha! He wishes! My aunt is more popular than him.

No seriously, she is. She once won the award of drinking more RedBull mixed with Vodka contest. She came in first place, but then, after the contest, she went to a playground and hid under those circle bar things, claiming she was Osama Bin Laden. True story, mates.
You bet I would be! Glad to know we keep everyone entertained with out little war...

Yes, this war is quite entertaining indeed. It will be more entertaining once you catch Hemlok, which will be envitable if you keep up the great pace you're B/Ping with.

Do not start whining Hemlok. Before you do, Good luck to you to! Peanut...
I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)
I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)

Peanut truly suits him. Hey you, Peanut! Hahaha....*cough* (Was that just a goat that ran past me?)

At 1/15/07 01:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
No, you told me to B/P like a monster. That sounds more like a demand than a good luck statement. So why don't you get your facts straight you goat
Ok damnit! :) Let's try this again. I hope you can keep up that great speed and determination in order to hold Donthurtme back. Good luck! How does that sound, you weasel?
Just keep fighting between the two of you... I'll be there to pounce while your back is turned.

I sure will! I'll distract Hemlok, irratating him and then he'll stop B/Ping while trying to come up with names to call me. Haha, this plan will work quite well. =)

I can make up random names too you know! :P
I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(
Well I'm laughing :D

That was not funny! Stop it! >:(

*Salutes both officers*


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 03:16:20

At 1/15/07 02:40 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
Yes, no more slacking for you! Or else... >:(

Or else what?

Hmm... Red Bull with vodka. Thanks for the awesome idea Donthurtme! I'll be sure to try that when I have the time. If I don't post in a while, you'll now why... lol 0.o

Hardly my idea- it is something of a standard amongst university clubs wishing to initiate new members (along with the dreaded Baileys and lime). Should you wish to try it start light- the standard bar version is usually a double shot with a whole can of red bull. The more potent 'adrenalin' version comes in pint glasses of about half and half. The magic of red bull is that even a very small quantity can mask the flavour of large amounts of vodka. Oh, and the contrasting effects of the two messes with your head like nothing else :). Don't say I haven't warned you!

Having said that it wasn't meant for you- I need you to be fresh in order to come up with witty insults!

I'm sure Hemlok will be delighted to hear that as I am struggling to get much sleep at the moment I am going to leave my laptop on all night and B/P every time I wake up (which will be frequently no doubt). This is a tactic I used to employ whilst at university, when my laptop was next to my bed anyway. Here I'll have to actually get up to B/P, but it's a small sacrifice to win the war. With luck I won't miss a single point...

*Salutes both officers*


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 09:23:02

Very glad to see the Barracks finally evolved into chats about Vodka and how it is best to drink it. That end the seemingly endless lines of salutes I'll end with this post.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 11:39:07

Gah, I got up early to get into work through the half foot of snow in Denver just to find that it is some stupid holiday here in the states and work was shut. I don't mind the day off, but I don't see why not ONE of my work colleagues could tell me it was a holiday, preferably before I lost all my fingers to frost bite (-19C at the moment...). At least I'm free to B/P to my hearts content again- with it so cold there is no point so much as setting foot outside the door for the rest of the day :).

At 1/15/07 09:23 AM, Phantom wrote: Very glad to see the Barracks finally evolved into chats about Vodka and how it is best to drink it. That end the seemingly endless lines of salutes I'll end with this post.

I felt it was best I described it in more detail before he killed himself... plus I'm kind of glad to see the back of that salute chain- it gets to the point where you don't want to be the one who ruins it.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 13:24:59

At 1/15/07 09:23 AM, Phantom wrote:
Very glad to see the Barracks finally evolved into chats about Vodka and how it is best to drink it. That end the seemingly endless lines of salutes I'll end with this post.

I knew someone was going to break the salute chain. It had to be my Phantom! >:(

At 1/15/07 11:39 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Gah, I got up early to get into work through the half foot of snow in Denver just to find that it is some stupid holiday here in the states and work was shut. I don't mind the day off, but I don't see why not ONE of my work colleagues could tell me it was a holiday, preferably before I lost all my fingers to frost bite (-19C at the moment...). At least I'm free to B/P to my hearts content again- with it so cold there is no point so much as setting foot outside the door for the rest of the day :).

Although I don't agree it is a stupid holiday, it really wasn't that nice for you to go out to the cold just like that without anyone advising you it was a holiday today. You seriously didn't know today was Martin Luthers King's birthday?

At 1/15/07 09:23 AM, Phantom wrote: Very glad to see the Barracks finally evolved into chats about Vodka and how it is best to drink it. That end the seemingly endless lines of salutes I'll end with this post.
I felt it was best I described it in more detail before he killed himself... plus I'm kind of glad to see the back of that salute chain- it gets to the point where you don't want to be the one who ruins it.

Haha, don't worry I won't kill myself, I don't plan on drinking anything. As a matter of fact, I haven't even tasted RedBull. I just based my facts from the cheesy commercials these guys at RedBull Co. established.

Yes, it does get to the point where no one wants to break the salute chain (which was kind of amusing while it lasted), but that's why we have Phantom!

Phantom: Our official Salute Chain Breaker.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 13:38:05

Long story short: My dad left to go to Cancun last Friday, and I had to go to my grandma's house for the weekend. She has internet, BUT:
1) It's dial-up, and we all know how crappy that is.
And 2) She's overprotective about the stuff I do at her house.

So I couldn't get on Newgrounds, no matter how hard I tried. D:<

But now I'm back, so I'm happy.

And Phantom, since my dad will be gone until the end of this week, I'll be b/ping at a much faster rate. And with the help of this Amp, you best be watching yourself.

24 ounces of pure caffiene. >:D

The Elite Guard Barracks

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 13:54:34

At 1/15/07 01:24 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Although I don't agree it is a stupid holiday, it really wasn't that nice for you to go out to the cold just like that without anyone advising you it was a holiday today. You seriously didn't know today was Martin Luthers King's birthday?

I'm sorry for being a bit harsh there- I've been in a shitty mood all morning. I do of course respect
the history and what Martin Luther King did, it's just one of a number of holidays celebrated over here that we don't have in the UK, hence not having any idea when it was.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 14:32:36

At 1/15/07 01:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/15/07 01:49 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Thanks. I hope. It'll probably take me a long time though.

You can reach EGSC before 2008 if you try really hard and your determined to reach the final rank. Keep up the good work officer!

I just hope I can hold the lead until I reach EGSC. That is my goal.

Good luck with that goal, buddy!

Heh, thanks. I'll need it if Donthurtme starts where he left off with a very good pace again! I just hope that isn't the case!

Ok damnit! :) Let's try this again. I hope you can keep up that great speed and determination in order to hold Donthurtme back. Good luck! How does that sound, you weasel?

Pretty good, thanks! Just make sure you get your point across the first time you say something, you got it! Stop with all of these shenanigans immediately!

Yes, that symbol is truly magnificent and epic. Everyone hail the *Star Symbol*!

~Bows down~ It is truely epic.



At 1/15/07 02:23 AM, Donthurtme wrote: Thanks for the congrats- there will be no more slacking from me!

Why not? You can take a break anytime you want. Just sit back relax and don't worry about B/P for about five months or so. That sounds good, doesn't it?

Ah, those were the days. I've got over 1000 points to catch back up now...

If you get 700+ points every week those 1,000 will fly by, believe me. Of course you don't have to get that much, 300 sounds like a good pace, no?

He won't know what hit him...

I beg to differ my friend, I beg to differ.

At 1/15/07 01:22 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Thanks to you as well for the congrats :)

Hey, anytime.

Yeah, what a day that was. At least I got to bask in the glory for a while :). You know you could slow down a little but and give me a fighting chance...
The Red Bull advice is good though- it may not be my preferred choice of beverage, but for the task in hand it will do the trick. You should try it with half a bottle of vodka- that sure packs a punch!

Never tried Red Bull with vodka before. I actually have enjoyed vodka plain instead of mixing anything with it. Call me crazy, but I just like it. I'm not slowing down for anyone, sorry buddy!

Nice to know you're popular isn't it :D


At 1/15/07 01:36 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
You bet I would be! Glad to know we keep everyone entertained with out little war...

It's like we are the comedy act in the Barracks. God how degrading. But, if it makes the soldiers happy.

I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)

Thanks man. I just hope that won't be my nickname around here from now on.

At 1/15/07 01:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
Just keep fighting between the two of you... I'll be there to pounce while your back is turned.

I'll be on the look out.

I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(
Well I'm laughing :D

That was my goal. :)



At 1/15/07 02:40 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
He won't know what hit him...
Yep. He won't know what the heck will hit him. He will probably be too busy calling me a goat! >:(

You will both see how prepared I am when this war is going to commence.

No luck for me to defend my title? I see how it is. >:(
Nice to know you're popular isn't it :D
Popular? Ha! He wishes! My aunt is more popular than him.

Probably. I'm not going to make up some exaggerated lie about something amazing I didn't do.

Yes, this war is quite entertaining indeed. It will be more entertaining once you catch Hemlok, which will be envitable if you keep up the great pace you're B/Ping with.

I don't even know if he has the potential to catch me again. Let's just see his pace this week.

Do not start whining Hemlok. Before you do, Good luck to you to! Peanut...

Thanks, you actually wished me some luck this time before I had to correct you!

I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)
I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)
Peanut truly suits him. Hey you, Peanut! Hahaha....*cough* (Was that just a goat that ran past me?)

Peanut, that is going to make my reputation sky rocket around here.

At 1/15/07 01:59 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
No, you told me to B/P like a monster. That sounds more like a demand than a good luck statement. So why don't you get your facts straight you goat
Ok damnit! :) Let's try this again. I hope you can keep up that great speed and determination in order to hold Donthurtme back. Good luck! How does that sound, you weasel?
Just keep fighting between the two of you... I'll be there to pounce while your back is turned.
I sure will! I'll distract Hemlok, irratating him and then he'll stop B/Ping while trying to come up with names to call me. Haha, this plan will work quite well. =)

Your petty distractions are futile against me. My mind is set on one goal and one goal only. To keep the lead between Donthurtme!

I can make up random names too you know! :P
I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(
Well I'm laughing :D
That was not funny! Stop it! >:(

Oh, I'm laughing myself. :P

*Salutes both officers*


At 1/15/07 03:16 AM, Donthurtme wrote: I'm sure Hemlok will be delighted to hear that as I am struggling to get much sleep at the moment I am going to leave my laptop on all night and B/P every time I wake up (which will be frequently no doubt). This is a tactic I used to employ whilst at university, when my laptop was next to my bed anyway. Here I'll have to actually get up to B/P, but it's a small sacrifice to win the war. With luck I won't miss a single point...

Oh joy this is great news! You trying to gain the lead while I'm snoozing away, what could be better? I just hope your judgement is working against you from now on, that would be good for me.

*Salutes both officers*


At 1/15/07 11:39 AM, Donthurtme wrote: Gah, I got up early to get into work through the half foot of snow in Denver just to find that it is some stupid holiday here in the states and work was shut. I don't mind the day off, but I don't see why not ONE of my work colleagues could tell me it was a holiday, preferably before I lost all my fingers to frost bite (-19C at the moment...). At least I'm free to B/P to my hearts content again- with it so cold there is no point so much as setting foot outside the door for the rest of the day :).

It sounds like your colleagues don't like you very much! That is one of the greatest feeling though in my opinion. For example, waking up early to go to school when you realize it's a saturday or the clock is an hour ahead, I love that feeling! Glad your going to B/P all day, I'll try and keep up the best I can. I think I'm hanging out with my friends today so I don't know how much points I will rack in today. Hopefully enough. Don't complain about snow, California never gets snow and I have only seen it about three times. Your lucky. :P

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 18:02:56

At 1/15/07 01:38 PM, Mr-Molotov wrote:
So I couldn't get on Newgrounds, no matter how hard I tried. D:<

Wow, that must have sucked indeed. :(

But now I'm back, so I'm happy.

That's good. Don't let Phantom catch ya! =)

24 ounces of pure caffiene. >:D

That is some powerful stuff. Be careful with that, as weak as it looks it can wield a magnificent amount of power! :D (or hyperness, in other words...)

At 1/15/07 01:54 PM, Donthurtme wrote:
I'm sorry for being a bit harsh there- I've been in a shitty mood all morning. I do of course respect
the history and what Martin Luther King did, it's just one of a number of holidays celebrated over here that we don't have in the UK, hence not having any idea when it was.

There is no need to apologize. Everyone has their shitty days once every now and then.

At 1/15/07 02:32 PM, Hemlok wrote:
You can reach EGSC before 2008 if you try really hard and your determined to reach the final rank. Keep up the good work officer!

Hey thanks! Yes, reaching Elite Guard Supreme Commander before 2008 is one of my goals this year. I hope I can achieve this goal. Thanks for the encouraging words! :D

Heh, thanks. I'll need it if Donthurtme starts where he left off with a very good pace again! I just hope that isn't the case!

Well, who knows. Donthurtme is a very determined soldier and it would be definetly a challenge to hold him off.

Pretty good, thanks! Just make sure you get your point across the first time you say something, you got it! Stop with all of these shenanigans immediately!

Ok, I'll stop with all these shenanigans. Good luck with both of you! May the best soldier win! :D

Yes, that symbol is truly magnificent and epic. Everyone hail the *Star Symbol*!
~Bows down~ It is truely epic.

You sir, are correct. ************** <--- Star Symbol Hail!

At 1/15/07 02:23 AM, Donthurtme wrote: Thanks for the congrats- there will be no more slacking from me!
Why not? You can take a break anytime you want. Just sit back relax and don't worry about B/P for about five months or so. That sounds good, doesn't it?

Haha, I don't think that is going to happen. You better brace yourself, Hemlok. This is going to be a good year. (My goal of catching you hasn't deteriated just yet! :D)

He won't know what hit him...
I beg to differ my friend, I beg to differ.

I beg to approve my friend, I beg to approve. =)

Never tried Red Bull with vodka before. I actually have enjoyed vodka plain instead of mixing anything with it. Call me crazy, but I just like it. I'm not slowing down for anyone, sorry buddy!

You enjoy vodka by itself? Whoa, calm down buddy. We don't want your head exploding here now.

Nice to know you're popular isn't it :D


You bet I would be! Glad to know we keep everyone entertained with out little war...
It's like we are the comedy act in the Barracks. God how degrading. But, if it makes the soldiers happy.

Well, I don't know if it makes the soldiers happy, but it sure is entertaining.

I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)
Thanks man. I just hope that won't be my nickname around here from now on.

Yes Peanut. That will be your nickname around here now. So, Peanut, how is your B/Ping pace going today? :)

You will both see how prepared I am when this war is going to commence.

We will see. We will see indeed.

Popular? Ha! He wishes! My aunt is more popular than him.
Probably. I'm not going to make up some exaggerated lie about something amazing I didn't do.

That was an amazing comment you made there. It totally blew me away with your wisdom. How did you gain so much knowledge? :D

Do not start whining Hemlok. Before you do, Good luck to you to! Peanut...
Thanks, you actually wished me some luck this time before I had to correct you!

Damn right. I'll just wish you good luck every now and then so that you won't start whining ever again. :D

I gave you luck! >:( I said good luck and you better B/P with monstrous speed if you want to be in lead of Donthurtme! Pay attention you peanut! (Don't know, just like felt calling you a random name.)
I like the random name calling. Peanut suits him :)
Peanut truly suits him. Hey you, Peanut! Hahaha....*cough* (Was that just a goat that ran past me?)
Peanut, that is going to make my reputation sky rocket around here.

Peanut, Peanut, Peanut, Peanut, Peanut, Peanut!

I sure will! I'll distract Hemlok, irratating him and then he'll stop B/Ping while trying to come up with names to call me. Haha, this plan will work quite well. =)
Your petty distractions are futile against me. My mind is set on one goal and one goal only. To keep the lead between Donthurtme!

Damn it! And I thought my distractions would work against you. Sorry, Donthurtme, here's your money back... :(

I can make up random names too you know! :P
I noticed that. You think you're funny, huh? >:(
Well I'm laughing :D
That was not funny! Stop it! >:(
Oh, I'm laughing myself. :P

Yeah, laugh all you want you guys. It doesn't hurt me anymore.

*PenguinLink Runs away crying*

*Salutes both officers*

*Salutes both officers*
*Salutes both officers*


(This is the last Salute Chain for some time now. We don't want Phantom killing us sometime today.)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 19:14:36

yeah. that salute chain crap is starting to piss me off because I have to scrolling down and down to see if there's a new post.

I know my B/P rate had DEFINITELY gone down since I've getting only 35 or something like that a day besides my 85 a day during the Holidays.

Did your rate go down or up after the holidays?

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 19:31:37

At 1/15/07 07:14 PM, HomerDough wrote:
Did your rate go down or up after the holidays?

Well it's gone down but only by like ten. Over the weekend I only got 64, which is really quite bad. But I'm averaging like 60 a day. but I'm technically still not back to school so it probably doesn't count. In saying all this I'm still on track to be Elite Guard Sergeant First Class by next Monday though. I see you're not far off it either, but you'll probably make it before me. Good luck.
Haha, by the way, loving how most of the post's in the last two days have been completely taking over salutes, but I'm not one for jumping on bandwagons, so I'll just stick with my regular 1


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 20:18:43


I am now officially the new Barracks Portal Violations Officer. It may be only temperarely as LittleWashu may want her position back in which case I would surrender the position. But as of now I am "The guy". Thankyou very much for allowing me to take on the responsibilitys of this job Phantom, I promise I wont let you or the Elite guard barracks down. I will do my best to make the Elite Guard Barracks a better place for everyone!


I have noticed lately that my Batting Average rank has been lowering each day. I believe some unknown user is purposly voting 0's on all of my movies to get back at me for something. I am very dissappointed to see this happening because I was sooo close to my goal of a 3.00 BA and now I have dropped back to 2.91. It even further annoys me that I have tried my best to do only good things for Newgrounds and in return and being punished by someone for doing so. The only someone I can think of who would have something against me would be a user who got some of there abusive reviews deleted thanks to my posts in the Abusive reviews thread. I know I havent done anything wrong by posting those links, after all im helping clean up newgrounds and giving people the chance to get a shinier whistle. Im just so dissappointed that this could happen when I was so close to reaching my goal. :-(

At 1/15/07 07:31 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 1/15/07 07:14 PM, HomerDough wrote:
Did your rate go down or up after the holidays?

Mine didnt ive still got another 2 weeks on holidays! I start year 10 on the first of Feb.



Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 20:22:39

Noooooooo......... I'll never get to EGS if the portal doesn't go faster? Oh what will I do? I should have went on my comp earlier but i had a lot of homework. DAMN TEACHERS

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 20:38:43

At 1/15/07 08:18 PM, Sterockicy wrote: BIG NEWS!

Congats Sterockicy, probably means I should be careful how I address you now. But I'm sure you're going to do a fine job, just don't go mad with power


That's the one thing I hate about ng users,the abuse of ones voting power. I hope things sort themselves out

At 1/15/07 08:22 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Noooooooo......... I'll never get to EGS if the portal doesn't go faster? Oh what will I do? I should have went on my comp earlier but i had a lot of homework. DAMN TEACHERS

Ah you've only got 15ish so you'll have it by the end of the day. But yeah the portal is starting to get on my nerves a bit. Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon. And if i'm off before you change, congrats on getting a new badge.



Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 20:43:53

At 1/15/07 07:31 PM, Shanus wrote:
Well it's gone down but only by like ten. Over the weekend I only got 64, which is really quite bad. But I'm averaging like 60 a day. but I'm technically still not back to school so it probably doesn't count. In saying all this I'm still on track to be Elite Guard Sergeant First Class by next Monday though. I see you're not far off it either, but you'll probably make it before me. Good luck.

Good luck on reaching Elite Guard First Class by next monday, Shanus! Keep up that great pace you're B/Ping with and you'll reach your goal without any difficulties. Good luck!

Haha, by the way, loving how most of the post's in the last two days have been completely taking over salutes, but I'm not one for jumping on bandwagons, so I'll just stick with my regular 1

Yes... that last salute chain got quite large. Let's stick with one word Salutes now, shall we? :)



:0 At 1/15/07 08:18 PM, Sterockicy wrote:


I am now officially the new Barracks Portal Violations Officer. It may be only temperarely as LittleWashu may want her position back in which case I would surrender the position. But as of now I am "The guy". Thankyou very much for allowing me to take on the responsibilitys of this job Phantom, I promise I wont let you or the Elite guard barracks down. I will do my best to make the Elite Guard Barracks a better place for everyone!

Congratulaions, Sterockicy! You really earned that position, soldier! I guess posting all those links really helped other people and actually earned you that honored position. I am sure you will do a great job of being the temperary Barrack's Portal Violations Officer and I'm sure you'll make the Elite Guard Barracks proud. Good Work soldier!


I have noticed lately that my Batting Average rank has been lowering each day. I believe some unknown user is purposly voting 0's on all of my movies to get back at me for something. I am very dissappointed to see this happening because I was sooo close to my goal of a 3.00 BA and now I have dropped back to 2.91. It even further annoys me that I have tried my best to do only good things for Newgrounds and in return and being punished by someone for doing so. The only someone I can think of who would have something against me would be a user who got some of there abusive reviews deleted thanks to my posts in the Abusive reviews thread. I know I havent done anything wrong by posting those links, after all im helping clean up newgrounds and giving people the chance to get a shinier whistle. Im just so dissappointed that this could happen when I was so close to reaching my goal. :-(

That's just wrong... This is the thing, there are a lot of haters out there and will look for every possible way to hurt or damage you but that shouldn't let you feel down. Keep doing the awsome work by posting all those links and forget about the people who are just looking for ways to hurt you. It's too bad your dream of reaching a 3.00 batting average wasn't accomplished but hey, maybe if you submit a decent or nice flash, it will definately good up.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 20:54:16

I know what to do to fix your problem, Sterockicy. B/P like crazy to get your voting power up like crazy and overpower that motherfucker. That'll teach him.

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 22:36:05

This is stolen
from here

At 1/15/07 08:43 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/15/07 07:31 PM, Shanus wrote:
Well it's gone down but only by like ten. Over the weekend I only got 64, which is really quite bad. But I'm averaging like 60 a day. but I'm technically still not back to school so it probably doesn't count. In saying all this I'm still on track to be Elite Guard Sergeant First Class by next Monday though. I see you're not far off it either, but you'll probably make it before me. Good luck.

Good luck on reaching Elite Guard First Class by next monday, Shanus! Keep up that great pace you're B/Ping with and you'll reach your goal without any difficulties. Good luck!

Thanks, the reason i picked monday is because it's the day college starts back up and there's no way I can keep up this rate of b/p-ing. Too much work, no access to the internet etc

Haha, by the way, loving how most of the post's in the last two days have been completely taking over salutes, but I'm not one for jumping on bandwagons, so I'll just stick with my regular 1

Yes... that last salute chain got quite large. Let's stick with one word Salutes now, shall we? :)

Fine then




Last one, I promise

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-15 22:51:33

At 1/15/07 08:38 PM, Shanus wrote:
Congats Sterockicy, probably means I should be careful how I address you now. But I'm sure you're going to do a fine job, just don't go mad with power

There is no need to treat me any differently from what you have been lately. I am not going to get pissed off with you if you dont call me "oh holy one" just because I now have some "powers". Also, Im a not going to go mad with power. I will still be the same person as I have always been!

:That's the one thing I hate about ng users,the abuse of ones voting power. I hope things sort themselves out

Lets hope he/she gives up on trying to ruin my BA anymore than he/she has and I can rebuild it up again. It just really pisses me off you know.

At 1/15/07 08:43 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Congratulaions, Sterockicy! You really earned that position, soldier! I guess posting all those links really helped other people and actually earned you that honored position. I am sure you will do a great job of being the temperary Barrack's Portal Violations Officer and I'm sure you'll make the Elite Guard Barracks proud. Good Work soldier!

Thankyou very much PenguinLink. Im glad posting all those links helped me in some way to higher my status and responsibilities on Newgrounds. I hope I can at least do as good a job as LittleWashu did to keep the Elite Guard Barracks out of fueds and problems.

That's just wrong... This is the thing, there are a lot of haters out there and will look for every possible way to hurt or damage you but that shouldn't let you feel down. Keep doing the awsome work by posting all those links and forget about the people who are just looking for ways to hurt you. It's too bad your dream of reaching a 3.00 batting average wasn't accomplished but hey, maybe if you submit a decent or nice flash, it will definately good up.


Absolutely! If only there was a way to silence them! I will continue to post big links and help out as MANY as possible. Its clear to me now that there is NO way of pleasing everyone so you may as well stop getting annoyed when it happens. I am trying to motivate myself to make a new game/movie, Its just I am way to busy with newgrounds and I get too bored. I have so many HALF done movie that I never finished.


At 1/15/07 08:54 PM, HomerDough wrote:
I know what to do to fix your problem, Sterockicy. B/P like crazy to get your voting power up like crazy and overpower that motherfucker. That'll teach him.

I have been b/ping like crazy. I have been waking up extra early these holidays to b/p. Ive been getting more points than you have each day but it still doesnt look like I am going to catch you anytime soon! So theres no need to start worrying! Can't you go on a holiday soon so I have a chance! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! :-) I hope the "user" gives up on trying to make my day worse and try to change the way he acts on newgrounds and tries to do something constructive.

Although that is very unlikely!
At 1/15/07 10:36 PM, Shanus wrote:
This is stolen
from here

Thanks mate!


*Salutes as well*

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 06:52:39

At 1/15/07 06:02 PM, PenguinLink wrote: That's good. Don't let Phantom catch ya! =)

I already caught him...Sort of. Any way, I don't have much to say like most of you do. But I will say a couple things. Firstly, no more salute chains, it DOES look awful spammy by now. And secondly, My ability and time to B/P is being subtracted immensely. Crap...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 07:45:10

I finally made it to EGS! well you guys knew i was going to make it anyways there.
So yeah am i doing a good job on b/p? Now comes the time where i have to b/p 1000 flash movies to level up. The Adventure begins!

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 08:18:02

At 1/16/07 07:45 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: I finally made it to EGS! well you guys knew i was going to make it anyways there.
So yeah am i doing a good job on b/p? Now comes the time where i have to b/p 1000 flash movies to level up. The Adventure begins!

Congratulations DarkSoldier. Now each badge after that feel like a huge landmark to reach and you end up beaming when you get them. I just obtained my first golden badge so I am grinning like a moron on morphien (sp?).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 08:20:39

At 1/16/07 08:18 AM, ever-vigilant wrote:
At 1/16/07 07:45 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: I finally made it to EGS! well you guys knew i was going to make it anyways there.
So yeah am i doing a good job on b/p? Now comes the time where i have to b/p 1000 flash movies to level up. The Adventure begins!
Congratulations DarkSoldier. Now each badge after that feel like a huge landmark to reach and you end up beaming when you get them. I just obtained my first golden badge so I am grinning like a moron on morphien (sp?).

Thanks for the congratulations E-V. That gold badge of yours really suits you.
Now e-v your not that far from EGSC well your not as far i am.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 11:47:46

At 1/15/07 10:51 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
There is no need to treat me any differently from what you have been lately. I am not going to get pissed off with you if you dont call me "oh holy one" just because I now have some "powers". Also, Im a not going to go mad with power. I will still be the same person as I have always been!

Congrats indeed! I can't say I have hung around the abusive thread much since I got deity- B/P is of course the priority, but I did see that insane post with more links than I could shake a shiny whistle at. A most deserved promotion if you ask me, even if it does turn out to be temporary. The only real difference you will find around here (at least in my experience) is that you get noticed more, but that is hardly a bad thing :).

That's the one thing I hate about ng users,the abuse of ones voting power. I hope things sort themselves out
Lets hope he/she gives up on trying to ruin my BA anymore than he/she has and I can rebuild it up again. It just really pisses me off you know.

Yeah, that is a really low thing to do. I remember seeing there being a lot of trouble with that in the audio portal. As they receive so few votes anyway any 0 votes can really damage the average. Hopefully this is something Wade is keeping an eye on- he has already posted threatening to delete the stats of high powered accounts that are mass voting and I look forward to the day he goes through with his threat.

At 1/16/07 07:45 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: I finally made it to EGS! well you guys knew i was going to make it anyways there.
So yeah am i doing a good job on b/p? Now comes the time where i have to b/p 1000 flash movies to level up. The Adventure begins!

More congrats! Those 1000 point gaps will fly by in no time, they certainly did for me. Just wait for the 2000 gaps- even at a fast pace it takes ages to get anywhere!

At 1/16/07 08:18 AM, ever-vigilant wrote:
Congratulations DarkSoldier. Now each badge after that feel like a huge landmark to reach and you end up beaming when you get them. I just obtained my first golden badge so I am grinning like a moron on morphien (sp?).

And yet more congrats- I'm in a very giving mood this morning it seems :). Those gold badges look so much better than the silver ones (at least in my opinion).

sp. morphine- write it out 10 times! (not here though or Phantom will think you are spamming!)


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 19:00:20

At 1/16/07 07:45 AM, DarkSoldier wrote:
I finally made it to EGS! well you guys knew i was going to make it anyways there.
So yeah am i doing a good job on b/p? Now comes the time where i have to b/p 1000 flash movies to level up. The Adventure begins!

Congratulations, DarkSoldier! Good luck with the new leveling up procedure (1,000 B/P points to level up) It's not that quite hard if you are really determined in achieving the next B/P rank. Keep up the good work.

At 1/16/07 08:18 AM, ever-vigilant wrote:
Congratulations DarkSoldier. Now each badge after that feel like a huge landmark to reach and you end up beaming when you get them. I just obtained my first golden badge so I am grinning like a moron on morphien (sp?).

Congratulations to you as well, ever-vigilant! Elite Guard Praporshchik is also the next badge I am close to acquiring. :D Keep up the great work.

(Just to let you know, ever-vigilant, your signature message on top of your sig says your rank number is 424 but actually your rank number is currently 412. Just wanted to let you know. I apologize in advance if you left it like that on purpose, or were already aware of it.)

At 1/16/07 11:47 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
And yet more congrats- I'm in a very giving mood this morning it seems :). Those gold badges look so much better than the silver ones (at least in my opinion).

I agree. The gold badges look much more shiny and make you look more important, so to speak.



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 20:37:45

At 1/16/07 11:47 AM, Donthurtme wrote:
Congrats indeed! I can't say I have hung around the abusive thread much since I got deity- B/P is of course the priority, but I did see that insane post with more links than I could shake a shiny whistle at. A most deserved promotion if you ask me, even if it does turn out to be temporary. The only real difference you will find around here (at least in my experience) is that you get noticed more, but that is hardly a bad thing :).

Thankyou very much Donthurtme. I have really noticed lately that people have started to notice me more, not only in this thread but in mant different threads. Its always good to be recognised and I really am started to feel like a wanted member of newgrounds. I must same I do like being known by others for my actions and this promotion will certainly help me out.

I am now currently waiting for major-punks update to see who all of the active members are to start to do checkups and send some PM's if neccesary. I hope it comes soon because I really need to start fulfilling my duties.

I am glad to say that my BA has started to go up again. It is now at a 2.93 which I am very happy about. It looks like things are finally turning around for me and I am very pleased to see that the "user" is not succeeding!

Congratulations Black-Flame on your leveling up! Im glad you finally got it, even if you didnt make it on the day you had set out to make it!


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 20:39:49

Congratulations Black-Flame on your leveling up! Im glad you finally got it, even if you didnt make it on the day you had set out to make it!

Sorry DarkSoldier I got your confused with Black-Flame. Silly me!

Congratualations Dark Soldier on leveling up!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-01-16 21:10:42

I'd just like to start off by congratulating DarkSoldier on getting Elite Guard Sergeant, this is where it starts getting a lot harder, 1000 points gaps are killer, and ever-vigilant on getting Elite Guard Praporshchik, it looks like I may be a long way from a gold badge.

My b/p-ing status has picked up the last couple of days and I'm now getting around 70 points a day. Which is really helping me get to my target. The only thing is it is rather eating into my sleeping schedule but I can sleep when I'm dead, the portal need protecting.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

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